56 research outputs found

    El teorema de Liapunov en el mecanismo de veto

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    Esta investigación ha sido parcialmente financiada por el proyecto de investigación DGICYT PS91-0042Publicad

    Una nota sobre la propiedad de Dunford-Pettis

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    A difficult problem in Banach space theory is if every Banach space X with the hereditary Dunford-Pettis property possess this property in the uniform sense. In this note we connect these properties with other two propetries that the dual space X' may have or noto Moreover, these questions are related with other difficult problem:what conditions we must impose on a Banach space y in order to the Banach space of the Y-valued Bochner integrable functions defined on 10,11 (that's to say, L 1C¡0,11 ,Y)) possess the Dunford-Pettis property

    Ideal points in multiobjective programming

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    The main object of this paper is to give conditions under which a minimal solution to a problem of mathematical programming can be transformed into a minimum solution in the usual sense of the order relations, or in every case, conditions under which that solution is adherent to the set of the points wich verify this last property. The interest of this problem is clear, since many of the usual properties in optimization (like, for instance, the analysis of the sensitivity of the solutions) are studied more easily for minimum solutions than for minimal solutions

    Some discrete approaches to continuum economies

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    Given the preferences of the agents of a continuum economy, we define the average and unanimous preference. This allow us to consider several sequences of economies, in which only a finite number of different agents' characteristics can be distinguished. We obtain approximation results for the core of these economies

    On the impossibility of representing infinite utility streams

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    We show that, independently of the topology chosen on the set of all infinity utility streams, there is no Social Welfare Function preserving the von Weizsäcker’s overtaking criterion. With our proof we extend the impossibility result of Basu and Mitra

    A Constraint-based Model for Multi-objective Repair Planning

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    This work presents a constraint based model for the planning and scheduling of disconnection and connection tasks when repairing faulty components in a system. Since multi-mode operations are considered, the problem involves the ordering and the selection of the tasks and modes from a set of alternatives, using the shared resources efficiently. Additionally, delays due to change of configurations and transportation are considered. The goal is the minimization of two objective functions: makespan and cost. The set of all feasible plans are represented by an extended And/Or graph, that embodies all of the constraints of the problem, allowing non reversible and parallel plans. A simple branch-and-bound algorithm has been used for testing the model with different combinations of the functions to minimize using the weighted-sum approach.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DIP2006-15476-C02-0

    On the impossibility of representing infinite utility streams

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    We show that, independently of the topology chosen on the set of all infinity utility streams, there is no Social Welfare Function preserving the von Weizsäcker’s overtaking criterion. With our proof we extend the impossibility result of Basu and Mitra.