255 research outputs found

    Impact of climate change environmental conditions on the resilience of different formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA‐1 on grapes

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    Biocontrol agents have become componentsof integrated crop protection systemsfor controlling economically important fungal pathogens.Candida sakeCPA-1 is abiocontrol agent of fungal pathogens of fruits, both pre- and post-harvest. Whilethe efficacy of different formulations have been examined previously, few studieshave considered the resilience of different formulations under changing climaticconditions of elevated temperature, drought stress and increased atmospheric CO2.This study examined the effect of (a) temperature9RH9elevated CO2(400vs1000 ppm) on the temporal establishment and viability of two dry and one liquidC. sakeCPA-1 formulations on grape berry surfaces; (b) temperature stress (25vs35°C); and (c) elevated CO2levels. Results indicated that temperature, RH and CO2concentration influenced the establishment and viability of the formulations butthere was no significant difference between formulations. For the combined three-component factors, increased temperature (35°C) and lower RH (40%) reduced theviable populations on grapes. The interaction with elevated CO2improved theestablishment of viable populations of the formulations tested. Viable populationsgreater than Log 4 CFUs per g were recovered from the grape surfaces suggestingthat these had conserved resilience for control ofBotrytisrot in grapes.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Predicted ecological niches and environmental resilience of different formulations of the biocontrol yeast Candida sake CPA-1 using the Bioscreen C

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    Environmental resilience of biocontrol microorganisms has been a major bottleneck in the development of effective formulations. Candida sake is an effective biocontrol agent (BCA) against Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea or Rhizopus stolonifer, and different formulations of the BCA have been optimised recently. The objective of this study was to compare the relative tolerance of different dry and liquid formulations of the biocontrol yeast C. sake CPA-1 to interacting environmental conditions using the Bioscreen C. Initially, the use of this automated turbidimetric method was optimised for use with different formulations of the biocontrol yeast. The best growth curves were obtained for the C. sake CPA-1 strain when grown in a synthetic grape juice medium under continuous shaking and with an initial concentration of 105 CFUs ml−1. All the formulations showed a direct relationship between optical density values and yeast concentrations. Temperature (15–30 °C) and water activity (aw; 0.94–0.99) influenced the yeast resilience most profoundly, whereas the effect of pH (3–7) was minimal. In general, the liquid formulation grew faster in more interacting environmental conditions but only the yeast cells in the dry potato starch formulation could grow in some stress conditions. This rapid screening method can be used for effective identification of the resilience of different biocontrol formulations under interacting ecological abiotic conditions.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Predicted ecological niches and environmental resilience of different formulations of the biocontrol yeast Candida sake CPA-1 using the Bioscreen C

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    Environmental resilience of biocontrol microorganisms has been a major bottleneck in the development of effective formulations. Candida sake is an effective biocontrol agent (BCA) against Penicillium expansum, Botrytis cinerea or Rhizopus stolonifer, and different formulations of the BCA have been optimised recently. The objective of this study was to compare the relative tolerance of different dry and liquid formulations of the biocontrol yeast C. sake CPA-1 to interacting environmental conditions using the Bioscreen C. Initially, the use of this automated turbidimetric method was optimised for use with different formulations of the biocontrol yeast. The best growth curves were obtained for the C. sake CPA-1 strain when grown in a synthetic grape juice medium under continuous shaking and with an initial concentration of 105 CFUs ml−1. All the formulations showed a direct relationship between optical density values and yeast concentrations. Temperature (15–30 °C) and water activity (aw; 0.94–0.99) influenced the yeast resilience most profoundly, whereas the effect of pH (3–7) was minimal. In general, the liquid formulation grew faster in more interacting environmental conditions but only the yeast cells in the dry potato starch formulation could grow in some stress conditions. This rapid screening method can be used for effective identification of the resilience of different biocontrol formulations under interacting ecological abiotic conditions

    Impact of climate change environmental conditions on the resilience of different formulations of the biocontrol agent Candida sake CPA‐1 on grapes

