66 research outputs found

    Tracking cyclones in regional model data: the future of Mediterranean storms

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    With the advent of regional climate modelling, there are high-resolution data available for regional climatological change studies. Automatic tracking of cyclones in these datasets encounters problems with high spatial resolution due to cyclone substructure. Watershed segmentation, a technique from image analysis, has been used to obtain estimates for the spatial extent of cyclones, enabling better tracking and precipitation analysis. In this study we have used data from a 0.5° Regional Model (REMO) climatological model run for the period from 1961-2099, following the International Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC SRES) B2 forcing. The resulting hourly mean sea level pressure (MSLP) fields have been analysed for cyclone numbers and tracks in the Mediterranean region. According to the results, the total number of cyclones in the Mediterranean seems to be increasing in the future, in spite of a general decrease of the numbers of stronger systems. In Summer, the increase in each gridbox seems to be proportional to the total number of cyclones in that box, whereas in Winter there is a slight proportional decrease. As concerns track properties and precipitation estimates along tracks, no significant change could be detected

    Tracking cyclones in regional model data: the future of Mediterranean storms

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    With the advent of regional climate modelling, there are high-resolution data available for regional climatological change studies. Automatic tracking of cyclones in these datasets encounters problems with high spatial resolution due to cyclone substructure. Watershed segmentation, a technique from image analysis, has been used to obtain estimates for the spatial extent of cyclones, enabling better tracking and precipitation analysis. In this study we have used data from a 0.5 Regional Model (REMO) climatological model run for the period from 1961-2099, following the International Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (IPCC SRES) B2 forcing. The resulting hourly mean sea level pressure (MSLP) fields have been analysed for cyclone numbers and tracks in the Mediterranean region. According to the results, the total number of cyclones in the Mediterranean seems to be increasing in the future, in spite of a general decrease of the numbers of stronger systems. In Summer, the increase in each gridbox seems to be proportional to the total number of cyclones in that box, whereas in Winter there is a slight proportional decrease. As concerns track properties and precipitation estimates along tracks, no significant change could be detected

    Distance-based analysis of dynamical systems and time series by optimal transport

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    The concept of distance is a fundamental notion that forms a basis for the orientation in space. It is related to the scientific measurement process: quantitative measurements result in numerical values, and these can be immediately translated into distances. Vice versa, a set of mutual distances defines an abstract Euclidean space. Each system is thereby represented as a point, whose Euclidean distances approximate the original distances as close as possible. If the original distance measures interesting properties, these can be found back as interesting patterns in this space. This idea is applied to complex systems: The act of breathing, the structure and activity of the brain, and dynamical systems and time series in general. In all these situations, optimal transportation distances are used; these measure how much work is needed to transform one probability distribution into another. The reconstructed Euclidean space then permits to apply multivariate statistical methods. In particular, canonical discriminant analysis makes it possible to distinguish between distinct classes of systems, e.g., between healthy and diseased lungs. This offers new diagnostic perspectives in the assessment of lung and brain diseases, and also offers a new approach to numerical bifurcation analysis and to quantify synchronization in dynamical systems.LEI Universiteit LeidenNWO Computational Life Sciences, grant no. 635.100.006Analyse en stochastie

    Slowdown of the thermohaline circulation causes enhanced maritime climate influence and snow cover over Europe

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    The ocean thermohaline circulation (THC) in the Atlantic is generally accepted to contribute to the comparatively mild climate of western and northern Europe. Global climate models (Manabe and Stouffer, 1995; Vellinga and Wood, 2002) and palaeo-observations (McManus et al., 2004) associate periods of weak or absent Atlantic THC with considerably lower temperatures in and around the northern North Atlantic. However, it is uncertain whether such change would spread longitudinally around the globe or would be limited to a narrow strip near the coast (Vellinga and Wood, 2002; Mikolajewicz et al., 1997). Moreover, the relatively low spatial resolution of global climate models has prohibited more detailed statements about possible or probable THC-induced climate change in Europe. Here, we first use a global climate model to perform a THC-slowdown sensitivity experiment, with a weakening of the MOC by about 50%, and the associated control experiment. The two global simulations are then used to force a regional climate model for Europe; the regional control and sensitivity simulations are analyzed here. We find stronger maritime influence over Europe than in the case with no MOC weakening, which surprisingly results in cooling (because sea surface temperatures drop), contrary to today's conditions, where maritime influence leads to milder conditions in Europe. Lower temperatures cause reduced precipitation, increased snow cover and higher albedo leading to positive feedback

    Modeling and simulation of phase-transitions in multicomponent aluminum alloy casting

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    The casting process of aluminum products involves the spatial distribution of alloying elements. It is essential that these elements are uniformly distributed in order to guarantee reliable and consistent products. This requires a good understanding of the main physical mechanisms that affect the solidification, in particular the thermodynamic description and its coupling to the transport processes of heat and mass that take place. The continuum modeling is reviewed and methods for handling the thermodynamics component of multi-element alloys are proposed. Savings in data-storage and computing costs on the order of 100 or more appear possible, when a combination of data-reduction and data-representation methods is used. To test the new approach a simplified model was proposed and shown to qualitatively capture the evolving solidification front

    Key Performance Indicators for Wind Farm Operation and Maintenance

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    Key performance indicators (KPI) are tools for measuring the progress of a business towards its goals. Although wind energy is now a mature technology, there is a lack of well-defined best practices to asses the performance of a wind farm (WF) during the operation and maintenance (O&M) phase; processes and tools of asset management, such as KPIs, are not yet well-established. This paper presents a review of the major existing indicators used in the O&M of wind farms (WFs), as such information is not available in the literature so far. The different stakeholders involved in the O&M phase are identified and analysed together with their interests, grouped into five categories. A suggestion is made for the properties that KPIs should exhibit. For each category, major indicators that are currently in use are reviewed, discussed and verified against the properties defined. Finally, we propose a list of suitable KPIs that will allow stakeholders to have a better knowledge of an operating asset and make informed decisions. It is concluded that more detailed studies of specific KPIs and the issues of their implementation are probably needed

    Long-term research challenges in wind energy – a research agenda by the European Academy of Wind Energy

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    The European Academy of Wind Energy (eawe), representing universities and institutes with a significant wind energy programme in 14 countries, has discussed the long-term research challenges in wind energy. In contrast to research agendas addressing short- to medium-term research activities, this eawe document takes a longer-term perspective, addressing the scientific knowledge base that is required to develop wind energy beyond the applications of today and tomorrow. In other words, this long-term research agenda is driven by problems and curiosity, addressing basic research and fundamental knowledge in 11 research areas, ranging from physics and design to environmental and societal aspects. Because of the very nature of this initiative, this document does not intend to be permanent or complete. It shows the vision of the experts of the eawe, but other views may be possible. We sincerely hope that it will spur an even more intensive discussion worldwide within the wind energy community
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