2,058 research outputs found

    Growing length and time scales in a suspension of athermal particles

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    We simulate a relaxation process of non-brownian particles in a sheared viscous medium; the small shear strain is initially applied to a system, which then undergoes relaxation. The relaxation time and the correlation length are estimated as functions of density, which algebraically diverge at the jamming density. This implies that the relaxation time can be scaled by the correlation length using the dynamic critical exponent, which is estimated as 4.6(2). It is also found that shear stress undergoes power-law decay at the jamming density, which is reminiscent of critical slowing down

    Astrophysical Condition on the attolensing as a possible probe for a modified gravity theory

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    We investigate the wave effect in the gravitational lensing by a black hole with very tiny mass less than 10^-19 solar mass, which is called attolensing, motivated by a recent report that the lensing signature might be a possible probe of a modified gravity theory in the braneworld scenario. We focus on the finite source size effect and the effect of the relative motion of the source to the lens, which are influential to the wave effect in the attolensing. Astrophysical condition that the lensed interference signature can be a probe of the modified gravity theory is demonstrated. The interference signature in the microlensing system is also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in IJMP

    Novel Extrapolation Method in the Monte Carlo Shell Model

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    We propose an extrapolation method utilizing energy variance in the Monte Carlo shell model in order to estimate the energy eigenvalue and observables accurately. We derive a formula for the energy variance with deformed Slater determinants, which enables us to calculate the energy variance efficiently. The feasibility of the method is demonstrated for the full pfpf-shell calculation of 56^{56}Ni, and the applicability of the method to a system beyond current limit of exact diagonalization is shown for the pfpf+g9/2g_{9/2}-shell calculation of 64^{64}Ge.Comment: 4 pages, 4figure

    Forecasting the Cosmological Constraints with Anisotropic Baryon Acoustic Oscillations from Multipole Expansion

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    Baryon acoustic oscillations (BAOs) imprinted in the galaxy power spectrum can be used as a standard ruler to determine angular diameter distance and Hubble parameter at high redshift galaxies. Combining redshift distortion effect which apparently distorts the galaxy clustering pattern, we can also constrain the growth rate of large-scale structure formation. Usually, future forecast for constraining these parameters from galaxy redshift surveys has been made with a full 2D power spectrum characterized as function of wavenumber kk and directional cosine μ\mu between line-of-sight direction and wave vector, i.e., P(k,μ)P(k,\mu). Here, we apply the multipole expansion to the full 2D power spectrum, and discuss how much cosmological information can be extracted from the lower-multipole spectra, taking a proper account of the non-linear effects on gravitational clustering and redshift distortion. The Fisher matrix analysis reveals that compared to the analysis with full 2D spectrum, a partial information from the monopole and quadrupole spectra generally degrades the constraints by a factor of 1.3\sim1.3 for each parameter. The additional information from the hexadecapole spectrum helps to improve the constraints, which lead to an almost comparable result expected from the full 2D spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Shape-invariant potentials and an associated coherent state

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    An algebraic treatment of shape-invariant potentials in supersymmetric quantum mechanics is discussed. By introducing an operator which reparametrizes wave functions, the shape-invariance condition can be related to a oscillator-like algebra. It makes possible to define a coherent state associated with the shape-invariant potentials. For a large class of such potentials, it is shown that the introduced coherent state has the property of resolution of unity.Comment: 11 pages + 1 figure (not included),Plain Tex YITP/K-1019, RCNP-05

    Thermally Assisted Penetration and Exclusion of Single Vortex in Mesoscopic Superconductors

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    A single vortex overcoming the surface barrier in a mesoscopic superconductor with lateral dimensions of several coherence lengths and thickness of several nanometers provides an ideal platform to study thermal activation of a single vortex. In the presence of thermal fluctuations, there is non-zero probability for vortex penetration into or exclusion from the superconductor even when the surface barrier does not vanish. We consider the thermal activation of a single vortex in a mesoscopic superconducting disk of circular shape. To obtain statistics for the penetration and exclusion magnetic fields, slow and periodic magnetic fields are applied to the superconductor. We calculate the distribution of the penetration and exclusion fields from the thermal activation rate. This distribution can also be measured experimentally, which allows for a quantitative comparison.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Void-induced cross slip of screw dislocations in fcc copper

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    Pinning interaction between a screw dislocation and a void in fcc copper is investigated by means of molecular dynamics simulation. A screw dislocation bows out to undergo depinning on the original glide plane at low temperatures, where the behavior of the depinning stress is consistent with that obtained by a continuum model. If the temperature is higher than 300 K, the motion of a screw dislocation is no longer restricted to a single glide plane due to cross slip on the void surface. Several depinning mechanisms that involve multiple glide planes are found. In particular, a depinning mechanism that produces an intrinsic prismatic loop is found. We show that these complex depinning mechanisms significantly increase the depinning stress

    Radial Bargmann representation for the Fock space of type B

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    Let να,q\nu_{\alpha,q} be the probability and orthogonality measure for the qq-Meixner-Pollaczek orthogonal polynomials, which has appeared in \cite{BEH15} as the distribution of the (α,q)(\alpha,q)-Gaussian process (the Gaussian process of type B) over the (α,q)(\alpha,q)-Fock space (the Fock space of type B). The main purpose of this paper is to find the radial Bargmann representation of να,q\nu_{\alpha,q}. Our main results cover not only the representation of qq-Gaussian distribution by \cite{LM95}, but also of q2q^2-Gaussian and symmetric free Meixner distributions on R\mathbb R. In addition, non-trivial commutation relations satisfied by (α,q)(\alpha,q)-operators are presented.Comment: 13 pages, minor changes have been mad

    Can distributed delays perfectly stabilize dynamical networks?

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    Signal transmission delays tend to destabilize dynamical networks leading to oscillation, but their dispersion contributes oppositely toward stabilization. We analyze an integro-differential equation that describes the collective dynamics of a neural network with distributed signal delays. With the gamma distributed delays less dispersed than exponential distribution, the system exhibits reentrant phenomena, in which the stability is once lost but then recovered as the mean delay is increased. With delays dispersed more highly than exponential, the system never destabilizes.Comment: 4pages 5figure

    Energy dissipation and violation of the fluctuation-response relation in non-equilibrium Langevin systems

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    The fluctuation-response relation is a fundamental relation that is applicable to systems near equilibrium. On the other hand, when a system is driven far from equilibrium, this relation is violated in general because the detailed-balance condition is not satisfied in nonequilibrium systems. Even in this case, it has been found that for a class of Langevin equations, there exists an equality between the extent of violation of the fluctuation-response relation in the nonequilibrium steady state and the rate of energy dissipation from the system into the environment [T. Harada and S. -i. Sasa, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 130602 (2005)]. Since this equality involves only experimentally measurable quantities, it serves as a proposition to determine experimentally whether the system can be described by a Langevin equation. Furthermore, the contribution of each degree of freedom to the rate of energy dissipation can be determined based on this equality. In this paper, we present a comprehensive description on this equality, and provide a detailed derivation for various types of models including many-body systems, Brownian motor models, time-dependent systems, and systems with multiple heat reservoirs.Comment: 18 pages, submitted to Phys. Rev.