23 research outputs found

    Risk profiles and one-year outcomes of patients with newly diagnosed atrial fibrillation in India: Insights from the GARFIELD-AF Registry.

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    BACKGROUND: The Global Anticoagulant Registry in the FIELD-Atrial Fibrillation (GARFIELD-AF) is an ongoing prospective noninterventional registry, which is providing important information on the baseline characteristics, treatment patterns, and 1-year outcomes in patients with newly diagnosed non-valvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF). This report describes data from Indian patients recruited in this registry. METHODS AND RESULTS: A total of 52,014 patients with newly diagnosed AF were enrolled globally; of these, 1388 patients were recruited from 26 sites within India (2012-2016). In India, the mean age was 65.8 years at diagnosis of NVAF. Hypertension was the most prevalent risk factor for AF, present in 68.5% of patients from India and in 76.3% of patients globally (P < 0.001). Diabetes and coronary artery disease (CAD) were prevalent in 36.2% and 28.1% of patients as compared with global prevalence of 22.2% and 21.6%, respectively (P < 0.001 for both). Antiplatelet therapy was the most common antithrombotic treatment in India. With increasing stroke risk, however, patients were more likely to receive oral anticoagulant therapy [mainly vitamin K antagonist (VKA)], but average international normalized ratio (INR) was lower among Indian patients [median INR value 1.6 (interquartile range {IQR}: 1.3-2.3) versus 2.3 (IQR 1.8-2.8) (P < 0.001)]. Compared with other countries, patients from India had markedly higher rates of all-cause mortality [7.68 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval 6.32-9.35) vs 4.34 (4.16-4.53), P < 0.0001], while rates of stroke/systemic embolism and major bleeding were lower after 1 year of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Compared to previously published registries from India, the GARFIELD-AF registry describes clinical profiles and outcomes in Indian patients with AF of a different etiology. The registry data show that compared to the rest of the world, Indian AF patients are younger in age and have more diabetes and CAD. Patients with a higher stroke risk are more likely to receive anticoagulation therapy with VKA but are underdosed compared with the global average in the GARFIELD-AF. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION-URL: http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01090362

    Electric spark alloying with ZrN-based electrode material

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    Dependences of erosion characteristics have been studied for ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Аl₂O₃) electrode material and relations have been established between the phase composition, structure, and tribotechnical properties of coatings formed bу electric spark alloуing techniques.Дослiджено залежностi ерозiйних характеристик електродного матерiалу ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Аl₂O₃) та встановлено зв'язки мiж фазовим складом, структурою та триботехнiчними властивостями електроiскрового покриття, одержаного методом ЕIЛ.Исследованы зависимости эрозионных характеристик электродного материала ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Аl₂O₃) и установлены связи между фазовым составом, структурой и триботехническими свойствами электроискрового покрытия, полученного методом ЭИЛ

    The spread of blood parasitic diseases in dogs in Barnaul city

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    Most blood parasitoses are transmitted by means of carriers - ticks or insects, which bodies undergo certain development stages or transmission is carried out mechanically. Dirofilariasis is a zoonotic disease of animals and humans carried by mosquitoes. The reasons for dirofilariasis spread are the unrestricted movement of animals from one region to another. To diagnose dirofilariasis, a microscopy method of a fresh blood drop was used. Diagnosis for babesiosis in animals was made based on clinical traits and results of microscopic examination of peripheral blood smears stained according to Romanovsky-Gimza. The study of the ixodic ticks’ prevalence as distribution sources of dog babesiosis was carried out in Barnaul in different parts of the city. The spring rise of babesiosis begins in late April and ends at the end of May, the summer period June-July is characterized by a low incidence rate. The autumn rise is from August to October, i.e., it coincides with ticks’ activity during this period. The incidence of ticks in Barnaul is not uniform. The largest range of ticks’ distribution is found in the highland part of the city

    ZrN coatings on U8 steel obtained by electrospark alloying after a concentrated solar irradiation

