167 research outputs found

    The Influence Ofword of Mouth, Brand Image, and Product Attributes on Blackberry Product Purchasing Decisions.

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    Research it is based on a decrease in the sale of blackberry in the last three years. Many factors that must be considered in the decision to buy a product for consideration in decision making. The purpose of this research is: to analyze the influence of word of mouth , brand image, and product attributes on Blackberry product purchasing decisions. This type of research is explanatory type . In this study will explain the influence between the variables to test the hypothesis . The population in this study were all students Fisip Undip . Sampling technique using purposive sampling , namely Fisip Undip student who uses a Blackberry mobile phones . The sampling technique using the formula lameshow, so the sample amounted to 96 respondents . The results showed that word of mouth , brand image and product attributes have a positive and significant influence on purchasing decisions Blackberry products . This is evidenced by test F statistics that indicate 119,559 F count > F table 2,70. The advice given is a Blackberry product companies must constantly innovate by adding features products that are more practical , effective , and expressive

    Pengaruh Paritas terhadap Persentase Estrus dan Kebuntingan Sapi Peranakan Ongole yang Disinkronisasi Estrus Menggunakan Prostaglandin F2α (Pgf2α)

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    The research aimed to determine the effect of parities on the percentage of estrous and conception of OngoleOffspring after estrous synchronization using prostaglandin F2α (PGF2α). The research was held in November2012until February 2013, located in Punggur District, Central Lampung Regency, Lampung Province.This research used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and four replications. Thetreatments were Ongole Offspring heifers (P0); Ongole Offspring which have calved once (P1); and OngoleOffspring which have calved twice (P2). Data of percentage of estrous and conception was analyzed by using Chisquareon level of 5%.The result of the Chi-square analysis showed that parity was not significantly different (P>0,05) to the percentage ofestrous and conception of Ongole Offspring. The estrous percentage of Ongole Offspring was 100%. The conceptionpercentages of Ongole Offspring on P0, P1, and P2 in a row were 25%, 0%, and 25%

    INTEROP deliverable DTG 6.2 : Method repository

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    This deliverable presents the INTEROP method chunks repository (MCR), its architecture and provided services. It includes the definition of a reusable method chunk, its structure, illustrated with examples of method chunks stored in the repository and guidelines for method chunks definition and characterisation covering tasks TG6.2 and TG6.3 of the work plan of the task group. The main result is the definition of the structure of the method chunk repository emphasizing the link to interoperability. Interoperability is a first-class concept in the structure of the method chunk repository. It not only characterizes method chunks, i.e. procedures to solve interoperability problems, but also interoperability cases, i.e. the presentation of actual problems involving interoperability issues. TG 6 has produced three MCR prototypes. Two experiments were undertaken using the Metis system and one using ConceptBase. The task group attended a two-day intense workshop on Metis. As a result, two experiments with Metis as platform for the method chunk repository are under way and reported in this deliverable. One is realizing the structure of the MCR as specified in this report. The other is an alternative approach that serves as a benchmark and is reported in the appendix. The ConceptBase prototype utilizes the metamodel presented in this deliverable. We have analysed three cases involving various aspects of interoperability. One case is about establishing a broker platform for insurance agents, the second about linking the information systems in the public utility sector, and the third case is establishing the relation of the ATHENA Model-Driven Interoperability Framework to the goals of the MCR. The results of the TG6 have been published at the ISD conference 2006 and the ER conference 2006. Copies of the papers are included in the appendix. The report of the example session with the method chunk repository has been shifted towards deliverable TG6.3 (Tutorial of the MCR). This is the more logical place. We want to emphasize that TG6 was not only busy in drafting concepts, exploring the state of the art, and analyzing cases. We are actually experimenting with a prototype and consider this a valuable contribution to the network. As soon as the prototype is stable, knowledge about interoperability solutions can be coded in this repository and can guide designers of interoperable systems by experience knowledge

    IZA COVID-19 crisis response monitoring: short-run labor market impacts of COVID-19, initial policy measures and beyond

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    The unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic has a severe impact on societies, economies and labor markets. However, not all countries, socio-economic groups and sectors are equally affected. For example, occupational groups working in sectors where value chains have been disrupted and lockdowns have had direct impacts are affected more heavily, while the slowdown of hiring activities mostly affects young labor market entrants. As a result, there has been a steep increase in unemployment rates in many countries, but not everywhere to the same extent. Part of this difference can be related to the different role and extent of short-time work schemes, which is now being used more widely than during the Great Recession. Some countries have created or expanded these schemes, making coverage less exclusive and benefits more generous, at least temporarily. But short-time work is certainly not a panacea to “flatten the unemployment curve”. Furthermore, next to providing liquidity support to firms, unemployment benefits have been made more generous in many countries. Often, activation principles have also been temporarily reduced. Some countries have increased access to income support to some extent also for non-standard workers, such as temporary agency workers or self-employed workers, on an ad hoc basis. A major change in working conditions is the broad move towards telework arrangements and work from home. Nonetheless, it appears too early to assess the relative success of national strategies to cope with the pandemic and to revitalize the labor market as well as the medium-term fiscal viability of different support measures. Future monitoring will also have to trace policies to cope with the imminent structural changes that might result from the crisis or might be accelerated by the crisis

