913 research outputs found

    Lacerated word. Celan from Derrida

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    Para Jacques Derrida, la “literatura” es una cierta práctica de escritura que desestabiliza y suspende los límites del sentido. Nuestro propósito en este artículo no es ofrecer una mera paráfrasis de la lectura derridiana de ciertos poemas de Paul Celan, sino mostrar cómo desde el despliegue estratégico de la lectura deconstructiva se manifiestan los límites de la legibilidad en el texto poético del rumano desde el momento en que no hay un sentido originario, haciéndose refractario a toda lectura que pretenda dominarlo desde presupuestos extra textuales.For Jacques Derrida, “literature” is some practice writing that disrupts the bounds of sense and highlights the limitations of the critical languages. Our purpose in this paper is not to offer a mere paraphrase of Derrida’s reading certain poems of Paul Celan, but to show how from strategic deployment of the deconstructive reading, the limits of readability manifest in Celan’s poetic text from the moment there is no original meaning, becoming refractory to every reading that seeks to dominate from extra textual budgets

    Markovian Testing Equivalence and Exponentially Timed Internal Actions

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    In the theory of testing for Markovian processes developed so far, exponentially timed internal actions are not admitted within processes. When present, these actions cannot be abstracted away, because their execution takes a nonzero amount of time and hence can be observed. On the other hand, they must be carefully taken into account, in order not to equate processes that are distinguishable from a timing viewpoint. In this paper, we recast the definition of Markovian testing equivalence in the framework of a Markovian process calculus including exponentially timed internal actions. Then, we show that the resulting behavioral equivalence is a congruence, has a sound and complete axiomatization, has a modal logic characterization, and can be decided in polynomial time

    Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate in Chile: Alternative Approaches

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    In the monetary policy framework based on inflation targeting and a floating exchange rate, it is necessary to know the equilibrium real exchange rate (RER). This paper describes models for determining the equilibrium RER of regular use at the CBC. In particular, the purchasing power parity, macroeconomic balance, and reduced-form models are discussed. We show how these paradigms are used complementarily to report the judgment of economic policymakers. We also discuss the way in which the structural surplus rule in place, under which the state saves a large part of copper income, has tended to attenuate the previous relationship between the RER and the terms of trade. This change leads to revising the ways of implementing the reduced-form models. Specifically, we suggest that, within the current fiscal policy framework, one of the fundamentals of the RER are the non-copper terms of trade rather than the aggregate terms of trade.

    Exchange Rate Analysis in Practice

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    This paper describes the main tools used to analyze the exchange rate in the process of conducting and analyzing the macroeconomic policies of the Chilean Central Bank (CCB). In doing so, we first describe the main methodologies used to construct real exchange rate (RER) indices, and corroborate that the RER index regularly published by the CCB has the desired properties. Second, we discuss different concepts of RER equilibrium and review methodologies that can empirically approximate the concept of medium to long-term RER equilibrium. For all these methodologies, we report estimations of the equilibrium RER during 2005. In each case, we identify the main assumptions behind the results. Finally, we analyze some variables that describe the behavior of the exchange market, that are a complementary tool to the equilibrium RER estimates, and are useful to assess whether there is an unusual behavior or exceptional circumstances in this market.

    Desarrollo de una herramienta de autoevaluación online que permita la comparación y entrega de resultados por medio de indicadores prediales para la sostenibilidad agrícola

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    258 p.El ser humano como especie ha sobrevivido durante el tiempo porque ha podido alimentarse adecuadamente, cada vez con menos esfuerzo, primero siguiendo su alimento, cazándolo o pescándolo. Luego fue cultivándolo, emergiendo así la agricultura. Sin embargo, esta última ha sido sobre explotada durante los últimos años en relación a sus recursos naturales, esto se conoce como revolución verde, en la cual la sociedad ve el predio como una industria donde se pretende extraer la mayor cantidad de recursos con el menor costo, dejando de lado todo cuidado con la naturaleza y la ecología. Actualmente existe una conciencia de la degradación de los predios, especialmente el suelo, lo que se conoce como sostenibilidad agrícola, que pretende practicar la agricultura desde una forma responsable cuidando los recursos naturales con el ánimo de asegurar los cultivos futuros. El problema persiste en que no se sabe a ciencia cierta cuales son los indicadores que se tienen que mejorar, ya que la sostenibilidad agrícola se obtiene en base a la comparación entre predios que a priori son incomparables. Es por eso que se crea esta herramienta que permite estandarizar indicadores y permite su comparación. Palabras claves: Sostenibilidad Agrícola, indicadores prediales /ABSTRACT: Humans as a species have survived in time because the have been able to feed themselves adequately, each time with less effort, at first hunting and fishing, Then they learned to cultivate their food, giving birth to agriculture as we know it. However, agriculture has been overexploited in recent years, this is known as “the green revolution”, in which society sees the farm as an industry which aims to extract the greatest amount of resources at the lowest cost, leaving aside all care for the environment. Currently there is an awareness of the land degradation, particularly soil, which is known as agricultural sustainability this mean practicing agriculture in a responsible way, taking care of the natural resources to ensure future crops. The problem is that no one knows for sure which the indicators that need to be improved are. Because agricultural sustainability works based on the comparison between properties that are incomparable. That's why we created this tool to standardize indicators and allows comparison

