23 research outputs found


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    Aim: The fundamental rationale for a systematic literature review is to examine opportunities and challenges in the privatization of solid waste management, and share knowledge to spark and inspire a process that will usher in public private partnership to ensure cities are kept clean for habitability. Methodology and Results: A systematic review of the literature using information obtained from different sources was performed. The Google Search Engine was used to search for these articles. During the search numerous combinations of words and phrases were used to ensure articles reflect the most recent knowledge and scholarly works. Only peer-reviewed articles published after 2000 were selected, except extracts perceived to be of fundamental mileage to the study. However, articles published by staunch international organizations working in privatization of solid waste management for years which had produced indefatigable knowledge in the field were stealthily appraised. The privatization of solid waste management has resulted in some successes which include, but not restricted to: effectiveness, cost saving, timely service delivery, access to funding and expansion, quality services, partnership and community participation, cleanliness and healthy environment, jobs creation and better income, elimination of public monopoly and promotion of competition, new technologies and innovative techniques, public sector concentration on supervision, resources conservation and protection from risks; less bureaucracy and prompt action regarding concerns and complaints. Conclusion, significance and impact of study: With a well-thought model and proper public supervision, the privatization of solid of waste management can deliver habitable cities, though not without negative impacts and obstacles

    Child Sex Tourism Recruitment Techniques

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     The tourism industry generates billions of dollars. However, it has negative impacts on communities. The rationale for this systematic literature review is to examine the techniques perpetrators use to recruit children into the child sex tourism, share knowledge to spark and inspire processes that will usher rapid growth from all directions in the fight against the menace. A systematic review of the literatures using different sources was actuated. Google Search Engine and Scholar Search Engine were used to search articles. In summary, the techniques used to recruit children into child sex tourism are numerous can be simply pooled and catalogued into debt bonded technique, emotional abuse technique, physical support technique, counterfeit love technique, drug addiction technique, physical abuse technique, gifts and favors technique, power and authority technique; and fake promises and special attention grooming technique.

    Corona virus (COVID- 19) and education for all achievement: artificial intelligence and special education needs- achievements and challenges

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    The shortage of well-trained teachers especially in special education is a serious problem worldwide. To attain education for all as enshrined in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), there is urgent need for robot ways of solving this problem with grave consequences for the future of children with disabilities and special education needs. Thus, education delivery methods like other services need to be innovative. The purpose of this studi is to examine the achievements and challenges in the application of AI for teaching children with special education needs. This research used the literature review method. The result of this study shows that AI has the power to enhance learning for children with special needs while curbing some of the problems such children are encountering in accessing quality and relevant education. In conclusion the findings revealed some significant achievements and the possibilities of more if the appropriate technologies are applied consistently with the right environment both in schools and homes

    Web-based psychosocial interventions for survivors of child sex tourism and their families: a rethink of counselling

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    Daily, in almost every part of the world, series of maltreatment are meted on the children. Because of their vulnerability, the time has come to take serious actions and unreserved measures to end this inhumane treatment and support the victims and their communities. Children are innocent beings and are the last hope of every community and nation and deserve a decent and safe environment to grow to the fullest. This is a fundamental human right as capsulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), an international legal instrument of universal significance. A systematic review of the works of literature using information collected from different sources was actuated. Google search engine, google scholar, web of science, and Scopus database were used to search for these articles. During the search, combinations of words and phrases were used to ensure articles reflected the most current knowledge and scholarly works. The systematic searches beget varied and voluminous articles that had to be sieved not only to meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria but also to ensure the fundamental objectives of the study are wrangled. In summary, the potentials of web-counseling include but are not restricted to unlimited access and improved seeking behavior, affordability, convenience, limited pressure, permanent record availability, anonymity, independence and autonomy, empowerment, geographical barriers elimination, less feeling shy, freedom of expression, confidentiality, and privacy, efficiency and effectiveness improvement, all-time access to multiple therapists, resources with no transport cost and hassle, and client-driven therapy session

    Traditional body care of women in Madura Island

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    Most of Indonesian family systems adhere to the patriarchy system, in which the husband has the authority to make decision. It is also the case in Prenduan Village in Sumenep region in Madura Island. This research aimed to know how the body care in Prenduan women in Madura, and how the women’s view upon their body cares. It is interesting to see the point of view of women in Madura, whether they do it for themselves, or for the husbands. This is a qualitative research. We used in-depth interviews and observation to gather the data. We find that body care of Prenduan women in Sumenep, Madura Island has the purpose to make the husband happy and satisfied. For teenage girls, the purpose is for their health, and to prepare them so that they can function well in their family when they get married. They consider using traditional potion is better than those of modern medication made of chemical materials. The focus of the body care practice is the position of a woman as a partner, who is in the position to make the husband happy and satisfied, and also to take care of the family well, in which among the Madura women it is considered as an honor to have such role


