481 research outputs found

    Pojęcie cudzoziemca i jego status prawny w Rzeczypospolitej

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    An alien is a person who does not have Polish citizenship. If you stayed on Polish territory, is protected by law, just as a Polish citizen. On 1 May 2004, Poland has become a European Union member states. Polish border on the Bug became the eastern border of the European Communities, and in a broader geographical and geopolitical plan a whole continent, our country occupies a central position. It is therefore likely that Poland has a much greater extent start to act as a transit country in Europe. Poles are aware of the opportunities and threats arising from this situation. On one hand, is expected to shift to the Polish foreign investment from the present EU countries, on the other hand, the forecasts point to a phenomenon of increasing number of Polish immigrants. Assuming a responsible role, related to personal and goods at the border, Poland is open to visitors from around the world. The hospitality we are proud of the Poles, is reflected in the rules governing residence of foreign nationals on Polish territory. They allow you to cross the border every foreigner, regardless of origin, religion, social or political views

    WISC characteristics and Devereux behavior scale ratings for third grade reading disabled children identified by the years below, Bond and Tinker, and Erickson Z-score methods

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    The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) and Spache Diagnostic Reading Scales were administered to one hundred and twenty third graders. Teachers responsible for reading instruction completed the Devereux Behavior Rating Scales for each child. Reading Disabled (RD) children were identified by three methods: 1) Years Below Grade Level, 2) Bond and Tinker Expectancy Formula, and 3) Z-score, employing Full Scale (FS) IQ, Performance Scale (PS) IQ, and Verbal Scale (VS) IQ as selection criteria. Ten percent of the population was selected as RD by each method. Control groups were formed for each RD group and matched on sex and WISC IQ scores. PS - VS differences were found only for the Z-score children. They also had significantly higher IQ scores than RD children identified by either the Years Below or Bond and Tinker methods. Children identified by the Z-score method fell within the average to above average IQ range, while those identified by the Years Below and Bond and Tinker methods were in the below average to average range

    Styl życia kobiet w okresie menopauzy, sposoby radzenia sobie z objawami

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    Wstęp. Okres przekwitania jest bardzo trudnym czasem w życiu każdej kobiety. Towarzyszą mu zmiany w organizmie, na które kobiety nie mają wpływu. Objawy klimakterium są spowodowane zmniejszonym stężeniem estrogenów – hormonów wytwarzanych w jajnikach, ale działających na wiele narządów. Zaburzenia hormonalne mają wpływ na odczuwanie przez kobiety różnych dolegliwości fizycznych i psychicznych. Zespół objawów, występujących w okresie okołomenopauzalnym, nazywany jest zespołem klimakterycznym i dotyczy około 90% kobiet. Cel pracy. Celem badań była ocena stylu życia kobiet w okresie klimakterium, problemów i sposobów radzenia sobie z nimi. Materiał i metoda. Badania, metodą sondażu diagnostycznego, przeprowadzono w listopadzie 2014 roku, wśród 100 kobiet, w wieku 45-60 lat, mieszkających w Jarosławiu i okolicach. Średnia wieku w badanej grupie wynosiła 50 lat. Badania miały charakter dobrowolny. Narzędzie stanowił samodzielnie opracowany, nie-standaryzowany kwestionariusz ankiety. Wnioski. Wśród objawów występujących u kobiet w okresie klimakterium dominują uderzenia gorąca, bóle głowy oraz bezsenność. Celem łagodzenia dolegliwości okresu okołomenopauzalnego kobiety stosują właściwą dietę, unikają używek, dbają o aktywność fizyczną. Kobiety w okresie klimakterium unikają stosowania hormonalnej terapii, gdyż obawiają się występowania skutków ubocznych wynikających z jej stosowania.Introduction. Menopause is the beginning of a new phase in the life of every woman. This phase is considered very difficult. It is accompanied by changes in the organism that cannot be influenced by the woman. The symptoms of menopause are caused by the reduced level of oestrogens – hormones produced in the ovaries but operating for many organs. Hormonal disorders cause various physical and mental ailments. A set of symptoms that occur during menopause is called the climacteric syndrome and affects about 90% of women. Aim of the study. The aim of the study was to assess the lifestyle of women during menopause, the problems which can occur during the above period and the ways of their solution. Material and methods. The research was made on the basis of a diagnostic survey, conducted in November 2014 among 100 women, aged 45-60 and living in Jarosław and the suburbs. The average age of women who took part in the study was 50 years. The conducted research was of voluntary character. The study material was a non-standardized questionnaire which developed by the authors. Conclusions. Among the symptoms during menopause, one can observe hot flashes, headaches, and insomnia. To avoid the aches and pains during menopause, women try to assume a proper diet, take up physical activity, and avoid stimulants. During menopause women also avoid the use of hormone therapy because of the side effects arising from its usage

