66 research outputs found


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    Masalah pokok dalam penelitian ini adalah yaitu “ Apakah penggunaan penyampaian umpan balik seketika dan umpan balik terminal memberikan pengaruh terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler di SMAN 9 Bandung?.” Lebih rinci permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah 1) Apakah penyampaian umpan balik seketika berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung? ; 2) Apakah penyampaian umpan balik terminal berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung? ; 3) Manakah yang memberikan pengaruh lebih signifikan antara penyampaian umpan balik seketika dan terminal terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung ? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimen dengan desain penelitian Pretest – Postest Design. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelititan ini tes penguasaan gerak menembak (shooting) dalam permainan bola basket dari Harrow (dalam Nurhasan, 2010, hlm. 190-191). Pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini secara sampling jenuh. Secara umum dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa antara penyampaian umpan balik seketika dengan terminal. Adapun kesimpulan khusus adalah 1) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penyampaian umpan balik seketika terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung dengan nilai signifikansi 7,8. 2) Terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan penyampaian umpan balik terminal terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung dengan nilai signifikansi 5,82. 3) Penyampaian umpan balik seketika lebih memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap hasil belajar shooting pada siswa yang mengikuti ekstrakurikuler bola basket di SMAN 9 Bandung dengan nilai signifikansi 3,9. Kata kunci : Hasil belajar, umpan balik seketika, umpan balik terminal, shooting. The main problem in this study is that "What is the use of delivering instantaneous feedback and terminal feedback effect on learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular at SMAN 9 London ?." More detailed issues in this study were 1) Does the delivery of instantaneous feedback effect on learning outcomes of students who follow the shooting in extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung? ; 2) Does the delivery terminal feedback effect on the learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung? ; 3) Which is the more significant impact of the delivery of instantaneous feedback and terminals on learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung? The method used in this study is the experimental method to the study design pretest - posttest design. The instruments used in these tests mastery penelititan motion shooting (shooting) in the game of basketball from Harrow (in Nurhasan, 2010, pp. 190-191). The samples in this study saturation sampling. In general it can be concluded that there are differences between the delivery of student learning outcomes instantaneous feedback to the terminal. The specific conclusions are: 1) There is a significant effect of delivering instant feedback on learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung with a significance value of 7.8. 2) There is a significant effect of delivering feedback terminal to the learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung with a significance value of 5.82. 3) Submission of instantaneous feedback is a significant influence on learning outcomes of students who followed the shooting on extracurricular basketball at SMAN 9 Bandung with a significance value of 3.9. Keywords: learning outcomes, instantaneous feedback, terminal feedback, shooting

    Information Sharing Behavior among Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

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    The information needs of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be fulfilled optimally when their family give great attention in educating and caring for them. Families especially parents, is the first and important person that encourage the growth and development of their children whether physical, psychological, mentally, communication, personality and emotional. This study aim to describe about information sharing behavior among parents of children with ASD and determine the factors that encourage and inhibit the occurrence of information sharing behavior among ASD parents. This study used a qualitative approach, choosing informant by snowball technique to determine key informants from Autism Awareness Advocacy (ASA) community members which exist in Surabaya Indonesia. By interviewing seven informant, the result show that information sharing behavior among parents of children with ASD has two typology, namely passive behavior and active behavior. Information sharing behavior activity among ASD children could be examine by using Homan’s Social Exchange Theory (SET), by realized through three SET propositions which are successful, value and approval-aggression, and two new proposition which found in this study, technology and productivity. On the other hand, there are external factors that affect information sharing behavior success such as reward, trusts, and family support, and internal factor such as anger, satisfaction, and self efficacy. This research provide benefits for parents of children with ASD especially members of the ASA community by sharing information and to increase the independence of their ASD children. Besides that, parents could expand the possibilities for the realization of the factors that suporting the sharing information activity, so the success of their children to interact in society would increasingly widespread

