830 research outputs found

    Properties of nanostructured diamond-silicon carbide composites sintered by high pressure infiltration technique

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    A high-pressure silicon infiltration technique was applied to sinter diamond–SiC composites with different diamond crystal sizes. Composite samples were sintered at pressure 8 GPa and temperature 2170 K. The structure of composites was studied by evaluating x-ray diffraction peak profiles using Fourier coefficients of ab initio theoretical size and strain profiles. The composite samples have pronounced nanocrystalline structure: the volume-weighted mean crystallite size is 41–106 nm for the diamond phase and 17–37 nm for the SiC phase. The decrease of diamond crystal size leads to increased dislocation density in the diamond phase, lowers average crystallite sizes in both phases, decreases composite hardness, and improves fracture toughness

    H216O line list for the study of atmospheres of Venus and Mars

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    IR spectroscopy is an important method of remote measurement of H216O content in planetary atmospheres with initial spectroscopic information from the HITRAN, GEISA, etc., databases adapted for studies in the Earth’s atmosphere. Unlike the Earth, the atmospheres of Mars and Venus mainly consist of carbon dioxide with a CO2 content of about 95%. In this paper, the line list of H216O is obtained on the basis of the BT2 line list (R.J. Barber, J. Tennyson, G.J. Harris, et al., Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 368, 1087 (2006)). The BT2 line list containing information on the centers, intensities, and quantum identification of lines is supplemented with the line contour parameters: the self-broadening and carbon dioxide broadening coefficients and the temperature dependence coefficient at 296 K in the range of 0.001–30000 cm−1. Transitions with intensity values 10−30, 10−32, and 10−35 cm/molecule, the total number of which is 323310, 753529, and 2011072, respectively, were chosen from the BT2 line list

    System analisis of the adaptation of the agricultural people

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    Автор предлагает концепцию психологического механизма адаптации. В основе психологического механизма адаптации по его мнению лежит процесс смены психологических установок, мотивов, целей адаптанта. Экспериментальной основой концепции психологического механизма адаптации является анкетирование 160 человек жителей свердловской области. Выборочная совокупность — квотная.Author suggest (propose) conception psycological mechanism adaptation. The basis of the concept psycological mechanism adaptation occur (strike) the process of the changing psycological attitudes, motives, purposes of the adaptater. Experimental basis of the conception psycological mechanism adaptation consist in the psycological investigation of the mechanism adaptation was testing 160 people, which was living in the sverdlovsk and cheljabinsk region. The elective totality — cvota

    Image defect detection algorithm based on deep learning

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    In this paper proposed a system for automatic defects detection in images. The solution to this problem is widely used in practice. Automatic detection is found in the challenge of detecting defects on the road surface, in the textile industry, as well as virtual restoration of archival photo images. The solution to this range of problems allows speeding up work in these areas, and in some cases, completely solving. To solve the first two problems (search for defects on the pavement and textiles), it is enough to create a mask that localizes defects in the image with maximum reliability, while photo restoration requires additional algorithms to restore the detected damaged areas. The proposed method is based on the latest achievements in the field of machine learning and allows solve the main disadvantages of traditional methods. Automatic defect detection is performed using a neural network with compound descriptor. A series of experiments confirmed the high efficiency of the proposed method in comparison with traditional methods for detecting defects

    Strategy for diagnosis and correction of vaginal dysbiosis in terms of preparation of pregnant for planned cesarean section and prevention of postpartum endometritis.

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    Clinical features of vaginal dysbiosis as a factor in the high risk of septic complications, especially in pregnant women diagnosed with anaerobic vaginal dysbiosis were examined. Low efficiency of the traditional methods of treating bacterial dysbiosis, a high rate of recurrences and the risk of preterm delivery dictate the need to find alternative methods of treatment and prevention of antenatal and post-natal complications. The widespread introduction of caesarean section into obstetric practice contributed to the reduction of perinatal loss. However, together with the expansion of indications for cesarean section, increase in the frequency and severity of post-natal chronic inflammatory diseases is associated. The number of purulent-inflammatory diseases in the early postoperative period and in the long-term period after C-section is large, reaching 3,3-54,3%. Postpartum period, even in physiological course and particularly in the presence of risk factors is favorable for the development of infectious complications. Almost all the authors identify caesarean section as a significant risk factor for postpartum endometritis, since, making only 10 - 20% of the total number of deliveries, cesarean section causes 80% of all postpartum endometritis. We propose a diagnostic algorithm, drug correction and prevention for this common group of patients