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    Body height estimation is one of important parameters used for establishing the individuality in cases of mutilated bodies or found body parts. It is not rare that in the cases of mutilation the police authority would only give the body parts or remaining skeletons of the victims. The aims of the study were to find body height estimation formula based on percutaneous of foot length and foot breadth in Javanese females at Surabaya Muhammadiyah University. The type of research design was cross-sectional observational study. Samples were Javanese females student at Muhammadiyah University of Surabaya , which was selected as the sample unit . The samples are in this study was Two-hundred and twenty-two people.The variabel independent of this research are foot length and foot breath, the variabel dependent is body height. Data were analyzed using normality test with Kolmogorov Smirnoff (a>0,05), Pearson correlation test (a<0,05) and linear regression test (a <0,05) to get body height estimation formula. The results of this study is, 1) A significant correlation between foot length and body height (r = 0,731), 2) A significant correlation between foot breadth and body height (r-0,323), 3) A significant correlation between foot length, foot breadth and body height (r=0,732), 4) The body height estimation formula based on foot length is 688,435 +3,745*foot length, 5) The body height estimation formula based on foot breadth is = 1273,002 + 2,942*foot breadth, and 6) The body height estimation formula based on foot length and foot breadth is 695,227 + 3,805*foot length – 0,229*foot breadth. As a conclusion of this study is the obtained estimation formula of body height based on foot length and foot breadth of Javanese females is 695,227 + 3,805*foot length – 0,229*foot breadth

    The impact of chewing betel nuts on human dentition in Indonesia: A literature review

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    Background: Human behavior can significantly alter dental conditions. One such behavior is the habit of chewing betel nuts. Known as nginang, this tradition holds social significance in many cultures across Indonesia. Societal beliefs include the idea that chewing betel nuts offers a sensation similar to smoking cigarettes, provides a pastime, reduces bad breath, and even enhances dental health. However, evidence shows that it can cause severe damage to teeth. Purpose: This research aims to analyze the literature regarding the impact of chewing betel nuts on dental conditions and to recommend actions to address the problems caused by it. Reviews: While this habit can have positive aspects, it may also cause tooth damage when practiced with a certain frequency and intensity and using specific compositions. Issues such as calculus, periodontitis, attrition, and antemortem tooth loss may occur due to this habit. However, inconsistencies have been found concerning this habit’s relation to caries. Conclusion: A pathological chain reaction triggered by betel nut chewing confirms its detrimental effect on dental health. Further investigations are required to explain the inconsistencies found in this review. The researchers recommend promoting tooth brushing to enable society to maintain its tradition without risking further teeth damage

    Firehose of Falsehood Propaganda Model in the 2019 Indonesian Presidential Election

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    The general election is a democratic means to gain power constitutionally. Several groups, however, use all the possible means to achieve that power. Firehose of falsehood is an example of political propaganda models that use every means to influence public opinion. This model of political propaganda finds its momentum through propaganda on social media. The purpose of this research is to understand the model of the firehose of falsehood on social media in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. This research method uses a discourse analysis approach to identify the phenomena and events regarding the use of political propaganda on social media. Meanwhile, data collection is carried out through Twitter social media documentation. The results of this analysis indicated that the Firehose of Falsehood propaganda model was used as a political propaganda in the 2019 Indonesian presidential election. Social media, especially Twitter, became a means of propaganda to influence public opinion. The message delivery models were carried out through several methods. First, they were disseminated massively through various channels; second, they were carried out continuously and repeatedly; third, they were not following objective facts; and fourth, the media were lack of consistency

    The COVID-19 pandemic and healthcare workers psychological well-being: a cross-sectional survey in Indonesia

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    Aim: This study was conducted to investigate the relationships amongst psychological well-being (PWB), emotional intelligence and coping strategies. Design: This study employed a cross-sectional survey design. Method: A total of 146 healthcare workers (HCWs) were enrolled in this study. They were asked to finish several questionnaires, including the Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale, the Brief-Coping Orientation to Problems Experienced Scale and the PWB Scale. The obtained data were analysed using partial least squares structural equation modelling, employee SmartPLS, to estimate the contributions of influencing factors and evaluate the moderating effect of coping strategy (CS) on the relationship between emotional intelligence and PWB. Results: Results revealed that emotional intelligence influenced PWB, and CS moderated both emotional intelligence and PWB. Furthermore, CS plays an essential role in improving PWB related to emotional intelligence amongst HCWs during the COVID-19 outbreak

    Automatic 3D Cranial Landmark Positioning based on Surface Curvature Feature using Machine Learning

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    Cranial anthropometric reference points (landmarks) play an important role in craniofacial reconstruction and identification. Knowledge to detect the position of landmarks is critical. This work aims to locate landmarks automatically. Landmarks positioning using Surface Curvature Feature (SCF) is inspired by conventional methods of finding landmarks based on morphometrical features. Each cranial landmark has a unique shape. With the appropriate 3D descriptors, the computer can draw associations between shapes and landmarks using machine learning. The challenge in classification and detection in three-dimensional space is to determine the model and data representation. Using three-dimensional raw data in machine learning is a serious volumetric issue. This work uses the Surface Curvature Feature as a three-dimensional descriptor. It extracts the local surface curvature shape into a projection sequential value (depth). A machine learning method is developed to determine the position of landmarks based on local surface shape characteristics. Classification is carried out from the top-n prediction probabilities for each landmark class, from a set of predictions, then filtered to get pinpoint accuracy. The landmark prediction points are hypothetically clustered in a particular area, so a cluster-based filter is appropriate to isolate them. The learning model successfully detected the landmarks, with the average distance between the prediction points and the ground truth being 0.0326 normalized units. The cluster-based filter is implemented to increase accuracy compared to the ground truth. Thus, SCF is suitable as a 3D descriptor of cranial landmarks