122 research outputs found

    Fully Onboard AI-Powered Human-Drone Pose Estimation on Ultralow-Power Autonomous Flying Nano-UAVs

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    Many emerging applications of nano-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with a few cm(2) form-factor, revolve around safely interacting with humans in complex scenarios, for example, monitoring their activities or looking after people needing care. Such sophisticated autonomous functionality must be achieved while dealing with severe constraints in payload, battery, and power budget (similar to 100 mW). In this work, we attack a complex task going from perception to control: to estimate and maintain the nano-UAV's relative 3-D pose with respect to a person while they freely move in the environment-a task that, to the best of our knowledge, has never previously been targeted with fully onboard computation on a nano-sized UAV. Our approach is centered around a novel vision-based deep neural network (DNN), called Frontnet, designed for deployment on top of a parallel ultra-low power (PULP) processor aboard a nano-UAV. We present a vertically integrated approach starting from the DNN model design, training, and dataset augmentation down to 8-bit quantization and deployment in-field. PULP-Frontnet can operate in real-time (up to 135 frame/s), consuming less than 87 mW for processing at peak throughput and down to 0.43 mJ/frame in the most energy-efficient operating point. Field experiments demonstrate a closed-loop top-notch autonomous navigation capability, with a tiny 27-g Crazyflie 2.1 nano-UAV. Compared against an ideal sensing setup, onboard pose inference yields excellent drone behavior in terms of median absolute errors, such as positional (onboard: 41 cm, ideal: 26 cm) and angular (onboard: 3.7 degrees, ideal: 4.1 degrees). We publicly release videos and the source code of our work

    Fully Onboard AI-powered Human-Drone Pose Estimation on Ultra-low Power Autonomous Flying Nano-UAVs

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    Many emerging applications of nano-sized unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), with a few form-factor, revolve around safely interacting with humans in complex scenarios, for example, monitoring their activities or looking after people needing care. Such sophisticated autonomous functionality must be achieved while dealing with severe constraints in payload, battery, and power budget ( 100). In this work, we attack a complex task going from perception to control: to estimate and maintain the nano-UAV’s relative 3D pose with respect to a person while they freely move in the environment – a task that, to the best of our knowledge, has never previously been targeted with fully onboard computation on a nano-sized UAV. Our approach is centered around a novel vision-based deep neural network (DNN), called PULP-Frontnet, designed for deployment on top of a parallel ultra-low-power (PULP) processor aboard a nano-UAV. We present a vertically integrated approach starting from the DNN model design, training, and dataset augmentation down to 8-bit quantization and deployment in-field. PULP-Frontnet can operate in real-time (up to 135frame/), consuming less than 87 for processing at peak throughput and down to 0.43/frame in the most energy-efficient operating point. Field experiments demonstrate a closed-loop top-notch autonomous navigation capability, with a tiny 27-grams Crazyflie 2.1 nano-UAV. Compared against an ideal sensing setup, onboard pose inference yields excellent drone behavior in terms of median absolute errors, such as positional (onboard: 41, ideal: 26) and angular (onboard: 3.7, ideal: 4.1). We publicly release videos and the source code of our work

    Corticotrophin-releasing hormone inhibits insulin-like growth factor-I release from primary cultures of rat granulosa cells

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    Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH), a neuropeptide which modulates gonadal function during stress, is expressed by several cell types of the rat ovary and is able to suppress oestrogen release from rat granulosa cells. The mechanism of this effect is, however, not known. Since insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I is produced by rat granulosa cells and exerts a synergistic role with FSH on granulosa cell steroidogenesis, we hypothesised that CRH may suppress oestrogen release from granulosa cells by inhibiting IGF-I release and/or stimulating the release of its binding protein (IGFBP-3). To test this hypothesis, granulosa cells were obtained from immature female Sprague-Dawley rats primed with diethylstilboestrol, and hormone concentrations were measured in the conditioned medium by radioimmunoassay. CRH suppressed oestrogen and IGF-I release stimulated by FSH used at a concentration of 1 IU/l, whereas it did not have any statistically significant effect on oestrogen and IGF-I release in basal conditions or in response to 5 IU/l FSH. The suppressive effects of CRH on oestrogen and IGF-I release were antagonised by a selective CRH receptor antagonist. CRH had no effects on IGFBP-3 release. CRH did not have any effect on oestrogen release stimulated by increasing concentrations of IGF-I and its suppressive effect on FSH-stimulated oestrogen release was overcome by the addition of low doses of exogenous IGF-I. In conclusion, CRH suppressed the release of oestrogen and IGF-I, but not of IGFBP-3. Thus, the inhibitory effects of CRH on oestrogen release could be mediated, partly, by a suppression of the autocrine/paracrine action of IGF-I

