12 research outputs found


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    Strategi promosi sekolah dalam meningkatkan jumlah peserta didik tahun 2017-2021 berfokus pada perencanaan, pelaksanaan, evaluasi strategi promosi, dan bauran pemasaran 7P (Product, Price, Place, Promotion, People, Physical Evindence, dan Process). Jenis penelitian ialah penelitian eksploratif dan pendekatan islamic educational management. Sumber data diambil dari kepala madrasah, wakil kepala madrasah hubungan masyarakat, panitia, orang tua siswa, dan data jumlah siswa. Metode pengumpulan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa dilakukan perencanaan membentuk panitia, menentukan waktu dan menentukan sasaran serta target. Pelaksanaannya melalui media cetak, kunjungan rumah warga, bantuan masyarakat, kerjasama dengan puskesmas, dan masjid. Evaluasi setiap tahun ajaran baru dengan target peserta didik yang ditetapkan tetapi belum tercapai karena rencana strategi sekolah untuk jangka panjang tidak ada, promosi menggunakan media sosial belum dilakukan, sarana dan prasarana kurang memadai serta lokasi sekolah tidak strategis

    Prediction of financial condition of Indonesian banks using Altman Z-Score model

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    Purpose – Banking is one of the hearts of the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the financial condition of banking in Indonesia.Method – The data in this study uses financial reports of bank. The technique of data analysis uses the Altman Z-Score model. By using five variables that represent the liquidity ratio X1, X2 and X3 profitability, X4 and X5 activities. With the criteria of assessment Z-Score 2.99, it is categorized as a very healthy company. 1.81 Z-Score 2.99 is in the gray area so that the probability of being saved and the possibility of bankruptcy is the same depending on the policy decision of the company management as the decision maker. Z-Score 1.81 is categorized as a company which has an enormous financial problem at high risk, so that the possibility of bankruptcy is very largeResult – As the result, it can be seen that Indonesian banks from 2008-2010 were at risk of going through financial difficulties and then survived and in the following years became more stable, while some banks were in unstable but survived and fixed their financial issues.Implication – This research can help Indonesian banks to evaluate their financial performanceOriginality – The originality of this research lies in the object under study, test analysis, and research location

    Prediction of financial condition of Indonesian banks using Altman Z-Score model

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    Purpose – Banking is one of the hearts of the economy in Indonesia. This study aims to determine the financial condition of banking in Indonesia.Method – The data in this study uses financial reports of bank. The technique of data analysis uses the Altman Z-Score model. By using five variables that represent the liquidity ratio X1, X2 and X3 profitability, X4 and X5 activities. With the criteria of assessment Z-Score 2.99, it is categorized as a very healthy company. 1.81 Z-Score 2.99 is in the gray area so that the probability of being saved and the possibility of bankruptcy is the same depending on the policy decision of the company management as the decision maker. Z-Score 1.81 is categorized as a company which has an enormous financial problem at high risk, so that the possibility of bankruptcy is very largeResult – As the result, it can be seen that Indonesian banks from 2008-2010 were at risk of going through financial difficulties and then survived and in the following years became more stable, while some banks were in unstable but survived and fixed their financial issues.Implication – This research can help Indonesian banks to evaluate their financial performanceOriginality – The originality of this research lies in the object under study, test analysis, and research location


