23 research outputs found

    Self-Declare Halal Products for Small and Micro Enterprises Between Ease of Doing Business and Assurance of Consumer Spiritual Rights/Self Declare Produk Halal Usaha Kecil Mikro Antara Kemudahan Berusaha dan Jaminan Hak Spiritual Konsumen

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    Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation has a crucial impact on Law Number 33 of 2014 concerning Halal Product Guarantee, namely Article 4A "halal statement" as the basis for halal certification obligations for micro and small business actors. This paper aims to test the constitutionality of Article 4A, which discusses the constitutional basis of halal products as the constitutional rights of Indonesian Muslim consumers and examines the constitutionality of Article 4A itself. Based on the study results, it can be seen, and firstly, those halal products are the constitutional rights of Muslim consumers, which the 1945 Constitution gives as part of the right to religion because halal products are related to Allah SWT. After all, as His commandments, the constitutional rights of these halal products can be said to be spiritual rights. Second, Article 4A is out of sync with the constitution so that it is thus unconstitutional and has no power to apply based on the lex superior derogat legi inferiori principle. In addition, it does not have the legitimacy to be considered a law because it does not meet the minimum threshold of morality criteria introduced by Lon L. Fuller. The unconstitutionality of Article 4A has a severe impact on the legal uncertainty of protecting Muslim consumers from accessing halal products as their spiritual right

    Hukum dan kebijakan perlindungan konsumen di Indonesia (sertifikat hak cipta)

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    Hukum dan kebijakan perlindungan konsumen memuat konsep dasar perlindungan konsumen, hak dan kewajiban konsumen serta pelaku usaha, iklan menyesatkan, klausula baku dan penyelesaian sengketa konsume

    Authority of the commercial court in business competition cases post law No. 11 of 2020 on job creation

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    he enactment of Law No. 11 of 2020 on Job Creation has had an impact on existing laws. One of the affected laws is Law No. 5 of 1999 on the Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition. The formulation of the problems that will be discussed in this paper is a). How is the existing condition of the authority of the Commercial Court to appeal the KPPU’s decision after the Job Creation Law? b). what is the prospect of bringing cases before the Commercial Court on monopoly and business competition cases after the Job Creation Law? This research uses normative research with a statutory approach, conceptual approach, and a philosophical approach. Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that, firstly, the existing authority of the Commercial Court’s continues to expand. Currently it is believed to settle the objection cases to the KPPU’s decision through the Job Creation Law. The Commercial Court can examine the formal pleadings and material facts that form the basis of the KPPU’s decision, so that the Commercial Court is not limited in time to complete it. Second, the prospect of the Commercial Court’s authority in cases of unfair business competition is determined by two factors, namely internal factors in the form of the existing condition of the current authority specifically in the field of economic law issues, and the condition of human resources who have been selected and trained and experienced in resolving economic law cases. External factors including (a) the development of the business economy which is increasingly complex and requires an effective, efficient and neutral settlement agency, and the KPPU theoretically has not been able to guarantee a fair process in the settlement of the business competition case because it includes the authority to investigate, investigate, prosecute and adjudicate

    Hukum dan kebijakan perlindungan konsumen di Indonesia

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    Hukum pelrindungan konsumen tujukan untuk memberikan perlindungan bagi konsumen akhir dengan diberikannya seperangkat hak-hak konsumen. hak-hak ini tidak hanya berasal dari hukum kontraktual, akan tetapi juga berikan oleh hukum. dalam karya ini dibahas tentang konsep dasar perlindungan konsumen, hak-hak konsumen, hingga sertifikasi halal sebagai bentuk perlindungan konsumen muslim di Indonesia

    Pendekatan holistik pembayaran uang kembalian dengan non-rupiah dalam kerangka hukum perjanjian syariah, pidana dan implikasinya terhadap perlindungan konsumen

