680 research outputs found

    The flammability of electronic components in spacecraft environments Final report, 15 Mar. - 15 Oct. 1968

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    Mathematical model for combustion at zero gravity in spacecraft environment

    Pressure Rise Due to a Fire in an Enclosure

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    Can temperature and pressure rise resulting from a fast developing fire in an enclosure be predicted? Toward that end, the authors developed equations, the results of which were compared with the few available experimental data and with the Apollo accident pressure record

    The second-generation Shifted Boundary Method and its numerical analysis

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    Recently, the Shifted Boundary Method (SBM) was proposed within the class of unfitted (or immersed, or embedded) finite element methods. By reformulating the original boundary value problem over a surrogate (approximate) computational domain, the SBM avoids integration over cut cells and the associated problematic issues regarding numerical stability and matrix conditioning. Accuracy is maintained by modifying the original boundary conditions using Taylor expansions. Hence the name of the method, that shifts the location and values of the boundary conditions. In this article, we present enhanced variational SBM formulations for the Poisson and Stokes problems with improved flexibility and robustness. These simplified variational forms allow to relax some of the assumptions required by the mathematical proofs of stability and convergence of earlier implementations. First, we show that these new SBM implementations can be proved asymptotically stable and convergent even without the rather restrictive assumption that the inner product between the normals to the true and surrogate boundaries is positive. Second, we show that it is not necessary to introduce a stabilization term involving the tangential derivatives of the solution at Dirichlet boundaries, therefore avoiding the calibration of an additional stabilization parameter. Finally, we prove enhanced L2-estimates without the cumbersome assumption – of earlier proofs – that the surrogate domain is convex. Instead we rely on a conventional assumption that the boundary of the true domain is smooth, which can also be replaced by requiring convexity of the true domain. The aforementioned improvements open the way to a more general and efficient implementation of the Shifted Boundary Method, particularly in complex three-dimensional geometries. We complement these theoretical developments with numerical experiments in two and three dimensions

    Effect Times Number of Spray and Concentration of Foliar Fertilizer (PIO20) in Growth and Yield of Cucumber Variety Jamila Planted in Plastic Houses Conditions

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    نفذت التجربة خلال الموسم الزراعي 2016 في البيوت البلاستيكية في منطقة العزاوية بمحافظة بابل لدراسة تأثير عدد مرات الرش (رشتان، ثلاث رشات) مع اربعة مستويات للرش بالسماد الورقي PIO20 وهي 0 ،1.5 ،2 ،2.5   مل. لتر1- في نبات الخيار صنف جميلة، طّبقت تجربة عاملية وﻓﻘﴼ لتصميم (C.R.D) بثلاثة مكررات. أوضحت النتائج التفوق المعنوي لمعاملة الرش لثلاث مرات بالسماد الورقيPIO20  على معاملة الرش لمرتين في معدل طول النبات (291.4) سم وعدد الاوراق (36.63) ورقة والوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري(25.76) غم وطول الثمرة (17.98) سم ووزن الثمرة ((109.27غم وعدد الثمار((11.80 ثمرة. نبات1- وحاصل النبات الواحد ((1.294 كغم . كما أظهرت معاملات الرش الورقي جميعها تفوﻗﴼ معنوﻴﴼ في معدل صفات النمو الخضري والثمري قياﺴﴼ لمعاملة المقارنة.  وبيّنت نتائج التداخل التفوق المعنوي لمعاملة الرش لثلاث مرات عند المستوى 2مل. لتر1- في معدل طول النبات (311.3) سم وعدد الاوراق (40.71) ورقة والوزن الجاف للمجموع الخضري(32.09) غم وطول الثمرة (19.34) سم ووزن الثمرة ((116.06 غم وعدد الثمار((12.97 ثمرة. نبات1- وحاصل النبات الواحد ((1.506 كغم.The experiment was conducted during a season of 2016 in plastic houses at Azawia- Babylon to study effect times number of spray (two times،  three times ) with four levels of spray by foliar nutrition  PIO20 (0 ،1.5 ، 2 ،2.5 ml. liter-1) in cucumber plant c.v. jamila. The experiment was conducted of factorial in design using (C.R.D) with three replicates. Results showed the treatment spray of three times significantly on the treatment spray two times when imported  plant length rate (291.4) cm ,the number of leaves (36.63) leaf and dry weight of the shoot (25.76) gm , fruit long (17.98) cm , fruit weight (109.27) gm and the number of fruits (11.80) fruit.plant-1 and the one plant yield (1.294)kg. the results also showed all the treatment of spray significantly in vegetative growth and fruiting characteristics as compared with control treatment. the results of the interaction the significant superiority of the treatment spray of three times on the level 2 ml. liter-1 plant length rate (311.3) cm ,the number of leaves (40.71) leaf and dry weight of the shoot (32.09) gm , fruit long (19.34) cm , fruit weight (116.06) gm and the number of fruits (12.97) fruit.plant-1 and the one plant yield (1.506)kg