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    Abstract: The Spirit of Student Learning During The Covid-19 PandemicThis study aims to explain in detail how the objective conditions of student enthusiasm for learning are during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research was conducted at UIN Alauddin Makassar with a sample of 79 students. The data collection technique in this study uses a survey using a google form in order to reach students and uses a Likert scale in filling out the survey. The data analysis technique used in this study is to calculate the percentage of data from each indicator, then interpret the data presentation scores and analyze each indicator in depth. The results of this study indicate that the enthusiasm for learning of UIN Alauddin Makassar students is "very good", this is obtained from a survey of 87.5 percent. The results of this study can be used as one of the evaluation materials and the development of students in the Government and Educational Institutions in general and universities in particular which of course carry out online learning in the Covid-19 pandemic era. Abstrak: Semangat Belajar Mahasiswa Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan secara rinci bagaimana kondisi objektif semangat belajar mahasiswa di masa pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian dilakukan di UIN Alauddin Makassar dengan sampel penelitian adalah 79 mahasiswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Survei dengan menggunakan google form agar dapat menjangkau mahasiswa dan menggunakan skala Likert dalam pengisian survei. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menghitung persentase data dari setiap indikator, kemudian menginterpretasikan skor penyajian data dan menganalisis setiap indikator secara mendalam. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa semangat belajar mahasiswa UIN Alauddin Makassar “sangat baik”, hal ini diperoleh dari Survei sebesar 87,5 persen. Hasil penelitian ini bisa digunakan menjadi salah satu materi evaluasi maupun pengembangan peserta didik di Pemeritah dan Lembaga Pendidikan pada umumnya serta perguruan tinggi pada khususnya yang tentunya melaksanakan pembelajaran online pada era pandemic Covid-19

    The Quality of Education Based on Local Wisdom: The Principal of Madrasah Review

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    This study was conducted to know the leadership of the madrasah principal in improving the quality of education based on local wisdom in MAN Kepulauan Selayar. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The method of data collection was conducted by interviewing the principal, teachers, and education staff at MAN Selayar Islands and conducting observations and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out through four stages: data reduction, data presentation, comparative analysis, and concluding. The results showed that there were efforts made by the head of Madrasah to improve the quality of education at MAN Kepulauan Selayar, namely: 1) Fostering extracurricular activities as a forum for channeling talents and interests of students; 2) the formation of a work team; 3) perform supervision; 4) establish and maintain communication with various parties. This research has implications for the importance of the role of leaders in managing change to create superior quality

    Knowledge on the Validity of the Hadith on Veil, the Obligation to Wear and Its Application in Social Life: A Case Study at UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    This study seeks to assess the impact of students' degree of comprehension on the veracity of the hadith on veil, the law governing its wearing, and its application in their social lives. This study is a mixed-methods approach, using a case study as the methodology to get a full grasp of a specific legal matter in order to generate more understanding on the issue of veil. The data were collected through interviews, literature studies and surveys. The results revealed that the respondents' knowledge on the authenticity of the hadith was modest, while their comprehension of the legislation governing the wearing of the veil ranged between a lack of understanding and a sufficient understanding, and their application in daily life was quite high. In addition, it was discovered that there were reasons that influenced their persistent usage of the veil, given their strong commitment to doing so. These considerations include the external supports, for example the support of friends, families, and communities. Supposedly, if the acceptance of new behavior is founded on information, awareness, and a good attitude, this kind of behavior will be persistent. If, on the other hand, a behavior is not founded on knowledge and awareness, it will be easily left out. This case study also found that there were factors other than knowledge that influenced female students in social applications to wear the veil, namely support from family, friends and organizations.In the future efforts are needed so that knowledge about the authenticity and content of hadith law regarding the veil can be increased. So that a person can strike a balance between the spirit of religion and his knowledge of the law governing the text's authenticity (hadith) and Islamic law

    Teaching Materials Development Based Using Guided Discovery Model On Pythagoras Theorem Materials For Class Viii Smpn 4 West Bangkala, Jeneponto Regency

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    This article discusses the development of mathematics teaching materials based on guided discovery models based on the material of the Pythagoras Theorem for Class VIII SMPN 4 West Bangkala, Jeneponto Regency. The purpose of this study was to determine the development of teaching materials based on guided discoveries based on the Pythagorean Theorem material for Class VIII SMPN 4 West Bangkala, Jeneponto Regency that were valid, practical and effective. The type of research performed is research and development (research and development). The Research Results Achieved (1) The validation results for teaching materials and all research instruments received an average overall validity of 4.14, which is in the valid category because it is in the interval 3.5 M 4.3. (2) The practical test resulting from the results of the teacher's questionnaire analysis for all aspects is 97%. In addition, the proportion of student answer questionnaires for all aspects is 89.45%. These numbers lie in the interval 85% RS 100% and can be classified as very positive (3) Effective, the results of the evaluation of the student learning outcome test are 80% classically completed and fall into the high category, so it can be concluded that the teaching materials which are based on a guided discovery of the material of the Pythagorean Theorem Class VIII SMPN 4 Bangkala Barat Jeneponto Regency, which meet the criteria of validity, practicability and effectiveness