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    Penggunaan uang koin dalam transaksi bisnis mengalami penurunan, di berbagai daerah tidak terkecuali di Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pertama, rendahnya efektivitas penggunaan Rupiah sebagai alat pembayaran uang kembalian; aspek pidana, penyebab dan solusinya. Kedua, Aspek hukum perjanjian syariah, dan ketiga, implikasinya terhadap hak konsumen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, yang bertumpu kepada data primer yang didapat melalui wawancara, selain data primer, data sekunder juga dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini yang didapat melalui studi dokumen dan kepustakaan. Semua data ini dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, pertama, tidak digunakannya rupiah sebagai alat pembayaran uang kembalian merupakan tindakan pidana yang disebabkan (1) norma hukumnya mandatur, (2) kultur masyarakat yang cenderung tidak menghargai koin. Solusinya adalah sosialisasi melalui klinik konsumen cerdas dan gerakan peduli koin nasional. Kedua, pembayaran uang kembalian dengan barang dalam hukum perjanjian syariah tidak ditemukan pertemuan kehendak sehingga cacat kehendak. Ketiga, implikasinya mengakibatkan hak konsumen untuk dilayani dengan benar dan jujur tercederai

    Penyebab tidak bekerjanya hukum pemenuhan hak penyandang disabilitas pada layanan transportasi di Jawa Timur perspektif perlindungan konsumen dan maqashid syariah

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    People with disabilities have the same rights as non-disabilities. Regulation to make them equal has been made as an effort to its mainstream, such as accessibility in transportation. In fact, the expected accessibility has not been realized due to: first, the norms used to command the accessibility to businessmen are mandatory, not prohibitive norms. Second, consumer protection law views that accessibility is a special consumer right for those with disabilities given by the Law No. 8 of 2016 and is also the obligation of businessmen provided by the Law No. 22 of 2009. The unrealized accessibility rights in transportation is an act of neglect by businessmen to the rights and obligations of consumers with disabilities. Maqashid Syariah sees that the implication of the unrealized transportation accessibility results in their narrow mobility to find work, which leads them to be beggars which is absolutely against hifz al-mal and al-‘urd. Third, the solutions for fulfilling the rights of people with disabilities are (1) the establishment of National Disability Commission, and (2) legal literacy as media to make society aware of the rights of people with disabilities

    Urgensi perlindungan hukum terhadap pengguna jasa motorcycle taxi perspektif hukum perlindungan konsumen dan teori mashlahah

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    Transportation gets a central position for the sustainability of business concerning people movement from one place to another. In certain areas, transportation is not monopolized by public modes. The non-public ones are also turned into public transportation, such as motorbikes, known as ojek (motorcycle taxis). This research describes the review of mashlahah and the urgency of consumer legal protection in using motorcycle taxi. This is a normative juridical study with a doctrinal approach relying on secondary data consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal material obtained through literature studies. Those data are analyzed using descriptive analysis methods. The results of the study are: first, using motorcycle taxis contains the values of maslahah (benefit), in terms of daruriyah, hajjiyah, and tahsiniyah domains in fulfilling the community needs; second, because of its mashlahah values, the users (passengers) need to have legal protection by providing legal certainty for motorcycle taxi. It could be done through revising the 2009 Law Number 22

    Pendekatan Holistik Pembayaran Uang Kembalian dengan Non-Rupiah dalam Kerangka Hukum Perjanjian Syariah, Pidana dan Implikasinya terhadap Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Penggunaan uang koin dalam transaksi bisnis mengalami penurunan, di berbagai daerah tidak terkecuali di Malang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pertama, rendahnya efektivitas  penggunaan Rupiah sebagai alat pembayaran uang kembalian; aspek pidana, penyebab dan solusinya. Kedua, Aspek hukum perjanjian syariah, dan ketiga, implikasinya terhadap hak konsumen. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian empiris dengan pendekatan yuridis sosiologis, yang bertumpu kepada data primer yang didapat melalui wawancara, selain data primer, data sekunder juga dibutuhkan dalam penelitian ini yang didapat melalui studi dokumen dan kepustakaan. Semua data ini dianalisa secara deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian ini adalah, pertama, tidak digunakannya rupiah sebagai alat pembayaran uang kembalian merupakan tindakan pidana yang disebabkan (1) norma hukumnya mandatur, (2) kultur masyarakat yang cenderung tidak menghargai koin. Solusinya adalah sosialisasi melalui klinik konsumen cerdas dan  gerakan peduli koin nasional. Kedua, pembayaran uang kembalian dengan barang dalam hukum perjanjian syariah tidak ditemukan pertemuan kehendak sehingga cacat kehendak. Ketiga, implikasinya mengakibatkan hak konsumen untuk dilayani dengan benar dan jujur tercederai. (The use of coins in business transactions has decreased in various regions, including Malang. This study aims to describe: first, the low effectiveness of using the Rupiah as a means of payment for change; the criminal aspects, causes, and solutions. Second, the legal aspects of sharia agreements, and third, the implications for consumer rights. This research is an empirical study with a sociological juridical approach, which relies on primary data obtained through interviews. Besides, this study uses secondary data obtained through documents and literature studies. All of these data were analyzed descriptively and qualitatively. The results of this study are: first, the non-use of the rupiah as a means of payment for change is a criminal act caused by (1) the mandatory legal norms, (2) the culture of people who tend not to value coins. The solution is socialization through smart consumer clinics, and movements care about national coins. Second, payment of change with goods in the Sharia agreement law doesn't meet the will, so it is defective to the will. Third, the implication is that the consumer's right to be served appropriately and honestly is harmed.

