243 research outputs found

    Short-term effects of PV integration on global welfare and CO2 emissions. An application to the Iberian electricity market

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    This work analyses the effect on the daily electricity market of the authorisation of 3,909 MW of new photovoltaic (PV) power in Spain in 2017 –as a contribution to the EU environmental objectives for 2030. To estimate the impact of this additional offer, we use real data from the supply and demand curves of the Iberian (Spain and Portugal) daily electricity market. Our data is available for all the hours of the full year between August 1, 2016 and July 31, 2017. In this period, more than 800 agents have participated in the market, generating more than 15 million operations. In order to calculate the new supply function for each hour, the hourly production of these new facilities is added to the offer at zero price, since their marginal costs are very close to zeroand correspond to the offers that are being made by the current PV bidders. By using static and dynamic (multilevel) analyses, the variations of prices, quantities, emissions and surpluses of buyers and sellers are calculated. As the economic theory foresees, the new supply curve causes a decrease in average prices of 2.7 €/MWh in daylight hours(or 1.5€/MWh considering all the hours of the year), and an8% reduction in the income of the PV plants currently in operation (incumbents). The substitution of combined cycle energy (the technology expulsed) by PV energy brings about a saving of 2.2 million Mt of CO2 eq. In terms of economic welfare, the incorporation of PV power produces an increase in the total surplus of about 300 M€ each year

    Optimal Design Model for a Residential PV Storage System an Application to the Spanish Case

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    Self-consumption of photovoltaic energy is being promoted as an effective way for energy consumption in residential households. The European Directive 944/2019 promotes the use of green energy and battery energy storage systems (BESS) for self-consumption and, in Spain, the 244/2019 Royal Decree of the Spanish electrical regulatory framework allows the self-consumption of energy with a photovoltaic (PV) facility for residential use, as well as the injection of the surplus energy into the grid for which compensation will be received. At the same time, new developments in PV and BESS technologies reduce the costs of facilities, a fact that can increase the profitability of self-consumption through PV energy. This study evaluates the profitability of a household PV facility with BESS using a model based on real market prices, hourly data from user smart meters, and their own location; especially, the model gives the best configuration of PV panels power and BESS capacity. The financial indicators taken as reference for the results and conclusions are the Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Investment Return (IR). Our method examines also the effect of the BESS and PV panel costs on the profitability of the facility. Unlike other studies, our model is based on actual (not simulated) demand and price data, and it can be easily extended to other locations and market prices

    Cluster analysis of labour flows and active employment policies

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    Este trabajo aborda la aplicación de una metodología de “clusters” a la información disponible sobre las colocaciones registradas en las oficinas públicas de empleo andaluzas (Servicio Andaluz de Empleo, SAE) entre enero de 2007 y diciembre de 2010. Dicha metodología permite dividir al mercado de trabajo en clusters (o mercados de trabajo locales homogéneos) mediante el agrupamiento de segmentos laborales definidos según el municipio, el grupo de ocupación y el sector de actividad tanto del puesto cubierto como del trabajador que lo cubre. Esta segmentación del mercado de trabajo se ajusta a la forma en que describen el emparejamiento los modelos teóricos actuales sobre el desempleo de búsqueda. Los desempleados que pertenecen a un determinado cluster tienen mayores opciones de encontrar empleo si buscan dentro de su cluster, ya que dicho cluster se basa precisamente en las experiencias exitosas de empleo de otros trabajadores con similares características. Pensamos que esta metodología puede constituir una poderosa herramienta de información para los servicios públicos de empleo, por cuanto permite proporcionar a cada buscador de empleo información precisa e individualizada sobre su entorno laboral más propicioThis paper addresses the application of a cluster methodology to the available information on labor placements registered in the Andalusian public employment offices (Andalusian Employment Service, SAE) between January 2007 and December 2010. This methodology allows us to divide the labor market in clusters (or homogeneous local labor markets) by pooling labor segments defined by the municipality, group of occupation and sector of activity for both the vacancy and the worker that covers it. This segmentation of the labor market fits well with the way matching is described by the current theoretical models on search unemployment. The unemployed belonging to a given cluster have more chances of finding employment if they look within their cluster, since this cluster is based precisely on the successful experiences of employment of other workers with similar characteristics. We think that this methodology can be a powerful information tool for public employment services, since it enables us to provide every job seeker with precise and individualized information about the more conducive employment environment to finding a jobJunta de Andalucia. Centro de Estudios Andaluces PRY 010/1

    El diferencial de desempleo andaluz: análisis SVAR de la curva de Beveridge

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    En este trabajo aportamos una nueva evidencia sobre el problema del diferencial de desempleo andaluz. Para ello, planteamos un modelo SVAR con las variables desempleo, vacantes y población activa, considerando tres tipos de perturbaciones: reasignación, actividad agregada y población activa. Dada la estructura teórica considerada, enfatizamos el estudio de los efectos dinámicos de las perturbaciones de reasignación y de actividad agregada sobre el desempleo y las vacantes. El análisis se plantea para Andalucía y el resto de España (1978-2003). La principal conclusión es que el desempleo andaluz presenta un carácter estructural más acentuado que el del resto de España, por lo que las políticas de demanda agregada podrían ser menos efectivas en el caso andaluz

