54 research outputs found

    The planform of epeirogeny: vertical motions of Australia during the Cretaceous

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    Estimates of dynamic motion of Australia since the end of the Jurassic have been made by modeling marine flooding and comparing it with palaeogeographical reconstructions of marine inundation. First, sediment isopachs were back stripped from present-day topography. Dynamic motion was determined by the displacement needed to approximate observed flooding when allowance is made for changes in eustatic sea-level. The reconstructed inundation patterns suggest that during the Cretaceous, Australia remained a relatively stable platform, and flooding in the eastern interior during the Early Cretaceous was primarily the result of the regional tectonic motion. Vertical motion during the Cretaceous was much smaller than the movement since the end of the Cretaceous. Subsidence and marine flooding in the Eromanga and Surat Basins, and the subsequent 500 m of uplift of the eastern portion of the basin, may have been driven by changes in plate dynamics during the Mesozoic. Convergence along the north-east edge of Australia between 200 and 100 Ma coincides with platform sedimentation and subsidence within the Eromanga and Surat Basins. A major shift in the position of subduction at 140 Ma was coeval with the marine incursion into the Eromanga. When subduction ended at 95 Ma, marine inundation of the Eromanga also ended. Subsidence and uplift of the eastern interior is consistent with dynamic models of subduction in which subsidence is generated when the dip angle of the slab decreases and uplift is generated when subduction terminates (i.e. the dynamic load vanishes). Since the end of the Cretaceous, Australia has uniformly subsided by about 250 m with little apparent tilting. This vertical subsidence may have resulted from the northward migration of the continent from a dynamic topography high and geoid low toward lower dynamic topography and a higher geoid.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/71983/1/j.1365-2117.1994.tb00076.x.pd

    Sedimentology, stratigraphic context, and implications of Miocene intrashelf bottomset deposits, offshore New Jersey

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    Drilling of intrashelf Miocene clinothems onshore and offshore New Jersey has provided better understanding of their topset and foreset deposits, but the sedimentology and stratigraphy of their bottomset deposits have not been documented in detail. Three coreholes (Sites M27–M29), collected during Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Expedition 313, intersect multiple bottomset deposits, and their analysis helps to refine sequence stratigraphic interpretations and process response models for intrashelf clinothems. At Site M29, the most downdip location, chronostratigraphically well-constrained bottomset deposits follow a repeated stratigraphic motif. Coarse-grained glauconitic quartz sand packages abruptly overlie deeply burrowed surfaces. Typically, these packages coarsen then fine upwards and pass upward into bioturbated siltstones. These coarse sand beds are amalgamated and poorly sorted and contain thin-walled shells, benthic foraminifera, and extrabasinal clasts, consistent with an interpretation of debrites. The sedimentology and mounded seismic character of these packages support interpretation as debrite-dominated lobe complexes. Farther updip, at Site M28, the same chronostratigraphic units are amalgamated, with the absence of bioturbated silts pointing to more erosion in proximal locations. Graded sandstones and dune-scale cross-bedding in the younger sequences in Site M28 indicate deposition from turbidity currents and channelization. The sharp base of each package is interpreted as a sequence boundary, with a period of erosion and sediment bypass evidenced by the burrowed surface, and the coarse-grained debritic and turbiditic deposits representing the lowstand systems tract. The overlying fine-grained deposits are interpreted as the combined transgressive and highstand systems tract deposits and contain the deepwater equivalent of the maximum flooding surface. The variety in thickness and grain-size trends in the coarse-grained bottomset packages point to an autogenic control, through compensational stacking of lobes and lobe complexes. However, the large-scale stratigraphic organization of the bottomset deposits and the coarse-grained immature extrabasinal and reworked glauconitic detritus point to external controls, likely a combination of relative sea-level fall and waxing-and-waning cycles of sediment supply. This study demonstrates that large amounts of sediment gravity-flow deposits can be generated in relatively shallow (~100–200 m deep) and low-gradient (~1°–4°) clinothems that prograded across a deep continental shelf. This physiography likely led to the dominance of debris flow deposits due to the short transport distance limiting transformation to low-concentration turbidity currents