    Prediction of All-Cause Mortality Following Percutaneous Coronary Intervention in Bifurcation Lesions Using Machine Learning Algorithms

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    Stratifying prognosis following coronary bifurcation percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is an unmet clinical need that may be fulfilled through the adoption of machine learning (ML) algorithms to refine outcome predictions. We sought to develop an ML-based risk stratification model built on clinical, anatomical, and procedural features to predict all-cause mortality following contemporary bifurcation PCI. Multiple ML models to predict all-cause mortality were tested on a cohort of 2393 patients (training, n = 1795; internal validation, n = 598) undergoing bifurcation PCI with contemporary stents from the real-world RAIN registry. Twenty-five commonly available patient-/lesion-related features were selected to train ML models. The best model was validated in an external cohort of 1701 patients undergoing bifurcation PCI from the DUTCH PEERS and BIO-RESORT trial cohorts. At ROC curves, the AUC for the prediction of 2-year mortality was 0.79 (0.74–0.83) in the overall population, 0.74 (0.62–0.85) at internal validation and 0.71 (0.62–0.79) at external validation. Performance at risk ranking analysis, k-center cross-validation, and continual learning confirmed the generalizability of the models, also available as an online interface. The RAIN-ML prediction model represents the first tool combining clinical, anatomical, and procedural features to predict all-cause mortality among patients undergoing contemporary bifurcation PCI with reliable performance

    Circulating extracellular vesicles release oncogenic miR-424 in experimental models and patients with aggressive prostate cancer

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are relevant means for transferring signals across cells and facilitate propagation of oncogenic stimuli promoting disease evolution and metastatic spread in cancer patients. Here, we investigated the release of miR-424 in circulating small EVs or exosomes from prostate cancer patients and assessed the functional implications in multiple experimental models. We found higher frequency of circulating miR-424 positive EVs in patients with metastatic prostate cancer compared to patients with primary tumors and BPH. Release of miR-424 in small EVs was enhanced in cell lines (LNCaPabl), transgenic mice (Pb-Cre4;Ptenflox/flox;Rosa26ERG/ERG) and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models of aggressive disease. EVs containing miR-424 promoted stem-like traits and tumor-initiating properties in normal prostate epithelial cells while enhanced tumorigenesis in transformed prostate epithelial cells. Intravenous administration of miR-424 positive EVs to mice, mimicking blood circulation, promoted miR-424 transfer and tumor growth in xenograft models. Circulating miR-424 positive EVs from patients with aggressive primary and metastatic tumors induced stem-like features when supplemented to prostate epithelial cells. This study establishes that EVs-mediated transfer of miR-424 across heterogeneous cell populations is an important mechanism of tumor self-sustenance, disease recurrence and progression. These findings might indicate novel approaches for the management and therapy of prostate cancer

    Relativistic quantum effects of Dirac particles simulated by ultracold atoms

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    Quantum simulation is a powerful tool to study a variety of problems in physics, ranging from high-energy physics to condensed-matter physics. In this article, we review the recent theoretical and experimental progress in quantum simulation of Dirac equation with tunable parameters by using ultracold neutral atoms trapped in optical lattices or subject to light-induced synthetic gauge fields. The effective theories for the quasiparticles become relativistic under certain conditions in these systems, making them ideal platforms for studying the exotic relativistic effects. We focus on the realization of one, two, and three dimensional Dirac equations as well as the detection of some relativistic effects, including particularly the well-known Zitterbewegung effect and Klein tunneling. The realization of quantum anomalous Hall effects is also briefly discussed.Comment: 22 pages, review article in Frontiers of Physics: Proceedings on Quantum Dynamics of Ultracold Atom

    A constrained analysis of the 40Ca(18O,18F)40K direct charge exchange reaction mechanism at 275 Mev

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    The40 Ca(18 O,18 F)40 K single charge exchange (SCE) reaction is explored at an incident energy of 275 MeV and analyzed consistently by collecting the elastic scattering and inelastic scattering data under the same experimental conditions. Full quantum-mechanical SCE calculations of the direct mechanism are performed by including microscopic nuclear structure inputs and adopting either a bare optical potential or a coupled channel equivalent polarization potential (CCEP) constrained by the elastic and inelastic data. The direct SCE mechanism describes the magnitude and shape of the angular distributions rather well, thus suggesting the suppression of sequential multi-nucleon transfer processes

