260 research outputs found

    Etiopatogenia y proceso de la enfermedad en la infección por VIH

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    Finishing Effect on Fatty Acid Profile of Intramuscular Fat in Extensively Reared Steers

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    Both the amount and the composition of fat depots in beef may be influenced by several factors i.e. feeding system. Related to this factor, extensively reared cattle may produce beef with a more desirable fatty acid (FA) composition in terms of beneficial effect on human health, especially in relation to the content of n-3 type FAs. However, concentrate finishing improves some carcass traits and meat quality. In this sense, the objective of this work was to study the effect of concentrate finishing on intramuscular (IM) FA profile of Longissimus thoracis (LT) muscle in pasture fed steers

    Characterization of the cytotoxic effects of the combination of cisplatin and flavanol (-)-epicatechin on human lung cancer cell line A549. An isobolographic approach

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    Background: Among malignancies, lung cancer is a leading cause of death. Platinum-based therapeutic compounds used to treat lung cancer have not been able to increase the survival of patients and such compounds have a high incidence of adverse and toxic effects. It has been proposed that flavonoids such as catechins may significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, alongside with other health benefits. The aim of this work was to determine the effect of (-)-epicatechin, the main flavanol found in cocoa, on the proliferation of the lung non-small cell adenocarcinoma cancer cell line A549, and to determine its effects when added simultaneously with cisplatin. Materials and Methods: Concentration-response curves for cisplatin and epicatechin were obtained, inhibitory concentrations calculated and an isobolographic analysis was then performed. Results: We found that epicatechin has a concentration-dependent inhibitory effect on proliferation of tumor cells and the isobolographic analysis reveals that the effect of its combination with cisplatin is synergistic. It was also observed that epicatechin promotes cell death by apoptosis. Conclusions: Epicatechin might be considered for future studies to explore its possible use as coadjuvant in cisplatin-based treatments

    Effect of Deficit Irrigation on the Productive Response of Drip-irrigated Onion (Allium cepa L.) in Mediterranean Conditions

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    [EN] Water is an essential resource for food production, and agriculture consumes close to 69% of total freshwater use. Water shortage is becoming critical in arid and semiarid areas worldwide; therefore, it is vital to use water efficiently. The objective of this research was to evaluate the response of onion growth, plant water status, bulb yield, irrigation water use efficiency and bulb quality using three continued deficit strategies, applying 100, 75, and 50% of the irrigation water requirements during three seasons. The yield response factor was 0.71, indicating that in the analysed conditions the crop was tolerant to a water deficit. Compared to full irrigation, deficit irrigation with 75% of the irrigation water requirements resulted in a low yield and profit reduction for the growers (10.3% and 10.9%, respectively), but also important water savings (26.6%), improving both the irrigation water use efficiency and water use efficiency. However, onion exposure to severe water deficits at 50% of the irrigation water requirements drastically reduced plant growth and bulb yield and growers' profits, although it did increase their soluble solid content. Irrigating at 75% of the irrigation water requirements could be an actionable strategy for onion production under water-limited conditions.Abdelkhalik, A.; Pascual-Seva, N.; Nájera, I.; Domene, MA.; Baixauli Soria, C.; Pascual España, B. (2019). Effect of Deficit Irrigation on the Productive Response of Drip-irrigated Onion (Allium cepa L.) in Mediterranean Conditions. Horticulture Journal. 88(4):488-498. https://doi.org/10.2503/hortj.UTD-081S48849888

    Estudio de técnicas de mejora de la producción de dos selecciones de tomate valenciano

