10 research outputs found

    Intimate partner violence and other associated problems : sectoral cooperation to optimize the safety of women and children

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the implementation of sectoral cooperation strategy involving different organizations concerned by intimate partner violence and other co-occurring problems in the province of Quebec (Canada). The sectoral cooperation meetings (N = 63) were held from February 2018 to June 2019 and 250 evaluation questionnaires were filled out by the practitioners. The data collection tool was composed of open-ended questions (qualitative section) along with Likert scales and multiple-choice questions (quantitative section). The results showed that a large majority of the practitioners considered that cooperation helped to improve the safety of the women and their children and to optimize their practice. Likewise, all of the practitioners considered that sectoral cooperation represented a winning strategy worthy of further development. Findings highlight the importance to support practitioners in complex clinical situations when IPV co-occurred alongside mental health problems, addiction problems, or child maltreatment, and this, in order to ensure the safety of intimate partner violence victims and their children

    La COVID-19 et ses impacts sur la violence conjugale et la violence envers les enfants : ce que nous disent la recherche et la pratique

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    Bien que nécessaires, les mesures de confinement et de distanciation sociale mises en place pour freiner la propagation du coronavirus sont susceptibles d’être associées à une hausse du risque de violence conjugale (VC) et de violence envers les enfants (VEE) ainsi qu’à des défis d’intervention importants. Cet article vise à témoigner des impacts que la pandémie a eus et continue d’avoir sur la pratique en protection de la jeunesse dans les cas de cooccurrence de VC et de VEE, à travers les récits de pratique de cinq intervenantes et gestionnaires. Ceux-ci permettent de mettre en évidence les difficultés et les défis suscités par l’actuelle crise sanitaire pour les familles ainsi que pour la pratique, mais aussi la grande capacité d’adaptation des intervenantes et des gestionnaires, qui ont su relever les défis suscités par ces circonstances extraordinaires et se sont mobilisés pour trouver des solutions innovantes. Malgré tout, les témoignages soulèvent la nécessité pour les organisations et les intervenantes de se préparer à une autre situation d’urgence similaire.While necessary, confinement and social distancing measures implemented to slow the spread of the coronavirus are likely to be linked to a higher risk of domestic violence and child abuse as well as significant intervention challenges. This article tells of the impacts that the pandemic has had and continues to have on the practice of youth protection in cases of co-occurrent domestic violence and child abuse, through reports on the cases of five workers and managers. These serve to showcase the difficulties and challenges to which this current health crisis has given rise for families and professional practice. It also speaks to the tremendous adaptability of caseworkers and managers who have ably met the challenges generated by these extraordinary circumstances and have mobilized to come up with innovative solutions. Still, these testimonials address the need for organizations and caseworkers to take measures to prepare for another similar emergency

    Stress des enseignants envers l’intégration des élèves présentant des troubles du comportement