    Support received by women with breast cancer in the event of side effects of chemotherapy

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    Admission. Correct chemotherapy introduces many side effects. These effects, spread over time and in connection with a chronic disease such as breast cancer, put the patient in a crisis situation, which verifies the needs in terms of social support. Goal: Showing the type of social support expected and received by women treated with cytostatics for breast cancer. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 110 women - patients of oncology departments of two Lublin hospitals diagnosed with breast cancer and during chemotherapy. The research tool was the author's questionnaire. The results from the obtained data were subjected to statistical analysis. Results: Patients expect information support about their illness and treatment from a doctor. In some respects, most of them receive such support. The respondents receive emotional support from their families, more than half of them received an offer of material support. There is a statistically significant relationship between education and the need for material assistance, and a relationship between the next cycle of chemotherapy and the demand for spiritual support. Conclusions: Patients treated with cytostatics, regardless of their level of education, expect information support from professionals. Such support cannot be provided by family or friends. They receive emotional support from loved ones, but during chemotherapy, the demand for spiritual and material support increases, regardless of education

    Size does matter: overcoming the adeno-associated virus packaging limit

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    Recombinant adeno-associated virus (rAAV) vectors mediate long-term gene transfer without any known toxicity. The primary limitation of rAAV has been the small size of the virion (20 nm), which only permits the packaging of 4.7 kilobases (kb) of exogenous DNA, including the promoter, the polyadenylation signal and any other enhancer elements that might be desired. Two recent reports (D Duan et al: Nat Med 2000, 6:595-598; Z Yan et al: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 2000, 97:6716-6721) have exploited a unique feature of rAAV genomes, their ability to link together in doublets or strings, to bypass this size limitation. This technology could improve the chances for successful gene therapy of diseases like cystic fibrosis or Duchenne muscular dystrophy that lead to significant pulmonary morbidity

    Nawyki żywieniowe i aktywność fizyczna młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych jako czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia otyłości = School students’ dietary habits and physical activity as a risk factor of the obesity

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    Kocka Katarzyna, Bartoszek Agnieszka, Fus Małgorzata, Rząca Marcin, Łuczyk Marta, Bartoszek Adrian, Muzyczka Katarzyna, Nowicki Grzegorz, Ślusarska Barbara. Nawyki żywieniowe i aktywność fizyczna młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych jako czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia otyłości = School students’ dietary habits and physical activity as a risk factor of the obesity. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(7):439-452. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.58452 http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3708 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015). 755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7 © The Author (s) 2016; This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, Poland Open Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited. The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper. Received: 15.06.2016. Revised 09.07.2016. Accepted: 21.07.2016. Nawyki żywieniowe i aktywność fizyczna młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych jako czynniki ryzyka wystąpienia otyłości School students’ dietary habits and physical activity as a risk factor of the obesity Katarzyna Kocka1, Agnieszka Bartoszek1, Małgorzata Fus2, Marcin Rząca3, Marta Łuczyk3, Adrian Bartoszek4, Katarzyna Muzyczka1, Grzegorz Nowicki1, Barbara Ślusarska1 1Zakład Medycyny Rodzinnej i Pielęgniarstwa Środowiskowego, Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 2Absolwentka Wydziału Pielęgniarstwa i Nauk o Zdrowiu Uniwersytetu Medycznego w Lublinie 3Zakład Onkologii, Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie 4Student Wydziału Lekarskiego, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Łodzi Słowa kluczowe: nawyki żywieniowe, aktywność fizyczna, otyłość, młodzież. Key words: dietary habits, physical activity, obesity, school students. Streszczenie Wstęp Według raportu na świecie 155 milionów dzieci w wieku szkolnym ma nadmierną masę ciała. Szacuje się, że co piąta osoba populacji rozwojowej w Europie ma nadwagę lub otyłość. Podobnie w Polsce obserwuje się tendencję wzrostową częstości występowania nadmiernej masy ciała u dzieci i młodzieży. Cel Celem badań była analiza nawyków żywieniowych i aktywności fizycznej młodzieży jako czynników ryzyka otyłości. Materiał i metoda Badania przeprowadzono w 2014 roku wśród młodzieży lubelskich szkół średnich. Badaniami objęto 150 osób w wieku 16 - 19 lat. Zastosowaną metodą badawczą był sondaż diagnostyczny. Do zebrania danych, jako narzędzie badawcze wykorzystano autorski kwestionariusz ankiety składający się z 29 pytań. Zgromadzone wyniki badań poddano analizie statystycznej z wykorzystaniem testu Chi2. Wyniki badań Analizując nawyki żywieniowe badanej młodzieży można stwierdzić, że 40,00% badanych nie spożywa regularnie posiłków. Ponad połowa ankietowanych (53,33%) spożywa przekąski pomiędzy głównymi posiłkami, jedynie 10,00% osób zadeklarowało, że nie spożywa produktów typu fast-food. Interpretacja wyników badań własnych dotyczących aktywności fizycznej młodzieży wykazała że, niemal 2/3 ankietowanych (64,67%) odpowiedziało, że czas wolny spędza w bierny sposób oglądając telewizję bądź korzystając z komputera. Wnioski Wśród nawyków żywieniowych sprzyjających otyłości u badanej młodzieży stwierdzono: nieregularne spożywanie posiłków, niedostateczną ilość owoców i warzyw w codziennym jadłospisie oraz spożywanie przekąsek pomiędzy głównymi posiłkami –głównie słodyczy. Stopień aktywności fizycznej badanej grupy jest niezadowalający. Młodzież chętniej wybiera bierne formy spędzania czasu wolnego. Abstract Introduction According to the report of the International Obesity Task Force (IOTF) there are 155 milion school students with overweight and obesity in Europe. The same trend towards an increase in it have also been observed in Poland. Aim The aim of this study was to analyse school students` dietary habits and physical activity as a risk factor of the obesity. Material and methods The studies were conducted on the representative, random sample of 150 school students from Lublin secondary school aged 16-19 years in 2014. The date was assessed using a survey questionnaire consist of 29 questions created by the authors. The evaluation of the date was calculated using the a chi-squared test. Results The studies showed that 40% of the school students consumed the meals irregularly. More than half of the school students consumed bad snacks among meals while only 10% did not. The results showed that two thirds of the school students (64.67%) spent their time for leisure in front of the TV or computer. Conclusions The results indicates that dietary habits such as irregularly frequency of the eating, not many fruit and vegetables in the diet as well eating snacks between meals, mainly sweets could increase a risk of obesity Low level of the physical activity among school students was observed. Teenagers are more likely to spend their leisure time inactively

