6 research outputs found


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    Objective is to make the review of the banking industry development to identify theoretical and practical areas of transformations under the concept Bank 3.0.Results. Theoretical and practical shifts occured in modern banking sector in the conditions of Bank 3.0 concept implementation are identified. Background of the modern transformation in the banking industry on a global scale is identified, the role and extent of structural changes in the banking sector is assessed and features of the modern business models of banks are identified.Originality. Theoretical framework of banking transformations as financial intermediaries is developed. Distinguished features of the bank business–model in the future including high technology, giditalization of commercial activity, transformation of banking infrastructure, banking sector integration with social networks, instant messengers and Internet platforms, are justified.Practical relevance.  Identified features of the bank business–model can be used in the activities of banking developing the strategy and tactics to distribute banking services.Исследованы особенности функционирования банков в разрезе различных концепций ведения банковского бизнеса. Осуществлен анализ глобальных трендов банковского бизнеса и их последствий. В порядке научной дискуссии сформулированы характерные черты банка будущего, среди которых выделены следующие: высокая технологичность, информатизация деятельности, трансформация банковской инфраструктуры, интеграция банковской сферы с социальными сетями, мессенджерами и интернет–платформами. Сделан вывод, что будущее банкинга за клиенториентированными и высокотехнологичными банками.Досліджено особливості функціонування банків у розрізі різних концепцій ведення банківського бізнесу. Здійснено аналіз глобальних трендів банківського бізнесу та їх наслідків. У порядку наукової дискусії сформульовано характерні риси банку майбутнього, серед яких виокремлено наступні: висока технологічність, інформатизація діяльності, трансформація банківської інфраструктури, інтеграція банківської сфери з соціальними мережами, мессенджерами і інтернет–платформами. Аргументовано, що майбутнє банкінгу за клієнторієнтованими та високотехнологічними банками

    Gene Expression Atlas update—a value-added database of microarray and sequencing-based functional genomics experiments

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    Gene Expression Atlas (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa) is an added-value database providing information about gene expression in different cell types, organism parts, developmental stages, disease states, sample treatments and other biological/experimental conditions. The content of this database derives from curation, re-annotation and statistical analysis of selected data from the ArrayExpress Archive and the European Nucleotide Archive. A simple interface allows the user to query for differential gene expression either by gene names or attributes or by biological conditions, e.g. diseases, organism parts or cell types. Since our previous report we made 20 monthly releases and, as of Release 11.08 (August 2011), the database supports 19 species, which contains expression data measured for 19 014 biological conditions in 136 551 assays from 5598 independent studies

    Mapping of Candidate Genes Involved in Bud Dormancy and Flowering Time in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium)

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    The timing of flowering in perennial plants is crucial for their survival in temperate climates and is regulated by the duration of bud dormancy. Bud dormancy release and bud break depend on the perception of cumulative chilling during endodormancy and heat during the bud development. The objectives of this work were to identify candidate genes involved in dormancy and flowering processes in sweet cherry, their mapping in two mapping progenies 'Regina' × 'Garnet' and 'Regina' × 'Lapins', and to select those candidate genes which co-localized with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with temperature requirements for bud dormancy release and flowering. Based on available data on flowering processes in various species, a list of 79 candidate genes was established. The peach and sweet cherry orthologs were identified and primers were designed to amplify sweet cherry candidate gene fragments. Based on the amplified sequences of the three parents of the mapping progenies, SNPs segregations in the progenies were identified. Thirty five candidate genes were genetically mapped in at least one of the two progenies and all were in silico mapped. Co-localization between candidate genes and QTLs associated with temperature requirements and flowering date were identified for the first time in sweet cherry. The allelic composition of the candidate genes located in the major QTL for heat requirements and flowering date located on linkage group 4 have a significant effect on these two traits indicating their potential use for breeding programs in sweet cherry to select new varieties adapted to putative future climatic conditions

    Mapping of Candidate Genes Involved in Bud Dormancy and Flowering Time in Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium).

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    The timing of flowering in perennial plants is crucial for their survival in temperate climates and is regulated by the duration of bud dormancy. Bud dormancy release and bud break depend on the perception of cumulative chilling during endodormancy and heat during the bud development. The objectives of this work were to identify candidate genes involved in dormancy and flowering processes in sweet cherry, their mapping in two mapping progenies 'Regina' × 'Garnet' and 'Regina' × 'Lapins', and to select those candidate genes which co-localized with quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with temperature requirements for bud dormancy release and flowering. Based on available data on flowering processes in various species, a list of 79 candidate genes was established. The peach and sweet cherry orthologs were identified and primers were designed to amplify sweet cherry candidate gene fragments. Based on the amplified sequences of the three parents of the mapping progenies, SNPs segregations in the progenies were identified. Thirty five candidate genes were genetically mapped in at least one of the two progenies and all were in silico mapped. Co-localization between candidate genes and QTLs associated with temperature requirements and flowering date were identified for the first time in sweet cherry. The allelic composition of the candidate genes located in the major QTL for heat requirements and flowering date located on linkage group 4 have a significant effect on these two traits indicating their potential use for breeding programs in sweet cherry to select new varieties adapted to putative future climatic conditions