1,086 research outputs found

    First Record Of Sclerocarpus Africanus Jacq. (asteraceae, Heliantheae) For South America

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    Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Sclerocarpus, a genus belonging to subtribe Helianthinae (Asteraceae, Heliantheae), is recognized by the pales surrounding its ovary and sometimes part of the corolla and becoming thickened and hardened at maturity, usually developing tubercles on the surface. The genus comprises eight species from which seven are American mainly distributed in Mexico and Central America. This work provides the first register of the genus for South America, by recording Sclerocarpus africanus in the Bahia state, northeast of Brazil. The results include description and illustration for the species. © 2016 Check List and Authors.126CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoBOL0565/2015, FAPESB, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado da BahiaConselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Nanophotonic boost of intermolecular energy transfer

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    We propose a scheme for efficient long-range energy transfer between two distant light emitters separated by more than one wavelength of light, i.e. much beyond the classical Forster radius. A hybrid nanoantenna-waveguide system mediates the transmission of energy, showing enhancements up to 10^8 as compared to vacuum. Our model shows how energy transfer in nanostructured media can be boosted, beyond the simple donor Purcell enhancement, and in particular for large donor-acceptor separations. The scheme we propose connects realistic emitters and could lead to practical on-chip implementations.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Death ideation in cancer patients: contributing factors

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    Advances in cancer research and therapy have improved prognosis and the quality of life of many patients. However, previous epidemiological studies in oncologic patients have shown an increased risk of suicide. Suicidal thoughts, relatively well known in those terminally ill, may be just as important for cancer patients who are survivors or are living with the disease. Nonetheless, there is a relative paucity of data about suicidality in this setting. The authors conducted a prospective observational study to identify death thoughts and to explore the factors associated with suicidal ideation in cancer patients. A sample of 130 patients referred for psychiatric consultation was obtained following informed consent and authorization from the local ethics committee. A semistructured interview assessed sociodemographic data, psychosocial support, and information regarding the cancer process and its treatment. Psychometric instruments were used to evaluate psychopathology, namely the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the Beck Hopelessness Scale, and the Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation. Psychiatric diagnoses were obtained through the application of the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview. Death ideation was identified in 34.6% of patients, yet only 10% had active suicidal thoughts. Risk of suicide was associated with female gender, a psychiatric diagnosis (major depressive disorder, panic disorder, or dysthymia), difficult interpersonal relationships, associated pain, high hopelessness, and depressive and anxiety symptoms. Although suicidal thoughts are frequent in cancer patients at different stages of disease, most are transitory. Risk factors for suicidal ideation have been identified, such as depression, hopelessness, uncontrolled pain, and difficult interpersonal relationships. Further assessment is necessary to identify those at higher risk of attempting suicide, and underlying psychiatric disorders should be vigorously treated

    E-Health Tools to Improve Antibiotic Use and Resistances: A Systematic Review

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    Background: e-Health tools, especially in the form of clinical decision support systems (CDSSs), have been emerging more quickly than ever before. The main objective of this systematic review is to assess the influence of these tools on antibiotic use for respiratory tract infections. (2) Methods: The scientific databases, MEDLINE-PubMed and EMBASE, were searched. The search was conducted by two independent researchers. The search strategy was mainly designed to identify relevant studies on the effectiveness of CDSSs in improving antibiotic use, as a primary outcome, and on the acceptability and usability of CDSSs, as a secondary outcome. (3) Results: After the selection, 22 articles were included. The outcomes were grouped either into antibiotics prescription practices or adherence to guidelines concerning antibiotics prescription. Overall, 15 out of the 22 studies had statistically significant outcomes related to the interventions. (4) Conclusions: Overall, the results show a positive impact on the prescription and conscientious use of antibiotics for respiratory tract infections, both with respect to patients and prescribing healthcare professionals. CDSSs have been shown to have great potential as powerful tools for improving both clinical care and patient outcomes

    Application of GIS in potential beekeeping assessment: Case study of Montesinho Natural Park (Portugal)

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    Planners require solutions that address routine work needs and seems essential to improving efficiency and productivity. There are a great number of different factors related to beekeeper activity as well the quality and productivity of different bee products. The spatial analysis is a powerful tool for overlap and relates various levels of information on a map, and consequently a very useful for beekeeping activity planning. This work proposes and applies a methodology to potential beekeeping assessment in Montesinho Natural Park, a region in the northwest of Portugal. The beekeeping potential maps were developed with the following data sources: legal standards, vegetation, land use, topography, water resources, roads, electromagnetic fields, and some honey physico-chemical analysis. The design and implementation of spatial analysis model based on Geographic Information System (GIS) to beekeeping planning activities has already been described by Anjos et al (2014). Spatial analysis techniques allows to define the potential beekeeper map supporting the beekeeper management in this region. Anjos O, Silva G, Roque N, Fernandez P, 2014. GIS based analysis to support the beekeeping planning. Book of abstracts of the International Symposium on Bee Products 3rd edition – Annual meeting of the International Honey Commission (IHC), Faculty of medicine, University of Rijeka, p:6

    Application of Photovoice with Focus Groups to Explore Dietary Behaviors of Older Filipino Adults with Cardiovascular Disease

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    Filipino Americans have high rates of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). This study explored the dietary behaviors, a modifiable risk factor, of Filipinos with CVD. Filipinos with CVD were recruited and trained to do Photovoice. Participants took photos to depict their “food experience,” defined as their daily dietary activities. Participants then shared their photos during focus groups. Focus group transcripts were analyzed using an iterative, grounded theory approach. Among 38 Filipino participants, the mean age was 70 years old and all were foreign-born. Major themes included efforts to retain connection to Filipino culture through food, and dietary habits shaped by cultural health beliefs. Many believed that traditional dietary practices increased CVD risk. Receiving a CVD diagnosis and clinician advice changed their dietary behaviors. Household members, the physical environment, and economic constraints also influenced dietary behaviors. Photovoice is feasible among older Filipinos and may enhance understanding of drivers of dietary behaviors

    Seleção indireta via teor de sólidos solúveis totais para identificação de bulbos de cebola com baixa pungência.