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    Si plusieurs études rapportent que les problèmes de comportements constituent une source importante de stress, peu d’entre elles portent sur le stress spécifiquement lié à la présence en classe ordinaire d’élèves présentant des troubles du comportement (PTC). Cet article expose les résultats d’une étude exploratoire sur le stress des enseignants du secondaire à l’égard de l’intégration des élèves PTC dans leurs classes. L’échantillon se compose de 231 enseignants d’écoles secondaires du Québec. Les enseignants ont rempli un questionnaire de renseignements sociodémographiques ainsi que la partie B de l’Index of Teaching Stress (ITS) (Greene, Abidin et Kmetz, 1997). L’impact des élèves sur le processus d’enseignement ainsi que la perte de satisfaction par rapport à l’enseignement constituent les sources les plus importantes de stress. Le stress vécu semble être influencé par les cours reçus sur les troubles du comportement au moment de la formation initiale, par l’expérience relative aux troubles du comportement, par le niveau scolaire où enseignent principalement les enseignants et par le milieu où se situe l’école. Aucune différence n’est observée selon le genre des enseignants ni selon leur niveau de scolarité. Plus de 70 % des enseignants jugent qu’une formation additionnelle sur les troubles du comportement serait absolument nécessaire.Although several studies report that behavioral problems are a major source of stress, few relate to the stress specifically linked to the presence of students with behavioral problems (BP) in the regular classroom. This article presents the results of an exploratory study on the stress experienced by secondary school teachers in relation to the integration of BP students in their classes. The sample is composed of 231 teachers from Quebec secondary schools. The teachers filled out a questionnaire on sociodemographic information and part B of the Index of Teaching Stress (ITS) (Greene, Abidin and Kmetz, 1997). The impact of students on the teaching process and the loss of satisfaction in relation to teaching are the biggest sources of stress. The stress experienced seems to be influenced by courses received on behavioural problems during initial training, experience with behavioural problems, the school where the teachers mainly teach and the environment in which the school is located. No difference was observed related to the gender of the teachers or their level of education. Over 70% of teachers believe that additional training on behavioural problems is absolutely necessary.Aunque varios estudios reportan que los problemas de comportamiento constituyen una fuente importante de estrés, muy pocos abordan el estrés específicamente ligado a la presencia de alumnos que presentan problemas de comportamiento (PCT) en clase. Este artículo expone los resultados de un estudio exploratorio sobre el estrés de los maestros de secundaria con respecto a la integración de alumnos PTC en sus clases. El muestreo estuvo compuesto por 231 maestros provenientes de escuelas secundarias de Quebec. Los maestros respondieron a un cuestionario de informaciones socio-demográficas así como a la parte B del l’Index of Teaching Stress (ITS) (Greene, Abidin y Kmetz, 1997). El impacto de los alumnos sobre el proceso de enseñanza así como la pérdida de la satisfacción con respecto a la enseñanza constituyen las fuentes más importantes de estrés. El estrés vivido parece estar influenciado por los cursos recibidos sobre los problemas de comportamiento durante la formación inicial, por la experiencia con los problemas de comportamiento, por el nivel escolar en el que enseña los maestros y por el medio en el cual se sitúa la escuela. No se observo ninguna influencia del género o de nivel de escolaridad de los maestros sobre los resultados. Más de 70% de los maestros juzgan que sería absolutamente necesaria una formación adicional sobre los problemas de comportamiento

    Cardiorespiratory strain during stroke rehabilitation: Are patients trained enough? A systematic review

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    International audienceRehabilitation is a mandatory component of stroke management, aiming to recover functional capacity and independence. To that end, physical therapy sessions must involve adequate intensity in terms of cardiopulmonary stress to meet the physiological demands of independent living

    Jeux d'espace 86

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    Lelarge evokes the multi-disciplinary nature of the sculpture and performance works presented, evoking concepts of space/atmosphere, space/time, and space/play. Each of the 17 Québec artists briefly elaborates on his work and ideas

    Exome Genotyping Identifies Pleiotropic Variants Associated with Red Blood Cell Traits

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    Red blood cell (RBC) traits are important heritable clinical biomarkers and modifiers of disease severity. To identify coding genetic variants associated with these traits, we conducted meta-analyses of seven RBC phenotypes in 130,273 multi-ethnic individuals from studies genotyped on an exome array. After conditional analyses and replication in 27,480 independent individuals, we identified 16 new RBC variants. We found low-frequency missense variants in MAP1A (rs55707100, minor allele frequency [MAF] = 3.3%, p = 2 × 10(-10) for hemoglobin [HGB]) and HNF4A (rs1800961, MAF = 2.4%, p < 3 × 10(-8) for hematocrit [HCT] and HGB). In African Americans, we identified a nonsense variant in CD36 associated with higher RBC distribution width (rs3211938, MAF = 8.7%, p = 7 × 10(-11)) and showed that it is associated with lower CD36 expression and strong allelic imbalance in ex vivo differentiated human erythroblasts. We also identified a rare missense variant in ALAS2 (rs201062903, MAF = 0.2%) associated with lower mean corpuscular volume and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (p < 8 × 10(-9)). Mendelian mutations in ALAS2 are a cause of sideroblastic anemia and erythropoietic protoporphyria. Gene-based testing highlighted three rare missense variants in PKLR, a gene mutated in Mendelian non-spherocytic hemolytic anemia, associated with HGB and HCT (SKAT p < 8 × 10(-7)). These rare, low-frequency, and common RBC variants showed pleiotropy, being also associated with platelet, white blood cell, and lipid traits. Our association results and functional annotation suggest the involvement of new genes in human erythropoiesis. We also confirm that rare and low-frequency variants play a role in the architecture of complex human traits, although their phenotypic effect is generally smaller than originally anticipated