    Librarian Knowledge Sharing Behavior in University Library

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    Research in university library is very important as a means of improving the quality of the library. There are relations of social networks that can facilitate the communication traffic between the librarians, who can create knowledge sharing behavior as a strategy or way used for a library purpose. This study aims to analyze the dimensions of Social Capital Theory (structural, relational, and cognitive) which use case study in qualitative approach. The number of informants in this study were 7 librarians, and data analysis technique based on the theoretical framework in order to discuss new findings in library setting. The result shows 4 difference of librarians behavior, which are optimistic cognitive behavior, defensive affective behavior, pessimistic affective behavior, and pessimistic cognitive behavior. Fourth behavioral differences arise from the attitude of librarians in assessing the activities of knowledge sharing. Librarians who have good intention, positive reinforcement, aware of the importance to foster ideas and innovation for the library through the knowledge sharing, behaves as an optimistic cognitive librarian. For who have no intention that grows within itself in the activities of knowledge sharing, because they feel less agree with these materials or a series of activities carried out in these activities, reluctant to convey his ideas to be share, categorized as librarian with defensive affective behavior. If librarian have intention, positive support in the form of interest, but less aware and optimal in cultivating ideas and innovation for the library through the knowledge sharing, is a librarian who behaves pessimistic affective. While librarians who have no intention and less aware of the importance of ideas and innovation in the knowledge sharing activities is a librarian who behaves pessimistic cognitive

    Penerapan Model Regresi Logistik Terhadap Indeks Pembangunan Manusia (IPM) di Provinsi Sumatera Barat Tahun 2019 – 2021

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    The human development index is an indicator that can measure the success of a region in developing human quality. The success of human development can be measured by how fundamental problems in society can be overcome, such as poverty, unemployment, and lack of access to public facilities. The increase in HDI in an area can be determined by several factors, including life expectancy (UHH) and the unemployment rate. One of the models that can be used to determine the factors that significantly affect the human development index is logistic regression, where logistic regression is an approach to making a predictive model in the form of the probability of a variable.The data used in this study are HDI, UHH, and unemployment rates in West Sumatra Province in 2019–2021. Based on the multicollinearity test, there is no relationship between UHH and the unemployment rate. This study was conducted to determine the factors that significantly affect the human development index of districts/cities in West Sumatra Province. Based on the results obtained, UHH has dramatically affected the HDI of districts/cities in West Sumatra Province over the last three years

    Improving the Performance of CBIR on Islamic Women Apparels Using Normalized PHOG

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    The designs of Islamic women apparels is dynamically changing, which can be shown by emerging of online shops selling clothing with fast updates of newest models. Traditionally, buying the clothes online can be done by querying the keywords to the retrieval system. The approach has a drawback that the keywords cannot describe the clothes designs precisely. Therefore, a searching based on content–known as content-based image retrieval (CBIR)–is required. One of the features used in CBIR is the shape. This article presents a new normalization approach to the Pyramid Histogram of Oriented Gradients (PHOG) as a mean for shape feature extraction of women Islamic clothing in a retrieval system. We refer to the proposed approach as normalized PHOG (NPHOG). The Euclidean distance measured the similarity of the clothing. The performance of the system was evaluated by using 340 clothing images, comprised of four clothing categories, 85 images for each category: blouse-pants, long dress, outerwear, and tunic. The recall and precision parameters measured the retrieval performance; the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and PHOG were the methods for comparison. The experiments showed that NPHOG improved the HOG and PHOG performance in three clothing categories

    uji Aktifitas Anti Inflasi Ekstrak Etanol Daun Buni (Antidesma bunius L. Spreng) terhadap Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Salah satu tanaman obat yang digunakan secara empiris untuk pengobatan secara tradisional untuk beberapa macam penyakit adalah daun buni (Antidesma bunius L. Spreng). Tanaman ini memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi obat antiinflamasi. Telah dilakukan penelitian tentang uji aktivitas antiinflamasi ekstrak etanol daun buni (Antidesma bunius L. Spreng) terhadap tikus putih dengan metode pembentukan edema buatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti aktivitas antiinflmasi ekstrak etanol daun buni (Antidesma bunius L. Spreng) terhadap tikus (Rattus noervegicus) yang diinduksi karagenan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pemberian secara peroral ekstrak daun buni (Antidesma bunius L. Spreng) dalam dosis 5 mg/kg BB. 50 mg/kg BB, dan 500 mg/kg BB, Natrium CMC 1% sebagai kontrol negatif dan Natrium Diklofenak sebagai kontrol positif. Pengukuran edema kaki dilakukan tiap 1 jam selama 5 jam menggunakan alat plethysmometer. Hasil penelitian setelah dianalisis dengan metode RAL ( Rancangan Acak Lengkap) menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak dosis 5 mg/kg BB, 50 mg/kg BB, da 500 mg/kg BB memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi. Hasil uji lanjutan (BNJD) Beda Nyata Jarak Duncan menunjukkan ekstrak dengan dosis 50 mg/kg BB menunjukkan aktivitas antiinflamasi yang tidak berbeda nyata dengan pembanding Natrium diklofenak (α = 0,05)