    Knowledge on the Validity of the Hadith on Veil, the Obligation to Wear and Its Application in Social Life: A Case Study at UIN Alauddin Makassar

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    This study seeks to assess the impact of students' degree of comprehension on the veracity of the hadith on veil, the law governing its wearing, and its application in their social lives. This study is a mixed-methods approach, using a case study as the methodology to get a full grasp of a specific legal matter in order to generate more understanding on the issue of veil. The data were collected through interviews, literature studies and surveys. The results revealed that the respondents' knowledge on the authenticity of the hadith was modest, while their comprehension of the legislation governing the wearing of the veil ranged between a lack of understanding and a sufficient understanding, and their application in daily life was quite high. In addition, it was discovered that there were reasons that influenced their persistent usage of the veil, given their strong commitment to doing so. These considerations include the external supports, for example the support of friends, families, and communities. Supposedly, if the acceptance of new behavior is founded on information, awareness, and a good attitude, this kind of behavior will be persistent. If, on the other hand, a behavior is not founded on knowledge and awareness, it will be easily left out. This case study also found that there were factors other than knowledge that influenced female students in social applications to wear the veil, namely support from family, friends and organizations.In the future efforts are needed so that knowledge about the authenticity and content of hadith law regarding the veil can be increased. So that a person can strike a balance between the spirit of religion and his knowledge of the law governing the text's authenticity (hadith) and Islamic law

    Inovasi Manajemen Pembelajaran Melalui Model Hypnoteaching dalam Meningkatkan Minat dan Kemampuan Membaca Al-Qur'an Bagi Anak Pemulung di Kota Makassar

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui gambaran pelaksanaan model Hypnoteaching dalam pembelajaran membaca Al-Qur'an bagi anak pemulung di Kota Makassar, serta untuk mengetahui peningkatan minat dan kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an bagi anak pemulung di Kota Makassar melalui model pembelajaran Hypnoteaching. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian adalah siswa TK/TPA/TB Ar-Rasyid sejumlah 43 orang di Kelurahan Tamangapa Kecamatan Manggala Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga siklus. Satu siklus penelitian ini diberikan dua kali tindakan dalam dua kali tatap muka. Kemudian dalam setiap siklus terdiri atas empat tahap yaitu : perencanaan, pelaksanaan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Data dikumpulkan melalui hasil pengamatan dan pemberian angket. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Metode Hypnoteaching dapat meningkatkan minat dan kemampuan membaca Al-Qur'an siswa TK/TPA/TB Ar-Rasyid kelurahan Tamangapa kecamatan Manggala kota Makassar. Adapun Implikasi penelitian ini adalah terwujudnya peningkatan minat dan kemampuan membaca al-Quran bagi anak pemulung setelah mereka mengalami proses pembelajaran dengan model hynoteaching sangat bermanfaat bagi mereka dalam rangka kelanjutan proses belajar Al-Qur’an pada tahap lebih lanjut serta proses pendidikan dan pembinaan spiritual bagi anak pemulung di Kota Makassar

    The Quality of Education Based on Local Wisdom: The Principal of Madrasah Review

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    This study was conducted to know the leadership of the madrasah principal in improving the quality of education based on local wisdom in MAN Kepulauan Selayar. This type of research is descriptive qualitative with a case study approach. The method of data collection was conducted by interviewing the principal, teachers, and education staff at MAN Selayar Islands and conducting observations and documentation. The data analysis technique was carried out through four stages: data reduction, data presentation, comparative analysis, and concluding. The results showed that there were efforts made by the head of Madrasah to improve the quality of education at MAN Kepulauan Selayar, namely: 1) Fostering extracurricular activities as a forum for channeling talents and interests of students; 2) the formation of a work team; 3) perform supervision; 4) establish and maintain communication with various parties. This research has implications for the importance of the role of leaders in managing change to create superior quality