1,280 research outputs found

    Multiple bottlenecks sorting criterion at initial sequence in solving permutation flow shop scheduling problem

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    This paper proposes a heuristic that introduces the application of bottleneck-based concept at the beginning of an initial sequence determination with the objective of makespan minimization. Earlier studies found that the scheduling activity become complicated when dealing with machine, m greater than 2, known as non-deterministic polynomial-time hardness (NP-hard). To date, the Nawaz-Enscore-Ham (NEH) algorithm is still recognized as the best heuristic in solving makespan problem in scheduling environment. Thus, this study treated the NEH heuristic as the highest ranking and most suitable heuristic for evaluation purpose since it is the best performing heuristic in makespan minimization. This study used the bottleneck-based approach to identify the critical processing machine which led to high completion time. In this study, an experiment involving machines (m =4) and n-job (n = 6, 10, 15, 20) was simulated in Microsoft Excel Simple Programming to solve the permutation flowshop scheduling problem. The overall computational results demonstrated that the bottleneck machine M4 performed the best in minimizing the makespan for all data set of problems

    Mythology In Sulalatus Salatin: A Moral Responsibility In Fulfulling The King\u27s Vision

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    The Sulalatus Salatin is clearly a form of historical literature that contained a lot of stories, myth, especially during the period pre-Melaka until the existence of Melaka itself.The objective of this study is to identify the mythological aspect and its kinship with the king\u27s authority. The research will use cultural theories. Mythology has always been connected with the tales of gods which always have a kinship with the constituents of faith.This element usually associated with the beginning of a race or ancestral root of an individual, especially royalties which were invariably tied to the extraordinary & peculiar tales.In the essence, mythology is the tale of the origins which encompasses the roots of blood line, the name of a place, the arrival of Islam, etc. In the context of societal belief, mythology is not just something respectable, but the mythical event was thought to actually took place and studied as something sacred.This clearly proves that myth has already existed even before the emergence of Tun Seri Lanang as the author of Sulalatus Salatin. Therefore, this research is produced with the aim to observe the mythological elements in the text of Sulalatus Salatin and the role of its story as a moral duty in fulfilling the King\u27s wishes

    Conductivity Study on Plasticized Solid bio-electrolytes CMC-NH4Br and Application in Solid-state Proton Batteries

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    This paper present the development of plasticized solid bio-electrolytes (PSBs) which has been accomplished by incorporating various composition of plasticizer namely ethylene carbonate (EC) with carboxy methylcellulose doped NH4Br via solution casting method. The plasticized polymer–salt ionic conduction of PSBs has been analyzed by electrical impedance spectroscopy. Plasticization using EC in PSBs system assists the enhancement of NH4Br dissociation and therefore increases the protonation process in the system. The highest ionic conductivity obtained for CMC−NH4Br containing with 25 wt. % NH4Br was achieved at 1.12 x 10-4 Scm-1 and improved to 3.31 x 10-3 Scm-1 when EC was added in PSBs system. The ionic conductivity-temperature for PSBs system was found to obey the Arrhenius relationships where the ionic conductivity increases with temperature. The solid-state proton batteries were assembled with the formation of Zn + ZnSO4.7H2O || highest conducting PSBs system || MnO2 and achieve with a maximum open circuit voltage (OCV) of 1.48 V at room temperature and showed good in rechargeablity performance with more than 10 cycles

    Illumination Estimation Based Color to Grayscale Conversion Algorithms

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    In this paper, a new adaptive approach, namelythe illumination estimation approach is introduced into the colorto grayscale conversion technique. In this approach, someassumptions will be made to calculate the weight contribution ofred, green, and blue components during the conversion process.Two color to grayscale conversion algorithms are developedunder this approach, namely the Gray World Assumption Colorto Grayscale Conversion (GWACG) and Shade of GrayAssumption Color to Grayscale (SGACG) conversion algorithms.Based on the extensive experimental results, the proposedalgorithms outperform the conventional conversion techniquesby producing resultant grayscale images with higher brightness,contrast, and amount of details preserved. For this reason, theseproposed algorithms are suitable for pre- and post- processing ofdigital images

    Design of Generalized Chebyshev Lowpass Filter with Defected Stripline Structure (DSS)

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    This paper presents the design of generalized Chebyshev lowpass filter (LPF) and integrated with Defected Stripline Structure (DSS) using Suspended Stripline Structure (SSS). The study involves circuit analysis to determine generalized Chebyshev responses with a transmission zero at finite frequency in order to produce a reduced number of elements values of prototype circuit. The LPF provides a cut-off frequency at 6 GHz with a return loss better than -19 dB, while the DSS exhibits a notch at frequency of 3.2 GHz with a stopband response better than -40 dB. Thus, the integrated LPF and DSS will produce lowpass and band reject response simultaneously. The design is implemented on a Roger Duroid RO4350 with a thickness of 0.168 mm and dielectric constant, εr of 3.48. The simulation performance results show promising results that could be proved in the experiment works. This new class of integrated LPF and DSS would be useful in any RF/ microwave communication systems particularly in wideband applications where the reduction of overall physical volume, weight and cost is critical to maintaining its good performance