    One-proton transfer reaction for the O 18 + Ti 48 system at 275 MeV

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    Single-nucleon transfer reactions are processes that selectively probe single-particle components of the populated many-body nuclear states. In this context, recent efforts have been made to build a unified description of the rich nuclear spectroscopy accessible in heavy-ion collisions. An example of this multichannel approach is the study of the competition between successive nucleon transfer and charge exchange reactions, the latter being of particular interest in the context of single and double beta decay studies. To this extent, the one-proton pickup reaction Ti48(O18,F19)Sc47 at 275 MeV was measured for the first time, under the NUMEN experimental campaign. Differential cross-section angular distribution measurements for the F19 ejectiles were performed at INFN-LNS in Catania by using the MAGNEX large acceptance magnetic spectrometer. The data were analyzed within the distorted-wave and coupled-channels Born approximation frameworks. The initial and final-state interactions were described adopting the SĂŁo Paulo potential, whereas the spectroscopic amplitudes for the projectile and target overlaps were derived from shell-model calculations. The theoretical cross sections are found to be in very good agreement with the experimental data, suggesting the validity of the optical potentials and the shell-model description of the involved nuclear states within the adopted model space

    Male gonadal dose of ionizing radiation delivered during X-ray examinations and monthly probability of pregnancy: a population-based retrospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Male gonadal exposure to ionizing radiation may disrupt spermatogenesis, but its influence on the fecundity of couples has been rarely studied. We aimed to characterize the influence of male gonadal dose of ionizing radiation delivered during radiodiagnostic on the monthly probability of pregnancy. METHODS: We recruited a random sample of women who retrospectively described 1110 periods of unprotected intercourse beginning between 1985 and 1999 and leading either to a live birth or to no pregnancy; their duration was censored after 13 months. The male partner answered a telephone questionnaire on radiodiagnostic examinations. We assigned a mean gonadal dose to each type of radiodiagnostic examination. We defined male dose for each period of unprotected intercourse as the sum of the gonadal doses of the X-ray examinations experienced between 18 years of age and the date of discontinuation of contraception. Time to pregnancy was analysed using a discrete Cox model with random effect allowing to estimate hazard ratios of pregnancy. RESULTS: After adjustment for female factors likely to influence fecundity, there was no evidence of an association between male dose and the probability of pregnancy (test of homogeneity, p = 0.55). When compared to couples with a male gonadal dose between 0.01 and 0.20 milligrays (n = 321 periods of unprotected intercourse), couples with a gonadal dose above 10 milligrays had a hazard ratio of pregnancy of 1.44 (95% confidence interval, 0.73–2.86, n = 31). CONCLUSION: Our study provides no evidence of a long-term detrimental effect of male gonadal dose of ionizing radiation delivered during radiodiagnostic on the monthly probability of pregnancy during the year following discontinuation of contraceptive use. Classification errors due to the retrospective assessment of male gonadal exposure may have limited the statistical power of our study

    The NUMEN project: NUclear Matrix Elements for Neutrinoless double beta decay

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    The article describes the main achievements of the NUMEN project togetherwith an updated and detailed overview of the related R&D activities andtheoretical developments. NUMEN proposes an innovative technique to access thenuclear matrix elements entering the expression of the lifetime of the doublebeta decay by cross section measurements of heavy-ion induced Double ChargeExchange (DCE) reactions. Despite the two processes, namely neutrinoless doublebeta decay and DCE reactions, are triggered by the weak and strong interactionrespectively, important analogies are suggested. The basic point is thecoincidence of the initial and final state many-body wave-functions in the twotypes of processes and the formal similarity of the transition operators. Firstexperimental results obtained at the INFN-LNS laboratory for the40Ca(18O,18Ne)40Ar reaction at 270 MeV, give encouraging indication on thecapability of the proposed technique to access relevant quantitativeinformation. The two major aspects for this project are the K800Superconducting Cyclotron and MAGNEX spectrometer. The former is used for theacceleration of the required high resolution and low emittance heavy ion beamsand the latter is the large acceptance magnetic spectrometer for the detectionof the ejectiles. The use of the high-order trajectory reconstructiontechnique, implemented in MAGNEX, allows to reach the experimental resolutionand sensitivity required for the accurate measurement of the DCE cross sectionsat forward angles. However, the tiny values of such cross sections and theresolution requirements demand beam intensities much larger than manageablewith the present facility. The on-going upgrade of the INFN-LNS facilities inthis perspective is part of the NUMEN project and will be discussed in thearticle
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