    Showing a strong link between climatic and \u3ci\u3ep\u3c/i\u3eCO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e changes: resolving discrepancies between oceanographic and Antarctic climate records for the Oligocene and early Miocene (34-16 Ma)

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    An apparent mismatch between published oxygen isotope data and other paleoclimate proxies for the span from 26-16 Ma is resolved by calibration against eustatic estimates obtained from backstripped continental margin stratigraphy. Ice-volume estimates from calibrated oxygen isotope data compare favorably with stratigraphic and palynological data from Antarctica, and with estimates of atmospheric carbon dioxide for the early Oligocene through early Miocene (34-16 Ma). These isotopic data suggest that the East Antarctic Ice Sheet grew to as much as 30% greater than the present-day ice volume at glacial maxima. This conclusion is corroborated by seismic reflection and stratigraphic data from the Antarctic margin that suggest that the ice sheet may have covered much of the continental shelf at Oligocene and early Miocene glacial maxima. Palynological data suggest long-term cooling during the Oligocene, with near tundra environments developing along the coast at glacial minima by the late Oligocene

    Considering a Neoproterozoic Snowball Earth

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    Late Miocene to Pleistocene sequences at the New Jersey outer continental shelf (ODP leg 174A, sites 1071 and 1072)

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    2-D seismic, wireline log, and core data at ODP Leg 174A Sites 1071 and 1072 on the outer continental shelf of New Jersey reveal two major depositional sequences of late Miocene-Pliocene and Pleistocene age. The late Miocene-Pliocene sequence is a thick (~ 100 m) deepening-upward succession landward of the clinoform rollover and a shoaling-upward succession seaward of the clinoform rollover. The Pleistocene sequence deepens abruptly near its based, shoals upward, and then deepens again before it is truncated by its overlying unconformity. There is no onlap onto clinoforms (no lowstand wedge) in either sequence. Sequence stratigraphic analysis and a geometric depositional model are used to interpret that the unusually thick transgressive component of the late Miocene-Pliocene sequence was formed by high-frequency eustatic cycles (1-2 m.y.) superimposed on a longer-term eustatic rise (~ 5 m.y.). This conclusion is supported by independent evidence of eustasy. The sequences of this study are correlated to sequences in the North Atlantic coastal plain and in the Great Bahama Bank. These sequences have very different architectures than underlying middle Miocene sequences, which contain thick lowstand wedge deposits, and are interpreted to have formed by high-frequency eustatic cycles superimposed on longer-term eustatic fall. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

    U-Pb sensitive high-resolution ion microprobe ages from the Doushantuo Formation in South China: constraints on late Neoproterozoic glaciations

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    Two distinctive volcanic ash beds were found in the terminal Proterozoic Doushantuo Formation in south China. The lower ash bed, ∌2.5 m above the cap carbonate at the base of the Doushantuo, yields a U-Pb zircon age of 621 ± 7 Ma, providing the closest upper limit for a correlative of the Marinoan glaciation. The upper ash bed, near the Doushantuo-Dengying boundary, yields a U-Pb zircon age of 555.2 ± 6.1 Ma, providing for the first time a direct age determination for a prominent negative ÎŽ13C excursion (≀−5‰) above the Marinoan glacial level. This excursion, if interpreted to be of glacial origin, is much younger than the Gaskiers Formation (ca. 580 Ma) in Newfoundland, and perhaps the fifth or sixth such level in the Neoproterozoic. That interpretation, however, is not supported by the proliferation of organisms within strata encompassing the negative ÎŽ13C excursion in south China and globally, by the lack of a ca. 555 Ma glacial record, and by the absence of stratigraphic evidence for sea-level change. The data call for alternative paleoceanographic models for the origin of Neoproterozoic ÎŽ13C excursions not clearly related to glaciation.Shihong Zhang, Ganqing Jiang, Junming Zhang, Biao Song, Martin J. Kennedy, Nicholas Christie-Blic
