260 research outputs found

    Establishment and characterization of two human breast carcinoma cell lines by spontaneous immortalization: Discordance between Estrogen, Progesterone and HER2/neu receptors of breast carcinoma tissues with derived cell lines

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    Background: Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women throughout the world. Therefore, established cell lines are widely used as in vitro experimental models in cancer research.Methods: Two continuous human breast cell lines, designated MBC1 and MBC2, were successfully established and characterized from invasive ductal breast carcinoma tissues of Malaysian patients. MBC1 and MBC2 have been characterized in terms of morphology analysis, population doubling time, clonogenic formation, wound healing assay, invasion assay, cell cycle, DNA profiling, fluorescence immunocytochemistry, Western blotting and karyotyping.Results: MBC1 and MBC2 exhibited adherent monolayer epithelial morphology at a passage number of 150. Receptor status of MBC1 and MBC2 show (ER+, PR+, HER2+) and (ER+, PR-, HER2+), respectively. These results are in discordance with histopathological studies of the tumoral tissues, which were triple negative and (ER-, PR-, HER2+) for MBC1 and MBC2, respectively. Both cell lines were capable of growing in soft agar culture, which suggests their metastatic potential. The MBC1 and MBC2 metaphase spreads showed an abnormal karyotype, including hyperdiploidy and complex rearrangements with modes of 52-58 chromosomes per cell.Conclusions: Loss or gain in secondary properties, deregulation and specific genetic changes possibly conferred receptor changes during the culturing of tumoral cells. Thus, we hypothesize that, among heterogenous tumoral cells, only a small minority of ER+/PR+/HER2+ and ER+/PR-/HER2+ cells with lower energy metabolism might survive and adjust easily to in vitro conditions. These cell lines will pave the way for new perspectives in genetic and biological investigations, drug resistance and chemotherapy studies, and would serve as prototype models in Malaysian breast carcinogenesis investigations. © 2012 Kamalidehghan et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    Genetic transformation of olive somatic embryos through Agrobacterium tumefaciens and regeneration of transgenic plants

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    Transformed olive plants were regenerated from inoculated somatic embryos with Agrobacterium tumefacience strain GV3101, which carries the plasmid pBI-P5CS containing Arabidopsis thaliana P5CS cDNA, kanamycin marker (npt) gene and uidA reporter gene. Initially, repetitively embryogenic cultures were established from radicles and cotyledonary segments of mature olive zygotic embryos. Single somatic embryos at cotyledon stage were used for transformation. Through repetitive somatic embryogenesis, non-chimer secondary embryos were selected and propagated on kanamycin containing medium. Resistant embryos were converted to plantlets by subjecting them to desiccation. Transformation and P5CS gene expression was confirmed by β-glucuronidase (GUS) assay polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and reverse transcription (RT)-PCR analysis.Key words: Olea europaea, somatic embryogenesis, transformation, β-glucronidase, P5CS gene

    Evaluation of vascular access before kidney transplantation in patients with successful kidney transplantation

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    Introduction: The status of embedded fistula before kidney transplant is one of the problems in patients after kidney transplant and without correct management, surely it can lead to severe complications. The vascular access of arteriovenous fistula (AVF) and its possible complications can be found using the registered data in patients who had undergone successful kidney transplant. This information may be useful to prevent possible complications in future. Objectives: This study was aimed to determine the status of vascular access before kidney transplant in patients with successful transplantation in Urmia city, Iran. Patients and Methods: This study was a historical cohort conducted on 201 patients from March 2009 to March 2012 who had undergone vascular access before kidney transplant. The related information about complications and functions of fistula were extracted from available records. Results: According to results, the patients were divided into four groups regarding fistula function including 104 patients (51.7) with functional fistula after kidney transplant, 49 patients (24.4) with spontaneously closed fistula, 37 patients (18.4) with closed fistula through surgery and 11 patients (5.5) with reduced blood flow of fistula. Conclusion: Despite the low incidence of heart failure in functional vascular access after successful renal transplantation, these patients should be followed up by cardiologists to avoid complications. Generally, closing vascular accesses after successful transplantation is not necessary. © 2019 The Author(s)

    Risk factor investigation for cardiovascular health through WHO STEPS approach in Ardabil, Iran

