1,098 research outputs found

    The in-plane linear elastic constants and out-of-plane bending of 3-coordinated ligament and cylinder-ligament honeycombs

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    Four novel cylinder-ligament honeycombs are described, where each cylinder has 3 tangentially-attached ligaments to form either a hexagonal or re-entrant hexagonal cellular network. The re-entrant cylinder-ligament honeycombs are reported for the first time. The in-plane linear elastic constants and out-of-plane bending response of these honeycombs are predicted using Finite Element (FE) modelling and comparison made with hexagonal and re-entrant hexagonal honeycombs without cylinders. A laser-crafted re-entrant cylinder-ligament honeycomb is manufactured and characterized to verify the FE model. The re-entrant honeycombs display negative Poisson's ratios and synclastic curvature upon out-of-plane bending. The hexagonal and 'trichiral' honeycombs possess positive Poisson's ratios and anticlastic curvature. The 'anti-trichiral' honeycomb (short ligament limit) displays negative Poisson's ratios when loaded in the plane of the honeycomb, but positive Poisson's ratio behaviour (anticlastic curvature) under out-of-plane bending. These responses are understood qualitatively through considering deformation occurs via direct ligament flexure and cylinder rotation-induced ligament flexure

    Imaginary companions in childhood: Relations to imagination skills and autobiographical memory in adults

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    The presence of a childhood imaginary companion (IC) has been proposed to reflect heightened imaginative abilities. This study hypothesized that adults who reported having a childhood IC would score higher on a task requiring the imaginative construction of visual scenes. Additionally, it was proposed that individuals who produced more vivid and detailed scenes would also report richer autobiographical memories, due to a shared reliance on imaginative abilities in construction and recollection. Sixty participants (20 with an IC), completed an adapted scene construction procedure and an autobiographical memory questionnaire. Participants reporting a childhood IC scored significantly higher on scene construction and rated themselves as more imaginative. Scene construction scores were also moderately related to the richness of autobiographical memories, although this was almost entirely due to scores on the thought/emotion/action component of scene construction. Autobiographical memory was unrelated to the presence of an IC. Implications for overlapping and dissociable aspects of imagination and memory are discussed


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    Three dance surfaces regularly used by a professional touring ballet company (n=60) were quantified using standard sports surface testing apparatus. Surface sub-structure construction varied between surfaces and a range of surface force reduction values were reported. Injuries and associated variables occurring within the ballet company were recorded by the company medical staff. An injury was recorded if a dancer experienced an incident that restricted the dancer from performing all activities that were required of them for the period 24hrs after the incident. Injuries were delimited to those occurring in the lower limbs or trunk during reported non-lifting dance activity. Analysis of statistical significance was restricted due to a low injury data sample size. However certain trends in the injury data warrant future research. The surface with the highest variability in intra-surface force reduction was associated with the highest injury rates per week, lower limb injuries per week, mean days lost dancing per injury and likelihood of injury per performance day. Variability in intra-surface force reduction may have a stronger association with injury risk than mean surface force reduction magnitudes

    Quasi-static characterisation and impact testing of auxetic foam for sports safety applications

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    This study compared low strain rate material properties and impact force attenuation of auxetic foam and the conventional open-cell polyurethane counterpart. This furthers our knowledge with regards to how best to apply these highly conformable and breathable auxetic foams to protective sports equipment. Cubes of auxetic foam measuring 150 x 150 x 150 mm were fabricated using a thermo-mechanical conversion process. Quasi-static compression confirmed the converted foam to be auxetic, prior to being sliced into 20 mm thick cuboid samples for further testing. Density, Poisson’s ratio and the stress-strain curve were all found to be dependent on the position of each cuboid from within the cube. Impact tests with a hemispherical drop hammer were performed for energies up to 6 J, on foams covered with a polypropylene sheet between 1 and 2 mm thick. Auxetic samples reduced peak force by ~10 times in comparison to the conventional foam. This work has shown further potential for auxetic foam to be applied to protective equipment, while identifying that improved fabrication methods are required

    Love, rights and solidarity: studying children's participation using Honneth's theory of recognition