    Conditional, genetic disruption of ciliary neurotrophic factor receptors reveals a role in adult motor neuron survival

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    Indirect evidence suggests that endogenous ciliary neurotrophic factor (CNTF) receptor signaling can promote motor neuron (MN) survival in the adult. If so, proper targeting of this signaling may selectively counteract the effects of adult MN diseases. However, direct evidence for CNTF receptor involvement in adult MN survival is lacking, presumably because the unconditional blockade of the mouse CNTF receptor in vivo [through genetic disruption of the essential CNTF receptor α (CNTFRα) gene] leads to uniform perinatal death of the mice. To overcome this limitation, we have developed a method to selectively disrupt CNTF receptor function in a targeted subset of adult MNs that are not required for survival. A ‘floxed CNTFRα’ mouse line was generated and characterized. In addition, an adeno-associated virus (AAV) vector that drives Cre recombinase (Cre) expression was constructed and shown, with reporter mouse lines, to selectively excise floxed genes in facial MNs following its stereotaxic injection into the facial motor nucleus. Adult floxed CNTFRα mice were then injected with the AAV-Cre vector to excise the CNTFRα gene in the targeted MNs. The resulting data indicate that adult CNTF receptor signaling, likely by the MNs themselves, can play an essential role in MN survival. The data further indicate that this role is independent of any developmental contributions CNTF receptor signaling makes to MN survival or function

    Kinetics of error generation in homologous B-family DNA polymerases

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    The kinetics of forming a proper Watson–Crick base pair as well incorporating bases opposite furan, an abasic site analog, have been well characterized for the B Family replicative DNA polymerase from bacteriophage T4. Structural studies of these reactions, however, have only been performed with the homologous enzyme from bacteriophage RB69. In this work, the homologous enzymes from RB69 and T4 were compared in parallel reactions to determine the relative abilities of the two polymerases to incorporate correct nucleotides as well as to form improper pairings. The kinetic rates for three different exonuclease mutants for each enzyme were measured for incorporation of an A opposite T and an A opposite furan as well as for the formation of A:C and T:T mismatches. The T4 exonuclease mutants were all ∼2- to 7-fold more efficient than the corresponding RB69 exonuclease mutants depending on whether a T or furan was in the templating position and which exonuclease mutant was used. The rates for mismatch formation by T4 were significantly reduced compared with incorporation opposite furan, much more so than the corresponding RB69 mutant. These results show that there are kinetic differences between the two enzymes but they are not large enough to preclude structural assumptions for T4 DNA polymerase based on the known structure of the RB69 DNA polymerase