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    Objectives: Reliable evidence is the keystone for any noncommunicable disease (NCD) prevention plan to be initiated. In this study we carried out a risk factor investigation based on the WHO Stepwise approach to Surveillance (STEPS). Methods: The study was conducted on 1000 adults between 15 and 64 years of age living in Ardabil province, north-west Iran during 2006, based on the WHO STEPS approach to surveillance of risk factors for NCD. At this stage only the first and second steps were carried out. Data were collected through standard questionnaires and methods analyzed using STATA version 8 statistical software package. Results: 29.0% of men and 2.6% of women were current daily tobacco smokers. The mean number of manufactured cigarettes smoked per day was 18.9 among current daily smokers. Smoking was most prevalent among men of low-income families and those of lower education The mean body mass index (BMI) was 26.6 kg/m2, and was significantly correlated with systolic blood pressure. 58.9% were overweight or obese; 18.0% had raised blood pressure and 3.7% had isolated systolic hypertension. The mean number of servings of fruit consumed per day was 1.1; 33.1% had low levels of activity. Combined risk factor analysis showed that 4.1%of participants were in the low-risk group (up to 5.1% among men and 3.2% among women).Those in the high-risk group comprised 25.6% in the 25- to 44-year age group and 49.7%in the 45- to 64-year age group. Mean BMI increased by age in both sexes at least at the firstthree decades of adult life. Conclusion: Based on observed status of risk for cardiovascular health, burden of cardiovascular diseases is expected to increase if an effective prevention strategy is not undertaken

    Rapid differential diagnosis of vaginal infections using gold nanoparticles coated with specific antibodies

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    Vaginal infections caused by bacteria, Candida and Trichomonas vaginalis, affect millions of women annually worldwide. Symptoms and signs have limited value in differential diagnosis of three causes of vaginitis. Current laboratory methods for differential diagnosis are either expensive or time consuming. Therefore, in this work, development of a method based on gold nanoparticles has been investigated for rapid diagnosis of vaginal infections. Specific antibodies against three main causes of vaginal infections were raised in rabbits. The antibodies were then purified and conjugated to gold nanoparticles and used in an agglutination test for detection of vaginal infections. Finally, sensitivity and specificity of this test for diagnosis of vaginal infections were estimated using culture method as gold standard. Purification of antibodies from sera was confirmed by electrophoresis. Construction of nanoparticles was proved by TEM and FT-IR methods. Conjugation of antibodies to gold nanoparticles was confirmed using XPS method. Sensitivity and specificity of gold nanoparticles for diagnosis of Candida species were 100%, for Gardnerella were 100% and 93%, and for T. vaginalis was 53.3% and 100%, respectively. Gold nanoparticle-based method is a simple, rapid, accurate, and cost-effective test for differential laboratory diagnosis of vaginal infection

    ALMA Observations of the Sun in Cycle 4 and Beyond

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    This document was created by the Solar Simulations for the Atacama Large Millimeter Observatory Network (SSALMON) in preparation of the first regular observations of the Sun with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), which are anticipated to start in ALMA Cycle 4 in October 2016. The science cases presented here demonstrate that a large number of scientifically highly interesting observations could be made already with the still limited solar observing modes foreseen for Cycle 4 and that ALMA has the potential to make important contributions to answering long-standing scientific questions in solar physics. With the proposal deadline for ALMA Cycle 4 in April 2016 and the Commissioning and Science Verification campaign in December 2015 in sight, several of the SSALMON Expert Teams composed strategic documents in which they outlined potential solar observations that could be feasible given the anticipated technical capabilities in Cycle 4. These documents have been combined and supplemented with an analysis, resulting in recommendations for solar observing with ALMA in Cycle 4. In addition, the detailed science cases also demonstrate the scientific priorities of the solar physics community and which capabilities are wanted for the next observing cycles. The work on this White Paper effort was coordinated in close cooperation with the two international solar ALMA development studies led by T. Bastian (NRAO, USA) and R. Brajsa, (ESO). This document will be further updated until the beginning of Cycle 4 in October 2016. In particular, we plan to adjust the technical capabilities of the solar observing modes once finally decided and to further demonstrate the feasibility and scientific potential of the included science cases by means of numerical simulations of the solar atmosphere and corresponding simulated ALMA observations.Comment: SSALMON White Paper with focus on potential solar science with ALMA in Cycle 4; 54 pages. Version 1.2, March 29th, 2016 (updated technical capabilities and observing plans

    A High Rate of Recurrent Vulvovaginal Candidiasis and Therapeutic Failure of Azole Derivatives Among Iranian Women