    Regulación de la "spike timing dependent plasticity" por la hiperpolarización lenta post-espiga (saHP)

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    Tesis doctoral inédita leída en la Universidad Autónoma, Facultad de Medicina. Departamento de Anatomía, Histología y Neurocienci

    Osteocondroma de apófisis coronoides

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    El osteocondroma es la neoplasia benigna más común del esqueleto. En la cabeza se ha descrito su localización en base de cráneo, cara posterior del maxilar, senos maxilares, y en diferentes áreas de la mandíbula, como cóndilo, rama, cuerpo y región sinfisiaria, siendo los osteocondromas coronoídeos de baja frecuencia. Presentamos una revisión de la literatura y el informe de un nuevo caso. Una mujer de 44 años que consulta por limitación de la apertura bucal y deformidad en la mejilla izquierda, de límites difusos, consistencia ósea, indolora y cubierta por piel de aspecto normal. No presentaba patología en la articulación témporomandibular. En la radiografía panorámica se evidencia un tumor coronoídeo localizado en la zona de unión del arco cigomático y el hueso malar. Se realizó la coronoidectomía bajo anestesia general, recuperándose inmediatamente la apertura bucal hasta 43 mm. El postoperatorio se desarrolló sin complicaciones. El estudio histopatológico reveló hueso esponjoso normal sobre el cual se encontró cartílago hialino. El diagnóstico fue osteocondroma. Los aspectos clínicos y patológicos, su tratamiento y diagnóstico diferencial son discutidos.Osteochondroma is the most common benign neoplasia of the skeleton. In the head it was been described in cranial base, posterior maxillary surface, maxillary sinus, and different mandibular areas like condyle, ramus, body and symphysis. Osteochondroma of the coronoid process are rare. We present a review of the literature and the report of the cas of a 44 years old female patient presenting limited mouth opening and swelling of the left cheek, with diffuse limits, bony consistency, painless, and covered of normal skin. No temporomandibular joint disease was present. In panoramic radiographs was evident a coronoid tumor localized in the union of zigomatic arch and bone. Under general anaesthesia coronoidectomy was made, recovering mouth opening until 43 mm. The post-operative period was performed without complications. Histopatological examinations revealed normal trabecular bone covered with hyaline cartilage. The histopatological diagnosis was osteochondroma. Clinical and pathological aspects, treatment and differential diagnosis with other lesions are discussed

    Smoking, depression, and suicide risk in the nursing staff of a Third-Level Hospital

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    Objective: To determine the association between smoking, depression and suicide risk in the Nursing Staff of a University Hospital. Materials and method: this was a non-experimental, correlational cross-range study with observational analysis carried out between May 2012 and May 2013. We studied 232 nurses of the “Dr. José Eleuterio gonzález” University Hospital. two self-administered scales were applied, one for depression and one for suicide risk. Another hetero-applied scale of nicotine dependency was also used, and the subjects’ socio-demographic records were reviewed. Results: A total of 527,232 nurses were studied. A smoking prevalence of 22.8% (53 subjects), an operational depression prevalence of 15.1% (35 subjects), and a suicide risk of 5.1% (12 subjects) were found. Gender and age, speciically being male and young (mean age 29.2 years) were found to increase the risk of smoking. We also found that those nurses who had a partner and had a higher level of education smoked less compared to those who did not have a partner or had a lower degree of education. there were hospital departments where there was a higher prevalence of smoking, such as Internal Medicine and Shock trauma. No association between smoking and the presence of depression was found. Regarding depression, we found that those nurses who worked in the Department of Pensioners were more likely to develop operational depression than those working in any other department. We also found that the risk of presenting operational depression decreases as age increases. About suicide risk, a statistically signiicant association between smoking and suicide risk was found. We also found an association between operational depression and suicide risk.Conclusions: It is recommended to consider nicotine dependence as a fundamental part of psychopathology assessment because of its strong association with suicide risk. this study emphasizes the complexity of the issue of the comorbidity of smoking and psychopathology and the need to continue research lines

    Las relaciones laborales desarrolladas a traves de alianzas estrategicas: Caso Banco de Credito e Inversiones, Sucursal Talca

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    94 p.En este estudio, analizaremos las variables extraídas de la revisión bibliográfica que ha juicio de diversos autores dedicados al tema, se encuentran presentes en toda relación laboral, aplicando un instrumento de medición sobre el sector bancario de la ciudad de Talca. Nuestra investigación, nos permitirá establecer el grado de correlación entre las distintas variables, la importancia asignada a cada una de las variables y la presencia o ausencia de estas en la organización, desde la perspectiva de los empleadores y de los trabajadores. Las conclusiones obtenidas en este estudio, nos permite establecer que las variables reconocidas como importantes tanto para los ejecutivos como para los empleados, deben constituir el marco del desarrollo de la relación laboral, que a su vez condicionan favorablemente una eventual alianza. Las variables importantes para cada grupo y que no son coincidentes, deben ser abordadas en un esquema de colaboración mutua, que permita avanzar hacia el logro de objetivos y beneficios comunes, que fortalezcan la relación. Finalmente, las percepciones de los empleados con relación a la ausencia de variables para ellos relevantes, deben ser consideradas por los ejecutivos a la hora de negociar con los trabajadores