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    Biocontrol agents have become components of integrated crop protection systems for controlling economically important fungal pathogens. Candida sake CPA‐1 is a biocontrol agent of fungal pathogens of fruits, both pre‐ and post‐harvest. While the efficacy of different formulations have been examined previously, few studies have considered the resilience of different formulations under changing climatic conditions of elevated temperature, drought stress and increased atmospheric CO2. This study examined the effect of (a) temperature × RH × elevated CO2 (400 vs 1000 ppm) on the temporal establishment and viability of two dry and one liquid C. sake CPA‐1 formulations on grape berry surfaces; (b) temperature stress (25 vs 35°C); and (c) elevated CO2 levels. Results indicated that temperature, RH and CO2 concentration influenced the establishment and viability of the formulations but there was no significant difference between formulations. For the combined three‐component factors, increased temperature (35°C) and lower RH (40%) reduced the viable populations on grapes. The interaction with elevated CO2 improved the establishment of viable populations of the formulations tested. Viable populations greater than Log 4 CFUs per g were recovered from the grape surfaces suggesting that these had conserved resilience for control of Botrytis rot in grapes

    Another beauty of analytical chemistry: chemical analysis of inorganic pigments of art and archaeological objects

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    [EN] This lecture text shows what fascinating tasks analytical chemists face in Art Conservation and Archaeology, and it is hoped that students reading it will realize that passions for science, arts or history are by no means mutually exclusive. This study describes the main analytical techniques used since the eighteenth century, and in particular, the instrumental techniques developed throughout the last century for analyzing pigments and inorganic materials, in general, which are found in cultural artefacts, such as artworks and archaeological remains. The lecture starts with a historical review on the use of analytical methods for the analysis of pigments from archaeological and art objects. Three different periods can be distinguished in the history of the application of the Analytical Chemistry in Archaeometrical and Art Conservation studies: (a) the "Formation'' period (eighteenth century1930), (b) the "Maturing'' period (1930-1970), and (c) the "Expansion'' period (1970-nowadays). A classification of analytical methods specifically established in the fields of Archaeometry and Conservation Science is also provided. After this, some sections are devoted to the description of a number of analytical techniques, which are most commonly used in routine analysis of pigments from cultural heritage. Each instrumental section gives the fundamentals of the instrumental technique, together with relevant analytical data and examples of applications.Financial support is gratefully acknowledged from Spanish ‘‘I+D+I MINECO’’ projects CTQ2011-28079-CO3-01 and CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P supported by ERDEF funds.Domenech Carbo, MT.; Osete Cortina, L. (2016). 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Clay Miner 36:403–419Doménech-Carbó A, Doménech-Carbó MT, López-López F, Valle-Algarra FM, Osete-Cortina L, Arcos-Von Haartman E (2013) Electrochemical characterization of egyptian blue pigment in wall paintings using the voltammetry of microparticles methodology. Electroanalysis 25:2621–2630Doménech-Carbó MT, Edwards HGM, Doménech-Carbó A, del Hoyo-Meléndez JM, de la Cruz-Cañizares J (2012) An authentication case study: Antonio Palomino vs. Vicente Guillo paintings in the vaulted ceiling of the Sant Joan del Mercat church (Valencia, Spain). J Raman Spectrosc 43:1250–1259Lovric M, Scholz F (1999) A model for the coupled transport of ions and electrons in redox conductive microcrystals. J Solid State Electrochem 3:172–175Oldham KB (1998) Voltammetry at a three phase junction. 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Angew Chem Int Edit 50:5741–5744Doménech-Carbó A, Doménech-Carbó MT, Vidal-Lorenzo C, Vázquez de Agredos-Pascual ML (2012) Insights into the Maya Blue Technology: greenish pellets from the ancient city of La Blanca. Angew Chem Int Ed 51:700–703Doménech-Carbó A, Doménech-Carbó MT, Osete-Cortina L, Montoya N (2012) Application of solid-state electrochemistry techniques to polyfunctional organic-inorganic hybrid materials: the Maya Blue problem. Micropor Mesopor Mater 166:123–130Doménech-Carbó MT, Osete-Cortina L, Doménech-Carbó A, Vázquez de Agredos-Pascual ML, Vidal-Lorenzo C (2014) Identification of indigoid compounds present in archaeological Maya blue by pyrolysis-silylation-gas chromatography–mass spectrometry. J Anal Appl Pyrol 105:355–36