    Review on wildlife value orientation for ecotourism resource management

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    Wildlife value orientation (WVO) is important in the management of conflicts in ecotourism, particularly in human and wildlife concerns as human-wildlife conflict reported cases have increased in recent years. Therefore, this article systematically reviews literatures on WVO globally from the context of theoretical approach as well as the effect of modernization on values towards wildlife. The theoretical approach highlights the cognitive hierarchy model and the development of four theories that shapes the cultural thought towards wildlife relevant to ecotourism products. By understanding, through integrated empirical investigation, the values people hold towards wildlife, it enables the development of effective decision makings in handling the conflicts in the realm of ecotourism product or resource management

    Prevalence, molecular markers, and outcome of bronchial squamous carcinoma in situ in high-risk subjects

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2023 The Authors. APMIS published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Scandinavian Societies for Pathology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology. © 2023 The Authors. APMIS published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Scandinavian Societies for Pathology, Medical Microbiology and Immunology.Bronchial squamous carcinoma in situ (CIS) is a preinvasive lesion that is thought to precede invasive carcinoma. We conducted prospective autofluorescence and white light bronchoscopy trials between 1992 and 2016 to assess the prevalence, molecular markers, and outcome of individuals with CIS and other preneoplastic bronchial lesions. Biopsies were evaluated at multiple levels and selected biopsies were tested for aneuploidy and DNA sequenced for TP53 mutation. Thirty-one individuals with CIS were identified. Twenty-two cases of CIS occurred in association with concurrent invasive carcinomas. Seven of the invasive tumors were radiographically occult. In two cases, CIS spread from the focus of invasive carcinoma into contralateral lung lobes, forming secondary invasive tumors. In nine cases, CIS occurred as isolated lesions and one progressed to invasive squamous carcinoma at the same site 40 months after discovery. In a second case, CIS was a precursor of carcinoma at a separate site in a different lobe. In seven cases CIS regressed to a lower grade or disappeared. High level chromosomal aneusomy was often associated with TP53 mutation and with invasive carcinoma. CIS most often occurs in association with invasive squamous carcinoma and may extend along the airways into distant lobes. In rare cases, CIS may be observed to directly transform into invasive carcinoma. CIS may be indicative of invasive tumor at a separate distant site. Isolated CIS may regress. Molecular changes parallel histological changes in CIS and may be used to map clonal expansion in the airways.Peer reviewe

    Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity

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    [EN] To maintain integrity, constraint violations should be prevented or repaired. However, it may not be feasible to avoid inconsistency, or to repair all violations at once. Based on an abstract concept of violation measures, updates and repairs can be checked for keeping inconsistency bounded, such that integrity violations are guaranteed to never get out of control. This measure-based approach goes beyond conventional methods that are not meant to be applied in the presence of inconsistency. It also generalizes recently introduced concepts of inconsistency-tolerant integrity maintenance.Partially supported by FEDER and the Spanish grants TIN2009-14460-C03 and TIN2010-17139Decker, H. (2013). Measure-Based Inconsistency-Tolerant Maintenance of Database Integrity. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 7693:149-173. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-36008-4_7S1491737693Abiteboul, S., Hull, R., Vianu, V.: Foundations of Databases. 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    Refolding by High Pressure of a Toxin Containing Seven Disulfide Bonds: Bothropstoxin-1 from Bothrops jararacussu

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    Aggregation is a serious obstacle for recovery of biologically active heterologous proteins from inclusion bodies (IBs) produced by recombinant bacteria. E. coli transformed with a vector containing the cDNA for Bothropstoxin-1 (BthTx-1) expressed the recombinant product as IBs. In order to obtain the native toxin, insoluble and aggregated protein was refolded using high hydrostatic pressure (HHP). IBs were dissolved and refolded (2 kbar, 16 h), and the effects of protein concentration, as well as changes in ratio and concentration of oxido-shuffling reagents, guanidine hydrochloride (GdnHCl), and pH in the refolding buffer, were assayed. A 32% yield (7.6 mg per liter of bacterial culture) in refolding of the native BthTx-1 was obtained using optimal conditions of the refolding buffer (Tris–HCl buffer, pH 7.5, containing 3 mM of a 2:3 ratio of GSH/GSSG, and 1 M GdnHCl). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that that disaggregation of part of IBs particles occurred upon compression and that the morphology of the remaining IBs, spherical particles, was not substantially altered. Dose-dependent cytotoxic activity of high-pressure refolded BthTx-1 was shown in C2C12 muscle cells

    The sequences of 150,119 genomes in the UK Biobank

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    Detailed knowledge of how diversity in the sequence of the human genome affects phenotypic diversity depends on a comprehensive and reliable characterization of both sequences and phenotypic variation. Over the past decade, insights into this relationship have been obtained from whole-exome sequencing or whole-genome sequencing of large cohorts with rich phenotypic data(1,2). Here we describe the analysis of whole-genome sequencing of 150,119 individuals from the UK Biobank(3). This constitutes a set of high-quality variants, including 585,040,410 single-nucleotide polymorphisms, representing 7.0% of all possible human single-nucleotide polymorphisms, and 58,707,036 indels. This large set of variants allows us to characterize selection based on sequence variation within a population through a depletion rank score of windows along the genome. Depletion rank analysis shows that coding exons represent a small fraction of regions in the genome subject to strong sequence conservation. We define three cohorts within the UK Biobank: a large British Irish cohort, a smaller African cohort and a South Asian cohort. A haplotype reference panel is provided that allows reliable imputation of most variants carried by three or more sequenced individuals. We identified 895,055 structural variants and 2,536,688 microsatellites, groups of variants typically excluded from large-scale whole-genome sequencing studies. Using this formidable new resource, we provide several examples of trait associations for rare variants with large effects not found previously through studies based on whole-exome sequencing and/or imputation