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    Structure, hardness, and tribological characteristics of electrospark coatings from ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Al₂O₃) on US steel after treatment by concentrated solar radiation (CSR) have been investigated. It is shown that the intensity of wear and factor of friction of specimens with coating after CSR are essentially less than for non-treated US steel. At changing of regime of CSR treatment from 785°C, 25.3 s to 530°C, 8.6 s and at decreasing of sliding speed at wear test from 10 m/s to 5 m/s the tribological characteristics improves. After treatment by CSR the strengthening of steel surface is observed the quenching with formation of martensite and troostite take place. At treatment by concentrated solar radiation changing in phase composition of coatings observed: before treatment by CSR the main phase in coating is ZrO₂ (cubic), after treatment by CSR the main phase is ZrNi, ZrO₂ (tetragonal) is also present.Вивчено структуру, твердість, трибологічні характеристики електроіскрових покриттів з ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Al₂O₃) на сталі У8 після обробки концентрованим сонячним випромінюванням (КСВ). Показано, що інтенсивність зношування та коефіцієнт тертя зразків з покриттям після впливу КСВ суттєво менше, ніж необробленої сталі У8. При зміненні режиму обробки КСВ від 785°С, 25,3 с до 530°С, 8,6 с та при зменшенні швидкості ковзання при випробуванні на тертя від 10 м/с до 5 м/с трибологічні характеристики покращуються. Після обробки КСВ спостерігається зміцнення поверхні сталі має місце загартування з утворенням мартенситу та трооститу. При обробці концентрованим сонячним випромінюванням спостерігаються змінення у фазовому складі покриттів: до обробки КСВ основна фаза у покритті ZrO₂ (кубічний), після обробки КСВ основна фаза ZrNi, присутній також ZrO₂ (тетрагональний).Исследованы структура, твердость, трибологические характеристики электроискровых покрытий из ZrN-(Cr, Ni, Al₂O₃) на стали У8 после обработки концентрированным солнечным излучением (КСИ). Показано, что интенсивность износа и коэффициент трения образцов с покрытием после воздействия КСИ существенно меньше, чем необработанной стали 'У8. При изменении режима обработки КСИ от 785°С, 25,3 с до 530°С, 8,6 с и при уменьшении скорости скольжения при испытании на трение от 10 м/с до 5 м/с трибологические характеристики улучшаются. После обработки КСИ наблюдается упрочнение поверхности стали происходит закалка с образованием мартенсита и троостита. При обработке концентрированным солнечным излучением наблюдаются изменения в фазовом составе покрытий: до обработки КСИ основная фаза в покрытии ZrO₂ (кубический), после обработки КСИ основная фаза ZrNi, присутствует также ZrO₂ (тетрагональный)

    Vaginal microbiota is an epigenetic factor for early onset of atopy in children of asthmatic mothers

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    E.A.&nbsp;Boytsova1, T.V.&nbsp;Kosenkova1, N.M.&nbsp;Bogdanova2, V.P.&nbsp;Novikova2,3, M.N.&nbsp;Boldyreva4, O.V.&nbsp;Lavrova3, V.F.&nbsp;Bezhenar’3 1 V.A.&nbsp;Almazov National Medical Research Centre, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 2 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 3 Pavlov First St. Petersburg State Medical University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation 4 NRC Institute of Immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation Background: in recent years, early (i.e., within the first days or weeks of life) onset, severe course, and comorbid nature of allergies are reported in children. The risk of atopic disorder in a child of asthmatic mother is always significantly higher. Sensitization is determined by hereditary load as well as by epigenetic factors. Among them, the course of pregnancy is of crucial importance. Molecular mechanisms of the effect of gestational maternal microbiota (in particular, vaginal microbiocenosis) on the course of pregnancy and delivery as well as their protective role in neonatal health and atopic disorder development are still elusive and require further investigation. Aim: to study vaginal microbiota in pregnant women with asthma, to identify factors affecting vaginal microbiocenosis, and to establish the association between cervical microbiota composition and atopy onset in a child. Patients and Methods: the study included 37 couples, i.e., pregnant w oman with moderate asthma and her child. Pregnant women were enrolled at 36–38 weeks of gestation. Quantitative and qualitative composition of cervical microbiota was studied by polymerase chain reaction. Newborns were observed in maternity hospital and then monthly up to one year; clinical symptoms were assessed. Preeclampsia was diagnosed in 53% and threatened abortion in 47% of pregnant women. Results: in pregnant women with asthma, preeclampsia resulted in reduced levels of Lactobacillus spp. (p=0.29) in cervical mucus while threatened abortion resulted in increased levels of Gardnerella vaginalis (p=0.039). In mothers of children with atopy onset within the first 4 weeks of life, increased levels of Eubacterium spp. (p=0.025) in vaginal microflora were revealed at 38 weeks of gestation. In mothers with hypogalactia, increased levels of Mobiluncus spp. and Corynebacterium spp. (p=0.044) were revealed. Conclusion: threatened abortion and preeclampsia are epigen etic factors which affect cervical microflora composition in pregnant women with asthma and interrupt vertical transfer of microbiota from the mother. The result is the early onset of atopy in the child. Keywords: pregnancy, asthma, vaginal microbiota, children, allergy. For citation: Boytsova E.A., Kosenkova T.V., Bogdanova N.M. et al. Vaginal microbiota is an epigenetic factor for early onset of atopy in children of asthmatic mothers. Russian Journal of Woman and Child Health. 2019;2(3):200–205. <br