    Calcium supplementation to prevent pre-eclampsia - a systematic review

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    Background. Calcium supplementation during pregnancy may prevent high blood pressure and preterm labour. Objective. To assess the effects of calcium supplementation during pregnancy on hypertensive disorders of pregnancy and related maternal and child adverse outcomes. Design. A systematic review of randomised trials that compared supplementation with at least 1 g calcium daily during pregnancy with placebo. Search strategy. The Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth Group trials register (October 2001) and the Cochrane Controlled Trials Register (Issue 3, 2001) were searched and study s were contacted. Data collection and analysis. Eligibility and trial quality were assessed. Data were extracted and analysed. Main results. There was a modest reduction in the risk of pre-eclampsia with calcium supplementation (relative risk (RR) 0.68, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.57- 0.81). The effect was greatest for women at high risk of hypertension (RR 0.21, 95% CI: 0.11 - 0.39) and those with low baseline calcium intake (RR 0.32, 95% CI: 0.21 - 0.49). There was no overall effect on the risk of preterm delivery, although there was a reduction in risk among women at high risk of hypertension (RR 0.42, 95% CI: 0.23 - 0.78). There was no evidence of any effect of calcium supplementation on stillbirth or death before discharge from hospital. There were fewer babies with birthweight 95th percentile was reduced (RR 0.59, 95% CI: 0.39 - 0.91). Conclusions. Calcium supplementation appears to be beneficial for women at high risk of gestational hypertension and in communities with low dietary calcium intake. These benefits were confined to several rather small trials, and were not found in the largest trial to date, conducted in a low-risk population. Further research is required. (South African Medical Journal: 2003 93(3): 224-228

    Interventions for improving recovery from work

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    ObjectivesThis is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (intervention). The objectives are as follows:To compare the effectiveness of different individual interventions in recovery from work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Is surgical debridement necessary in the diabetic foot treated with photodynamic therapy?

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    Background: Diabetic patients are susceptible to developing foot ulcerswith serious complications such as osteomyelitis and amputations. Treatment approaches are still empirical and the benefit of usual procedures such as surgical debridement has not been properly evaluated. Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) is a non-invasive and highly efficient method for the treatment of the diabetic foot, being able to eradicate the infection and to stimulate healing, decreasing considerably the amputation risk. In the day-to-day practice of our service, we have been faced with the question whether debridement is necessary before PDT. In here, we designed a study to answer that question. Methods: Patients were divided in two groups: In one of the groups (n = 17), debridement was performed before PDT and in the other (n = 40) only PDT treatment was performed. PDT sessions were performed once a week in all patients until healing was achieved, as indicated by visual inspection as well as by radiographic and laboratory exams. At the start of the study, the two groups had no statistical differences concerning their clinical features: average age, gender, insulin use, diabetes mellitus onset time and previous amputations. Results: PDT was effective in the treatment of 100% of the patients showing no relapses after one year of follow up. The group submitted to PDT without previous debridement had a statistically significant (p = 0.036, Mann-Whitney) shorter cure time (29 days, similar to 27%). Conclusion: Our data indicates that debridement is not necessary in the treatment of diabetic foot in patients that have enough peripheral arterial perfusion. In addition, we reproduced previous studies confirming that PDT is an efficient, safe, simple and affordable treatment method for the diabetic foot.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao PauloCNPqHosp Anchieta, Fac Med ABC, Sao Bernardo Do Campo, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Bioquim, Santo Andre, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Bioquim, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, Dept Med, Sao Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 12/50680-5FAPESP: 13/07937-8Web of Scienc