    New Insights into the Geochemical Processes Occurring on the Surface of Stuccoes Made of Slaked Lime Putty

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    The fresco technique performed with slaked lime putty as binding material has been well known since Antiquity. However, the geochemical processes that occur on the surface have been generally described as part of the carbonation process of the intonaco itself. When approaching this technique from experimental archaeology, it has been observed for the first time that during the execution period (from 0 to 20 h, approximately) the processes occurring on the surface of the stucco are different from those occurring inside. Furthermore, these processes lead to the formation of an epigenetic film of specific texture, stiffness and compactness. This study investigates the formation and evolution of this surface film using a series of slaked lime putty stucco test tubes. Samples were extracted at different intervals and subsequently analyzed by polarized optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Results indicate that the development of the film, composed of an amorphous gel-like stratum and a micro-crystalline stratum, occurs in parallel to the carbonation occurring inside the stucco. Moreover, this process does not respond to the classical geological processes of calcium carbonate formation. It was also observed that its presence slows down the carbonation in the underlying strata (intonaco, intonachino, arriccio, etc.) and that the surface becomes more crystalline over time. The identification of this film has implications for the field of the conservation-restoration of fresco paintings and lime-based wall paintings

    Multiband study of RX J0838-2827 and XMM J083850.4-282759: a new asynchronous magnetic cataclysmic variable and a candidate transitional millisecond pulsar

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    This article has been accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society ©: 2017. The Authors Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Royal Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.In a search for the counterpart to the Fermi-LAT source 3FGL J0838.8-2829, we performed a multiwavelength campaign: in the X-ray band with Swift and XMM-Newton; in the infrared and optical with OAGH, ESO-NTT and IAC80; and in the radio with ATCA observations. We also used archival hard X-ray data obtained by INTEGRAL. We report on three X-ray sources consistent with the position of the Fermi-LAT source.We confirm the identification of the brightest object, RX J0838-2827, as a magnetic cataclysmic variable that we recognize as an asynchronous system (not associated with the Fermi-LAT source). RX J0838-2827 is extremely variable in the X-ray and optical bands, and timing analysis reveals the presence of several periodicities modulating its X-ray and optical emission. The most evident modulations are interpreted as being caused by the binary system orbital period of ~1.64 h and the white dwarf spin period of ~1.47 h. A strong flux modulation at ~15 h is observed at all energy bands, consistent with the beat frequency between spin and orbital periods. Optical spectra show prominent Hß, He I and He II emission lines that are Doppler-modulated at the orbital period and at the beat period. Therefore, RX J0838-2827 accretes through a disc-less configuration and could be either a strongly asynchronous polar or a rare example of a pre-polar system on its way to reaching synchronism. Regarding the other two X-ray sources, XMM J083850.4-282759 showed a variable X-ray emission, with a powerful flare lasting for ~600 s, similar to what is observed in transitional millisecond pulsars during the subluminous disc state: this observation possibly means that this source can be associated with the Fermi-LAT source.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Tuning coherent-phonon heat transport in LaCoO3/SrTiO3 superlattices

