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    Обґрунтування параметрів зберігання напою кисломолочного дитячого харчування "Біолакт"

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    Changes in the quality indicators of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» characterized by high probiotic and immunomodulatory properties and low allergic effect that were made according to the improved technology and stored in sealed-off containers at temperature (4±2) ºС during 28 days have been studied: organoleptic properties of taste and odour, consistency and appearance; physical and chemical properties – titrated acidity, ºТ; active acidity, pH units; moisture retention property, %; microbiological properties – number of living cells of mixed cultures B. bifidum 1 + B. longum Ya3 + B. infantis 512, CFU/cm³; the most probable number of living cells of monocultures L. acidophilus La-5, CFU/cm³; presence of coli form bacteria in 0.3 cm³; presence of Salmonella in 50 cm3; biochemical properties – antioxidant activity, activity units; and maximum possible content of malondialdehyde at complete oxidation of the product ingredients, mg/100 g. It is proved that under indicated conditions in the course of 24 days the studied samples of target products possess high organoleptic and standardized for sour-milk infant drinks physical, chemical, biochemical and microbiological indicators and are, also, characterized by high content of probiotics: (0.43 – 8.60)∙109 and (0.25 – 1.10)∙109 CFU/cm3 of living cells of bifidus bacteria and lactobacilli, accordingly. It has been established that the limit storage period of sour-milk infant drink «Biolakt» produced according to the improved technology and stored at temperature (4±2) ºС should not exceed 12 days with due account of the safety margin for sour-milk infant drinks (provided they are kept in sealed-off containers). It has been proved that the target product formulas should include lactulose, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 FT EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark), vitamin complex FT 041081EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark) and/or complex of mineral substances FT 042836EU of «Fortitech» company (Denmark).Досліджено зміну показників якості напоїв кисломолочних дитячого харчування «Біолакт» з підвищеними пробіотичними й імуномодулюючими властивостями та зниженим алергенним ефектом, вироблених за удосконаленою технологією, при зберіганні у герметичній тарі за температури (4±2) ºС протягом 28 діб: органолептичних – смаку та запаху, кольору, консистенції та зовнішнього вигляду; фізико-хімічних – титрованої кислотності, ºТ; активної кислотності, од. рН; вологоутримуючої здатності, %; мікробіологічних – кількості життєздатних клітин змішаних культур B. bifidum 1 + B. longum Я3 + B. infantis 512, КУО/см³; найбільш вірогідне число життєздатних клітин монокультур L. acidophilus La-5, КУО/см3; наявності бактерій групи кишкових паличок у 0,3 см³; наявності Salmonella у 50 см³; біохімічних – антиоксидантної активності, од. акт.; максимально можливого вмісту малонового діальдегіду при повному окисненні інгредієнтів продукту, мг/100 г. Показано, що при зазначених умовах протягом 24 діб досліджені зразки цільових продуктів мають високі органолептичні, нормовані для кисломолочних напоїв дитячого харчування фізико-хімічні, біохімічні та мікробіологічні, показники, а також характеризуються високим вмістом пробіотиків: (0,43 – 8,60)∙109 та (0,25 –1,10)∙109 КУО/см3 життєздатних клітин біфідобактерій та лактобацил, відповідно. Встановлено, що граничний термін зберігання напоїв кисломолочних дитячого харчування «Біолакт», вироблених за удосконаленою технологією, за температури (4±2) °С не повинен перевищувати 12 діб із врахуванням коефіцієнту запасу для кисломолочних продуктів дитячого харчування (за умови зберігання у герметичній тарі). Доведено, що рецептури цільових продуктів повинні включати лактулозу, поліненасичені жирні кислоти омега-3 FT EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія), комплекс вітамінів FT 041081EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія) та/або комплекс мінеральних речовин FT 042836EU фірми «Fortitech» (Данія)

    New Limit for the Half-Life of 2K(2neutrino)-Capture Decay Mode of 78Kr

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    Features of data accumulated at 1817 hours in the experimental search for 2K(2 \nu)-capture decay mode of Kr-78 are discussed. The new limit for this decay half-life is found to be T_{1/2} > 2.3 *10^{20} yr. (90% C.L.).Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. of Atom. Nuc

    Applying mesh conformation on shape analysis with missing data

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    A mesh conformation approach that makes use of deformable generic meshes has been applied to establishing correspondences between 3D shapes with missing data. Given a group of shapes with correspondences, we can build up a statistical shape model by applying principal component analysis (PCA). The conformation at first globally maps the generic mesh to the 3D shape based on manually located corresponding landmarks, and then locally deforms the generic mesh to clone the 3D shape. The local deformation is constrained by minimizing the energy of an elastic model. An algorithm was also embedded in the conformation process to fill missing surface data of the shapes. Using synthetic data, we demonstrate that the conformation preserves the configuration of the generic mesh and hence it helps to establish good correspondences for shape analysis. Case studies of the principal component analysis of shapes were presented to illustrate the successes and advantages of our approach

