168 research outputs found

    Restrained reinforcement number in graphs

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    A set SS of vertices is a restrained dominating set of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) if every vertex in VSV\setminus S has a neighbor in SS and a neighbor in VSV\setminus S. The minimum cardinality of a restrained dominating set is the restrained domination number γr(G)\gamma_{r}(G). In this paper we initiate the study of the restrained reinforcement number rr(G)r_{r}(G) of a graph GG defined as the cardinality of a smallest set of edges FE(G)F\subseteq E(\overline{G}) for which $\gamma _{r}(G+F

    Synthesis and characterization of 1,3-bis(4-bromophenyl)-5-propyl-1,3,5-triazinane

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    Condensation of n-propyl amine and 4-bromoaniline with formaline in basic solution gives 1,3-bis(4-bromophenyl)-5-(propyl)-1,3,5-triazinane. Structure of the synthesized compound was characterized by FT-IR and 1H- and 13C-NMR spectroscopy

    Modèle conceptuel des facteurs culturels impactant le déploiement des pratiques coopératives du Supply Chain Management : cas du contexte marocain

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of culture on supply chain cooperation practices in Morocco. We collected data from supply chain managers via LinkedIn and analyzed these data using the chi-square technique on SPSS. The results of the analysis show that hierarchical distance, collectivist culture, and high uncertainty avoidance culture all have positive and equal degree influences on commitment, cooperation, and information sharing among supply chain actors. However, it was also found that collectivist culture and degree of leniency do not affect opportunistic behavior. It is important to note that although our refined model is based on empirical data and has passed the test of statistical tests, it represents an approximation of reality and must be interpreted in the light of the limitations inherent in any research approach. In conclusion, this study shows that the Moroccan culture is conducive to the deployment of supply chain cooperation practices. Keywords: National culture; Supply chain cooperation; Intercultural management; Morocco; Conceptual model; Cultural studies. Classification JEL : J54, M11, P13, O10 Paper type: Exploratory Empirical ResearchL'objectif de cette étude est d'examiner l'influence de la culture sur les pratiques de coopération en chaîne d'approvisionnement au Maroc. Nous avons recueilli des données auprès de managers de chaîne d'approvisionnement via LinkedIn, et analysé ces données à l'aide de la technique de chi-deux sur SPSS. Les résultats de l'analyse montrent que la distance hiérarchique, la culture collectiviste et la culture à fort évitement de l'incertitude ont toutes des influences positives et de même degré sur l'engagement, la coopération et le partage d'informations entre les acteurs de la chaîne d'approvisionnement. Cependant, il a également été constaté que la culture collectiviste et le degré d'indulgence n'ont pas d'effet sur les comportements opportunistes. Il est important de noter que bien que notre modèle affiné ait été basé sur des données empiriques et ait passé l'épreuve des tests statistiques, il représente une approximation de la réalité et doit être interprété à la lumière des limites inhérentes à toute démarche de recherche. En conclusion, cette étude montre que la culture marocaine est favorable au déploiement de pratiques de coopération en chaîne d'approvisionnement. Mots clefs : Culture nationale ; Coopération Supply Chain ; Management Interculturel ; Maroc ; Modèle conceptuel ; Études culturelles. JEL Classification : J54, M11, P13, O10 Type du papier : Recherche empirique exploratoir

    Hydrogrossular, Ca 3

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    Detection of metallo-beta lactamases and oxacillinase genes in carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strains isolated in Morocco

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    Introduction: resistance to carbapenem is widespread among Acinetobacter baumannii (A. baumannii) strains. Metallo-beta lactamases enzymes (MBL) are responsible for carbapenem resistance, as are oxacillinases (OXA). In recent years, MBL producing carbapenem-resistant strains have been reported in the world and Morocco at increasing rates. Our study aimed to investigate the presence of carbapenemases in acinetobacter strains isolated from hospitalized patients in CHU Fez. Methods: a total of 58 imipenem-resistant A. baumannii strains isolated from clinical samples were investigated. The presence of MBL was described phenotypically by the double-disk synergy test (DDST), MBL E-test, and modified Hodge test. The blaIMP, blaVIM, genes, and blaOXA-23, blaOXA-51 genes were investigated by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The blaNDM-1 gene was determined by simplex PCR. Results: fifty-eight strains were resistant to imipenem (98%), the modified Hodge test (MHT) was positive for 58 strains (100%), 47 strains (82%) were found to be positive for MBL by the test of double-disk synergy (DDST), 58 strains (100%) were positive by E-test MBL. The OXA 51 gene was detected in all strains, and the OXA 23 gene was detected in 53 strains (91%). In addition, the MBL genes were not detected by genotypic methods. Conclusion: the OXA-23 and OXA-51 carbapenemases type are responsible for the resistance to carbapenems in A. baumannii resistant to carbapenems in our establishment. Resistance to carbapenems by MBL enzymes has been found by phenotypic tests, which must be confirmed by genotypic methods; and solicit other MBL genes


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    A restrained Roman dominating function (RRD-function) on a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a function ff from VV into {0,1,2}\{0,1,2\} satisfying: (i)  every vertex uu with f(u)=0f(u)=0 is adjacent to a vertex vv with f(v)=2f(v)=2; (ii) the subgraph induced by the vertices assigned 0 under ff has no isolated vertices. The weight of an RRD-function is the sum of its function value over the whole set of vertices, and the restrained Roman domination number is the minimum weight of an RRD-function on G.G. In this paper, we begin the study of the restrained Roman reinforcement number rrR(G)r_{rR}(G) of a graph GG defined as the cardinality of a smallest set of edges that we must add to the graph to decrease its restrained Roman domination number. We first show that the decision problem associated with the restrained Roman reinforcement problem is NP-hard. Then several properties as well as some sharp bounds of the restrained Roman reinforcement number are presented. In particular it is established that rrR(T)=1r_{rR}(T)=1 for every tree TT of order at least three

    Building norms-adaptable agents from Potential Norms Detection Technique (PNDT)

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    This paper presents a contribution to research on norms detection by proposing a technique, which is called the Potential Norms Detection Technique (PNDT). The literature proposes that an agent changes or updates its norms based on the variables of the local environment and the amount of thinking about its behaviour. Consequently, any changes on these two variables cause the agent to use the PNDT to update the norms in complying with the domain’s normative protocol. This technique enables an agent to update its norms even in the absence of sanctions from a third-party enforcement authority as found in some work, which entail sanctions by a third-party to detect and identify the norms. The PNDT consists of five components: agent’s belief base; observation process; Potential Norms Mining Algorithm (PNMA) to detect the potential norms and identify the normative protocol; verification process, which verifies the detected potential norms; and updating process, which updates the agent’s belief base with new normative protocol. The authors then demonstrate the operation of the algorithm by testing it on a typical scenario and analyse the results on several issues

    A Review of Norms and Normative Multiagent Systems

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    Norms and normative multiagent systems have become the subjects of interest for many researchers. Such interest is caused by the need for agents to exploit the norms in enhancing their performance in a community. The term norm is used to characterize the behaviours of community members. The concept of normative multiagent systems is used to facilitate collaboration and coordination among social groups of agents. Many researches have been conducted on norms that investigate the fundamental concepts, definitions, classification, and types of norms and normative multiagent systems including normative architectures and normative processes. However, very few researches have been found to comprehensively study and analyze the literature in advancing the current state of norms and normative multiagent systems. Consequently, this paper attempts to present the current state of research on norms and normative multiagent systems and propose a norm’s life cycle model based on the review of the literature. Subsequently, this paper highlights the significant areas for future work