199 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Perturbations on πNN and πNN* Couplings in the Chew-Low Model: General Features

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    Electromagnetic perturbations on πNN and πNN* couplings are studied in the N-N* reciprocal bootstrap model. In the present paper we confine ourselves to rather general features, making the linear-D approximation for simplicity. There are several self-consistent coupling shifts, much as in the analogous SU(3) reciprocal bootstrap. It is shown that, except for even-J exchanges in the t channel, the "driving terms" are orthogonal to these self-consistent coupling shifts. Thus, as in the SU(3) case, no simple predictions can be made for coupling shifts in the linear-D approximation

    Spatial and Temporal Variability in Macroalgal Blooms 1 in a Eutrophied Coastal Estuary

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    All three macroalgal clades (Chlorophyta, Rhodophyta, and Phaeophyceae) contain bloom-forming species. Macroalgal blooms occur worldwide and have negative consequences for coastal habitats and economies. Narragansett Bay (NB), Rhode Island, USA, is a medium sized estuary that is heavily influenced by anthropogenic activities and has been plagued by macroalgal blooms for over a century. Over the past decade, significant investment has upgraded wastewater treatment from secondary treatment to water-quality based limits (i.e. tertiary treatment) in an effort to control coastal eutrophication in this system. The goal of this study was to improve the understanding of multi-year macroalgal bloom dynamics through intensive aerial and ground surveys conducted monthly to bi-monthly during low tides in May-October 2006-2013 in NB. Aerial surveys provided a rapid characterization of macroalgal densities across a large area, while ground surveys provided high resolution measurements of macroalgal identity, percent cover, and biomass. Macroalgal blooms in NB are dominated by Ulva and Gracilaria spp. regardless of year or month, although all three clades of macroalgae were documented. Chlorophyta cover and nutrient concentrations were highest in the middle and upper bay. Rhodophyta cover was highest in the middle and lower bay, while drifting Phaeophyceae cover was patchy. Macroalgal blooms of \u3e1000g fresh mass (gfm)/m2 (max=3510gfm/m2) in the intertidal zone and \u3e3000gfm/m3 (max=8555gfm/m3) in the subtidal zone were observed within a heavily impacted embayment (Greenwich Bay). Macroalgal percent cover (intertidal), biomass (subtidal), and diversity varied significantly between year, month-group, site, and even within sites, with the highest species diversity at sites outside of Greenwich Bay. Total intertidal macroalgal percent cover, as well as subtidal Ulva biomass, were positively correlated with temperature. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations were correlated with the total biomass of macroalgae and the subtidal biomass of Gracilaria spp. but not the biomass of Ulva spp. Despite seasonal reductions in the nutrient output of wastewater treatment facilities emptying into upper Narragansett Bay in recent years, macroalgal blooms still persist. Continued long-term monitoring of water quality, macroalgal blooms, and ecological indicators is essential to understand the changes in macroalgal bloom dynamics that occur after nutrient reductions from management efforts

    Preliminary investigation of chlorine speciation in zirconolite glass-ceramics for plutonium residues by analysis of Cl K-edge XANES

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    A zirconolite glass-ceramic material is a candidate wasteform for immobilisation of chlorine contaminated plutonium residues, in which plutonium and chlorine are partitioned to the zirconolite and aluminosilicate glass phase, respectively. A preliminary investigation of chlorine speciation was undertaken by analysis of Cl K-edge X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES), to understand the incorporation mechanism. Cl was found to be speciated as the Cl- anion within the glass phase, according to the characteristic chemical shift of the X-ray absorption edge. By comparison with Cl K-edge XANES data acquired from reference compounds, the local environment of the Cl- anion is most closely approximated by the mineral marialite, in which Cl is co-ordinate to 4 x Na and/or Ca atoms

    Chronic impacts of invasive herbivores on a foundational forest species: a whole‐tree perspective

