120 research outputs found


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    Labelling — the final stage of production, which determines its characteristics and properties. In addition to the main regulated elements of labeling, information about the product distinctive features can be applied to the label, which can influence the potential consumer choice. Complete and reliable information allows not only to identify the product, but also to prevent possible consumer deception. Information falsification is one of the most common ways of misleading consumers.There are several types of marking: consumer, warning, conformity, environmental and special protective. In order to protect the consumer from information falsification for food products, clear rules for marking for mandatory application have been developed, established in the technical regulations of the Customs Union 022/2011 «Food products in terms of its marking» and technical regulations for certain types of products (industry products features). In recent years, the organic products production is actively developing, the requirements for which in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are at the design stage. Organic production is based on the principles of environmental friendliness and humanity, as well as the prohibition of the use of means of production intensification (chemical fertilizers, chemotherapy drugs, artificial food additives, etc.). To control the implementation of these requirements, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of the production of the product «from the field to the counter», which can be carried out only by highly qualified experts. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements is a organic products sign. In world practice, there are several types of eco-labels. The essence of the developed interdisciplinary approach is a comprehensive application of mandatory and voluntary requirements for the organic food products labeling.Labelling — the final stage of production, which determines its characteristics and properties. In addition to the main regulated elements of labeling, information about the product distinctive features can be applied to the label, which can influence the potential consumer choice. Complete and reliable information allows not only to identify the product, but also to prevent possible consumer deception. Information falsification is one of the most common ways of misleading consumers.There are several types of marking: consumer, warning, conformity, environmental and special protective. In order to protect the consumer from information falsification for food products, clear rules for marking for mandatory application have been developed, established in the technical regulations of the Customs Union 022/2011 «Food products in terms of its marking» and technical regulations for certain types of products (industry products features). In recent years, the organic products production is actively developing, the requirements for which in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EEU) are at the design stage. Organic production is based on the principles of environmental friendliness and humanity, as well as the prohibition of the use of means of production intensification (chemical fertilizers, chemotherapy drugs, artificial food additives, etc.). To control the implementation of these requirements, it is necessary to conduct a full analysis of the production of the product «from the field to the counter», which can be carried out only by highly qualified experts. Confirmation of compliance with the requirements is a organic products sign. In world practice, there are several types of eco-labels. The essence of the developed interdisciplinary approach is a comprehensive application of mandatory and voluntary requirements for the organic food products labeling

    XPS/ToF-SIMS Characterization of TiO₂ Supported Au Nanoparticles: Effect of Catalytic CO Oxidation

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    С помощью рентгеновской фотоэлектронной спектроскопии (РФЭС) и времяпролётной вторично-ионной масс-спектрометрии (ВП-ВИМС) проведено сравнительное исследование состава поверхности и электронной структуры катализатора Au/TiO₂ в свежеприготовленном состоянии и после его использования в реакции окисления CO при комнатной температуре.За допомогою рентґенівської фотоелектронної спектроскопії (РФЕС) та часопролітної вторинно-іонної мас-спектрометрії (ЧП-ВІМС) проведено порівняльне дослідження складу поверхні й електронної структури каталізатора Au/TiO₂ у свіжоприготованому стані та після його використання у реакції окиснення CO за кімнатної температури.X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) are employed for a comparative study of the surface composition and electronic structure of an Au/TiO₂ catalyst in the asprepared state and after using it in the reaction of CO oxidation at room temperature

    Выражение статуса человека через анималистическую метафору

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    В статье рассматривается выражение статуса человека через обращение к животным.The article deals with expression of the status of a person through comparison with animals

