23 research outputs found

    Analysis of Sustainability Business Media from Hyperlocal and Entrepreneurial Journalism Perspectives: a Case Study of DI'S Way Daily

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    In general, it is concurred that the print media industry is an industry category that is currently sunset with its product life cycle is decreasing. Moreover, the Covid-19 pandemic condition since March 2020 in Indonesia has forced media businesses to suffer even more. However, on Saturday, July 4, 2020, Surabaya city has a new daily media published, namely “DI's Way Daily”. The figure behind it is Dahlan Iskan, a media figure known as the pioneer of Jawa Pos Daily. DI's Way brings several differentiating attributes to its product. With a simple case study method, this paper aims to examine the resilience of this daily from the perspective of hyperlocal content production strategy (hyperlocality) and entrepreneurial journalism. A local content strategy is insufficient to make the media business sustainable as it needs to be accompanied by entrepreneurial journalism

    The Entrepreneurial Orientation of Property Developers Around JLLB Surabaya Plan

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    Property development, especially landed houses, is taking place around the Surabaya Outer West Ring Road (JLLB) infrastructure plan. These days, there are dozens of new residential areas in the border area of Western Surabaya and Southern Gresik, East Java Province, Indonesia, utilizing JLLB’s plans and physical progress. Property marketing activities around JLLB Surabaya cannot be separated from the entrepreneurial orientation and entrepreneurial marketing of property developers in Greater Surabaya. Taking the momentum of property business opportunities, measurable business risks, long time-held land resources around JLLB, and offering future value property investment for consumers are entrepreneurial marketing and entrepreneurial orientation practices that property developers have successfully carried out on the border of Western Surabaya and Southern Gresik

    Hyperlocal Journalism as a Strategy in Facing Digital Disruption: A Case Study of Jawa Pos Newspaper

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    When the national mass media experiences a significant decline in circulation, this is not the case with Jawa Pos Newspaper, a regional newspaper in East Java. Circulation of newspaper sales both retail and subscription as well as advertising revenue declines, but the decline in Jawa Pos is not as deep as other newspapers. Losing to the speed of publication compared to online media, but choosing to concentrate on presenting local content, through what is referred to as hyperlocal journalism, which cannot be fulfilled by other online and newspaper media, as well as focusing on segments of readers who have worked and are economically established, making Jawa Pos’ business performance, in general, remains excellent

    Digital Disruption in Print Media: Challenges of Convergence and Business Models

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    Disruption in information technology has caused newspapers experiencing a significant decline in revenue in terms of the number of customers and advertising. However, the efforts of print media companies in Indone-sia to expand their customer base and revenue by expanding into online media platforms have not found the right business model because of a number of constraints on the media industry's business environment in the country. Characteristics of mass media products and consumers that are distinctive compared to other prod-ucts make the management of media companies have to take a different strategic approach in maintaining the survival of their business in the future. The unpreparedness of human resources who are still strong in their “print” mindset and information technology infrastructure are obstacles. The character of media consumers who still view online information as a product that should not be paid is also an obstacle. Meanwhile, the cost of differentiating information production is high amid the offer of social media platforms that aggregate in-formation in abundance and free of charge

    Purchase Intentions for Green Apparel of Zara Indonesia

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    This study aims to examine the factors influencing the purchase inten- tion of Zara Indonesia’s green apparel. 224 respondents who purchased Zara Indonesia, especially the eco-friendly clothing collection (JOIN LIFE), in the last six months and live in Indonesia were involved in this study. The analytical method used in this study was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) AMOS which goes through two stages: the Measurement Model and the Structural Model. The results of this study indicate that there are two unsupported hypotheses and three supported hypotheses. Two unsupported hypotheses are H3(+) PBC - > PI, H5(+) EC - > PI. Three supported hypotheses are H1(+) ATT - > PI, H2(+) SN - > PI, and H4(+) WTP - > PI. The variable that has the greatest influence or significance on Purchase Intention (PI) is the Subjective Norm (SN)


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    The aim of this research is to know the effectivenessproblem based learning model (PBL) using student worksheet on learning outcomes and students’critical thinking skills on the teaching Reaction Rate. The population in this research was grade 11th of SMA Negeri 6 Medan. Classes sample was taken by random sampling, and two classes were selected as a sample. Those two classes will be taught with Problem Based Learning model, the difference is the first class will be used students worksheets and the other class is not. The instrumentto conduct this researchwas  by test and non-test. Based on parametric statistical test, the result of pretest, postest, and students’ critical thinking skills data from those two classes have a normal distribution and homogeny. Hypothesis was tested by using one tailed test with significant level ( ) =0,05. The data from hypothesis testing learning outcomes is tcal  ttable (3,101 1,669), means Hois rejected and Ha is accepted. Hypothesis testing result on students’ learning outcomes using student worksheets is higher than the non-using student worksheet. Critical thinking hypothesis test is tcal  ttable (4,754 1,669), means Hois rejected and Ha is accepted. Hypothesis testing result oncritical thinking using student worksheet is higher than the non-using student worksheet. Contribution of students’ critical thinking to the ups and downs of learning outcomes on the experiment class is 81,5%.