    Analysis of the evolution of the Spanish labour market through unsupervised learning

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    Unemployment in Spain is one of the biggest concerns of its inhabitants. Its unemployment rate is the second highest in the European Union, and in the second quarter of 2018 there is a 15.2% unemployment rate, some 3.4 million unemployed. Construction is one of the activity sectors that have suffered the most from the economic crisis. In addition, the economic crisis affected in different ways to the labour market in terms of occupation level or location. The aim of this paper is to discover how the labour market is organised taking into account the jobs that workers get during two periods: 2011-2013, which corresponds to the economic crisis period, and 2014-2016, which was a period of economic recovery. The data used are official records of the Spanish administration corresponding to 1.9 and 2.4 million job placements, respectively. The labour market was analysed by applying unsupervised machine learning techniques to obtain a clear and structured information on the employment generation process and the underlying labour mobility. We have applied two clustering methods with two different technologies, and the results indicate that there were some movements in the Spanish labour market which have changed the physiognomy of some of the jobs. The analysis reveals the changes in the labour market: the crisis forces greater geographical mobility and favours the subsequent emergence of new job sources. Nevertheless, there still exist some clusters that remain stable despite the crisis. We may conclude that we have achieved a characterisation of some important groups of workers in Spain. The methodology used, being supported by Big Data techniques, would serve to analyse any alternative job market.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2014-55894-C2-R y TIN2017-88209-C2-2-R, CO2017-8678

    El Diferencial de Desempleo Andaluz: Análisis SVAR de la Curva de Beveridge

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    En este trabajo aportamos una nueva evidencia sobre el problema del diferencial de desempleo andaluz. Para ello, planteamos un modelo SVAR con las variables desempleo, vacantes y población activa, considerando tres tipos de perturbaciones: reasignación, actividad agregada y población activa. Dada la estructura teórica considerada, enfatizamos el estudio de los efectos dinámicos de las perturbaciones de reasignación y de actividad agregada sobre el desempleo y las vacantes. El análisis se plantea para Andalucía y el resto de España (1978-2003). La principal conclusión es que el desempleo andaluz presenta un carácter estructural más acentuado que el del resto de España, por lo que las políticas de demanda agregada podrían ser menos efectivas en el caso andaluz.Diferencial de desempleo andaluz, curva de Beveridge, análisis SVAR, perturbaciones de reasignación, perturbaciones de actividad agregada.

    On directors’ compensation: a multilevel analysis of Spanish listed companies

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    This study analyzes the determinants of the annual compensation of directors belonging to the boards of the Spanish companies that constitute the IBEX 35 stock index. We investigate the importance of observed and unobserved heterogeneity in explaining director compensation. Based on a three-level mixed effect model, our analysis includes time-invariant random effects at company and manager level as determinants of director pay. We find that company effects explain 30% of the variation in director pay, while company and director effects taken together explain 77% of that variation. Our findings suggest that the characteristics of the company, in terms of activity sector, size and financial performance, and the professional attributes of the director (especially the role within the board), influence the compensation received. In addition, some directors and companies show random effects (either positive or negative) that significantly separate them from the expected compensation estimated from the fixed part of the model.CDTI - Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico IndustrialMinisterio de Economía, Industria y Competitivida

    Los acuerdos de Paz del Teatro Colón y su carácter normativo: una aproximación desde el derecho internacional

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    La implementación de los acuerdos de paz evidencia una serie de cuestionamientos de orden jurídico que deben ser abordados desde diversas áreas del derecho. El derecho internacional, en relación con el derecho interno, muestra cómo no todo el texto de los acuerdos alcanzados logra la calificación de acuerdo especial, con base a los postulados de la Convención de Viena sobre Derecho de los Tratados y de la práctica del Derecho Internacional Humanitario y por lo tanto, su inclusión en el bloque de constitucionalidad debe ser parcial y bajo los mecanismos que la propia Corte Constitucional ha establecido en su jurisprudencia

    Evaluation of the capability of the PCV2 genome to encode miRNAs : lack of viral miRNA expression in an experimental infection

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    Porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) is a ssDNA virus causing PCV2-systemic disease (PCV2-SD), one of the most important diseases in swine. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a new class of small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression post-transcriptionally. Viral miRNAs have recently been described and the number of viral miRNAs has been increasing in the past few years. In this study, small RNA libraries were constructed from two tissues of subclinically PCV2 infected pigs to explore if PCV2 can encode viral miRNAs. The deep sequencing data revealed that PCV2 does not express miRNAs in an in vivo subclinical infection