    New Solution for ICT/ELV Infrastructure Project Reporting Using Datalink Technique System

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    In infrastructure project, a failure on reliable project reporting will lead to Variation Order (VO) and Project Delay issues. It is now a normal phenomenon, which leads to many negative effects such as lawsuits, claims, loss of productivity and revenue, which may also lead to contract termination. Hence, the research aims to develop a new solution system program, called Datalink Technique System (DTS) to solve the problems that occur in an infrastructure project. The objective is to eliminate the loss and reduce the project cost. However, it is not limited to that as in future it can also be applied to others. DTS introduces the new advanced technologies system solution and reliable, yet it is still consistent with the current approach to manage the project. The program produces data/information correctly and precisely

    New Features of Cervical Cells for Cervical Cancer Diagnostic System Using Neural Network.

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    Currently, Pap test is the most popular and effective test for cervical cancer. However, Pap test does not always produce good diagnostic performance. This problem has encouraged several studies to develop diagnosis system based on neural networks to increase the diagnostic performance

    Technique for early reliability prediction of software components using behaviour models

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    Behaviour models are the most commonly used input for predicting the reliability of a software system at the early design stage. A component behaviour model reveals the structure and behaviour of the component during the execution of system-level functionalities. There are various challenges related to component reliability prediction at the early design stage based on behaviour models. For example, most of the current reliability techniques do not provide fine-grained sequential behaviour models of individual components and fail to consider the loop entry and exit points in the reliability computation. Moreover, some of the current techniques do not tackle the problem of operational data unavailability and the lack of analysis results that can be valuable for software architects at the early design stage. This paper proposes a reliability prediction technique that, pragmatically, synthesizes system behaviour in the form of a state machine, given a set of scenarios and corresponding constraints as input. The state machine is utilized as a base for generating the component-relevant operational data. The state machine is also used as a source for identifying the nodes and edges of a component probabilistic dependency graph (CPDG). Based on the CPDG, a stack-based algorithm is used to compute the reliability. The proposed technique is evaluated by a comparison with existing techniques and the application of sensitivity analysis to a robotic wheelchair system as a case study. The results indicate that the proposed technique is more relevant at the early design stage compared to existing works, and can provide a more realistic and meaningful prediction

    Proses dan Bentuk Motivasi Belajar Geografi SMA Unggulan Kota Malang (Perspektif Etnometodologi)

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    This research aims to to describe the kinds of motivational guides in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang, and to describe the forming process and students' motivation in learning geography by using Etnomethodology perspective. The research results of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang are the enthusiasm of achievement, to participate in geography Olympiad, geography as a preferred subject, actively to learn geography in class, apprehension to get the bad score, the study preparation before geography test, to make the parents proud, learning geography at home, the confidence to have a good score in geography, to join the study activity outside the school, taken a decisively thinking when geography lesson held, competing with fellow students, sense of challenge in learning geography, and feel of benefit in learning geography. The second result of the motivation guide in learning geography of the students in SMA N 5 Malang is geography subject is unique and attractive because the subject has rich of materials, not only experiencing about nature phenomenon, but also social occurrence.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan bentuk dan proses pemahaman motivasi siswa belajar geografi siswa menggunakan prespektif Etnometodologi. Hasil penelitian bentuk motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang yaitu merasakan manfaat belajar geografi, cita-cita yang terinspirasi dari pelajaran geografi, keinginan yang kuat menjadi siswa yang berprestasi, mengikuti kelas olimpiade geografi, merasa senang saat pelajaran geografi, aktif pelajaran geografi dikelas, takut mendapatkan nilai ulangan yang jelek, belajar sungguh-sungguh sebelum ulangan geografi, mempunyai tanggung jawab belajar dan ingin membanggakan orang tua, mempunyai kebiasaan belajar georafi secara rutin di rumah, yakin mendapatkan nilai geografi yang bagus, mengikuti kelas tambahan belajar di luar rumah, berfikir kritis saat pelajaran geografi, mempunyai perasaan bersaing dengan teman-teman sekelas, merasa tertantang ingin lebih banyak belajar geografi. Hasil penelitian ke dua pemahaman motivasi belajar geografi siswa SMA Negeri 5 Malang bahwa pelajaran geografi menarik dan unik karena di mata pelajaran tersebut kaya akan materi-materi, bukan hanya mengenai fenomena alam namun juga fenomena sosial