54 research outputs found

    Accumulation of Ni and Cr by grapevines organs affected by nitrogen nutrition during the recultivation of sandy deposol

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    prekrivaju plodno zemljiÅ”te, su jako heterogeni i vrlo nepovoljnih fizičko-hemijskih osobina Å”to u velikoj meri otežava proces njihove rekultivacije. Ovome posebno doprinosi visok procenat mehaničke frakcije peska, koji pored slabog zadržavanja hraniva i vode za gajene biljke u procesu rekultivacije, omogućava i njihovo razvejavanje eolskom erozijom Å”to stvara dodatni ekoloÅ”ki problem. Stoga, ponovno uspostavljanje biljne proizvodnje na ovim povrÅ”inama nakon zavrÅ”ene eksploatacije uglja, zahteva i dopunsku primenu hraniva đubrivima i određenih rekultivacionih materijala. Pri rekultivaciji ovih povrÅ”ina prvi put je koriŔćena vinova loza, a za njen uzgoj planirane su i rekultivacione mere koje su podrazumevale primenu različitih izvora hraniva (NPK, sporodelujuće đubrivo, MAP) i bonifikatora zemljiÅ”ta (zeolit). Pre postavljanja ogleda (3ogleda) je urađena detaljna analiza supstrata (mehanički sastav, agrohemijska svojstva), a određen je i sadržaj teÅ”kih metala (ukupni, pristupačni po mehaničkim frakcijama i dva tipa sekvencijalne ekstrakcije). Ispitivani deposoli su vrlo siromŠ°Å”ni orgŠ°nskom mŠ°terijom (0,01-1,2 % Corg), ukupnim N (0,01-0,06 %), pristupŠ°Änim P2O5 (3,2-7,2 mg/100g) i K2O (3,5 -11,8 mg/100g), Š° pH reŠ°kcijŠ° ovih deposolŠ° je dosta varirala usled njegove heterogenosti (pHH2O od 5,05 do 9,13).MinerŠ°li gline su u deposolimŠ° zŠ°stupljeni u niskomprocentu (5-6%), dok dominirŠ°ju krupna i sitna frŠ°kcija peskŠ° (80-85%). Koncentracija teÅ”kih metala je bila ispod MDK vrednosti, izuzev Ni koji je bio blizu kritičnih 50 mg/kg (45,34 mgNi/kg). Njihove pristupačne količine su takođe bile jako niske i vezuju se za frakciju sitnog peska. Sekvencijalna ekstrakcija pokazala je da su svi ispitivani metali (osim Pb), u najvećem procentu zastupljeni u rezidualnoj frakciji, ali da postoji opasnost od mobilizacije Ni, Cu od strane biljaka. Istraživanje je obuhvatilo tri vegetaciona ogleda. Prvi ogled u sudovima se bavio postupcima rekultivacije deposola gajenjem vinove loze, dok je drugi ogled postavljen u poljskim uslovima sa primenom istih đubriva i bonifikatora. Treći ogled u sudovima bio je postavljen u cilju iznalaženja uzroka pojačanog usvajanja Ni i Cr kod vinove loze pri primeni MAP đubriva koje se javilo u prvom ogledu. Analiza biljnih organa u prvom ogledu je pokazala da se Ni nakupljao u svim organima čokota u poviÅ”enim koncentracijama (posebno u korenu gdeje Ni dostizao 94,60 mg/kg) prilikom primene visokih doza MAP-a. Sa ovim dozama MAP-a rasla je koncentracija Ni i u ostalim organima vinove loze, uporedo sa povećanjem njegove pristupačnosti u deposolu. Takođe, primećena je i translokacija Cr do nadzemnih organa, mada u literaturi postoje podaci da je Cr vrlo slabo pokretan u biljkama...This research was conducted at deposols near the power plant ā€œKostolacā€. Those deposols, which are formed during the surface coal exploitation and cover fertile soil are extremely heterogeneous with very unfavorable physical and chemical properties which renders the process of their recultivation difficult to a great extent. This phenomenon is further enhanced by high percentage of mechanical fraction of sand, which influences poor retention of nutrients and water that are essential for plants grown during the recultivation process. Also, sand scattering by wind erosion makes an additional environmental problem. Therefore, the re-establishment of crop production in this area, after the coal exploitation, requires also additional application of fertilizers and specific recultivation materials. In this research, grapevine was used for the first time for the recultivation of this area. Planned recultivation measures for the cultivation of the grapevine included the usage of different sources of nutrients (NPK fertilizer, slow release fertilizer (SRF), MAP and soil conditioners (zeolite). Before the experiment (3 experiments) was performed, a detailed analysis of deposols was done (in terms of their mechanical composition, agrochemical properties) and also the content of heavy metals in deposols was established (total content, available content in mechanical fractions and two procedures of sequential extraction analysis).The deposols under research were very poor in organic matter (0.01 to 1.2 % TOC), total N (0.01 to 0.06 %), available P2O5 (3.2 to 7.2 mg/100 g) and available K2O (3.5 -11.8 mg/100g). Due to heterogeneity of deposols, their pH value varied significantly (pHH2O from 5.05 to 9.13). Clay minerals were present in a small percentage (5-6%),where as fractions of coarse and fine sand were predominant (80-85%). The concentration of heavy metals was below the MAC values, except for Ni, whose concentration was near the critical concentration of 50 mg/kg (45.34 mg Ni/kg). Available amounts of heavy metals were also very low and mostly attached to fine sand fraction. Sequential extraction procedures showed that all of the investigated metals (except for Pb), were present in the highest percentage in residual fraction, but there were also some indications of potential risk of mobilization of Ni and Cu on the part of the plants. This study included three vegetation experiments. The first experiment which was performed in pots dealt with the processes of deposols recultivation by growing grapevine, while the second experiment was set up in the field with the addition of the same fertilizer and soil conditioner as in the first one..

