1,395 research outputs found

    Anthropogenic land subsidence in the Perth Basin: Challenges for its retrospective geodetic detection

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    Recent-past subsidence of parts of the Perth Basin has most probably been caused by increased groundwater extraction for domestic and agricultural use. However, no dedicated geodetic monitoring programs were established when the increased extraction began in around 2000, thus setting a challenge to retrospectively quantify and map the subsidence. Differential levelling is likely to be less effective as only a few repeat traverses cover the areas thought to be subsiding. Repeat gravimetry is totally ineffective because of microseismic vibrations propagating through the Perth Basin. Repeat episodic GPS (Global Positioning System) is also likely to be less effective because of the few station occupations over several days or weeks and the inherent weakness of GPS for height determination. However, from a continuously operating GPS receiver at Gnangara and nearby artesian monitoring boreholes, we show that the rate of land subsidence has slowed from about -6 mm/yr to about -2 mm/yr since the reduction of groundwater extraction from the Yarragadee Aquifer in around 2005. A promising technique is InSAR (interferometric synthetic aperture radar) because it can map large areas, but the lack of historical radar imagery over the period of increased subsidence is a hindrance

    ‘‘You try to keep a brave face on but inside you are in bits’’: Grandparent experiences of engaging with professionals in Children’s Services

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    This article presents findings from an evaluation conducted in 2012, of the advice and advocacy service provided by the charity Family Rights Group for families involved with children’s services. It specifically focuses on the experiences of grandparents and explores accounts from grandparents who were either in the process of seeking care of their grandchildren or were already caring for grandchildren but without formal support or recognition. The findings suggest that there is a need to pay greater attention to the fears of such grandparents about children’s services in a context where there appears to be a policy preference for adoption. Also evident is a paradox at the heart of contemporary social work practices towards grandparents. While some felt dismissed and marginalized very quickly by social workers and imaginative approaches to care possibilities did not appear to be pursued, others were carrying enormous burdens of care often for very long periods of time without either financial support or legal recognition. To strengthen the care options for children and respect the ethic of care that is clearly to be observed operating in grandparenting practices, it is suggested that a more thorough interrogation of the multiple and often highly contradictory meanings attached to family is required on the part of social workers

    The top 100 most cited manuscripts in bladder cancer: A bibliometric analysis (review article)

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    Background Bladder cancer is one of the top 10 frequently occurring neoplasms worldwide and is responsible for over 150,000 deaths per annum. Bibliometric analysis helps further our knowledge of bladder cancer research, topics and trends. It is useful to identify the most influential articles and its impact pertinent to this field that has helped mould our understanding and management of bladder cancer. Materials and methods Search terms related to bladder cancer were compiled and used to interrogate the Thompson Reuters Web of Science indexing database. The 100 most cited manuscripts in the English language were identified and further evaluated by theme, manuscript type, journal, year of publication, author and institution. Results The Web of Science search returned a total of 47,381 manuscripts. The median number of citations among the top 100 was 515, ranging from 2257 to 352. The greatest number of manuscripts in the top 100 were published in the Journal of Urology (n = 15), followed by the Journal of Clinical Oncology (n = 14) and European Urology (n = 13). The most cited paper (Stein et al. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2001, 2257 citations) reported on the long term outcomes from a large cohort of patients that underwent radical cystectomy and bilateral pelvic lymphadenectomy for transitional cell carcinoma. The most prevalent theme was the pathobiology of bladder cancer (n = 37) followed by oncological treatment (n = 17). The majority of manuscripts were of original research (n = 79) mainly based on basic science study design and published from institutions in the USA. Conclusion The pathobiology and oncological treatment of bladder cancer were the areas with most citations within the top 100. This bibliometric analysis has identified influential articles in the field on bladder cancer, which provides a useful guide to authors as to what type of article constitutes a highly citable publication in this subject

    Improving EGM2008 by GPS and leveling data at local scale

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    The development of the Earth Gravitational Model 2008 (EGM2008) model is a significant contribution for modeling the Earth's gravity and geoid. Recently, it can be confidently used versus geometric models following a simple refinement procedure. Several studies show that, EGM2008 can reach the accuracy of regional or local geoid models after modeling the differences between the GPS-leveling geoid heights and EGM2008 derived geoid heights at identified control points. The study focuses on a corrector surface fitting (CSF) approach based on radial basis functions (RBF) as improvement procedure for EGM2008. A detailed mathematical model and solution algorithm of the proposed model is given, and it has been applied in different test areas covering the city borders of Bursa, Konya, Denizli and Gaziantep in Turkey. Accuracy of the improved model was evaluated in scattered check points within test regions. The geoid heights of all check points obtained by GPS-leveling measurements were compared with the geoid heights obtained from improved model. The discrepancies between the calculated and measured geoid heights were analyzed and discussed

    Band Alignments, Electronic Structure, and Core-Level Spectra of Bulk Molybdenum Dichalcogenides (MoS<inf>2</inf>, MoSe<inf>2</inf>, and MoTe<inf>2</inf>)