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    Accessing the regime of coherent phonon propagation in nanostructures opens enormous possibilities to control the thermal conductivity in energy harvesting devices, phononic circuits, etc. In this paper we show that coherent phonons contribute substantially to the thermal conductivity of LaCoO3/SrTiO3 oxide superlattices, up to room temperature. We show that their contribution can be tuned through small variations of the superlattice periodicity, without changing the total superlattice thickness. Using this strategy, we tuned the thermal conductivity by 20% at room temperature. We also discuss the role of interface mixing and epitaxial relaxation as an extrinsic, material dependent key parameter for understanding the thermal conductivity of oxide superlattices. © 2021 The Authors. Published by American Chemical Society

    FIB-FESEM and EMPA results on Antoninianus silver coins for manufacturing and corrosion processes

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    [EN] A set of ancient Antoninianus silver coins, dating back between 249 and 274¿A.D. and minted in Rome, Galliae, Orient and Ticinum, have been characterized. We use, for the first time, a combination of nano-invasive (focused ion beam-field emission scanning electron microscopy-X-ray microanalysis (FIB-FESEM-EDX), voltammetry of microparticles (VIMP)) and destructive techniques (scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX) and electron microprobe analysis (EMPA)) along with non-invasive, i.e., micro-Raman spectroscopy. The results revealed that, contrary to the extended belief, a complex Ag-Cu-Pb-Sn alloy was used. The use of alloys was common in the flourishing years of the Roman Empire. In the prosperous periods, Romans produced Ag-Cu alloys with relatively high silver content for the manufacture of both the external layers and inner nucleus of coins. This study also revealed that, although surface silvering processes were applied in different periods of crisis under the reign of Antoninii, even during crisis, Romans produced Antoninianus of high quality. Moreover, a first attempt to improve the silvering procedure using Hg-Ag amalgam has been identified.Financial support was provided by Sapienza University of Rome (Ateneo funding, 2014 15) and Spanish projects CTQ2014-53736-C3-1-P and CTQ2014-53736-C3-2-P, which are supported with Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (ERDF) funds, as well as project CTQ2017-85317-C2-1-P supported with funds from, MINECO, ERDF and Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI). PhD grants of the Department of Earth Sciences, Sapienza University of Rome, are gratefully acknowledgedDomenech Carbo, MT.; Di Turo, F.; Montoya, N.; Catalli, F.; Doménech Carbó, A.; De Vito, C. (2018). FIB-FESEM and EMPA results on Antoninianus silver coins for manufacturing and corrosion processes. Scientific Reports. 8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-018-28990-xS8Doménech-Carbó, A., del Hoyo-Meléndez, J. M., Doménech-Carbó, M. T. & Piquero-Cilla, J. Electrochemical analysis of the first Polish coins using voltammetry of immobilized particles. Microchem. J. 130, 47–55 (2017).Di Turo, F. et al. Archaeometric analysis of Roman bronze coins from the Magna Mater temple using solid-state voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Anal. Chim. Acta 955, 36–47 (2017).Doménech-Carbó, A., Doménech-Carbó, M. T. & Peiró-Ronda, M. A. Dating Archeological Lead Artifacts from Measurement of the Corrosion Content Using the Voltammetry of Microparticles. Anal. Chem. 83, 5639–5644 (2011).Giumlia-Mair, A. et al. Surface characterisation techniques in the study and conservation of art and archaeological artefacts: a review. 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    La acústica submarina y su desarrollo desde la creación del Instituto de Acústica

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    PACS: 43.30.Xm; 43.30.Yj; 43.30.Vh; 43.30.Nb; 43.30.Ma.-- Publicado en el Vol. XXXI, núm. 3-4, tercer y cuarto trimestre 2000 de la Revista de Acústica: Número especial dedicado al XXV Aniversario del Instituto de Acústica del C.S.I.C.[ES] La Acústica Submarina fue una de las líneas de la Acústica que se desarrollan en el Instituto desde los primeros tiempos. Este trabajo describe como se inició, cómo se desarrolló y el estado actual de este campo.[EN] Underwater Acoustics was one line of Acoustics first developped at the Instituto de Acústica. This paper presents a description of the activities in the underwater field, done since 1969, when the Underwater Tank was installed, up to the present times.Peer reviewe