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    Achievements are supported by good club management and are also supported by all the elements that are mutually sustainable. Knowledge of management also becomes a facility to reach an achievement. In general, club performance ink fluctuate. The purpose of this study is to know the management (planning, organizing, leading, controlling and staffing) in Indonesia Professional Basketball League (IBL) 2017, achievement of Indonesia Professional Basketball League (IBL) 2017, and club management relationship to the achievement of Club Liga Liga Indonesia Basketball League (IBL) 2017. The method used is descriptive quantitative method. The instrument used in this study is a questionnaire in the book Management of Physical Education and Sports by Bucher & Krotee (2001, p.9). The highest score in the management of the IBL 2017 basketball club is the Planning indicator. While the indicators obtained the lowest score is controlling. Pelita Jaya's club managed to come out as champions, with 26 points and 1119 total ball, 925 conceded, and 194 difference. The number of positive and significant relationships between the club's management towards the achievements of Professional League Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) 2017, the relationship between management the club with the achievement of Indonesia Basketball League (IBL) club 2017 by 33,8%. The hierarchy of management its relationship with achievement is controlling, organizing, planning, leading dan staffing.;---Prestasi didukung oleh manajemen klub yang baik dan juga ditunjang oleh semua unsur yang saling berkesinambungan. Pengetahuan mengenai manajemen juga menjadi suatu fasilitas dalam pencapaian prestasi. Secara umum, prestasi klub cenderung fluktuatif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui manajemen (planning, organizing, leading, controlling, dan staffing) pada Liga Profesional Indonesia Basketball League (IBL) 2017, prestasi Liga Profesional Indonesia Basketball League (IBL) 2017, dan hubungan manajemen klub terhadap prestasi klub Liga Profesional Indonesia Basketball League (IBL) 2017. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kuantitatif. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah angket/kuesioner dalam buku Management Of Physical Education And Sport oleh Bucher & Krotee (2001, hlm.9). Secara perolehan skor keseluruhan indikator yang mendapatkan skor tertinggi dalam manajemen klub basket IBL 2017 adalah indikator Perencanaan. Sedangkan indikator yang memperoleh skor terendah adalah pengendalian. Klub Pelita Jaya berhasil keluar sebagai juara, dengan perolehan 26 point dan total 1119 memasukan bola, 925 kemasukan, dan selisih 194. terdapat hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara manajemen klub terhadap prestasi klub Liga Profesional Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) 2017, besarnya hubungan antara manajemen klub dengan prestasi klub Liga Profesional Indonesian Basketball League (IBL) 2017 sebesar 33,8%. Hierarki manajemen hubungannya dengan prestasi adalah controlling, organizing, planning, leading dan staffing

    Pengaruh Dukungan Sosial dan Konflik Interpersonal terhadap Sense of Belonging pada Remaja Panti Asuhan Nugraha Bandung

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah dukungan sosial dan konflik interpersonal berpengaruh terhadap sense of belonging di panti asuhan. Subjek dalam penelitian ini sebanyak 30 orang. Metode yang digunakan adalah korelasional prediktif dengan teknik analisis data adalah analisis regresi linier berganda dimana dukungan sosial dan konflik interpersonal sebagai variabel prediktor dan sense of belonging sebagai variabel kriterion. Data diperoleh melalui tiga alat ukur yang yaitu skala dukungan sosial, skala konflik interpersonal, dan skala sense of belonging diadaptasi dari Hagerty yaitu Sense of Belonging Instrument (SOBI). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan sosial berpengaruh terhadap sense of belonging sebesar 69.4 % dengan statistik signifikan (F = 35.474, p 0.000 < 0.001). Model regresi yang dihasilkan adalah Y = -1,776 + 0.46X
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