267 research outputs found

    Electronic structure study of YNbTiO6_6 vs. CaNb2_2O6_6 with U, Pu and minor actinide substitutions using compound-tunable embedding potential method

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    The compound-tunable embedding potential (CTEP) method is applied to study actinide substitutions in the niobate crystals YNbTiO6_6 and CaNb2_2O6_6. Two one-center clusters centered on Ca and Y are built and 20 substitutions of Ca and Y with U, Np, Pu, Am, and Cm in four different oxidation states were made for each cluster. Geometry relaxation is performed for each resulting structure, and electronic properties are analyzed by evaluating the spin density distribution and X-ray emission spectra chemical shifts. Though the studied embedded clusters with actinides having the same oxidation state are found in general to yield similar local structure distortions, for Am and Cm in high "starting" oxidation states the electron transfer from the environment was found, resulting in decrease of their oxidation states, while for "starting" UIII^{\rm III} state the electron transfer goes in the opposite direction, resulting in increase of its oxidation state to UIV^{\rm IV}. The U substitutions are additionally studied with the use of multi-center models, which can provide both more structural and electronic relaxation and also include charge-compensating vacancies. For "starting" UVI^{\rm VI} case, the decrease in oxidation state similar to that of AmVI^{\rm VI} and CmVI^{\rm VI} in one-center clusters is observed in our calculations but in a different way. Since the really synthesized YNbTiO6_6 structures can not be considered as perfect (periodic) crystals because the Nb and Ti atoms are statistically distributed within them occupying the same Wyckoff positions, different Ti \leftrightarrow Nb substitutions are studied and corresponding structural changes are estimated

    Инфаркт миокарда в послеродовом периоде

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    The study objective Is to present a clinical observation, describe the diagnostics and treatment of acute transmural myocardial infarction in a patient on the 8th day after childbirthMaterial and methods A 31-year-old patient was hospitalized 3 hours after the onset of the disease on the 8th day after urgent spontaneous delivery at 38-39 weeks of gestation with a clinic of acute myocardial infarction in the intensive care unit. Based on the data of anamnesis, complaints, physical examination, results of instrumental and laboratory examination, the following clinical diagnosis was made: ischemic heart disease: acute transmural myocardial infarction of the anterior wall, septum and apex of the left ventricle; atherosclerosis of the aorta and coronary arteries. On an emergency basis, the patient underwent coronary angiography, pronounced atherosclerotic changes in the coronary arteries were revealed: acute occlusion of the anterior interventricular artery in the middle third, stenosis of the diagonal branch up to 70% in the orifice, stenosis of the circumflex branch up to 70% in the middle third, extended stenosis up to 79% in the middle third of the right coronary artery.Results The patient underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (pci) on a symptom-dependent artery: mechanical recanalization and stenting of the anterior descending artery (ada) by a drug-eluting stent.Conclusion An increase in the incidence of acute coronary syndrome in pregnant women and postpartum women requires the development of an algorithm for additional examination of late reproductive age patients at the stage of pregnancy planning, in case of identification of possible risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases — observation of a cardiologist during pregnancy and in the postpartum period.Цель Представить клиническое наблюдение, описать диагностику и лечение острого трансмурального инфаркта миокарда у пациентки на 8-е сутки после родов.Материал и методы Пациентка 31 года, госпитализирована через 3 часа после начала заболевания на 8-е сутки после срочных самопроизвольных родов в 38–39 недель беременности с клиникой острого инфаркта миокарда в палату реанимации и интенсивной терапии. На основании данных анамнеза, жалоб, объективного осмотра, результатов инструментального и лабораторного обследования поставлен клинический диагноз: «Ишемическая болезнь сердца: острый трансмуральный инфаркт миокарда передней стенки, перегородки и верхушки левого желудочка; атеросклероз аорты и коронарных артерий». В экстренном порядке пациентке выполнена коронарография, и выявлены выраженные атеросклеротические изменения коронарных артерий: острая окклюзия передней межжелудочковой ветви в средней трети, стеноз диагональной ветви — до 70% в устье, cтеноз огибающей ветви — до 70% в средней трети, протяженный стеноз — до 79% в средней трети правой коронарной артерии.Результаты Больной было выполнено чрескожное коронарное вмешательство на симптом-зависимой артерии: механическая реканализация и стентирование передней нисходящей артерии стентом с лекарственным покрытием.Заключение Увеличение частоты острого коронарного синдрома у беременных и родильниц требует разработки алгоритма дополнительного обследования пациенток позднего репродуктивного возраста на этапе планирования беременности, а при выявлении факторов риска развития сердечно-сосудистых заболеваний — наблюдения кардиолога во время беременности и в послеродовом периоде