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    A cebola quando consumida crua é benéfica para a saúde, devido aos compostos organosulfurados e frutanas presentes nos bulbos, Entretanto, quanto mais picante (pungente), mais difícil é o consumo cru da cebola. Cebolas com menor pungência são selecionadas, tendo como referência à quantificação do ácido pirúvico. Neste trabalho, são comparadas duas formas de seleção de bulbos com baixa pungência: seleção preliminar para teor de sólidos solúveis totais (SST), considerando que a correlação é positiva com o teor de ácido pirúvico (AP), e sem seleção preliminar. Na população de cebola Alfa Tropical Ciclo III, a seleção preliminar dos bulbos com menor teor de SST apres entou em média 4,97?mol de ácido pirúvico/mL, variando de 2, 89 a 7,33, enquanto que no bulk sem seleção prévia para baixo teor de SST, a média foi de 8,89 ?mol de ácido pirúvico/mL, variando de 5,64 a 11,29. A seleção preliminar para baixo teor de SST resultou na identificação de oito bulbos, do total de 15, com teor de ácido pirúvico abaixo de 5,0 ?mol/mL, enquanto que na amostra ao acaso de 14 bulbos, nenhum bulbo foi identificado. A seleção indireta via SST resultou na economia de reagentes e tempo e é, portanto, recomendado para facilitar o desenvolvimento de populações de cebola doce ou superdoce.Suplemento. Edição de Resumos expandidos e palestras do 43. Congresso Brasileiro de Olericultura, Recife, jul. 2003

    A mortality event of the venerid bivalve Callista chione (Linnaeus, 1758) in a hatchery system. A case study

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    Abnormal mortality of the smooth venus clam (Callista chione) was encountered when conditioning these clams in a hatchery system. A histopathological analysis was performed to establish the causes of this mortality episode. Our results showed an increase in rickettsia-like bacteria infection intensity between the individuals collected at the start of the conditioning in the hatchery and those collected during the mortality episode. Husbandry stress most likely increased disease susceptibility and progression in these clams. Rickettsia-like colonies were observed in large numbers in the gills of all individuals examined. Nematopsis sp. spores and rod-shaped basophilic bacteria could also been seen in some of the individuals examined. Microbiological analysis of clam tissue did not reveal the presence of any potentially pathogenic bacteria and all the clams were shown to be free of Perkinsus sp. parasites. The conditioning protocol was adapted from those used for other venerid clams due to the lack of data on this species. These findings highlight the need to perform further studies to evaluate the optimal parameters for C. chione broodstock conditioning

    Groundwater vulnerability assessment in the Naturtejo UNESCO glogal Geopark, Portugal

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    Nowadays, groundwater vulnerability assessment has become a useful tool for groundwater contamination prevention. Groundwater vulnerability maps provide useful data to protect groundwater resources and work as a tool for the improvement of changes in agricultural patterns and land use applications. The study area of this research survey is the Naturtejo UNESCO Global Geopark, located in central inland Portugal and corresponding to a mainly rural territory where intensive agricultural practices showed a rising tendency in the last decades. The most used method of vulnerability evaluation is the DRASTIC index. In this survey, a modified DRASTIC method, DRASTICAI, is introduced. A new attribute designated as Anthropogenic Influence is introduced. Map algebra in a GIS environment allowed the computation of two maps by overlaying the needed attributes. The Vila-Velha-de Rodão and Idanha-a-Nova municipalities show moderate to high vulnerability and, therefore, in need of monitoring, since intensive agricultural practices are the main economic activity. The algebraic subtraction of DRASTIC and DRASTICAI maps revealed a considerable increase in the risk of contamination, over the surveyed area, namely in Idanha-a-Nova where it is observed risk increase up to 45 points, changing from moderately vulnerable to highly vulnerable and, therefore, stressing the importance of anthropogenic activities

    Immature stages of Spodoptera eridania (Lepidoptera: noctuidae): developmental parameters and host plants.

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    This study aimed to detail the temporal and morphological parameters of the immature stages of southern armyworm Spodoptera eridania (Stoll, 1782) with larvae feed on artificial diet, under controlled conditions (25?±?1°C, 70?±?10% relative humidity and 14-h photophase) and gather information about their larval host plants. The viability of the egg, larval, pupal, and prepupal stages was 97.82, 93.62, 96.42, and 97.03%, respectively. The average duration of the egg, larval, pupal, and pre-pupal stages was 4.00, 16.18, 1.58, and 9.17 d, respectively. During the larval stage, 43.44% of females passed through seven instars, observing that the female's development was significant slower than males. The female larvae that developed through six and seven instars exhibited a mean growth rate of 1.52 and 1.44, respectively. Female pupae were significantly larger, exhibiting faster development than males. The rearing method proved to be adequate, providing more detailed observations of the biological cycle, especially at the larval stage, and resulting in an overall survival of almost 85%. Two hundred two plant species belonging to 58 families are listed as natural hosts for S. eridania, mainly including Asteraceae, Fabaceae, Solanaceae, Poaceae, Amaranthaceae, and Malvaceae