    Interlegality of Interfaith Marriages Vis a Vis Supreme Court Circular Letter Number 2 of 2023 on The Rejection of Applications for Registration of Interfaith Marriages in Indonesia

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    The polemic of interfaith marriages is not a new problem at the legal level in Indonesia, especially with the issuance of Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023 for District Courts to reject requests for registration of interfaith marriages. This has caused pros and cons in the community. The purpose of this research is to elaborate on the impact on the independence of judges and the constitutional rights of marriage actors, as well as the position of SEMA when faced with the rights of interfaith marriages conducted abroad and brought to Indonesia. This research can enrich insights into the discourse of interfaith marriage in Indonesia. This research uses a normative legal research method that relies on primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials analyzed prescriptively. The results of this study are, First, SEMA can interfere with the independence of judicial power itself, where the Supreme Court is one of the actor of SEMA. Secondly, SEMA impacts the non-fulfillment of the constitutional rights of actors of interfaith marriages to obtain legal certainty, equality before the law, and legal protection. Thirdly, SEMA can trigger smuggling of law in interfaith marriages where the legal consequences must be recognized based on the principles of rights derived from foreign law, the principle of reciprocity, and the principle of comitas gentium. These three principles underlie the inter legality of interfaith marriages, so they have transnational legality. This research recommends that the Supreme Court revoke the SEMA that has been issued.The polemic of interfaith marriages is not a new problem at the legal level in Indonesia, especially with the issuance of Supreme Court Circular Letter (SEMA) Number 2 of 2023 for District Courts to reject requests for registration of interfaith marriages. This has caused pros and cons in the community. The purpose of this research is to elaborate on the impact on the independence of judges and the constitutional rights of marriage actors, as well as the position of SEMA when faced with the rights of interfaith marriages conducted abroad and brought to Indonesia. This research can enrich insights into the discourse of interfaith marriage in Indonesia. This research uses a normative legal research method that relies on primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials analyzed prescriptively. The results of this study are, First, SEMA can interfere with the independence of judicial power itself, where the Supreme Court is one of the actor of SEMA. Secondly, SEMA impacts the non-fulfillment of the constitutional rights of actors of interfaith marriages to obtain legal certainty, equality before the law, and legal protection. Thirdly, SEMA can trigger smuggling of law in interfaith marriages where the legal consequences must be recognized based on the principles of rights derived from foreign law, the principle of reciprocity, and the principle of comitas gentium. These three principles underlie the inter legality of interfaith marriages, so they have transnational legality. This research recommends that the Supreme Court revoke the SEMA that has been issued

    Aspek perbuatan melawan hukum dan iktikad tidak baik dalam implikasi pencantuman harga produk dengan pecahan rupiah yang tidak beredar

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    The aim of this research is to find out the aspects of good intention and actions against the law that there is an activity of rounding up the price of goods of modern stores which is caused by the nominal use of rupiah that has not been circulated. The research method used normative juridical perspective with a doctrinal approach that relies on secondary data sources consisting of primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials obtained through literature study, and analyzed using descriptive analysis method. The results of this research are first, rounding the price which is caused by the use of rupiah denominations that are not circulating is a form of business actor's violation of the principle of good intention in operating his business. Second, the act in the form of price rounding which is caused by the use of rupiah denominations that have not been circulated fulfilling the elements of illegal actions called by against the law