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    Recent attempts to theorize children’s participation have drawn on a wide range of ideas, concepts and models from political and social theory. The aim of this article is to explore the specific usefulness of Honneth’s theory of a ‘struggle for recognition’ in thinking about this area of practice. The article identifies what is distinctive about Honneth’s theory of recognition, and how it differs from other theories of recognition. It then considers the relevance of Honneth’s conceptual framework to the social position of children, including those who may be involved in a variety of ‘participatory’ activities. It looks at how useful Honneth’s ideas are in direct engagement with young people’s praxis, drawing on ethnographic research with members of a children and young people’s forum. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of this theoretical approach and the further questions which it opens up for theories of participation and of adult–child relations more generally

    Effect of heterogeneity on the elastic properties of auxetic materials

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    Copyright © 2003 American Institute of Physics. This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics. The following article appeared in Journal of Applied Physics 94 (2003) and may be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?jap/94/6143Auxetic materials are gaining practical interest for their unusual and sometimes extreme mechanical response. The process of modeling these materials so far has highlighted a number of microstructural properties that are key to these materials. However these models often rely on the assumption of homogeneity and order within the materials. Practically, a homogeneous auxetic material such as foam is unlikely to be manufactured. This work seeks to analyze the effect of fluctuations within the microstructure of the material. Numerical results show the effect of fluctuations in an auxetic granular substance and analytical work indicates the relation between microscale fluctuations and the elastic moduli for a general auxetic material

    Modeling of negative Poisson’s ratio (auxetic) crystalline cellulose Iβ

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    Energy minimizations for unstretched and stretched cellulose models using an all-atom empirical force field (Molecular Mechanics) have been performed to investigate the mechanism for auxetic (negative Poisson’s ratio) response in crystalline cellulose Iβ from kraft cooked Norway spruce. An initial investigation to identify an appropriate force field led to a study of the structure and elastic constants from models employing the CVFF force field. Negative values of on-axis Poisson’s ratios nu31 and nu13 in the x1-x3 plane containing the chain direction (x3) were realized in energy minimizations employing a stress perpendicular to the hydrogen-bonded cellobiose sheets to simulate swelling in this direction due to the kraft cooking process. Energy minimizations of structural evolution due to stretching along the x3 chain direction of the ‘swollen’ (kraft cooked) model identified chain rotation about the chain axis combined with inextensible secondary bonds as the most likely mechanism for auxetic response

    Sexual exploitation in children: Nature, prevalence and distinguishing characteristics reported in young adulthood

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    The aim of this study was to explore the nature and extent of sexual exploitation in a university student sample, whilst being clear that sexual exploitation is sexual abuse. Overall, 47% of participants (96 out of 204) reported having been approached by an adult in a sexual manner when they were under the age of 16. The study predicted that a number of individual characteristics would increase a young person’s vulnerability for sexual exploitation. These included low self-esteem, external locus of control, social loneliness and insecure attachment. Results indicated lower levels of self-esteem among those who had been approached sexually, although it is not clear in terms of causality. There were no differences in scores for locus of control or loneliness. Relationship anxiety was significantly linked with children having engaged in sexual behaviours with an adult. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of emerging individual characteristics relating to a risk of sexual exploitation

    Collective Decision Dynamics in the Presence of External Drivers

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    We develop a sequence of models describing information transmission and decision dynamics for a network of individual agents subject to multiple sources of influence. Our general framework is set in the context of an impending natural disaster, where individuals, represented by nodes on the network, must decide whether or not to evacuate. Sources of influence include a one-to-many externally driven global broadcast as well as pairwise interactions, across links in the network, in which agents transmit either continuous opinions or binary actions. We consider both uniform and variable threshold rules on the individual opinion as baseline models for decision-making. Our results indicate that 1) social networks lead to clustering and cohesive action among individuals, 2) binary information introduces high temporal variability and stagnation, and 3) information transmission over the network can either facilitate or hinder action adoption, depending on the influence of the global broadcast relative to the social network. Our framework highlights the essential role of local interactions between agents in predicting collective behavior of the population as a whole.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure
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