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    Objective: To identify histological determinants (uterine scar specifics) of trial of labor after cesarean section (CS). Materials and methods: This prospective study was conducted in 2013–2019 in Moscow maternity hospitals No. 68 and No. 29. The study included 272 women who wanted to have vaginal delivery but underwent CS. Of them, 182 underwent prelabor CS (vaginal delivery was either not considered or not attempted), and 90 had intrapartum CS (vaginal delivery was attempted but converted to CS). Results: Scar histology was correlated with a combination of highly diverse clinical, anamnestic, and maternal ultrasound factors. They included number of years lived, age of menarche, pre-pregnancy body mass index (BMI), number of phenotypic manifestations of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia, ordinal number of deliveries, interval between previous CS and present pregnancy, estimated fetal weight, amniotic fluid index, minimal scar thickness, right uterine artery resistance index before labor (Wilks' Lambda=0.006, p<0.001). In the attempted trial of labor, the predominance of fibrous tissue was associated with a lower age of menarche, higher prepregnancy BMI, and fifth-minute Apgar score. Conclusion: Myometrial reparation after CS characterizes the body as a whole. The histology of the uterine scar after CS combines prepregnancy, gestational, and intrapartum factors beyond those that were surgically determined. Myometrium histology is not an argument for post factum justifying or challenging attempted trial of labor: the prevalence of muscle tissue, muscle tissue with foci of fibrosis, or fibrous tissue is comparable. © A group of authors, 2022

    Structure formation and wear resistance of TiN-Ni ESA coatings after solar irradiation treatment

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    It has been shown that the emitting ability of TiN electric spark coatings increases in 1.5 time after treatment by concentrated solar irradiation. This is effective for the use in friction pairs of mechanisms in outer space. The concentrated solar energy treatment of TiN-Ni spark coatings increases in 2-3 times the wear resistance due to oxide phase formation in the alloyed layer. The structure of steel 45 changes in the area of concentrated solar radiation action from the ferrite-pearlite to troostite with grain refining and hardness increase. The spark coating of 60 %TiN + 40 %Ni has been found to have optimum frictional and physical-mechanical properties.Показано, что в электроискровых покрытиях из TiN при добавлении Ni после обработки концентрированным солнечным излучением излучательная способность увеличивается в 1,5 раза, что эффективно при использовании в узлах трения механизмов в космическом пространстве. Применение концентрированной солнечной энергии для обработки ЭИЛ-покрытий из TiN-Ni повышает износостойкость покрытий в 2-3 раза вследствие образования оксидной фазы в легированном слое. В стали 45 в зоне воздействия концентрированной солнечной энергии происходят структурные изменения от ферри-то-перлита до троостита с измельчением зерна и повышением твердости. Установлено, что оптимальными триботехническими и физико-механическими свойствами и излучательной способностью обладает электроискровое покрытие из материала 60 %TiN + 40 %Ni.Показано, що у електроіскрових покриттях з TiN при додаванні Ni після обробки концентрованим сонячним випромінюванням випромінювальна здатність збільшується у 1,5 раза, що є ефективним при використанні у вузлах тертя у космічному просторі. Застосування концентрованої сонячної енергії для обробки ЕІЛ-покриттів з TiN-Ni підвищує зносостійкість покриттів у 2-3 рази, внаслідок утворення оксидної фази у легованому шарі. У сталі 45 у зоні дії концентрованої сонячної енергії відбуваються структурні зміни від ферито-перліту до трооститу із подрібненням зерна та підвищенням твердості. Встановлено, що оптимальні триботехнічні і фізико-механічні властивості має електроіскрове покриття з матеріалу 60 % TiN + 40 %Ni