563 research outputs found

    Capacidad antioxidante de cremas para galletas tipo sándwich con valor agregado a base de oleína roja de palma durante el almacenamiento

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    Red palm olein (RPOL) is naturally rich in antioxidants, yet changes in its antioxidant capacity during storage were uncertain, which limited the application of RPOL in fat-based food products. Therefore, this study incorporated shortenings composed of 0, 5, and 10% (w/w) RPOL into sandwich cookie creams of SCC-0, SCC-5, and SCC-10, respectively, and determined their antioxidant capacity during storage for six months at 20, 30, and 35 ºC. Both SCC-5 and SCC-10 exhibited higher carotene, tocopherol, tocotrienol, and total phenolic content (TPC) than that of SCC-0, yet all SCCs were comparable in their free fatty acid (FFA) and UV-total oxidation values. After six months, the SCCs exhibited low TPC and FFA, yet were high in DPPH scavenging activity. At 20 and 30 ºC, both SCC-5 and SCC-10 oxidized more slowly than that of SCC-0. These findings proved the antioxidant capacity of RPOL, which delayed oxidation reactions in the SCCs during storage.La oleína roja de palma (RPOL) es naturalmente rica en antioxidantes, pero los cambios en la capacidad antioxidante durante el almacenamiento no estaban claros y limitaron la aplicación de RPOL en productos alimenticios a base de grasas. En este estudio se incorporó mantecas compuestas por 0, 5 y 10 % (p/p) de RPOL en las cremas de galletas tipo sándwich (SCC): SCC-0, SCC-5 y SCC-10, respectivamente, y se determinó su capacidad antioxidante durante el almacenamiento durante seis meses a 20, 30 y 35 ºC. Tanto SCC-5 como SCC-10 exhibieron un mayor contenido de caroteno, tocoferol, tocotrienol y fenoles totales (TPC) que SCC-0, sin embargo, todas las SCC fueron comparables en sus valores de oxidación total de ácidos grasos libres (FFA) y UV. Después de seis meses, las SCC exhibieron TPC y FFA más bajos, pero fueron más altos en la actividad de eliminación de DPPH. A 20 y 30 ºC, tanto SCC-5 como SCC-10 se oxidaron más lentamente que SCC-0. Estos hallazgos demostraron la capacidad antioxidante de RPOL que retrasó las reacciones de oxidación en las SCC durante el almacenamiento

    Training and development: Its effects on job performance in the selected companies of UAE

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    Abstract. One can think that businesses were running without any training in ancient times. Technically, this is not the case. Whether formal or informal, training has always been there in business to carry on its processes. Gradually, it has acquired the shape that can be said a formal one. Firms have started realizing that training and development is a major source of gaining competitive advantage. Most human resource management researchers are of the view that Training and development has got that important role through which organizations can maximize their performances by maximizing performances of their employees. Training and development programs are always there in some way or shape. It may be general or specific. It may be formal or informal and it may be provided by some neutral source or by employers. There is a list of training methods which are in practice in corporate world. For the sake of simplicity, some of them were taken in this study –namely- on-the-job training; mentorship and coaching; vestibule training; instructor-led classroom training; case studies and systematic job rotations and transfers. Another aspect of this study is employee performance. Firm’s performance depends on its employees’ performance. Employee performance has many facets. It may be financial and non financial. It may be quantifiable and qualitative. Furthermore, employee performance contains a number of components in it. In this study, three qualitative components are considered -employee job commitment; employee work knowledge and employee job satisfaction- thinking that these are the main sources of employee performance enhancement.Keywords. Training and development, On-the-job training, Mentorship, Simulator training, Instructor-led classroom training, Case studies, Systematic job rotations and transfers, Employee performance, Job commitment, Job satisfaction, Work knowledge, UAE.JEL. M53, J28

    Tribological performance of titanium alloy Ti–6Al–4V via CVD-diamond coatings

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    In the present study, HFCVD nanocrystalline, microcrystalline and boron-doped nanocrystalline diamond coatings have been deposited on titanium alloy. The effect of boron doping on coefficient of friction and residual stresses of diamond coatings have been studied.Досліджено нанокристалічні, мікрокристалічні і леговані бором нанокристалічні алмазні покриття, нанесені на титановий сплав. Вивчено вплив легування бором на коефіцієнт тертя і залишкові напруги алмазних покриттів.Исследованы нанокристаллические, микрокристаллические и легированные бором нанокристаллические алмазные покрытия, нанесенные на титановый сплав. Изучено влияние легирования бором на коэффициент трения и остаточные напряжения алмазных покрытий

    Equidistribution of expanding translates of curves and Dirichlet's theorem on Diophantine approximation

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    We show that for almost all points on any analytic curve on R^{k} which is not contained in a proper affine subspace, the Dirichlet's theorem on simultaneous approximation, as well as its dual result for simultaneous approximation of linear forms, cannot be improved. The result is obtained by proving asymptotic equidistribution of evolution of a curve on a strongly unstable leaf under certain partially hyperbolic flow on the space of unimodular lattices in R^{k+1}. The proof involves ergodic properties of unipotent flows on homogeneous spaces.Comment: 26 page

    An Exact Algorithm for Side-Chain Placement in Protein Design

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    Computational protein design aims at constructing novel or improved functions on the structure of a given protein backbone and has important applications in the pharmaceutical and biotechnical industry. The underlying combinatorial side-chain placement problem consists of choosing a side-chain placement for each residue position such that the resulting overall energy is minimum. The choice of the side-chain then also determines the amino acid for this position. Many algorithms for this NP-hard problem have been proposed in the context of homology modeling, which, however, reach their limits when faced with large protein design instances. In this paper, we propose a new exact method for the side-chain placement problem that works well even for large instance sizes as they appear in protein design. Our main contribution is a dedicated branch-and-bound algorithm that combines tight upper and lower bounds resulting from a novel Lagrangian relaxation approach for side-chain placement. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms alternative state-of-the art exact approaches and makes it possible to optimally solve large protein design instances routinely

    Intelligent Image Capturing Alarm System Using Raspberry Pi

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    Home surveillance system assumes an essential part in this present day living style to help recognizing illegal activities. In this proposed paper, an intelligent image capturing alarm system to protect locker was developed. Raspberry Pi 2 is used as the main controller (server). At the point when any conceivable intrusion is identified, a webcam installed to Raspberry Pi 2 will capture the picture of the intruder. In the meantime, the spotlight or light of the house which represented by an LED will be turned "ON" alongside an alarm sound from a buzzer which is fixed as an output. Taking everything into account, this improvement offers reasonable and easy to use surveillance alarm system