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    The study of microcirculation is one of the most growing diagnostic areas. The article summarizes the literature on microcirculation disorders in gynecological patients. Modern methods of microcirculation disorders diagnostics have been analyzed. We also described techniques of laser Doppler fl owmetry (LDF) to assess changes in local microcirculation of the pelvic organs. The results of the clinical use of this technique in patients with various gynecological diseases are reported.настоящее время одним из наиболее развивающихся диагностических направлений является исследование микроциркуляции (МКЦ). В статье обобщены данные литературы о нарушениях МКЦ у гинекологических больных. Проведен анализ современных методов диагностики расстройств МКЦ. Представлены методики лазерной допплеровской флоуметрии для оценки локальных изменений микрокровотока органов малого таза. Приведены результаты клинического использования этого метода у больных различными гинекологическими заболеваниями

    Non-invasive optical method for evaluating the oxygen status in breast neoplasms

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    The paper presents the results from a study of the breast oxygen status by diffuse optical tomography (DOT). Detection of breast tissue at wavelengths of 684, 794, and 850 nm could provide information on the distribution of basic tissue chromophores: oxygenized and deoxygenized hemoglobin. Normal breast tissue was characterized by the even distribution of these compounds and stabilization of their level. In breast cancer, the distribution of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin was noted for uneven distribution and blood oxygen saturation was lower in the projection of a tumor nodule. The blood oxygen saturation data obtained by DOT demonstrate physiological differ- ences between normal and tumor tissues in different tumor areas

    Extensive release of methane from Arctic seabed west of Svalbard during summer 2014 does not influence the atmosphere

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    © 2016. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. We find that summer methane (CH4) release from seabed sediments west of Svalbard substantially increases CH4 concentrations in the ocean but has limited influence on the atmospheric CH4 levels. Our conclusion stems from complementary measurements at the seafloor, in the ocean, and in the atmosphere from land-based, ship and aircraft platforms during a summer campaign in 2014. We detected high concentrations of dissolved CH4 in the ocean above the seafloor with a sharp decrease above the pycnocline. Model approaches taking potential CH4 emissions from both dissolved and bubble-released CH4 from a larger region into account reveal a maximum flux compatible with the observed atmospheric CH4 mixing ratios of 2.4-3.8 nmol m-2 s-1. This is too low to have an impact on the atmospheric summer CH4 budget in the year 2014. Long-term ocean observatories may shed light on the complex variations of Arctic CH4 cycles throughout the year.The project MOCA- Methane Emissions from the Arctic OCean to the Atmosphere: Present and Future Climate Effects is funded by the Research Council of Norway, grant no.225814 CAGE – Centre for Arctic Gas Hydrate, Environment and Climate research work was supported by the Research Council of Norway through its Centres of Excellence funding scheme grant no. 223259. Nordic Center of Excellence eSTICC (eScience Tool for Investigating Climate Change in northern high latitudes) funded by Nordforsk, grant no. 57001

    Бронхиальная астма у детей дошкольного возраста, проживающих в городских условиях Алтайского края (популяционное одномоментное исследование)

