86 research outputs found

    Substantiation of conditions of formation in junior preschoolers’ positive attitude towards the preschool institution at the stage of adaptation

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    У статті розглядається важливість тісного взаємозв'язку між сім'єю та інститутом дошкільної освіти з метою створення для кожної дитини єдиного освітнього середовища, спрямованого на розвиток особистості дитини. Автор стверджує, що закономірності майбутнього життя дітей формуються під впливом батьків та інших близьких родичів.В статье рассматривается значение тесной взаимосвязи между семьей и институтом дошкольного образования, чтобы создать для каждого ребенка единую образовательную среду, направленную на развитие личности ребенка. Автор утверждает, что закономерности будущей жизни детей формируются под влиянием родителей и других близких родственников.The article deals with the significance of a close relationship between family and institution of preschool education in order to create for each child a single educational environment aimed at the development of the child’s personality. The author claims that the patterns of children’s future life are formed under the influence of parents and other close relatives

    Design performance as a way of increasing professionalism of teacher

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    This article discusses the structure and content of pedagogical designing teacher performance in physical culture and revealed aspects of pedagogical designing sports and recreation activities teacher professional educational organizationsРассматриваются структура и содержание педагогического проектирования работоспособности педагога по физической культуре, а также раскрываются аспекты педагогического проектирования физкультурно-оздоровительной работы педагога профессиональной образовательной организаци

    Статистический анализ результатов измерения скоростей ветра

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    Проведено статистичний аналіз вимірів швидкості вітру в м. Києві за допомогою диференціального розподілу та статистичною функцією Вейбулла. Встановлено переважні напрями руху вітру протягом року та за сезонами. Визначена залежність питомої потужності виробництва вітрової енергії від повторюваності швидкості вітру.One way of research activity in the wind’s energy field is correct assessing of wind’s energy potential. Today is increasing the necessity of identifying the most perspective places for generate wind electricity, considering main feature of wind power – the unevenness of manifestation in time and space, which based on the frequency and direction repetition of wind. Objective of the study is determination the repeatability of wind speed and direction, which based on measurement of wind speed in Kyiv in 2013. Was performed a statistical analysis of wind speed measurements in Kiev using a differential distribution and Weibull statistical function. Were established preferred directions of the wind during the year and seasons. Was performed relation between power density production of wind energy and wind speed recurrence. The predominant wind directions for Kyiv in 2013 were north and west in the summer and southeast in winter. Dominant annual wind direction is south with probability 0.08, north and west with probability 0.1. The most probable wind speed for southerly direction is 3 m / s, for the north – 3 m / s, and for West – 2 m / s.Проведен статистический анализ измерений скорости ветра в г. Киеве с помощью дифференциального распределения и статистической функции Вейбулла. Установлены преимущественные направления движения ветра в течение года и по сезонам. Определена зависимость удельной мощности выработки ветровой энергии от повторяемости скорости ветра

    Unitarized Chiral Perturbation Theory in a finite volume: scalar meson sector

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    We develop a scheme for the extraction of the properties of the scalar mesons f0(600), f0(980), and a0(980) from lattice QCD data. This scheme is based on a two-channel chiral unitary approach with fully relativistic propagators in a finite volume. In order to discuss the feasibility of finding the mass and width of the scalar resonances, we analyze synthetic lattice data with a fixed error assigned, and show that the framework can be indeed used for an accurate determination of resonance pole positions in the multi-channel scattering.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    The place and role of «Modern scientific sight to the world» discipline in the system of higher professional medical education

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    This paper addresses the aspects of a new educational paradigm application in the institute of higher medical education by means of the Modern scientific sight to the world discipline. The teaching forms the top life priorities of students, and it solves worldview problems in the interests of nature and human harmonious coexistence.Рассмотрены аспекты реализации новой образовательной парадигмы в медицинском вузе посредством дисциплины «Современная научная картина мира». Преподавание направлено на формирование у студентов высших жизненных приоритетов личности и решение мировоззренческих проблем в интересах гармоничного сосуществования природы и человека

    Approximation of fractional Brownian motion by martingales

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    We study the problem of optimal approximation of a fractional Brownian motion by martingales. We prove that there exist a unique martingale closest to fractional Brownian motion in a specific sense. It shown that this martingale has a specific form. Numerical results concerning the approximation problem are given

    P-wave excited baryons from pion- and photo-induced hyperon production

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    We report evidence for N(1710)P11N(1710)P_{11}, N(1875)P11N(1875)P_{11}, N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13}, Δ(1600)P33\Delta(1600)P_{33}, Δ(1910)P31\Delta(1910)P_{31}, and Δ(1920)P33\Delta(1920)P_{33}, and find indications that N(1900)P13N(1900)P_{13} might have a companion state at 1970\,MeV. The controversial Δ(1750)P31\Delta(1750)P_{31} is not seen. The evidence is derived from a study of data on pion- and photo-induced hyperon production, but other data are included as well. Most of the resonances reported here were found in the Karlsruhe-Helsinki (KH84) and the Carnegie-Mellon (CM) analyses but were challenged recently by the Data Analysis Center at GWU. Our analysis is constrained by the energy independent πN\pi N scattering amplitudes from either KH84 or GWU. The two πN\pi N amplitudes from KH84 or GWU, respectively, lead to slightly different πN\pi N branching ratios of contributing resonances but the debated resonances are required in both series of fits.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figures. Some additional sets of data are adde

    Polarization observables in the reaction NNNNΦNN \to NN \Phi

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    We study the reaction NNNNΦNN \to NN \Phi slightly above the threshold within an extended one-boson exchange model which also accounts for uuduud knock-out. It is shown that polarization observables, like the beam-target asymmetry, are sensible quantities for identifying a ssˉs \bar s admixture in the nucleon wave function on the few per cent level.Comment: 11 LaTeX pages including 4 ps figure