    Особенности эксплуатации грузовых вагонов на железных дорогах Мьянмы

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    Needs for freight transportation, which increased in the period of serious political and economic reforms, which began in 2011, demanded from the government of Myanmar to carry out systemic changes in transport sector. Long-term programs of railways' modernization, strengthening of their resource base and technical equipment were taken. Within the expected changes the authors analyze the condition of country's rolling stock fleet, features of its use. At the same time as a separate characteristic problem wear of center plate arrangement depending is considered regarding differenttypes of freight cars.Возрастающие в период начавшихся в 2011 году серьезных политических и экономических реформ потребности в грузоперевозках потребовали от правительства Мьянмы системных преобразований на транспорте. Приняты долгосрочные программы модернизации железных дорог, укрепления их ресурсной базы, технического оснащения. В рамках ожидаемых перемен авторы статьи анализируют состояние вагонного парка в стране, особенности его эксплуатации. При этом как отдельная характерная проблема рассматривается износ пятникового узла на разных по типу и назначению грузовых вагонах

    Antiproton-Hydrogen annihilation at sub-kelvin temperatures

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    The main properties of the interaction of ultra low-energy antiprotons (E106% E\le10^{-6} a.u.) with atomic hydrogen are established. They include the elastic and inelastic cross sections and Protonium (Pn) formation spectrum. The inverse Auger process (Pn+eH+pˉPn+e \to H+\bar{p}) is taken into account in the framework of an unitary coupled-channels model. The annihilation cross-section is found to be several times smaller than the predictions made by the black sphere absorption models. A family of pˉH\bar{p}H nearthreshold metastable states is predicited. The dependence of Protonium formation probability on the position of such nearthreshold S-matrix singularities is analysed. An estimation for the HHˉH\bar{H} annihilation cross section is obtained.Comment: latex.tar.gz file, 22 pages, 9 figure

    Competing anisotropy in the (TmxPr1-x)2Fe17 system

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    The magnetization curves of magnetically aligned finely powdered samples of the (TmxPr1-x)2Fe17 compounds have been measured at 4 K. The easy magnetization axis is oriented in the basal plane or along the hexagonal axis for the compounds with x = 0-0.3 and 0.7-1, respectively. This is because of the absence of magnetic ordering in the Tm and Pr subsystems in these ranges, respectively, and because of competing anisotropy of the subsystems. For the compositions with x = 0.4-0.6, both rare-earth subsystems are magnetically ordered and the easy magnetization axis is oriented between the basal plane and the hexagonal axis. The critical fields of FOMPs decrease quickly as the Pr or Tm content decreases in the ranges 0-0.3 and 0.7-1, respectively. The magnetization anisotropy also diminishes as the Tm content becomes smaller than x = 0.7. No influence of the intrinsic microdeformations on the magnetization of the compounds was detected. © 2018 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    Morphological and structural features of the CdxPb1−xS films obtained by CBD from ethylenediamine-citrate bath

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    The calculating of ionic equilibria in the system «Pb(CH3COO)2 - CdCl2 - Na3C6H5O7 - ‎(NH3)2(CH2)2 - N2H4CS» allowed us to find conditions and concentration regions of PbS and CdS co-deposition. The determined conditions provided the CBD obtaining of CdxPb1−xS (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.033) substitutional solid solutions films with a cubic structure B1 (space group Fm ) with the grains preferred orientation (200). We established the evolution of the surface morphology of the synthesized films from cubic crystallites to hierarchical structure of globular aggregates by scanning electron microscopy. A quantitative analysis of diffraction patterns showed a decrease of microstrains in CdxPb1−xS films by a about factor of 3 with an increase of the cadmium chloride concentration in the reaction mixture from 0.005 to 0.14 mol/l. The excess of the cadmium content, established by EDX analysis, in the studied films as compared to its content in the solid solution is associated with the additional formation of the amorphous CdS phase up to 72 mol %.A Corrigendum is available for this article at https://doi.org/10.15826/chimtech.2021.8.2.12