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    The objective of the study was to investigate prevalence, clinical and allergological features, and risk factors of bronchial asthma in pre-school children living in urban areas of Altay Krai. Methods. This was a cross-sectional study involving 3,205 children (age, 3 to 6 years) attending pre-school facilities in 5 cities of the Altay Krai. Asthma symptoms were defined using the ISAAC questionnaire. Asthma was diagnosed by clinicians according to GINA. Results. Prevalence of asthma in urban children aged 3 to 6 years was 5.7%; 62.7% of them were previously diagnosed with asthma. Majority of children (59.4%) had mild asthma. Sensitization was detected in 70.3% of children with asthma, most of them were sensitized to dust mites Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (63.3%), birch pollen (46.6%), and cat epithelium (31.1%). Risk factors of asthma were family history of allergy [odds ratio (OR) 3.2; 95% confidence interval (CI) 2.2–4.6], male gender (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.5–2.3), preterm birth (OR 2.1, 95% CI 1.3–3.3), smoking parents (OR 1.6, 95% CI 1.2–2.9), (contact with pets during the first year of life (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.0–2.0). Conclusion. The prevalence of asthma in urban children aged 3 to 6 years living in urban areas of Altay Krai was 5.7%. Most common sensitizers were house dust mites, birch pollen and cat epithelium. The risk factors of pre-school asthma are family history of allergy, male gender, preterm birth, passive smoking and contact with pets during the first year of life. Для формирования стратегии ранней профилактики бронхиальной астмы (БА) необходимо изучение распространенности и факторов риска (ФР) заболевания среди дошкольников. Целью исследования явилось изучение распространенности, клинико-аллергологической характеристики и ФР развития БА у детей 3–6 лет, проживающих в городских условиях Алтайского края. Материалы и методы. Проведено одномоментное популяционное исследование, состоявшее из 2 этапов – скринингового и клинического. На этапе скрининга в исследование включены дети (n = 3 205) в возрасте 3–6 лет, посещающие дошкольные образовательные учреждения в 5 городах Алтайского края. Симптомы БА определялись при помощи модуля «Астмоподобные симптомы», входящего в опросник «Международное исследование бронхиальной астмы и аллергии у детей» (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood – ISAAC). На клиническом этапе диагноз БА верифицировался врачами-аллергологами на основании диагностических критериев Глобальной инициативы по бронхиальной астме (Global Strategy for Asthma Management and Prevention – GINA). Результаты. Установлено, что распространенность БА среди городских детей в возрасте 3–6 лет составляет 5,7 %, из них у 62,7 % диагноз БА был установлен ранее в учреждениях практического здравоохранения. У 76 (59,4 %) выявлена БА легкой степени. У 90 (70,3 %) детей выявлена сенсибилизация. Чаще всего (63,3 %) обнаруживалась сенсибилизация к клещам домашней пыли (Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus), пыльце березы (46,6 %) и эпителию кошки (31,1 %). ФР развития БА являются семейный аллергологический анамнез (отношение шансов (ОШ) – 3,2; 95%-ный доверительный интервал (ДИ) – 2,2–4,6) мужской пол (ОШ – 2,2; 95%-ный ДИ – 1,5–2,3), недоношенность (ОШ – 2,1; 95%-ный ДИ – 1,3–3,3), табакокурение родителей (ОШ – 1,6; 95%-ный ДИ 1,2–2,9), контакт с животными на 1-м году жизни (ОШ – 1,4; 95%-ный ДИ – 1,0–2,0). Заключение. Распространенность БА среди детей 3–6 лет, проживающих в городах Алтайского края, составляет 5,7 %, в то время как ранее в учреждениях практического здравоохранения диагноз БА установлен только у 62,7 % детей. Наиболее значимыми ингаляционными аллергенами являются клещи домашней пыли, пыльца березы и эпителий кошки. ФР развития БА в дошкольном возрасте являются мужской пол, отягощенный аллергологический семейный анамнез, недоношенность, пассивное курение и контакт с животными на 1-м году жизни

    In-situ temperatures and thermal properties of the East Siberian Arctic shelf sediments: Key input for understanding the dynamics of subsea permafrost

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    Significant reserves of methane (CH4) are held in the Arctic shelf, but the release of CH4 to the overlying ocean and, subsequently, to the atmosphere has been believed to be restricted by impermeable subsea permafrost, which has sealed the upper sediment layers for thousands of years. Our studies demonstrate progressive degradation of subsea permafrost which controls the scales of CH4 release from the sediment into the water-atmospheric system. Thus, new knowledge about the thermal state of subsea permafrost is crucial for better understanding of the permafrost -hydrate system and associated CH4 release from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS) – the broadest and shallowest shelf in the World Ocean, which contains about 80% of subsea permafrost and giant pools of hydrates. Meanwhile, the ESAS, still presents large knowledge gaps in many aspects, especially with respect to subsea permafrost distribution and physical properties of bottom sediments. New field data show that the ESAS has an unfrozen (ice-free) upper sediment layer, which in-situ temperature is −1.0 to −1.8 °C and 0.6оС above the freezing point. On one hand, these cold temperature patterns may be related to the presence of subsea permafrost, which currently primarily occurs in the part of the ESAS that is shallower than 100 m, while ice-bearing sediments may also exist locally under deeper water in the Laptev Sea. On the other hand, the negative bottom sediment temperatures of −1.8 °C measured on the Laptev Sea continental slope sediments underlying water columns as deep as down to 330 m may result from dissociation of gas hydrates or possibly from dense water cascading down from the shelf. In contrast, data collected on recent expeditions in the northern Laptev shelf, zones of warmer bottom temperatures are coinciding with methane seeps, likely induced by seismic and tectonic activity in the area. These warm temperatures are not seen in the East Siberian Sea area, not even in areas of methane seeps, yet with little seismic activity. The thermal conductivity and heat capacity of bottom sediments recorded in the database of thermal parameters for the ESAS areas mainly depend on their lithification degree (density or porosity), moisture content, and particle size distribution. The thermal conductivity and heat capacity average about 1.0 W/(m·K) and 2900 kJ/(m3·K), with ±20% and ±10% variance, respectively, in all sampled Arctic sediments to a sub-bottom interval of 0–0.5 m