    Управление психофизической готовностью курсантов-спортсменов юридических вузов

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    Introduction. Student athletes should be involved in assessment and self-assessment of psychophysical conditions. These psychophysical conditions reflect their physiological status, functional stability, and physical readiness that contribute to taking care of health, physical improvement, adhering to regulations of the institute of higher education, and changing the lifestyle in accordance with the objectives. The lack of scientific knowledge on self-assessment of psychophysical conditions is a problem for effective managing student athletes’ sports training. Such a work helps to maintain student athletes’ psychophysical readiness for competitive activities during their studies at a law institute of higher education. The novelty of the study lies in student athletes’ training in managing their psychophysical conditions after their self-assessment. Materials and Methods. Student athletes had to master the information on the criteria of health. The study employed the assessing program which included a number of control exercises, functional trials, tests, tasks, and computational methods. These were the methods for assessing the functional state of the cardiovascular system, respiratory system, physical development, and anthropometric data. Taken together these parameters reflected their psychophysical condition. The efficiency of managing the process of education and training depended on the following: (a) control activities; (b) knowledge differentiation and specialization; (c) optimal solutions; (d) associations between substantive and procedural aspects of measured indicators. This promotes student athletes’ motivation for conscious control and strategic self-regulation of psychophysical conditions. Results. During the experiment student athletes have changed the common knowledge of their body functioning. Study participants studied how to manage their psychophysical conditions on the basis of profound knowledge, individual experience of measuring and interpreting the results of control exercises, functional trials, and computational methods. Methods of self-control contribute to revealing the cause and effect relationship, prediction, revealing weak link, choosing of solutions, drafting individual training programs, predicting diseases and injuries, and the coach – athlete interaction at a high-level subject relationship. Discussion. Thus, the practical mastering the methods of self-assessment of conditions contributed to effective managing the process of education and training, and also competitive activities.Введение. В статье раскрывается необходимость включенности курсантов-спортсменов юридического вуза в процесс оценки и самооценки психофизических состояний, отражающих их физиологический статус, функциональную устойчивость и физическую подготовленность, которые обеспечивают заботу о своем здоровье и направлены на физическое совершенствование, соблюдение распорядка дня, принятого в учебном заведении, изменение образа жизни в соответствии с поставленными целями. Авторы подчеркивают, что отсутствие научных знаний и интерпретации самооценки психофизических состояний не способствует эффективному процессу управления спортивной подготовкой курсантов-спортсменов. Предполагалось, что такая работа позволяет поддерживать должную психофизическую готовность курсанта-спортсмена к соревновательной деятельности в условиях обучения в юридическом вузе. Методы и организация исследования. Курсантам-спортсменам предлагалось практически освоить информацию о критериях здоровья; использовалась программа оценки на основе ряда контрольных упражнений, функциональных проб, тестов, заданий и расчетных методов: оценки функционального статуса системы кровообращения, системы дыхания, физического развития и оценки антропометрических данных, в совокупности отражающих их психофизические состояния. Новизна исследования заключена в обучении курсантов-спортсменов умениям управлять своими психофизическими состояниями по результатам их самооценки. Подчеркивается, что эффективность управления учебно-тренировочным процессом детерминируется сформированностью действий контроля, дифференциацией и специализацией знаний, выбором оптимальных решений, установкой связей между содержательной и процессуальной сторонами измеряемых показателей. Это обеспечит мотивацию к осознанному контролю, переходу к стратегическому уровню саморегуляции психофизических состояний курсантами-спортсменами. Результаты. Выявлено, что курсанты-спортсмены за период участия в эксперименте от бытовых знаний о функционировании своего организма перешли к управлению психофизическими состояниями на основе углубленного получения знаний, приобретения индивидуального опыта измерения и интерпретации результатов по данным контрольных упражнений, функциональных проб и расчетных методов. Опора на методы самоконтроля способствует выявлению причинно-следственных связей, прогнозированию, выявлению слабых звеньев, выбору решений, составлению индивидуальных учебно-тренировочных программ, прогнозированию риска возникновения заболеваний и получения травм, обеспечению взаимодействия в системе «тренер – спортсмен» на более высоком уровне субъектных отношений. Обсуждение результатов. Полученные данные позволяют констатировать, что практическое освоение методов самооценки состояний способствовало эффективности управления учебно-тренировочным процессом и соревновательной деятельностью


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    The problematic issues related to investment processes in the real estate market, based on modern tools of project financing, have been considered. The Russian experience of taxation of investment entities in the Russian Federation, the experience of private-public partnership in the process of investing in real estate objects, have been studied, the problems of using project financing by real estate market entities in the conditions of digitalization have been identified. The directions of improvement of financial, economic, social and legal aspects of state regulation of project financing have been proposed in order to ensure a balance of interests of various economic entities, which as States, firms and households are considered. Modern models of real estate financing by the banking sector have been reviewed

    Transplantation of an alpine Carex-fen – a mitigation measure related to the construction of a reservoir in the Austrian Alps

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    Translocations are applied in the context of infrastructure projects to preserve certain vegetation types. Within the EIA of a large hydropower project in the Austrian Alps, manifold mitigation measures were defined. Among those, the transplantation of about 1.4 ha Carex-fen at an altitude of about 2000 m was defined. One year before the start of the construction works in 2021, basic infrastructure (roads) was established and different ecological measures were undertaken, e.g. translocation of amphibians to newly constructed habitats as well as the transplantation of the Carex-fen. The turf was cut from the initial area with an adjusted excavator shovel, delivered to a wheel loader which brought each single turf immediately to the target area, where another excavator mounted the turf in a pre-arranged area. At the donor site more than ½ of the area was based on wet gley, while especially areas in the vicinity of the river were based on fluvial gravel. With the 30 to 70 cm thick turfs also animals, e.g. Odonata, were transferred. Before the translocation a monitoring of the donor sites was carried out. The monitoring concept foresees a detailed monitoring of the newly established sites for 10 years. Herein we provide insights in the applied technology and summarize first results of the monitoring. Overall, our project is unique regarding the vegetation type, the technology, the size and the intensity of monitoring

    Formation of Linguistic Competence of Junior Pupils in the Context of Education Integration

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    В статье рассматривается формирование языковой компетенции в условиях интегрирования начального языкового образования путем изучения русского и английского языков.The article suggests an authored conception of formation of linguistic competence in the context of integration of the primary linguistic education through a comparative analysis of Russian and English, which is in linewith the natural mechanisms of the development of linguistic competence as a cognitive-representative psychological structure. Such an approach helps to substantiate the components of linguistic competence and the typology of the corresponding educational language tasks aimed at their formation. The study models the corresponding educational system comprising the target, substantive-procedural, evaluative and effective components

    Effect of Bacillus pumilus ribonuclease on the paramagnetic centers of microbial cells

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    The potential clinical application of Bacillus pumilus cytotoxic ribonuclease (binase) for selectively inducing the death of tumor cells makes it imperative to investigate its effect on the normal human microflora. Flow cytometry was used to determine that binase concentration causing the apoptosis of cancer cells had no effect of the viability of Escherichia coli K12. The changes in the paramagnetic centers of E. coli K12 cells in the presence of nontoxic binase concentrations revealed by EPR spectroscopy included higher EPR signals from iron-containing proteins (including those from the Fe-S clusters) and of the Mn(II) hyperfine structure. The TMTH spin probe (N-(1-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine-4-il)-2-methylpropanamide hydrochloride) was used to reveal a twofold increase in the levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in the cells, which induced oxidative stress in the enzyme-treated bacteria. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry revealed elevated contents of alkaline (Li, Na, K), alkali earth (Mg, Ca), transition (Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn), and post-transition metals (Bi, Pb) in the cells. Elevated levels of Cu and Zn (which impair the activity of the respiratory chain enzymes) and of Mn, which is known as a superoxide dismutase cofactor, confirmed development of the oxidative stress in bacteria. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Ltd