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    Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (RVVC) is one of the most prevalent fungal infections in humans, especially in developing countries; however, it is underestimated and regarded as an easy-to-treat condition. RVVC may be caused by dysbiosis of the microbiome and other host-, pathogen-, and antifungal drug-related factors. Although multiple studies on host-related factors affecting the outcome have been conducted, such studies on Candida-derived factors and their association with RVVC are lacking. Thus, fluconazole-tolerant (FLZT) isolates may cause fluconazole therapeutic failure (FTF), but this concept has not been assessed in the context of Candida-associated vaginitis. Iran is among the countries with the highest burden of RVVC; however, comprehensive studies detailing the clinical and microbiological features of this complication are scarce. Therefore, we conducted a 1-year prospective study with the aim to determine the RVVC burden among women referred to a gynecology hospital in Tehran, the association of the previous exposure to clotrimazole and fluconazole with the emergence of FLZT and fluconazole-resistant (FLZR) Candida isolates, and the relevance of these phenotypes to FTF. The results indicated that about 53 of the patients (43/81) experienced RVVC. Candida albicans and C. glabrata constituted approximately 90 of the yeast isolates (72 patients). Except for one FLZT C. tropicalis isolate, FLZR and FLZT phenotypes were detected exclusively in patients with RVVC; among them, 27.9 (12/43) harbored FLZR strains. C. albicans constituted 81.2 of FLZR (13/16) and 100 of the FLZT (13/13) isolates, respectively, and both phenotypes were likely responsible for FTF, which was also observed among patients with RVVC infected with fluconazole-susceptible isolates. Thus, FTF could be due to host-, drug-, and pathogen-related characteristics. Our study indicates that FLZT and FLZR isolates may arise following the exposure to over-the-counter (OTC) topical azole (clotrimazole) and that both phenotypes can cause FTF. Therefore, the widespread use of OTC azoles can influence fluconazole therapeutic success, highlighting the necessity of controlling the use of weak topical antifungals among Iranian women. © Copyright © 2021 Arastehfar, Kargar, Mohammadi, Roudbary, Ghods, Haghighi, Daneshnia, Tavakoli, Jafarzadeh, Hedayati, Wang, Fang, Carvalho, Ilkit, Perlin and Lass-Flörl

    Life cycle assessment of European anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) landed by purse seine vessels in northern Spain

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    Purpose: The main purpose of this article is to assess the environmental impacts associated with the fishing operations related to European anchovy fishing in Cantabria (northern Spain) under a life cycle approach. Methods: The life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology was applied for this case study including construction, maintenance, use, and end of life of the vessels. The functional unit used was 1 kg of landed round anchovy at port. Inventory data were collected for the main inputs and outputs of 32 vessels, representing a majority of vessels in the fleet. Results and discussion: Results indicated, in a similar line to what is reported in the literature, that the production, transportation, and use of diesel were the main environmental hot spots in conventional impact categories. Moreover, in this case, the production and transportation of seine nets was also relevant. Impacts linked to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions suggest that emissions were in the upper range for fishing species captured with seine nets and the value of global warming potential (GWP) was 1.44 kg CO2 eq per functional unit. The ecotoxicity impacts were mainly due to the emissions of antifouling substances to the ocean. Regarding fishery-specific categories, many were discarded given the lack of detailed stock assessments for this fishery. Hence, only the biotic resource use category was computed, demonstrating that the ecosystems' effort to sustain the fishery is relatively low. Conclusions: The use of the LCA methodology allowed identifying the main environmental hot spots of the purse seining fleet targeting European anchovy in Cantabria. Individualized results per port or per vessel suggested that there are significant differences in GHG emissions between groups. In addition, fuel use is high when compared to similar fisheries. Therefore, research needs to be undertaken to identify why fuel use is so high, particularly if it is related to biomass and fisheries management or if skipper decisions could play a role.The authors thank the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Spanish Government for their financial support via the project GeSAC-Conserva: Sustainable Management of the Cantabrian Anchovies (CTM2013-43539-R) and to Pedro Villanueva-Rey for valuable scientific exchange. Jara Laso thanks the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spanish Government for their financial support via the research fellowship BES-2014-069368 and to the Ministry of Rural Environment, Fisheries and Food of Cantabria for the data support. Dr. Ian Vázquez-Rowe thanks the Peruvian LCA Network for operational support. Reviewers are also thanked for the valuable and detailed suggestions. The work of Dr. Rosa M. Crujeiras has been funded by MTM2016-76969P (AEI/FEDER, UE)