541 research outputs found

    Selection criteria for pile diameter in seismic areas

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    According to modern seismic codes such as Eurocode 8, pile foundations in earthquake-prone areas must resist two different, yet simultaneous bending actions resulting from kinematic and inertial interaction. Due to the different nature of the two demands, pile must resist seismic actions following different patters, thus leading to different design requirements. In this work, analytical solutions are presented to define maximum and a minimum pile diameters required to resist kinematic and inertial effects in an essentially elastic manner, respectively. It is shown that the range of admissible diameters decreases with decreasing soil stiffness and with increasing design acceleration, collapsing into a single admissible diameter for certain problem configurations. Regions where no pile diameter can guarantee elastic response during strong seismic shaking are identified

    Dynamic Response of Cantilever Retaining Walls Considering Soil Non-Linearity

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    For many decades the analysis of earth retaining structures under dynamic or seismic conditions has been carried out by means of standard limit equilibrium (Coulomb, M-O) or elastic methods (Wood, Veletsos and Younan). These approaches are simplified, as they make use of considerable approximations which are often applicable only under particular conditions. A different and perhaps more realistic approach is possible using established computer codes, which integrate numerically the governing equations of the soil and wall media. Since these problems may involve significant levels of strain in the backfill, material non-linearity should be taken into account to realistically simulate the response of the system. In the herein-reported study, a parametric analysis is carried out through the finite-difference code FLAC 5.0. Starting from simple cases involving elastic response, and moving gradually towards more realistic conditions, salient features of the dynamic wall-soil interaction problem are addressed. The case of non-linear hysteretic behaviour of soil and flexibility of wall is considered at a second stage. Results indicate that with increasing levels of acceleration, there is a clear transition from elastic behaviour (in which the aforementioned V-Y type methods are applicable), to plastic behaviour in which M-O methods are thought to be more suitable under pseudo-static conditions. The results of the parametric analyses are reported in terms of pertinent normalized parameters, to provide a general framework for the assessment of wall-soil dynamic interaction under strong seismic excitation

    A simple method for N-M interaction diagrams of circular reinforced concrete cross sections

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    A novel analytical method is derived for the ultimate capacity interaction diagram (i.e., axial compression, N - bending moment resistance, M) of reinforced concrete (RC) columns with circular cross section. To this aim, the longitudinal rebar arrangement is replaced with a thin steel ring equivalent to the total steel area; moreover, according to modern design approaches, simplified stress–strain relationships for concrete and reinforcing steel are used. Illustrative applications demonstrate that the ultimate capacity computed by the proposed analytical approach agrees well with the results obtained by rigorous methods based on consolidated numerical algorithms. The new solution allows for a rapid, accurate assessment of circular cross section capacity by means of hand calculations; this is especially useful at the conceptual design stage of various structural and geotechnical systems. The method can be easily extended to more general configurations, such as multiple steel rings and composite concrete-steel sections

    Stability Analysis of a 70m-High Cut at an Ancient Landslide Area in Patras, Greece

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    A 70m-high slope is currently under construction near the entrance of a cut-and-cover tunnel in the inner loop highway of City of Patras – a seismically active area in Western Greece (PGA = 0.24g). The slope consists of marl layers dipping inwards and exhibiting distinct sets of joints. The landscape provides evidence that the site has been subjected to a major landslide at an unknown time in the past. Geotechnical investigation detected a sheared zone at about 15m below ground surface, and a water table a few meters below the planned toe of the slope. The angle and position of the slope surface together with the estimated position of the sheared zone provide a chair-like potentially unstable volume with convex plan view. In addition to the general stability problem, surface instabilities due to the aforementioned sets of joints create the potential of smaller wedge-type failures near the surface of the slope. Following a detailed geotechnical investigation, nonlinear stress finite-element analyses considering both gravitational and earthquake loads were performed. The analyses encompassed a number of different assumptions about: (a) depth to water table, (b) soil strength and (c) geometry of slope and soil layer interfaces. Results show that adequate safety can be achieved using a combination of piles and passive anchors. The effects of various factors/assumptions on the safety of the slope are discussed

    Seismic Risk of Inter-urban Transportation Networks

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    AbstractThe paper presents a holistic approach for assessing and managing the seismic risk and potential loss in inter-urban highway networks in earthquake-prone areas. The vulnerability of all elements of the intercity transportation system (i.e., roads, bridges, abutments, retaining walls, and tunnels) is assessed considering the interdependency among the structural, transportational and geotechnical components of the network under different seismic scenarios. Both the direct earthquake-induced damage, as well as the indirect socio-economic loss attributed to reduced network functionality are taken into account in an explicit and transparent formulation that is then displayed in space through an ad-hoc developed GIS-based software. The methodology and the decision-making tools developed are adequately modular, for them to be utilized after appropriate adaptation by local authorities in identifying, prior to a major earthquake event, those vulnerable components of their network whose failure may have a disproportional socio-economic impact. In this way, a rational and effective emergency plan can be deployed to minimize potential human, social and financial loss after a future earthquake. The outline of a foreseen application is also presented for the case of the road network of the Region of Western Macedonia in Greece. Through this pilot application, the methodology is to be optimized in real conditions before being cast in the form of a fully parameterised seismic risk tool, to be used in other earthquake prone areas as well

    Feature extraction and identification techniques for the alignment of perturbation simulations with power plant measurements

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    In this work, a methodology is proposed for the comparison of the measured and simulated neutron noise signals in nuclear power plants, with the simulation sets having been generated by the CORE SIM+ diffusion-based reactor noise simulator. More specifically, the method relies on the computation of the Cross-Power Spectral Density of the detector signals and the subsequent comparison with their simulated counterparts, which involves specific frequency values corresponding to the signals’ high energy content. The different simulated perturbations considered are (i) axially traveling perturbations, (ii) fuel assembly vibrations, (iii) core barrel vibrations, and finally (iv) generic “absorber of variable strength” types. The reactor core used for the current study is a German 4-loop pre-Konvoi Pressurized Water Reactor
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