1,381 research outputs found

    Col·lectiu de dansa Les Ranes

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    The translation of humor in dubbing: the case of Woody Allen

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    Este Trabajo de Fin de Grado está basado en la traducción del humor en algunas de las películas de Woody Allen, y se desarrolla a través de un detallado análisis comparativo de ambas versiones, la original en Inglés y la doblada al Castellano procedentes de las muestras escogidas. Este proyecto también pretende analizar los diversos procedimientos de traducción llevados a cabo en cada una de las partes seleccionadas de las versiones dobladas y averiguar si esas técnicas han evolucionado con el paso del tiempo, partiendo del hecho de que dichas películas pertenecen a distintas décadas (1970 y del año 2000 en adelante). Las partes de los guiones analizadas se clasifican de acuerdo con el tipo de humor que representan, y son descritas en base a factores determinantes en el proceso de la traducción como son la cultura, el contexto, la intencionalidad y los condicionantes lingüísticos, visuales y sonoros.Departamento de Filología InglesaGrado en Estudios Inglese

    La enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras en Educación Secundaria Obligatoria : Propuesta Curricular desde un enfoque plurilingüe

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    El presente Trabajo Fin de Máster parte de las determinaciones educativas actuales que giran en torno a la promoción del plurilingüismo en los distintos niveles de enseñanza obligatoria, permitiendo que los estudiantes desarrollen la competencia comunicativa plurilingüe e intercultural. Siendo el desarrollo de esta competencia fruto de la inmersión en y por contextos plurilingües de educación formal, no formal e informal, y ante la incipiente necesidad social de comunicarse en varias lenguas, centramos la atención en la etapa particular de la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, para la que diseñamos una propuesta curricular integradora que contempla los componentes de planificación imprescindibles para el tratamiento conjunto y efectivo de Lenguas extranjeras en las aulas. Su proceso de elaboración suscita reflexiones que se exponen en las conclusiones del Trabajo, a modo de orientaciones y pautas susceptibles de tomarse en cuenta en los procedimientos para el diseño curricular plurilingüe. Palabras clave: Educación plurilingüe, Competencia comunicativa plurilingüe e intercultural, Lenguas Extranjeras, Currículo, Instrumento de planificación curricular. This Master’s Final Project has been developed from the current educational determinations regarding plurilingualism within the different levels in Compulsory Education, enabling the students to develop the communicative plurilingual and intercultural competence. Considering the development of this competence as a result of immersion and plurilingual contexts in formal, non-formal and informal education, and given the arising social need for communication in several languages, we focus our attention on the Secondary Education stage, for which we design an integrated curricular proposal taking into account the essential planning components for the combinative and effective treatment of foreign languages at schools. Its creation process entails reflections that are exposed in the conclusions of this work, aiming at serving as a guide and to provide some keys required in the procedures for plurilingual curricular design. Key words: Plurilingual Education, Plurilingual and Intercultural Competence, Foreign Languages, Curriculum, Lesson Plan.Departamento de Didáctica de la Lengua y LiteraturaMáster en Profesor de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria y Bachillerato, Formación Profesional y Enseñanzas de Idioma

    Glutamate receptors in the developing cochlear ganglion.

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    The work was supported by grants from the DGICYT PB9610087, PB82/0268 and Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Bienestar. CJ and LN are recipients of fellowships from Eusko Jaurlaritza and DGICYT, respectively.Peer Reviewe

    The relationship between urban environment, sociodemographic variable and the use of BRT public transport in Quito

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    This paper examines the relationship between the number of passengers who access walking to the 42 stations of the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) system in Quito, Ecuador and urban variables. For this purpose, a Direct Ridership Model (DRM) is built, relying on Geographic Information Systems (to define the service area and calculate its urban characteristics within a pedestrian distance threshold of 600 meters) and a multiple linear regression model (to explain the number of entries per station as a function of the urban environment). The results reveal that the number of boarding maintains correlation with the density of the network, land use, shape index, sidewalk width, distance to the business center, while, population density is not significant, even though is necessary to explain the model

    On the optimality of Treasury bond auctions : the Spanish case

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    Se analizan las subastas del Tesoro español tanto desde una perspectiva teorica como empirica. En el analisis teorico se presenta un modelo con objeto de estudiar si las subastas de bonos españoles maximizan los ingresos para el vendedor. En el analisis empirico se contrastan las predicciones del modelo teorico y se examinan los determinantes del 'descuento' (diferencial entre el precio del mercado secundario y el de la subasta). (ad

    A holistic aproach to EFL learning and teaching: Multiple Intelligences in the Primary classroom

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    Nowadays, holistic education is finding its way into some educational institutions but, what about the implementation in schools? This study is an educational intervention that takes multiple intelligences as an overarching element in the English Primary classroom through a holistic approach based on storytelling. For this purpose, the present dissertation examines the role played by holistic education nowadays as well as the extent to which the new educational law, LOMCE, encourages teachers to incorporate new methodologies in their classrooms. Being aware of the limits, a multiple intelligences-based Unit of work has been elaborated and actually implemented in a First Grade Primary classroom leading to some interesting conclusions

    Field-Amplified Sample Injection-Micellar Electrokinetic Chromatography for the Determination of Benzophenones in Food Simulants