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    Forests make up a large portion of terrestrial plant biomass, and the long‐lived woody plants that dominate them possess an array of traits that deter consumption by forest pests. Although often extremely effective against native consumers, invasive species that avoid or overcome these defenses can wreak havoc on trees and surrounding ecosystems. This is especially true when multiple invasive species co‐occur, since interactions between invasive herbivores may yield non‐additive effects on the host. While the threat posed by invasive forest pests is well known, long‐term field experiments are necessary to explore these consumer‐host interactions at appropriate spatial and temporal scales. Moreover, it is important to measure multiple variables to get a “whole‐plant” picture of their combined impact. We report the results of a 4‐yr field experiment addressing the individual and combined impacts of two invasive herbivores, the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae) and elongate hemlock scale (Fiorinia externa), on native eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) in southern New England. In 2011, we planted 200 hemlock saplings into a temperate forest understory and experimentally manipulated the presence/absence of both herbivore species; in 2015, we harvested the 88 remaining saplings and assessed plant physiology, growth, and resource allocation. Adelgids strongly affected hemlock growth: infested saplings had lower above/belowground biomass ratios, more needle loss, and produced fewer new needles than control saplings. Hemlock scale did not alter plant biomass allocation or growth, and its co‐occurrence did not alter the impact of adelgid. While both adelgid and scale impacted the concentrations of primary metabolites, adelgid effects were more pronounced. Adelgid feeding simultaneously increased free amino acids local to feeding sites and a ~30% reduction in starch. The cumulative impact of adelgid‐induced needle loss, manipulation of nitrogen pools, and the loss of stored resources likely accelerates host decline through disruption of homeostatic source‐sink dynamics occurring at the whole‐plant level. Our research stresses the importance of considering long‐term impacts to predict how plants will cope with contemporary pressures experienced in disturbed forests

    Individual and non‐additive effects of exotic sap‐feeders on root functional and mycorrhizal traits of a shared conifer host

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    Forest pests drive tree mortality through disruption of functional traits linked to nutrient acquisition, growth and reproduction. The impacts of attack by individual or multiple above‐ground herbivores on root functional traits critical to tree health have received little attention. This is especially true for exotic herbivores, organisms often found in disturbed forests. We excavated whole‐root systems from eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) individuals experimentally infested with hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA: Adelges tsugae) and elongate hemlock scale (EHS: Fiorina externa) individually, or in combination, for periods of 2 and 4 years. Below‐ground root biomass, functional traits and storage nutrients were measured to assess impacts of herbivory. We also quantified ectomycorrhizal fungal (EMF) colonisation of fine roots and used culture‐independent methods to examine EMF diversity. Trees infested with HWA had a greater root mass fraction (root to total biomass ratio), although feeding had no observable effects on root functional traits (e.g. specific root length) or on resource allocation to roots. HWA feeding did significantly reduce EMF colonisation of hemlock fine roots, though surprisingly, EMF diversity and that of other fungal associates were unaffected. In contrast to HWA, EHS (alone or in conjunction with HWA) feeding had no observable effect on below‐ground traits or EMF colonisation alone; however, its presence mediated HWA effects when trees were co‐infested. Simultaneous infestation within the same year yielded significant reductions in EMF colonisation, whereas prior EHS attack weakened HWA effects. Our results collectively suggest that prior EHS attack dampens the impact of HWA on below‐ground functional traits. This highlights how the timing and sequence of herbivore arrival can alter plant‐mediated interactions between herbivores and their effects on above–below‐ground linkages and associated tree health

    Differentiation of haploid and diploid fertilities in Gracilaria chilensis affect ploidy ratio

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    Background Algal isomorphic biphasic life cycles alternate between free-living diploid (tetrasporophytes) and haploid (dioicious gametophytes) phases and the hypotheses explaining their maintenance are still debated. Classic models state that conditional differentiation between phases is required for the evolutionary stability of biphasic life cycles while other authors proposed that the uneven ploidy abundances observed in the field are explained by their cytological differences in spore production. Results We monitored the state and fate of individuals of the red seaweed Gracilaria chilensis periodically for 3 years in five intertidal pools from two sites with distinct conditions. We tested for differentiation in fecundity and spore survival among the gametophyte males and females (haploids) and the tetrasporophytes (diploids). We tested for the influence of fecundity and spore survival on the observed uneven ploidy abundances in recruits. The probability of a frond becoming fecund was size-dependent, highest for the haploid males and lowest for the haploid females, with the diploids displaying intermediate probabilities. Fecund diploids released more tetraspores than carpospores released by the haploid females. Spore survival depended on ploidy and on the local density of co-habiting adult fronds. An advantage of diploid over haploid germlings was observed at very low and very high adult fronds densities. Conclusions Neither spore production nor spore survival determined the highly variable ploidy ratio within G. chilensis recruits. This result invalidates the hypothesis of natural cytological differences in spore production as the only driver of uneven field ploidy abundances in this species. Diploid spores (carpospores) survived better than haploid spores (tetraspores), especially in locations and time periods that were associated with the occurrence of strong biotic and abiotic stressors. We hypothesise that carpospore survival is higher due to support by their haploid female progenitors passing-on nutrients and chemical compounds improving survival under stressful conditions.AHE was supported by fellowships SFRH/BPD/63703/2009, SFRH/BPD/ 107878/2015 and UID/Multi/04326/2016 of the National Science Foundation FCT of Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
