795 research outputs found

    Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Rasio Pembayaran Dividen pada PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh Free Cash Flow (Aliran Kas Bebas) dan Return On Asset (ROA) terhadap Rasio Pembayaran Dividen pada PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Alat analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah regresi linear berganda dengan Rasio Pembayaran Dividen yang diukur berdasarkan rasio antara devidend per share dengan earning per share yang dalam persentase menjadi variabel dependen dan dua variabel independen, yaitu Free Cash Flow yang diukur berdasarkan antara cash flow from operation dengan capital expenditures dan Return On Asset (ROA) yang diukur berdasarkan persentase dari rasio antara laba bersih setelah pajak dengan total aktiva. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder yang diperoleh dari laporan keuangan PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI), dengan teknik dokumentasi serta laporan keuangan. Olah data menggunakan regresi linear berganda.Hasil pengolahan data diperoleh model Y = 22,508 + 0,00003515 X1 + 5,595 X2. Secara parsial, hasil uji t menunjukkan bahwa variabel Free Cash Flow (FCF)= 4,033 dan Return On Asset (ROA) = 3,793 berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap Rasio Pembayaran Dividen karena thitung > ttabel = 2,365. Berdasarkan hasil simultan diperoleh nilai F sebesar 4,989 dengan tingkat probabilitas 0,033 ini menunjukkan bahwa secara bersama-sama variabel independen, yaitu Free Cash Flow dan ROA berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Rasio Pembayaran Dividen pada PT. Indofood Sukses Makmur di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). Nilai Koefisien Determinasi (R2) adalah 0,563, hal inimenunjukkan bahwa variabel independen yang diteliti mampu menjelaskan 56,3 persen terhadap variabel Rasio Pembayaran Dividen

    Methyl esters selectivity of transesterification reaction with homogenous alkaline catalyst to produce biodiesel in batch, plug flow, and continuous stirred tank reactors

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    Selectivity concept is essential in establishing the best operating conditions for attaining maximum production of the desired product. For complex reaction such as biodiesel fuel synthesis, kinetic studies of transesterification reaction have revealed the mechanism of the reaction and rate constants. The objectives of this research are to develop the kinetic parameters for determination of methyl esters and glycerol selectivity, evaluate the significance of the reverse reaction in transesterification reaction, and examine the influence of reaction characteristics (reaction temperature, methanol to oil molar ratio, and the amount of catalyst) on selectivity. For this study, published reaction rate constants of transesterification reaction were used to develop mathematical expressions for selectivities. In order to examine the base case and reversible transesterification, two calculation schemes (Case 1 and Case 2) were established. An enhanced selectivity was found in the base case of transesterification reaction. The selectivity was greatly improved at optimum reaction temperature (60 C), molar ratio (9 : 1), catalyst concentration (1.5 wt.%), and low free fatty acid feedstock. Further research might explore the application of selectivity for specifying reactor configurations

    Compacted nanosilica-talic/calcium carbonate polyacrylate composites prepared using accelerated sedimentation

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    The effectiveness of centrifugation as the compacting method in preparing high filler composites has been investigated. Different size and shape of fillers were used to ensure efficient filler space filling. In situ polymerization of bisphenol-A ethoxy diacrylate after centrifugating produced biomimetic composites with 74–86 % filler content. The filler space was efficiently filled by using a combination of nano and microsize fillers, especially in the nanosilica-CaCO3 composite. The morphology of the composites indicates that the fillers were well dispersed and embedded in the polymer matrix. The etched surface of the nanosilica-talc composite reveals that the combination of talc and nanosilica formed a biomimetic composite that displayed an ordered brick-and-mortar nacre-like structure. The wide-angle X-ray diffraction patterns indicate the crystal structure of CaCO3 and talc were maintained in the composit


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    Objective: The present research work aims to develop an abuse deterrent rapidly dissolving buprenorphine microemulsion loaded sublingual film for the treatment of breakthrough pain. Methods: The Buprenorphine microemulsion loaded sublingual films were prepared using Capmul MCM C8 (oil), tween 20 (surfactant) and propylene glycol (co-surfactant) with different grades of film-forming polymer (HPMC) using film casting machine. The films were evaluated for in vitro disintegration and dissolution study, tensile strength, folding endurance, content uniformity, surface pH, thickness and weight variation, % loading of buprenorphine microemulsion in sublingual film, scanning electron microscope, ex vivo permeation study, droplet size and polydispersity index, Zeta potential, % moisture content, stability and abuse deterrent potential were evaluated. Results: The optimized film formulation showed desired mechanical properties with minimum disintegration time of 21s and exhibited 34.45 % loading of Buprenorphine microemulsion. Permeation studies through goat sublingual mucosa, indicated 87% Buprenorphine release, through Buprenorphine microemulsion loaded sublingual film, whereas only 30% Buprenorphine release when it was directly added to film without microemulsion strategy. Conclusion: The present study concludes that abuse deterrent and fast acting buprenorphine microemulsion-incorporated sublingual film of buprenorphine HCL and naloxone HCL is a promising alternative to mostly marketed buprenorphine injectable delivery systems and a non-invasive route of administration for breakthrough pain management

    Optimasi Formula Losio Tabir Surya Ekstrak Kulit Buah Naga Super Merah (Hylocereus Costaricensis)