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    A field-amplified sample injection-micellar electrokinetic chromatography (FASI-MEKC) method for the determination of 14 benzophenones (BPs) in a food simulant used in migration studies of food packaging materials was developed, allowing almost baseline separation in less than 21 min. The use of a 10 mM sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) solution as sample matrix was mandatory to achieve FASI enhancement of the analyzed BPs. A 21- to 784-fold sensitivity enhancement was achieved with FASI-MEKC, obtaining limits of detection down to 5.168.4 µg/L, with acceptable run-to-run precisions (RSD values lower than 22.3%) and accuracy (relative errors lower than 21.0%). Method performance was evaluated by quantifying BPs in the food simulant spiked at 500 µg/L (bellow the established specific migration limit for BP (600 µg/L) by EU legislation). For a 95% confidence level, no statistical differences were observed between found and spiked concentrations (probability at the confidence level, p value, of 0.55), showing that the proposed FASI-MEKC method is suitable for the analysis of BPs in food packaging migration studies at the levels established by EU legislation

    Comparison of benthic diatoms from Mediterranean and Atlantic Spanish streams: Community changes in relation to environmental factors

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    Water and benthic diatom samples were collected in different climatic and geological areas of Spain. Seventy-two sites were sampled in Atlantic Galicia (NW mainland) and 47 sites in the Mediterranean Balearic Islands (NE) in spring season during 2004 and 2006 to identify the most important environmental factors influencing water composition. Furthermore, spring samples were explored to assess differences among diatom assemblages. Streams were selected to cover a wide range of environmental variability. Overall, the Atlantic streams had higher discharge and the Mediterranean streams had higher conductivity. In second instance, in both areas water chemistry was most importantly influenced by diffuse agriculture and local point source organic inputs, leading to high contents of nitrate, ammonium and phosphate. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) produced five diatom groups with different species composition in each study area. The unpolluted streams in the Balearic Islands were characterized by the presence of Cymbella microchepala and Cymbella vulgata, while in Galicia Eunotia subarcuatoides, E. intermedia and Surirella roba characterized minimally disturbed streams. Achnanthidium minutissimum sensu lato appeared in high abundance in both studied areas. Taxa inhabiting organic polluted Mediterranean streams were Cocconeis euglypta, Navicula veneta, Nitzschia inconspicua and Planothidium frequentissimum, while organic loading led to a dominance of Cocconeis euglypta and Eolimna minima in Atlantic streams. The first two CCA axes explained 82 and 69% of total variance in diatom distribution in Galicia and the Balearic Islands, respectively. In spite of the presence of different diatom communities across Mediterranean–Atlantic streams in undisturbed conditions predictable changes in diatom assemblages do occur in response to organic and nutrient loading gradients

    Estudio técnico económico para La Internalización del proceso de chapodo en la producción de esparrago para mejorar la rentabilidad de la empresa Virú S.A 2020

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo realizar un estudio técnico económico financiero que permita evaluar la alternativa de internalizar un proceso importante en la producción de esparrago mediante la adquisición de maquinarias que la empresa estaba tercerizando. Este gasto por tercerización de servicios representó un incremento del 27.58% del 2018 al 2019. Asimismo, para el desarrollo del estudio no se consideró el periodo 2020 por constituir un fenómeno atípico causado por la pandemia del coronavirus el cual redujo los ingresos por ventas del 18.23%. El desarrollo del estudio se inició con las cotizaciones del mercado de la maquinaria el cual represento una inversión de S/338,530.20 y se financió mediante un crédito directo con el BBVA a una tasa de interés efectiva anual promedio del 12% bajo una modalidad de anualidades y con interés al rebatir y amortización creciente. Como resultado del estudio se obtuvo en el año 2021 una rentabilidad sobre activos a nivel de empresa del 23.25% superior a la que se hubiese obtenido sin proyecto, de igual forma la rentabilidad financiera en el mismo periodo fue de 20.29% superior al mismo periodo sin proyecto. Asimismo, considerando los flujos de tesorería se obtuvo una Tasa interna de retorno económico y financiero de 65.34% y 56.87% respectivamente. Estos resultados demuestran la viabilidad del proyecto tanto económica como financiera por estar por encima del costo del portafolio de inversiones y costo de capital patrimonial respectivamente.The following investigation has the objective of doing a financial economic technical study that allows us to evaluate other alternatives like internalize a very important process that happened during the production of asparagus, we would do that by buying some machinery that the company had already outsourced. This outsource payment that happened between 2018 and 2019 means a 27.58% increase of the service. Also, i didn't chose to work with the data from the year 2020, mostly due to the pandemic stuff that happened that year. That completely unexpected event ended up damaging the company by lowing the sales income by 18.23%. The study started by looking at the machinery market prices, that represented an investment of S / 338,530.20 and it was financed through a direct credit by the BBVA at an average annual effective interest rate of 12% under the form of annuities and with interest of refuting and increasing amortization. As a result of that study, during the current year our company finally managed to recover from the low income that happened last year and the rentability from the actives increased a 23.25%, also the financial rentability reached 20,29% without the need of a project. Needless to say, considering the cash flows, an internal economic and financial rate of return of 65.34% and 56.87% respectively was obtained. With all this data, I can finally say that there exists a proof or viability to this project, not only in the economical side but also in the financial side. This project is over the price of the inversion briefcase and patrimonial capital costTesi
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