    Does SAQ training improve the speed and flexibility of young soccer players? A randomized controlled trial

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    The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a 12-week speed, agility and quickness (SAQ) training program on speed and flexibility in young soccer players. One hundred and thirty-two soccer players were randomly assigned to experimental (EG; n = 66, MeanĀ±SD: age: 18.5 Ā± 0.4 years (range 17-19 years); body mass: 71.30 Ā± 5.93 kg; stature: 177.2 Ā± 6.5 cm) and control groups (CG; n = 66, MeanĀ±SD: age: 18.6 Ā± 0.6 years (range 17-19 years); body mass: 70.63 Ā± 4.87 kg; stature: 175.9 Ā± 5.7 cm). The experimental group performed SAQ training whilst the control group undertook straight-line sprint training matched for volume and duration. Sprint performance was assessed using 5 m and 10 m sprints and a further test including maximal speed, a 20 m sprint. Flexibility was assessed using sit and reach, V-sit and reach, leg lift from supine position and lateral leg lift while lying on the side tests. Sprints over 5, 10 and 20 m did not differ between groups at baseline, but by week 12, the 5 m sprint had significantly improved (P 0.05) for all flexibility tests were found between experimental and control group at baseline and after the training programmes. Consequently SAQ training was found to be an effective way of improving sprint time for short distances over 5 and 10 m but not over 20 m (where maximum speed was achieved) or flexibility. These results indicate that SAQ training may be more effective for improving sprint performance for some soccer players but more research is required to determine ideal training methods for improving acceleration and flexibility in young soccer players


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    The investigation was carried out in the vineyards of ā€œRadmilovacā€ on the Faculty of Agriculture experimental station, with cv. Sauvignon blanc grafted to the rootstock Berlandieri x Riparia Kober 5BB. The aim of this research was to determine the effects of potassium fertilizer application on the Ca:Mg and K:Mg ratio in soil and vines organs. In this experiment the following treatments were used: control (without fertilization) and treatments with 50, 100 and 150 kg K2O/ha 50% KCl potassium fertilizer. The soil type was eutric cambisol. Treated soil was subjected to the detail agrochemical soil analysis, while the soil samples was collected from the depth of 0-30, 30-60, 60-90 and 90-120 cm. Leaves for analysis were collected in august and shoots after pruning. Potassium and magnesium analysis has been by AAS. The level of available potassium was (11,95-14,15 mg/100g of soil), magnesium (20,2-23,7 mg/100 g of soil) and calcium (354-464 mg/100 g of soil). During the first year, Ca:Mg ratio was 5,8-14,4:1, in the second year 5,4-18,5:1 and at third year 4,9-25,2:1. The K:Mg ratio ranged from 0,08-0,21:1 in the first, 0,13-0,29:1 in the second and 0,11-0,21:1 in the third year of study. The Ca:Mg and K:Mg ratio were mostly influenced by 100 and 150 kg K2O/ha potassium doses. The K:Mg ratio in the leaves and shoots did not change under influence of different potassium fertilizer doses, so that the antagonism between these two elements was not manifested

    Prevalence, clinical characteristics, and predictors of peripheral arterial disease in hemodialysis patients: a cross-sectional study

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    BackgroundPeripheral arterial disease (PAD) is common in patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis, but is frequently underdiagnosed. The risk factors for PAD are well known within the general population, but they differ somewhat in hemodialysis patients. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of PAD and its risk factors in patients on hemodialysis.MethodsThis cross-sectional study included 156 hemodialysis patients. Comorbidities and laboratory parameters were analyzed. Following clinical examinations, the ankle-brachial index was measured in all patients. PAD was diagnosed based on the clinical findings, ankle-brachial index lt 0.9, and PAD symptoms.ResultsPAD was present in 55 of 156 (35.3%; 95% CI, 27.7-42.8%) patients. The patients with PAD were significantly older (6710years vs. 62 +/- 11years, p=0.014), more likely to have diabetes mellitus (p=0.022), and anemia (p=0.042), and had significantly lower serum albumin (p=0.005), total cholesterol (p=0.024), and iron (p=0.004) levels, higher glucose (p=0.002) and C-reactive protein (p lt 0.001) levels, and lower dialysis adequacies (p=0.040) than the patients without PAD. Multivariate analysis showed higher C-reactive protein level (odds ratio [OR], 1.03; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.00-1.06; p=0.030), vascular access by Hickman catheter (OR, 4.66; 95% CI, 1.03-21.0; p=0.045), and symptoms of PAD (OR, 5.20; 95% CI, 2.60-10.4; p lt 0.001) as independent factors associated with PAD in hemodialysis patients.ConclusionThe prevalence of PAD was high among patients with end-stage renal disease on hemodialysis. Symptoms of PAD, higher C-reactive protein levels, and Hickman vascular access were independent predictors of PAD in patients on hemodialysis