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    Paparan sinar matahari yang berlebihan dan berlangsung lama dapat menyebabkan eritema dan kulit terbakar, penuaan dini, dan kanker kulit. Salah satu bentuk sediaan kosmetik yang dapat digunakan untuk melindungi kulit adalah losio yang mengandung zat aktif tabir surya. Ekstrak kulit buah naga super merah adalah bahan alam yang memiliki efek antioksidan dan tabir surya. Optimasi formula losio tabir surya dilakukan menggunakan metode D-optimal dengan 2 faktor yaitu ekstrak kulit buah naga super merah sebagai bahan aktif dengan kisaran konsentrasi 9-12% dan natrium alginat 3-6% dari seluruh komponen losio sebagai peningkat viskositas. Nilai SPF, viskositas, dan daya sebar ditetapkan sebagai respon. Losio yang dihasilkan berwarna coklat, berbentuk semipadat khas losio, homogen, beraroma khas minyak mawar, pH sesuai syarat SNI dengan tipe emulsi minyak dalam air (M/A). Hasil respon yang diperoleh dari 11 formula menghasilkan nilai SPF dengan kisaran 6,64–14,12, nilai viskositas 10333 – 13000 cp yang memenuhi standar SNI, dan nilai daya sebar 6,52–7,92 cm. Formula optimum hasil prediksi D-optimal menggunakan perangkat lunak Design Expert® 7.1.5 ditetapkan konsentrasi ekstrak 12% dan natrium alginat 3%. Peningkatan konsentrasi ekstrak dan Na alginat menunjukkan pengaruh yang tidak signifikan terhadap ketiga respon

    Formulasi Emulgel Antijerawat Minyak Nilam (Patchouli Oil) Menggunakan Tween 80 dan Span 80 sebagai Pengemulsi dan HPMC sebagai Basis Gel

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    Minyak atsiri termasuk minyak nilam (Patchouli oil) diketahui memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadap beberapa bakteri penyebab jerawat. Aktivitas ini menyebabkan minyak nilam berpotensi untuk dikembangkan ke dalam berbagai bentuk sediaan antijerawat, salah satunya adalah emulgel. Emulgel merupakan bentuk sediaan yang cocok untuk minyak nilam yang bersifat hidrofobik, dibandingkan bentuk sediaan lainnya. Sediaan emulgel dibuat dengan variasi konsentrasi minyak nilam yaitu 5%, 10% dan 15%. Tween 80 dan Span 80 digunakan sebagai bahan pengemulsi dan HPMC sebagai basis gel. Evaluasi yang dilakukan terhadap sediaan yaitu uji organoleptik (warna, bentuk dan aroma), uji pH, uji homogenitas, uji tipe emulsi, uji daya sebar, uji viskositas, uji iritasi dan uji stabilitas (cycling test). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa emulgel yang dihasilkan berwarna putih-putih tulang, berbentuk semi padat (emulgel), beraroma khas minyak nilam, homogen tipe emulsi minyak dalam air (M/A) dengan pH berkisar 5,78-6,08 yang memenuhi syarat pH kulit normal dan tidak menyebabkan iritasi. Nilai daya sebar sediaan berkisar 3,5 – 6,8 cm. Nilai daya sebar ini berbanding terbalik dengan nilai viskositas sediaan yang berkisar 113,3-170,0 dPa.s. Semakin tinggi konsentrasi minyak nilam yang digunakan, nilai viskositas sediaan juga semakin tinggi. Hasil cycling test menunjukkan sediaan emulgel stabil. Formula C dengan konsentrasi minyak nilam 15% adalah formula emulgel terbaik

    Determining the Influence of Power Point Slide Toward Students Motivation in Learning English

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    This study aims to determine the influence of the using power point slides on the motivation of students in learning English.  The study formulated into research question “is there influence of using power point toward students’ motivation?† This study used quantitative research by taking sample 37 students at MTs Negeri Model Limboto through random sampling technique. The instrument of this study was questionnaire. The data analyzed through the formula Pearson product moment and Correlation product moment. The result of this study shown that there is strong influence of using power point slide toward students’ motivation in learning English. The significant influence can be seen in the result of data analyzed

    A modification of fuzzy arithmetic operators for solving near-zero fully fuzzy matrix equation

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    Matrix equations have its own important in the field of control system engineering particularly in the stability analysis of linear control systems and the reduction of nonlinear control system models. There are certain conditions where the classical matrix equation are not well equipped to handle the uncertainty problems such as during the process of stability analysis and reduction in control system engineering. In this study, an algorithm is developed for solving fully fuzzy matrix equation particularly for ~ A ~X ~B  ~X = ~ C, where the coefficients of the equation are in near-zero fuzzy numbers. By modifying the existing fuzzy multiplication arithmetic operators, the proposed algorithm exceeds the positive restriction to allow the near-zero fuzzy numbers as the coefficients. Besides that, a new fuzzy subtraction arithmetic operator has also been proposed as the existing operator failed to satisfy the both sides of the nearzero fully fuzzy matrix equation. Subsequently, Kronecker product and V ec-operator are adapted with the modified fuzzy arithmetic operator in order to transform the fully fuzzy matrix equation to a fully fuzzy linear system. On top of that, a new associated linear system is developed to obtain the final solution. A numerical example and the verification of the solution are presented to demonstrate the proposed algorithm
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