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    A comprehensive study of bulk molybdenum dichalcogenides is presented with the use of soft and hard X-ray photoelectron (SXPS and HAXPES) spectroscopy combined with hybrid density functional theory (DFT). The main core levels of MoS2, MoSe2, and MoTe2 are explored. Laboratory-based X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is used to determine the ionization potential (IP) values of the MoX2 series as 5.86, 5.40, and 5.00 eV for MoSe2, MoSe2, and MoTe2, respectively, enabling the band alignment of the series to be established. Finally, the valence band measurements are compared with the calculated density of states which shows the role of p-d hybridization in these materials. Down the group, an increase in the p-d hybridization from the sulfide to the telluride is observed, explained by the configuration energy of the chalcogen p orbitals becoming closer to that of the valence Mo 4d orbitals. This pushes the valence band maximum closer to the vacuum level, explaining the decreasing IP down the series. High-resolution SXPS and HAXPES core-level spectra address the shortcomings of the XPS analysis in the literature. Furthermore, the experimentally determined band alignment can be used to inform future device work

    Magazine and reader constructions of 'metrosexuality' and masculinity: a membership categorisation analysis

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    Since the launch of men's lifestyle magazines in the 1980s, academic literature has predominantly focused on them as a cultural phenomenon arising from entrepreneurial and commercial initiatives and/or as cultural texts that proffer representations of masculinity such as 'new lad' and 'new dad'. This paper steps aside from the focus on culture and, instead, treats magazine content as a discursive space in which gender and sexuality are oriented to, negotiated, and accomplished within and beyond the magazine itself (i.e. through readers' responses). Specifically, membership categorisation analysis is deployed to explore how the relatively new (and perhaps alternative) category for men - 'metrosexual' - is presented and received. Our analysis suggests that masculinity concerns are central in debates about 'metrosexuality', with self-identified 'metrosexuals' invoking heterosexual prowess and self-respect on the one hand, and critics (e.g. selfidentified 'real men') lamenting 'metrosexuality' for its perceived effeminacy and lack of authenticity on the other. Implications for understanding contemporary masculinities are discussed

    Transnational social capital: the socio‐spatialities of civil society

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    Civil society remains a contested concept, but one that is widely embedded in global development processes. Transnationalism within civil society scholarship is often described dichotomously, either through hierarchical dependency relations or as a more amorphous networked global civil society. These two contrasting spatial imaginaries produce very particular ideas about how transnational relations contribute to civil society. Drawing on empirical material from research with civil society organizations in Barbados and Grenada, in this article I contend that civil society groups use forms of transnational social capital in their work. This does not, however, resonate with the horizontal relations associated with grassroots globalization or vertical chains of dependence. These social relations are imbued with power and agency and are entangled in situated historical, geographical and personal contexts. I conclude that the diverse transnational social relations that are part of civil society activity offer hope and possibilities for continued civil society action in these unexpected spatial arrangements

    Length of carotid stenosis predicts peri-procedural stroke or death and restenosis in patients randomized to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy.

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    BACKGROUND: The anatomy of carotid stenosis may influence the outcome of endovascular treatment or carotid endarterectomy. Whether anatomy favors one treatment over the other in terms of safety or efficacy has not been investigated in randomized trials. METHODS: In 414 patients with mostly symptomatic carotid stenosis randomized to endovascular treatment (angioplasty or stenting; n = 213) or carotid endarterectomy (n = 211) in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS), the degree and length of stenosis and plaque surface irregularity were assessed on baseline intraarterial angiography. Outcome measures were stroke or death occurring between randomization and 30 days after treatment, and ipsilateral stroke and restenosis ≥50% during follow-up. RESULTS: Carotid stenosis longer than 0.65 times the common carotid artery diameter was associated with increased risk of peri-procedural stroke or death after both endovascular treatment [odds ratio 2.79 (1.17-6.65), P = 0.02] and carotid endarterectomy [2.43 (1.03-5.73), P = 0.04], and with increased long-term risk of restenosis in endovascular treatment [hazard ratio 1.68 (1.12-2.53), P = 0.01]. The excess in restenosis after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy was significantly greater in patients with long stenosis than with short stenosis at baseline (interaction P = 0.003). Results remained significant after multivariate adjustment. No associations were found for degree of stenosis and plaque surface. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing stenosis length is an independent risk factor for peri-procedural stroke or death in endovascular treatment and carotid endarterectomy, without favoring one treatment over the other. However, the excess restenosis rate after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy increases with longer stenosis at baseline. Stenosis length merits further investigation in carotid revascularisation trials

    Making Space, Making Place: Digital Togetherness and the Redefinition of Migrant Identities Online

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    Immigrants have played a fundamental role in shaping the life and form of urban public spaces for generations. Their efforts, as many scholars have observed, mostly aimed at creating places of comfort in new and sometimes hostile receiving countries. In recent years, the combined contribution of the built environment and screen-based experiences have shaped migrants’ sense of community and belonging, thus making the concept of online community central to ideas about space and public life. Drawing upon a 3-year online ethnography, the article discusses to what extent new media constitute spaces of digital togetherness, where diasporic experiences and transnational identities are constructed and negotiated. It presents a transnational model of creative media consumption, which helps give insight as to how diasporas and ethnic minorities contribute to the transformation of public space in the Digital Age