    Drugs with the highest drug expenditure in the Republic of Serbia

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    Introduction: The policy concerning drugs represents a concentrated effort to achieve better health outcomes for all, with a particular focus on people's access to and rational use of medications. On the basis of pharmacoeconomic analyses, it is possible to modify established prescribing habits, it is possible to influence the creation of guidelines, development strategy and long-term health care planning. Aim: The aim of the work was to determine drugs with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia, and to compare the results obtained in three consecutive years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also, to analyze which are the most expensive medications listed in the National Register of Medications and what is the trend of changing them. Material and methods: The drug expenditure was monitored using the ATC/DDD methodology. It implies the classification of medications according to the internationally accepted ATC classification of drugs, while DDD, i.e. defined daily dose, is used as a statistical unit for consumption monitoring. The number of DDD/1,000 inhabitants per day provides an insight into how many inhabitants (out of 1,000 of them) used the observed medication and were exposed to its effects during one day. Results: The trend of expenditure of these medications was growing exponentially from 2016 to 2018. The most expensive medications per box are from group J - anti-infective drugs for systemic use and L - antineoplastics and immunomodulators, but their expenditure in the Republic of Serbia is very low. The drugs with the highest price per 1 DDD are: enzymes imiglucerase, laronidase and the biological medication basiliximab in all three years, but considering the indications and rare prescribing, the total cost for these drugs is not high. The largest funds in the Republic of Serbia for the mentioned period were spent on drugs such as: acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol in combinations, trastuzumab, pantoprazole, amlodipine and rosuvastatin. Comparing the spending on L group of drugs in 2017 compared to 2016, there was a significant increase. Conclusion: The medications with the highest expenditure in the Republic of Serbia are used very little compared to countries with good pharmacotherapy practice. The most expensive drugs are those that are used for special and rare indications, and large amounts of money are not allocated for them as for some cheaper, but more frequently prescribed drugs

    Structured headache services as the solution to the ill-health burden of headache: 1. Rationale and description

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    In countries where headache services exist at all, their focus is usually on specialist (tertiary) care. This is clinically and economically inappropriate: most headache disorders can effectively and more efficiently (and at lower cost) be treated in educationally supported primary care. At the same time, compartmentalizing divisions between primary, secondary and tertiary care in many health-care systems create multiple inefficiencies, confronting patients attempting to navigate these levels (the ā€œpatient journeyā€) with perplexing obstacles. High demand for headache care, estimated here in a needs-assessment exercise, is the biggest of the challenges to reform. It is also the principal reason why reform is necessary. The structured headache services model presented here by experts from all world regions on behalf of the Global Campaign against Headache is the suggested health-care solution to headache. It develops and refines previous proposals, responding to the challenge of high demand by basing headache services in primary care, with two supporting arguments. First, only primary care can deliver headache services equitably to the large numbers of people needing it. Second, with educational supports, they can do so effectively to most of these people. The model calls for vertical integration between care levels (primary, secondary and tertiary), and protection of the more advanced levels for the minority of patients who need them. At the same time, it is amenable to horizontal integration with other care services. It is adaptable according to the broader national or regional health services in which headache services should be embedded. It is, according to evidence and argument presented, an efficient and cost-effective model, but these are claims to be tested in formal economic analyses

    The politics of performance: transnationalism and its limits in former Yugoslav popular music, 1999ā€“2004

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    This paper examines transnational relations between the Yugoslav successor states from the point of view of popular music, and demonstrates how transnational musical figures (such as Djordje BalaŔevi?, Mom?ilo Bajagi?-Bajaga and Ceca Ražnatovi?) are interpreted as symbolic reference points in national ethnopolitical discourse in the process of identity construction. Another symbolic function is served by Serbian turbofolk artists, who in Croatia serve as a cultural resource to distance oneself from a musical genre associated by many urban Croats with the ruralization (and Herzegovinization) of Croatian city space. In addition, value judgements associated with both Serbian and Croatian newly composed folk music provide an insight into the transnational negotiation of conflicting identities in the ex-Yugoslav context. Ultimately the paper shows how the ethnonational boundaries established by nationalizing ideologies created separate cultural spaces which themselves have been transnationalized after Yugoslavia's disintegration
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