    How are Buying Intentions in a Marketplace Formed? An acceptance of New Technology in Young People

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    This research discusses the existing marketplaces in Indonesia. The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of Social Influence on Behavioral Intention and Perceived Usefulness on Attitude in a marketplace. This study is quantitative research with a causal design, with 304 respondents from Surabaya. There are 9 variables in this study, namely Perceived Use-fulness (PU), Perceived Enjoyment (PE), Perceived ease of use (PEOU), Trust in the m-vendor (TR), Social influences (SI), Satisfaction (SAT), Usage behavior (USE), Behavioral intention (BI), and Attitude (ATT). The results show that Social Influence has a positive ef-fect on Behavioral Intention, while Perceived usefulness is not proven to affect Attitude. Keywords: social influence, behavioral intention, perceived usefulness, attitude

    Tiered Small Medium Enterprise Training Model: Achieving SME’s Competitive Advantage in Industrial Revolution 4.0 Era

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    his study aims to analyze the model and implementation of tiered SME training in achieving SME's competitive advantage in the industrial revolution 4.0 era. The type of research used was qualitative research through focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, and observation methods. The results of the current study are (1) The Surabaya City Government initiated tiered SME training and developed by academ- ics to facilitate the readiness of SME actors by involving trainers in increasing the competency of SME actors in order to achieve competitive advantage in industrial revolution 4.0 era; (2) Challenges faced by SMEs in the industrial revolution 4.0 era are increasingly severe, so that they require commitment, the ability to adapt to change, and a strong willingness to learn; (3) Commitment, the ability to adapt to change, and the willing- ness to learn SME actors have heterogeneit


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    Obat Tradisional adalah salah satu bentuk Traditional knowledge yang berupa karya masyarakat tradisional/adat (indigenous people) yaitu makanan, jamu, obat, seni dan teknologi yang telah turun temurun diwariskan sejak jaman nenek moyang. Usaha jamu tradisional merupakan salah satu bentuk upaya dalam melestarikan obat tradisional di Indonesia. Komunitas Usaha Jamu Tradisional di Kelurahan Kalirungkut merupakan komunitas yang terdiri dari pelaku usaha minuman tradisional. Komunitas ini dibentuk sebagai sarana berkomunikasi dan berbagi dalam upaya mengembangkan usahanya. Namun terdapat beberapa permasalahan yang dihapadi membuat usaha minuman tradisional menjadi sulit berkembang. Salah satu permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah terkait dengan diversifikasi produk minuman tradisional. Program pelatihan dan pendampingan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan minat mitra terhadap pengembangan diversifikasi produk minuman tradisional dalam upaya peningkatan kapasitas usaha. Metode yang dilakukan mulai dari diskusi kelompok, ceramah interaktif, dan praktik pembuatan produk secara langsung. Hasil pretest dan postest menunjukkan adanya peningkatan skor yang baik. Setelah kegiatan, mitra juga diketahui telah mengembangkan 7 jenis produk baru yang terdiri dari 6 jenis minuman siap minum dan 1 jenis teh herbal. Kesimpulan dari pelatihan ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dari mitra terkait diversifikasi produk. Program ini juga meningkatkan antusiasme mitra dalam mengembangkan berbagai jenis produk baru


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    This study aims to determine whether there is an influence on the implementation of PBL through a scientific approach that provides a media card for high school students' chemistry learning outcomes. To achieve this goal, quasi-experimental research was conducted using two classes, namely the experimental class and the control class. Data obtained using a validated test instrument in the form of pretest and posttest. The results showed that (1). There was an increase in chemistry learning outcomes from the average pretest 27.2 to 63.95 and 72.5 in the two classes of experiment I and experiment II, respectively. (2). Student learning outcomes that are taught with the Problem Based Learning model and the scientific approach provides higher paired cards than using textbook as a media