1,130 research outputs found

    Policy-based autonomic control service

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    Recently, there has been a considerable interest in policy-based, goal-oriented service management and autonomic computing. Much work is still required to investigate designs and policy models and associate meta-reasoning systems for policy-based autonomic systems. In this paper we outline a proposed autonomic middleware control service used to orchestrate selfhealing of distributed applications. Policies are used to adjust the systems autonomy and define self-healing strategies to stabilize/correct a given system in the event of failures

    A deliberative model for self-adaptation middleware using architectural dependency

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    A crucial prerequisite to externalized adaptation is an understanding of how components are interconnected, or more particularly how and why they depend on one another. Such dependencies can be used to provide an architectural model, which provides a reference point for externalized adaptation. In this paper, it is described how dependencies are used as a basis to systems' self-understanding and subsequent architectural reconfigurations. The approach is based on the combination of: instrumentation services, a dependency meta-model and a system controller. In particular, the latter uses self-healing repair rules (or conflict resolution strategies), based on extensible beliefs, desires and intention (EBDI) model, to reflect reconfiguration changes back to a target application under examination

    Self-managed cells and their federation

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    Future e-Health systems will consist of low-power, on-body wireless sensors attached to mobile users that interact with a ubiquitous computing environment. This kind of system needs to be able to configure itself with little or no user input; more importantly, it is required to adapt autonomously to changes such as user movement, device failure, the addition or loss of services, and proximity to other such systems. This extended abstract describes the basic architecture of a Self-Managed Cell (SMC) to address these requirements, and discusses various forms of federation between/among SMCs. This structure is motivated by a typical e-Health scenario

    South Carolina Water Plan

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    2008 S.C. Water Resources ConferenceAddressing Water Challenges Facing the State and Regio

    Exposure to the News Networks Through Social Media Sites and Their Reflections on Spreading Rumors among Students – Field Study

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    The scientific study aimed to identify rumors in the students society in the age of social media sites and confrontation mechanisms. The research community included a sample of experts who use new media. Descriptive and statistical approaches (interviews and questionnaires) are used to analyze and understand rumors through social media sites and how to confront them. The study came up with results, the most important of them are as follows: 62% of the research community believes that students (young people) use of news networks via social media sites affects the spread of rumors, while 63% of the research community considers that the quality of social media sites used by young people helps spread rumors, and 43% of the research community agree that technology users are predominantly young people, which helps spread the rumor. Finally, the study recommended that news sites pay attention to the method of dealing with crises, investigate accuracy and credibility, and increase the effective communication between the leaders and students institutions

    Curvas dadas por la intersecciĂłn transversal de dos superficies en el espacio tridimesional de Minkowski

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    In this paper, we study the differential geometry of the transversal intersection curve of two surfaces in Minkowski 3-space, where each pair satisfies the following types spacelike-lightlike, timelike-lightlike and lightlike-lightlike. Surfaces are generally give by their parametric or implicit equations, then the surfacesurface intersection problem appear commonly as parametric-parametric, parametric-implicit and implicitimplicit.We derive the Frenet frame, Darboux frame, curvature, torsion, normal curvature and geodesic curvatures of transversal intersections for all types of intersection problems. We show the intersection curve may be spacelike (timelike, lightlike or pseudo null) curve. Finally, we show our methods by given several examples.En este artículo, estudiamos la geometría diferencial de la curva dada por la intersección transversal de dos superficies en el espacio tridimensional de Minkowski donde cada par satisface los siguientes tipos de superficies; tipo espacio - tipo luz, tipo tiempo - tipo luz y tipo luz - tipo luz. Generalmente, las superficies están dadas por sus ecuaciones paramétricas o implícitas, entonces el problema de intersección superficie superficie aparece comunmente como paramétrico-paramétrico, paramétrico-implícito e implícito-implícito. Obtenemos el Referencial de Frenet, el Referencial de Darboux, la curvatura, la torsión, la curvatura normal y las curvaturas geodésicas de las intersecciones transversales para todos los tipos de problemas de intersección. Mostramos que la curva de intersección puede ser una curva similar a una curva tipo espacio (tipo tiempo, tipo luz o pseudo nula). Finalmente, mostramos nuestros métodos por varios ejemplos

    Effect of vitamin B17 on experimentally induced colon cancer in adult male albino rat

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    Background: Colon cancer is considered to be the third most common cancer worldwide. At diagnosis of colon cancer, 3.7–11% developed bone metastasis. Diet based strategies are important for prevention and treatment of colon cancer. This study investigated the effect of vitamin B17 on a DMH induced rat model of colon cancer. Materials and methods: Eighty young adult male albino rats were divided into five groups: group I (control group), group II (vitamin B17), group III (colon cancer), group IV (protected) and group V (treated). Distal colon sections were prepared for light and scanning electron microscopic examination. Lumbar vertebrae specimens were prepared for light microscopic study. Morphometric and statistical analysis were done. Results: In comparison with the control, both colon cancer and treated groups showed invasion of the colonic tissue by pleomorphic branching colonic glands of variable shapes and sizes lined with dysplastic elongated hyperchromatic nuclei with frequent mitotic figures or stratified multi-layered crowded nuclei with an extremely significant (p < 0.0001) reduction of goblet cell number when compared to the control together with major pathological bone changes were observed in colon cancer and the treated groups. Conclusions: While the protected group showed impressive improvement of all previously mentioned diameters

    Recreational physical activity participation among women in Saudi Arabia

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    Background. Despite that Kingdom of Saudi Arabia places emphasizes on importance of protecting female population, with the absence of physical education for girls in schools that only ceased till very recently, limited number of fitness centres and gyms for women, a particular body image and prevalence of women staying at home and having rather passive or static life have created a somewhat unhealthy lifestyle among women. Methods. Participating women (161; ages 17–44), from Saudi Arabia, completed the survey that assessing fitness environment in the physical centre which are layout, aesthetics and personnel as well the intangible like social interaction and gym experience can be positively influence attendees’ motivation and increase the numbers of the fitness clubs. Therefore, motivation factors could have positive influence on willingness to come back to the gym among females. Results. SPSS showed tangible attributes of the fitness were not significant while social factors were significantly affected motivation to attend the female centres (p< 0.001). On the other hand, the influence of motivation is showing to be significant in willingness to come back to the centre (p< 0.001)
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