1,154 research outputs found

    The radiolarian fauna at the ice edge in the Greenland Sea during summer, 1988

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    Radiolaria were sampled from the plankton at 18 stations during two cruises in the Greenland Sea during summer, 1988. A total of 43 species or categories of radiolaria was found, but over 90% of the radiolarian fauna was dominated by adults or juveniles of 4 species: the spumellarian, Actinomma leptodermum and the nassellaria, Amphimelissa setosa, Pseudodictyophimus gracilipes, and Peridium longispinum. The stations sampled ranged from ice-covered areas high in nutrients to open water areas which were depleted in nutrients. These stations encompassed a gradient in the composition of the radiolarian fauna from an assemblage dominated by juveniles and adults of A. setosa and P. gracilipes at the ice edge to one dominated by Actinomma juveniles, A. leptodermum, and P. longispinum in open water. The total abundance of radiolaria correlated with integrated phaeopigment, but not with chlorophyll a. In discriminant function analysis the \u27ice edge\u27 radiolarian species listed above correlated well with chlorophyll a and phaeopigments, while the \u27open water\u27 species did not. Several water masses occur in the area, which complicates the interpretation considerably, but the data are consistent with the development of a radiolarian population in tempo with, and in all probability linked successionally to the development of the phytoplankton—microplankton bloom

    Cross-correlation between the 21-cm signal and [OIII] emitters during early cosmic reionization

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    We study statistics of the 21-cm signal from the epoch of reionization. We propose to use [OIII] line emitting galaxies to cross-correlate with the 21-cm signal from z=7−10z = 7 - 10. To this aim, we employ simulations of reionization obtained post-processing the high-resolution cosmological hydrodynamic simulation Massive Black-II with the three-dimensional (3D) radiative transfer code CRASH to follow the propagation of ionizing photons from a variety of sources. We show that, during the early phases of reionization, the 21-cm signal is positively correlated with the spatial distribution of the [OIII] emitters on large scales (k<1h cMpc−1)(k < 1h~\rm cMpc^{-1}). This positive correlation is generated by the temperature-galaxy correlation and it is a few times larger than when we assume that the heating is saturated. As the reionized regions expand, the correlation changes its sign to negative from z=10z = 10 to 8. The signals at this epoch can be detected by combining the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and a wide-field [OIII] emitter survey. We also calculate the cross-power spectrum with a 3D [OIII] intensity field, aiming at exploiting future intensity mapping observations. We conclude that high-redshift [OIII] line emitters can be used to probe the reionization process when the intergalactic medium is largely neutral.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, published in MNRA

    Linking regional unconformities in the Barents Sea to compression-induced forebulge uplift at the Triassic-Jurassic transition

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    The Triassic-Jurassic transition marks an important change in the basin configuration of the Greater Barents Sea. A contiguous basin with km-thick sedimentary successions changed into a partitioned basin with uplift in the west and foreland basins in the east with significant implication for the basin infill history. Our study employs a range of different high-resolution datasets from a distal part of the basin which unravels the complex pattern of differential uplift and erosion in the basin during this period. We record for the first time distinct angular unconformities between Upper Triassic strata and overlying Lower Jurassic strata within the basin, showing that large parts of it formed topographic highs. Our study links these angular unconformities to compression induced by the Novaya Zemlya Fold and Thrust Belt. A heterolithic basement below a thick sedimentary succession where the fold belt developed created a complex uplift pattern in the basin, at the same time similar to but different from typical forebulge areas. Compression caused inversion of older basement rooted faults defining platforms and graben systems throughout western parts of the Barents Sea basin, in addition to salt remobilization that resulted in differential uplift and erosion. These local zones of uplift controlled the sediment distribution pattern to the basin at a time when the most important reservoir units in the basin were deposited. This new understanding of the basin development explains hitherto enigmatic sequence boundaries that has inspired complex paleogeographic models in the past.publishedVersio

    The MAP-HAND : psychometric properties and differences in activity performance between patients with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis

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    Objective: To assess construct validity (Rasch analyses) of the Measure of Activity Performance of the Hand (MAP-Hand) in people with carpometacarpal osteoarthritis (CMC1 OA), and to explore differences in activity performance between people with CMC1 OA and those with rheumatoid arthritis. Design: Cross-sectional study. Subjects: A total of 180 people with CMC1 OA referred for surgical consultation were recruited from rheumatology clinics in Norway, and 340 people with rheumatoid arthritis were recruited from outpatient rheumatology clinics in the UK. Methods: The MAP-Hand consists of 18 predefined items scored on a 4-point scale from 1 (no difficulty) to 4 (unable to do), from which a mean score is calculated. Construct validity was assessed using Rasch analyses. Differences between the 2 groups were assessed using an independent sample t-test at the group level and differential item functioning (condition as grouping variable) at the item level. Results: Some mis-targeting of data and clusters of dependency were found, but the MAP-Hand scores showed an overall fit to the model. No between group difference in total mean MAP-Hand score was found, but there were significant differences between the 2 groups on item levels. Conclusion: The MAP-Hand showed satisfactory construct validity and could differentiate between people with CMC1 OA and those with rheumatoid arthritis on item levels

    Genetic diversity of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) colonizing sweet potato and cassava in South Sudan

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    Open Access Journal; Published online: 17 Jan 2020Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) is a polyphagous, highly destructive pest that is capable of vectoring viruses in most agricultural crops. Currently, information regarding the distribution and genetic diversity of B. tabaci in South Sudan is not available. The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic variability of B. tabaci infesting sweet potato and cassava in South Sudan. Field surveys were conducted between August 2017 and July and August 2018 in 10 locations in Juba County, Central Equatoria State, South Sudan. The sequences of mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I (mtCOI) were used to determine the phylogenetic relationships between sampled B. tabaci. Six distinct genetic groups of B. tabaci were identified, including three non-cassava haplotypes (Mediterranean (MED), Indian Ocean (IO), and Uganda) and three cassava haplotypes (Sub-Saharan Africa 1 sub-group 1 (SSA1-SG1), SSA1-SG3, and SSA2). MED predominated on sweet potato and SSA2 on cassava in all of the sampled locations. The Uganda haplotype was also widespread, occurring in five of the sampled locations. This study provides important information on the diversity of B. tabaci species in South Sudan. A comprehensive assessment of the genetic diversity, geographical distribution, population dynamics, and host range of B. tabaci species in South Sudan is vital for its effective management

    Land cover type modulates the distribution of litter in a Nordic cultural landscape

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    Litter pollution is a global environmental problem that occurs in virtually all ecosystems. Scientific research on anthropogenic litter and its environmental impacts focusses predominantly on plastics and the marine environment. Little empirical knowledge exists about the distribution and ecological impacts of litter in terrestrial environments, where most litter is produced. To start closing that knowledge gap, we investigated the distribution of litter in a cultural landscape in central Norway and in relation to land cover types. We registered and collected litter in 110 survey plots that were randomly stratified across various land cover types. Our results show that land cover type modulates the occurrence, abundance, fragments size, and that litter is most present and abundant in or near land cover types associated with high human activities. Plastic was by far the most common litter material type, although the litter community (in terms of materials type) was not independent from land cover type. This knowledge can help to inform and optimize litter management and clean-up activities in terrestrial landscapes. How and to what extent the spatial structure of the litter community mediates ecological effects across various land cover types remains unknown to a large extent and warrants further study.publishedVersio

    Toward a simulation approach for alkene ring-closing metathesis : scope and limitations of a model for RCM

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    A published model for revealing solvent effects on the ring-closing metathesis (RCM) reaction of di-Et diallylmalonate 7 has been evaluated over a wider range of conditions, to assess its suitability for new applications. Unfortunately, the model is too flexible and the published rate consts. do not agree with exptl. studies in the literature. However, by fixing the values of important rate consts. and restricting the concn. ranges studied, useful conclusions can be drawn about the relative rates of RCM of different substrates, precatalyst concn. can be simulated accurately and the effect of precatalyst loading can be anticipated. Progress has also been made toward applying the model to precatalyst evaluation, but further modifications to the model are necessary to achieve much broader aims
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