90 research outputs found

    The Intrinsic Dimensionality of Attractiveness: A Study in Face Profiles

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    The study of human attractiveness with pattern analysis techniques is an emerging research field. One still largely unresolved problem is which are the facial features relevant to attractiveness, how they combine together, and the number of independent parameters required for describing and identifying harmonious faces. In this paper, we present a first study about this problem, applied to face profiles. First, according to several empirical results, we hypothesize the existence of two well separated manifolds of attractive and unattractive face profiles. Then, we analyze with manifold learning techniques their intrinsic dimensionality. Finally, we show that the profile data can be reduced, with various techniques, to the intrinsic dimensions, largely without loosing their ability to discriminate between attractive and unattractive face

    Facial Cosmetics and Attractiveness: Comparing the Effect Sizes of Professionally-Applied Cosmetics and Identity

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    Forms of body decoration exist in all human cultures. However, in Western societies, women are more likely to engage in appearance modification, especially through the use of facial cosmetics. How effective are cosmetics at altering attractiveness? Previous research has hinted that the effect is not large, especially when compared to the variation in attractiveness observed between individuals due to differences in identity. In order to build a fuller understanding of how cosmetics and identity affect attractiveness, here we examine how professionally-applied cosmetics alter attractiveness and compare this effect with the variation in attractiveness observed between individuals. In Study 1, 33 YouTube models were rated for attractiveness before and after the application of professionally-applied cosmetics. Cosmetics explained a larger proportion of the variation in attractiveness compared with previous studies, but this effect remained smaller than variation caused by differences in attractiveness between individuals. Study 2 replicated the results of the first study with a sample of 45 supermodels, with the aim of examining the effect of cosmetics in a sample of faces with low variation in attractiveness between individuals. While the effect size of cosmetics was generally large, between-person variability due to identity remained larger. Both studies also found interactions between cosmetics and identity-more attractive models received smaller increases when cosmetics were worn. Overall, we show that professionally- applied cosmetics produce a larger effect than self-applied cosmetics, an important theoretical consideration for the field. However, the effect of individual differences in facial appearance is ultimately more important in perceptions of attractiveness

    Face familiarity, distinctiveness, and categorical perception

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    Four experiments with faces support the original interpretation of categorical perception (CP) as only present for familiar categories. Unlike in the results of Levin and Beale (2000), no evidence is found for face identity CP with unfamiliar faces. Novel face identities were shown to be capable of encoding for immediate sorting purposes but the representations utilized do not have the format of perceptual categories. One possibility explored was that a choice of a distinctive face as an end-point in a morphed continuum can spuriously produce effects that resemble CP. Such morphed continua provided unequal psychological responses to equal physical steps though much more so in a better likeness paradigm than for forced-choice recognition. Thus, researchers doing almost the same experiments may produce very different results and come to radically different conclusions

    Discrete Emotion Effects on Lexical Decision Response Times

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    Our knowledge about affective processes, especially concerning effects on cognitive demands like word processing, is increasing steadily. Several studies consistently document valence and arousal effects, and although there is some debate on possible interactions and different notions of valence, broad agreement on a two dimensional model of affective space has been achieved. Alternative models like the discrete emotion theory have received little interest in word recognition research so far. Using backward elimination and multiple regression analyses, we show that five discrete emotions (i.e., happiness, disgust, fear, anger and sadness) explain as much variance as two published dimensional models assuming continuous or categorical valence, with the variables happiness, disgust and fear significantly contributing to this account. Moreover, these effects even persist in an experiment with discrete emotion conditions when the stimuli are controlled for emotional valence and arousal levels. We interpret this result as evidence for discrete emotion effects in visual word recognition that cannot be explained by the two dimensional affective space account

    Appraising the intention of other people: Ecological validity and procedures for investigating effects of lighting for pedestrians

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    One of the aims of outdoor lighting public spaces such as pathways and subsidiary roads is to help pedestrians to evaluate the intentions of other people. This paper discusses how a pedestrians’ appraisal of another persons’ intentions in artificially lit outdoor environments can be studied. We review the visual cues that might be used, and the experimental design with which effects of changes in lighting could be investigated to best resemble the pedestrian experience in artificially lit urban environments. Proposals are made to establish appropriate operationalisation of the identified visual cues, choice of methods and measurements representing critical situations. It is concluded that the intentions of other people should be evaluated using facial emotion recognition; eye tracking data suggest a tendency to make these observations at an interpersonal distance of 15 m and for a duration of 500 ms. Photographs are considered suitable for evaluating the effect of changes in light level and spectral power distribution. To support investigation of changes in spatial distribution further investigation is needed with 3D targets. Further data are also required to examine the influence of glare

    Da imagem visual do rosto humano: simetria, textura e padrão

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    Desde a idade antiga, a proporção é uma parte importante dos cânones da beleza, ainda que os gregos e os romanos tenham um conceito muito mais amplo sobre o tema do que a civilização contemporânea: a simetria era para eles não apenas o que se entende como simetria especular, senão, também, a proporção correta; e compreendia além do traçado antropométrico, o conjunto visual - com efeito: a textura da pele, o nível de atração do rosto frente aos padrões de beleza desejados - que a aproximava de uma imagem esteticamente bela. O objetivo deste estudo é realizar uma breve discussão a respeito das questões correspondentes à socioantropologia corporal a partir do rosto humano frente aos padrões contemporâneos de imagem e beleza. Em suma, simetria, textura e padrões faciais, além de biológicos, devem ser considerados constructos culturais que apresentam uma grande diversidade de estados e que suscitam imensa gama de atitudes.Since ancient times, proportion has been an important part of the beauty canons, even though the Greeks and the Romans have a much broader concept regarding the theme than contemporary civilization: to them, symmetry was not only what is meant by specular symmetry, but also the correct proportion; it encompassed, beyond the anthropometric outline, the visual set - skin texture, the level of attraction of the face in light of the desired standards of beauty - that made it approach an aesthetically beautiful image. The objective of this study is to discuss issues related to the social anthropology of the body based on the human face in light of the contemporary patterns of image and beauty. In short, symmetry, texture and facial patterns, besides being biological, must be considered cultural constructs that have a wide variety of states and which give rise to an enormous range of attitudes