    Effect Of Drying Conditions On The Micronutrient Content Of Five Leafy Vegetables Of Eastern Nigeria

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    The effect of sun and oven drying at 100°C on the micronutrient composition of five selected 'lesser known' leafy vegetables of Eastern Nigeria was investigated. The vegetables are Ipomea batatas (potato leaf), Pterocarpus santolinoides (uturukpa leaf), Zanthoxylium zanthoxyloides (nka leaf), Pterocarpus mildbreadii (oha leaf), and Ceibapentandra (akpuota leaf). They were divided into three groups, representing fresh (wet), sun dried, and oven dried at 100°C until constant weight was obtained before grinding into flour like sample and used for analysis. The minerals analyzed include sodium, potassium, magnesium, manganese, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus, while the vitaminsinclude A, C, E, B1, B2, and folic acid. The result of fresh analysis shows that P. mildbreadii has the highest value; 9.00 ± 0.2mg/100g of potassium; Z .zanthoxzyloides, 1.72 ± 0.18mg/100g of magnesium, P. mildbreadii, 6.87 ± 0.18mg/100g of iron; Z. zanthoxyloides, 6.47 ± 0.10mg/100g of phosphorus; I.batatas,14.27 ± 0.41mg/100g ofcalcium, and 83.79t1.41mg/100g of sodium respectively. Zinc and manganese occurred in trace amounts. The levels of these elements were generally increased both by sun, and oven drying at 100°C with a greater increase when oven dried. Also the result of fresh analysis shows that the highest values of vitamins A, 15.20.01 ± 2.0i.u occurred in I.batatas, vit. B1, 4.57 ± 0.86mg/100g; folic acid, 3.24±0.00mg/100g occurred in P. santolinoides respectively, vitamin C, 9.04 ± 0.72mg/100g occurred in Z. zanthoxyloides. Vitamins B2 and E levels were relatively low. Both sun and oven drying at 100°C decreased the levels of all the vitamins, with sun drying exerting a greater reduction effects. Ovendrying therefore appears to be a better drying condition

    Fundamental Differences in Mechanical Behavior between Two Types of Crystals at the Nanoscale

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    We present differences in the mechanical behavior of nanoscale gold and molybdenum single crystals. A significant strength increase is observed as the size is reduced to 100 nm. Both nanocrystals exhibit discrete strain bursts during plastic deformation. We postulate that they arise from significant differences in the dislocation behavior. Dislocation starvation is the predominant mechanism of plasticity in nanoscale fcc crystals, while junction formation and hardening characterize bcc plasticity. A statistical analysis of strain bursts is performed as a function of size and compared with stochastic models

    The role of the N(2080)N^*(2080) resonance in the γpK+Λ(1520)\vec{\gamma} p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) reaction

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    We investigate the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) photo-production in the γpK+Λ(1520)\vec{\gamma} p \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) reaction within the effective Lagrangian method near threshold. In addition to the "background" contributions from the contact, tt-channel KK exchange, and ss-channel nucleon pole terms, which were already considered in previous works, the contribution from the nucleon resonance N(2080)N^*(2080) (spin-parity JP=3/2J^P = 3/2^-) is also considered. We show that the inclusion of the nucleon resonance N(2080)N^*(2080) leads to a fairly good description of the new LEPS differential cross section data, and that these measurements can be used to determine some of the properties of this latter resonance. However, serious discrepancies appear when the predictions of the model are compared to the photon-beam asymmetry also measured by the LEPS Collaboration.Comment: 9 pages,6 figures, 1 tabl

    Growth rate analysis of scalar gradients in generalized surface quasigeostrophic equations of ideal fluids

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    The growth rates of scalar gradients are studied numerically and analytically in a family of two-dimensional (2D) incompressible fluid equations related to the surface quasigeostrophic (SQG) equation. The active scalar is related to the stream function ψ by θ=(−△)α/2ψ (0⩽α⩽2). A notable difference is observed in a comparison of the instantaneous growth rates in Lp and in L∞ norms, depending on the stage of the time evolution. The crux is the phase-shift effect of singular integral operators, which displaces the peak location of the scalar gradient from that of the strain rate. On this basis, a method of detecting such a dislocation is proposed in view of the importance of their coalescence needed for a possible blow-up. Moreover, it is found in the long-time evolution that a solution of the SQG equation (whose regularity is not known) is less singular than that of the 2D Euler equations (known to be regular) on the time interval covered by this computation. This consistently expands an earlier observation by Majda and Tabak [Physica D 98, 515 (1996).] in some detail. A 1D model problem is discussed to illustrate the present method, and extensions to the 3D case are also are briefly discussed