2,526 research outputs found

    Spontaneous oscillations due to solutal Marangoni instability : air/water interface

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    Two-step percolation in aggregating systems

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    The two-step percolation behavior in aggregating systems was studied both experimentally and by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations. In experimental studies, the electrical conductivity, σ\sigma, of colloidal suspension of multiwalled carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in decane was measured. The suspension was submitted to mechanical de-liquoring in a planar filtration-compression conductometric cell. During de-liquoring, the distance between the measuring electrodes continuously decreased and the CNT volume fraction φ\varphi continuously increased (from 10310^{-3} up to 0.3\approx 0.3% v/v). The two percolation thresholds at φ1103\varphi_{1}\lesssim 10^{-3} and φ2102\varphi_{2}\approx 10^{-2} can reflect the interpenetration of loose CNT aggregates and percolation across the compact conducting aggregates, respectively. The MC computational model accounted for the core-shell structure of conducting particles or their aggregates, the tendency of a particle for aggregation, the formation of solvation shells, and the elongated geometry of the conductometric cell. The MC studies revealed two smoothed percolation transitions in σ(φ)\sigma(\varphi) dependencies that correspond to the percolation through the shells and cores, respectively. The data demonstrated a noticeable impact of particle aggregation on anisotropy in electrical conductivity σ(φ)\sigma(\varphi) measured along different directions in the conductometric cell.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    ПУНКТУАЦІЙНА ГРАМОТНІСТЬ ЯК СКЛАДОВА ФОРМУВАННЯ МОВНОЇ ОСОБИСТОСТІ (THe Punctuation literacy as a part of linguistic personality formation)

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    У статті розглянуто теоретичні основи навчання пунктуації, розкрито її значення для формування мовної особистості учнів середніх класів, проаналізовано комунікативний підхід до формування пунктуаційних умінь і навичок. Велику увагу приділено побудові системи вправ, яка б відповідала меті й завданням навчання мови: роботі з текстом, конструюванню діалогів, використанню лінгвістичних казок, алгоритмів, граматикостилістичних і творчих вправ. (In the article theoretical bases are examined to teaching of punctuation, its value for forming of linguistic personality of studying middle classes, communicative approach to forming of punctuation abilities and skills opens up. Large attention is spared to construction of the system of exercises, that would answer a purpose and tasks of teaching to the language: to work with a text, constructing of dialogs, use of linguistic fairy-tales, algorithms, exercises grammatical-stylistic and creative.

    Optical Properties of atmospheric dust from twilight observations

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    Three methods of approximation are described and used to separate the primary twilight brightness from the observed brightness. Photoelectric observations obtained are combined with observations from a balloon and from the observatory to derive the atmospheric scattering phase functions of 0.37 micron and 0.58 micron as a function of height. Comparison of these data with data for a Rayleigh atmosphere provide information on the optical properties of dust in the upper atmosphere

    Комунікативна культура як умова вдосконалення професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців у ВНЗ

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    Комунікативна культура як умова вдосконалення професійної підготовки майбутніх фахівців у ВНЗУ статті розглянуто структуру комунікативної культури майбутнього вчителя; виокремлено комунікацію як інформаційний процес, а спілкування як міжсуб’єктну взаємодію між комунікантами; зазначено види спілкування; визначений зв’язок понять «комунікація» і «культура», обґрунтовано структуру комунікативної культури майбутнього вчителя: знання комунікативних норм і правил; знання індивідуальних особливостей учня; знання вчителем власних комунікативних особливостей; уміння володіти комунікативною ситуацією; ставлення до учня як до цінності; комунікативний ідеал. (Іn the article the structure of the communicative culture of future teachers; singled out as an information communication process and communication as mizhsub’yektnu interaction; these types of communication; the connection of the concepts of «communication» and «culture», grounded structure communicative culture of the future teacher: knowledge of communication standards and regulations (moral, ethical norms, customs and cultural traditions of society and others. clearly shows the change in the system of rules and regulations of pedagogical communication arising from the concept of «pedagogical cycle»). Knowledge of the individual characteristics of the pupil: teacher component of communicative culture is the knowledge of the characteristics and properties of the individual student. Knowledge of the teacher’s own communication features: the ability to see themselves through the eyes of others, objectively evaluate their pedahohychni features, in a timely manner to correct the behavior and attitude – extraordinarily important for the teacher. The ability to have a communicative situation that arises in the interaction with students. Relationship to the student as to values characterized by the following aspects: a cognitive aspect, emotional aspect, behavioral aspect. Communicative ideal that determines the way of thinking and human activity. The ideal is the following: in terms of scientific logic – a system of ideas, an idealized object of consideration, the imaginary construction that serves as a means of knowledge in research activities; practical ideal – a concrete image of an idealized object of any person or group of persons is built according to life experiences, tastes and needs of the individual.

    ПРОБЛЕМА ДОБРА І ЗЛА В КОНТЕКСТІ ГЛОБАЛІЗАЦІЇ ( Problem of good and evil in the context of globalization)

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    Ця стаття розгляне аспекти співпраці між церквами та державою в поширенні вчення в Англії та Вельсі як запрошення до співпраці, вивчення та діалогу (This paper will consider aspects of the partnership between the churches and the state in the provision of schooling in England and Wales. Inevitably in a paper of this length the consideration can only be introductory and should be understood as an invitation to further study and dialogue

    The swiss army knife of job submission tools: grid-control

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    Grid-control is a lightweight and highly portable open source submission tool that supports virtually all workflows in high energy physics (HEP). Since 2007 it has been used by a sizeable number of HEP analyses to process tasks that sometimes consist of up 100k jobs. grid-control is built around a powerful plugin and configuration system, that allows users to easily specify all aspects of the desired workflow. Job submission to a wide range of local or remote batch systems or grid middleware is supported. Tasks can be conveniently specified through the parameter space that will be processed, which can consist of any number of variables and data sources with complex dependencies on each other. Dataset information is processed through a configurable pipeline of dataset filters, partition plugins and partition filters. The partition plugins can take the number of files, size of the work units, metadata or combinations thereof into account. All changes to the input datasets or variables are propagated through the processing pipeline and can transparently trigger adjustments to the parameter space and the job submission. While the core functionality is completely experiment independent, integration with the CMS computing environment is provided by a small set of plugins.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, Proceedings for the 22nd International Conference on Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physic