121 research outputs found

    Fermions on one or fewer Kinks

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    We find the full spectrum of fermion bound states on a Z_2 kink. In addition to the zero mode, there are int[2 m_f/m_s] bound states, where m_f is the fermion and m_s the scalar mass. We also study fermion modes on the background of a well-separated kink-antikink pair. Using a variational argument, we prove that there is at least one bound state in this background, and that the energy of this bound state goes to zero with increasing kink-antikink separation, 2L, and faster than e^{-a2L} where a = min(m_s, 2 m_f). By numerical evaluation, we find some of the low lying bound states explicitly.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Orthosymplectically invariant functions in superspace

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    The notion of spherically symmetric superfunctions as functions invariant under the orthosymplectic group is introduced. This leads to dimensional reduction theorems for differentiation and integration in superspace. These spherically symmetric functions can be used to solve orthosymplectically invariant Schroedinger equations in superspace, such as the (an)harmonic oscillator or the Kepler problem. Finally the obtained machinery is used to prove the Funk-Hecke theorem and Bochner's relations in superspace.Comment: J. Math. Phy

    Edgeworth Expansion of the Largest Eigenvalue Distribution Function of GUE Revisited

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    We derive expansions of the resolvent Rn(x;y;t)=(Qn(x;t)Pn(y;t)-Qn(y;t)Pn(x;t))/(x-y) of the Hermite kernel Kn at the edge of the spectrum of the finite n Gaussian Unitary Ensemble (GUEn) and the finite n expansion of Qn(x;t) and Pn(x;t). Using these large n expansions, we give another proof of the derivation of an Edgeworth type theorem for the largest eigenvalue distribution function of GUEn. We conclude with a brief discussion on the derivation of the probability distribution function of the corresponding largest eigenvalue in the Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOEn) and Gaussian Symplectic Ensembles (GSEn)

    Spherical harmonics and integration in superspace

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    In this paper the classical theory of spherical harmonics in R^m is extended to superspace using techniques from Clifford analysis. After defining a super-Laplace operator and studying some basic properties of polynomial null-solutions of this operator, a new type of integration over the supersphere is introduced by exploiting the formal equivalence with an old result of Pizzetti. This integral is then used to prove orthogonality of spherical harmonics of different degree, Green-like theorems and also an extension of the important Funk-Hecke theorem to superspace. Finally, this integration over the supersphere is used to define an integral over the whole superspace and it is proven that this is equivalent with the Berezin integral, thus providing a more sound definition of the Berezin integral.Comment: 22 pages, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    On the families of orthogonal polynomials associated to the Razavy potential

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    We show that there are two different families of (weakly) orthogonal polynomials associated to the quasi-exactly solvable Razavy potential V(x)=(\z \cosh 2x-M)^2 (\z>0, MNM\in\mathbf N). One of these families encompasses the four sets of orthogonal polynomials recently found by Khare and Mandal, while the other one is new. These results are extended to the related periodic potential U(x)=-(\z \cos 2x -M)^2, for which we also construct two different families of weakly orthogonal polynomials. We prove that either of these two families yields the ground state (when MM is odd) and the lowest lying gaps in the energy spectrum of the latter periodic potential up to and including the (M1)th(M-1)^{\rm th} gap and having the same parity as M1M-1. Moreover, we show that the algebraic eigenfunctions obtained in this way are the well-known finite solutions of the Whittaker--Hill (or Hill's three-term) periodic differential equation. Thus, the foregoing results provide a Lie-algebraic justification of the fact that the Whittaker--Hill equation (unlike, for instance, Mathieu's equation) admits finite solutions.Comment: Typeset in LaTeX2e using amsmath, amssymb, epic, epsfig, float (24 pages, 1 figure

    Decoherence, Correlation, and Unstable Quantum States in Semiclassical Cosmology

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    It is demonstrated that almost any S-matrix of quantum field theory in curved spaces posses an infinite set of complex poles (or branch cuts). These poles can be transformed into complex eigenvalues, the corresponding eigenvectors being Gamow vectors. All this formalism, which is heuristic in ordinary Hilbert space, becomes a rigorous one within the framework of a properly chosen rigged Hilbert space. Then complex eigenvalues produce damping or growing factors. It is known that the growth of entropy, decoherence, and the appearance of correlations, occur in the universe evolution, but only under a restricted set of initial conditions. It is proved that the damping factors allow to enlarge this set up to almost any initial conditions.Comment: 19 pgs. Latex fil

    Initial value problems in linear integral operator equations

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    For some general linear integral operator equations, we investigate consequent initial value problems by using the theory of reproducing kernels. A new method is proposed which -- in particular -- generates a new field among initial value problems, linear integral operators, eigenfunctions and values, integral transforms and reproducing kernels. In particular, examples are worked out for the integral equations of Lalesco-Picard, Dixon and Tricomi types

    Inverse spectral problems for Sturm-Liouville operators with singular potentials

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    The inverse spectral problem is solved for the class of Sturm-Liouville operators with singular real-valued potentials from the space W21(0,1)W^{-1}_2(0,1). The potential is recovered via the eigenvalues and the corresponding norming constants. The reconstruction algorithm is presented and its stability proved. Also, the set of all possible spectral data is explicitly described and the isospectral sets are characterized.Comment: Submitted to Inverse Problem

    Quantum Statistics and Entanglement of Two Electromagnetic Field Modes Coupled via a Mesoscopic SQUID Ring

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    In this paper we investigate the behaviour of a fully quantum mechanical system consisting of a mesoscopic SQUID ring coupled to one or two electromagnetic field modes. We show that we can use a static magnetic flux threading the SQUID ring to control the transfer of energy, the entanglement and the statistical properties of the fields coupled to the ring. We also demonstrate that at, and around, certain values of static flux the effective coupling between the components of the system is large. The position of these regions in static flux is dependent on the energy level structure of the ring and the relative field mode frequencies, In these regions we find that the entanglement of states in the coupled system, and the energy transfer between its components, is strong.Comment: 15 pages, 19 figures, Uploaded as implementing a policy of arXiving old paper

    Inverse problems for Sturm-Liouville equations with boundary conditions linearly dependent on the spectral parameter from partial information

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    [[abstract]]Abstract.In this paper, we study the inverse spectral problems for Sturm–Liouville equations with boundary conditions linearly dependent on the spectral parameter and show that the potential of such problem can be uniquely determined from partial information on the potential and parts of two spectra, or alternatively, from partial information on the potential and a subset of pairs of eigenvalues and the normalization constants of the corresponding eigenvalues.[[notice]]補正完畢[[journaltype]]國外[[incitationindex]]SCI[[ispeerreviewed]]Y[[booktype]]紙本[[booktype]]電子版[[countrycodes]]DE