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    [ES] El tomate (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) y sus diferentes selecciones de valenciano, son muy apreciados por consumidores a nivel local, debido a sus buenas características organolépticas. Estas selecciones no han sido sometidas a procesos de mejora genética, siendo el agricultor por selección masal quién conserva la semilla. En esta experiencia se utilizaron 2 selecciones de tomate valenciano, en las que se comparó planta injertada sobre el cv Arnold y planta sin injertar, con sistema de cultivo sin suelo, para lo cual se compararon 2 volúmenes de fibra de coco: sacos de 18 y 28,8 l compuestos de una mezcla de 70% de fibra de coco y 30% de chips de coco. La experiencia se desarrolló en ciclo de primavera en un multitúnel con cubierta de malla de 14x10 hilos de polietileno. El riego fue independiente para cada volumen de sustrato, con una dotación de riego que se calculó a partir de la hipótesis de nivel de agotamiento del 10%, considerando drenaje del 30%. La mayor producción comercial se obtuvo con el menor volumen de sustrato, sobre este se obtuvo un mayor destrío por podredumbre apical. La planta injertada produjo más que la planta sin injertar, con un mayor peso medio de los frutos, vigor de las plantas y menor destrío. Se observaron diferencias de comportamiento productivo entre selecciones, así como interacciones en la producción de destrío y vigor de las plantas.[EN] The tomato Valenciano is very appreciated by consumers, especially in the province of Valencia, due to its good organoleptic characteristics. These cultivars do not have resistance to pests and diseases. The farmer himself, after a mass selection, is who mainly develop the tasks of conservation and reproduction of the seeds. Two cultivars of tomato valenciano were used for the development of the experience and they were analyzed different crop management. On the one hand it was studied the behavior of the plant that it was grafted on the cv Arnold and it was compared with a control without grafting. On the other hand the experiment was carried out in a soilless system and they were compared 2 coconut fiber volumes: on the basis of 18 liters and 28.8 liters sacks, both of them composed of a mixture of 70% of coconut fiber and 30% of coconut chips. The experience was developed in the spring cycle in a multitunnel mesh cover of 14x10 threads of polyethylene. Irrigation was independent for each substrate volume. The watering regime was determined on the basis of the hypothesis of 10-30% depletion level from the drainage. The largest commercial production was obtained with the lower volume sack and there had also been an increase amount of non-commercial yield, as a result of fruits affected by blossom end rot. Grafted plants achieved a greater commercial production that plants without grafting. Moreover, those ones grafted reached also a higher average weight of the fruits and lower noncommercial production, mainly due to the elevated incidence of blossom end rot in plants without grafting. Grafted plants were more vigorous than those ones non- grafted. There were detected differences between cultivars for productive performance, as well as interactions for non-commercial production and plant vigor.Aguilar, J.; Giner, A.; Baixauli, C.; Nájera, I.; Núñez, A. (2020). Estudio de técnicas de mejora de la producción de dos selecciones de tomate valenciano. En I Congrés de la Tomaca Valenciana: La Tomaca Valenciana d'El Perelló. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 21-28. https://doi.org/10.4995/TOMAVAL2017.2017.6378OCS212

    Epidemiología i assistència primària

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    Amb aquest article pretenem presentar, de forma resumida, els elements més rellevants de la sessió dedicada per la Societat a la relació entre l'Epidemiologia i l'Assistència Primària. Hem refusat d'intentar una transcripciò cronològica per tal d'aconseguiruna síntesis més útil. Així després d'una consideració preliminar sobre què és. d'una banda l'Epidemiologiai, de l'altra, L'assistència Primària, passarem a tractar els aspectes de l'organització de la tasca epidemiològica en el context del primer esglaó dels serveis sanitari

    Legislation on Teacher Training, the cases of Valencia, Spain and Chiapas, Mexico

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    El asesor técnico pedagógico (ATP) tiene la función de formar de manera continua, a través de cursos, a los profesores de educación básica en servicio; interesa conocer cómo estos desarrollan sus funciones y el marco normativo que las rige. En este artículo se da cuenta de la percepción que sobre dicha función tienen los ATP y se revisan dos marcos normativos, los casos de España y México, ambos sistemas educativos tienen similitudes organizativas sobre la formación permanente del profesorado. Este análisis es parte de la Investigación denominada Competencias del Asesor Técnico Pedagógico de educación básica en la Región Altos Tsotsil-Tseltal de Chiapas.The pedagogical technical advisor (ATP) has the function of forming teachers of basic education in service through courses, in a continuous fashion, interested in how they develop their functions and the regulatory framework that governs them. This article gives the reader data about the role of the ATP and reviews two regulatory frameworks in this case, specifically from Spain and Mexico, both educational systems have organizational similarities on permanent teacher training. This analysis is part of Investigation called the Pedagogical Competencies Technical Advisor basic education in Tsotsil - Tseltal Altos Region of Chiapas