16 research outputs found


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    Islamic education was originally a scientific base that first appeared in the archipelago (Nusantara). Pesantren is the oldest education recorded in history books, and at the same time has an important role in the development of Islamic education, no exception after Indonesia gained independence from the colonial reign. Although independence has been achieved, Indonesian education cannot be said to be smooth in its journey, in this case the following article will discuss the dynamics of post-independence Islamic Education related.Regarding the old order, Islamic education had existed before, and it was mostly pesantren, and public schools, but it was not yet neatly arranged, however in this period there were many laws and regulations related to policies, to carry out religious teaching. Then, entering the new order, education only focuses on formal education, while informal and Islamic education become stepchildren of the government. When entering the era of reform, a lot of Islamic education began to grow and develop into various teachings, one of them is madrasa as well as the education of Al-Qur'an and so on. This research uses the historical method which consists of four stages, namely heuristics (source gathering stage), external criticism (determining source authenticity) and internal criticism (determining source credibility), interpretation (analysis) of data, and historiography (writing process). The results of this study stated that post-independence Islamic education in Indonesia gave birth to ups and downs in policy and ended with the number of institutions that developed pesantren education, as the oldest educational system

    Konsep Business Judgement Rule dalam Perspektif Maṣlaḥah Mursalah

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    This research aims to analyze the benefits of implementing the Business Judgment Rule concept when viewed from the perspective of maṣlaḥah murlah. The method used in this research is a qualitative research method with a normative juridical approach which makes the law the center of its study with the aim of providing legal arguments as a basis for whether the application of the Business Judgment Rule doctrine can be detrimental or not if viewed from the perspective of maṣlaḥah murlah which is then processed. into descriptive analysis. The results of this research show that the concept of the Business Judgment Rule doctrine is a concept that provides information to company directors regarding business decisions by considering various factors, namely the existence of good faith, prudence and accountability. Apart from that, the Business Judgment Rule doctrine has been widely used in several cases, especially in Indonesia. This means that the Business Judgment Rule doctrine, if seen from the maṣlaḥah murlah's point of view, does indeed bring benefits to the point of being a reference in a trial, even though in its implementation there is still a lack of socialization and education regarding the Business Judgment Rule doctrine within the scope of institutions or law enforcement officials

    Peran Pesantren Mahasiswa dalam Pembentukan Karakter Tertib, Santun dan Peduli pada Mahasiswa Universitas Trunojoyo Madura

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    Pesantren mahasiswa merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang khas, baik dari sisi subjek (santri) maupun objeknya (kurikulum dan kegiatannya). Sistem pendidikannya bersifat holistik integratif. Internalisasi pendidikan karakter ditekankan untuk menanamkan kebiasaan (habituation) tentang hal yang baik sehingga santri menjadi paham (kognitif) tentang mana yang benar dan salah, mampu merasakan (afektif) nilai yang baik dan biasa melakukannya (psikomotor). Diantara karaker yang baik dan penting dimiliki mahasiswa adalah karakter tertib, santun dan peduli. Mahasiswa yang memiliki tiga karakter ini maka harapannya tentu akan berpengaruh terhadap aspek kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor di dalam kampus. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pola pendidikan di 4 pesantren mahasiswa sekitar kampus Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Mendeskripsikan pola pendidikan dan pembentukan karakter tertib, santun dan peduli pada 4 pesantren mahasiswa tersebut dan menganalisis pengaruh pola pendidikan tersebut dalam pembentukan karakter tertib, santun, peduli pada santri mahasiswa Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan sosio-historis. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dengan stakeholder di pesantren mahasiswa dan observasi langsung untuk mendapatkan data primer baik berupa data, dokumentasi, berkas maupun bahan-bahan lainnya. wawancara juga dilakukan kepada dosen untuk mengetahui tingkat implementasi karakter tertib, santun, peduli di perkuliahan (di kampus). Setelah itu data yang didapatkan dikaji secara konseptual dan komprehensif dengan menggunakan teknik analisa data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua hal, pertama, dari kegiatan sehari hari, pendidikan karakter tertib, santun dan peduli sangat ditekankan di 4 pesantren tersebut. Pola pendidikan karakter telah berjalan dengan efektif, tinggal butuh inovasi dan metode yang lebih kreatif agar nilai-nilai tersebut lebih up to date dengan perkembangan zaman tanpa meninggalkan substansi pembentukan karakter yang dikehendaki. Kedua, Pola pengajaran dan pendidikan pesantren memberikan peran efektif terhadap pembentukan karakter tertib, santun dan peduli pada mahasiswa Universitas Trunojoyo Madura


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    MSMEs have a significant role in economic development in Indonesia, namely by providing job opportunities and expanding job opportunities to the community. Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 disease in Indonesia has affected MSMEs in Indonesia, one of them is the problem of decreasing MSME results. Sharia compliance is a sharia compliance guideline used in an MSME activity by sharia rules and does not deviate from Islamic teachings. Profit results from product sales, which is an integral part of MSMEs. The research entitled the effect of sharia compliance on the profits of MSMEs in Bangkalan aims to find out how the implementation of sharia compliance in MSME activities is, how does sharia compliance affect the earnings of MSMEs in Bangkalan.In the preparation of this study using qualitative research methods with normative, descriptive research types, namely by describing the conditions in the research area and then connecting them with references from books and journals. To conduct this research using data collection techniques through observation, interviews and documentation.Keywords: Sharia compliance ; Profit; MSM


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    The majority of the population in Indonesia conducts trading businesses, one of which is in the culinary field. Not a few of the business actors who do not maintain the cleanliness of their food or place, even though Muslims are encouraged to carry out compliance where activities operate in accordance with Islamic Sharia provisions, both in terms of the process of making food and muamalat. The focus described in this discussion is (1) to find out the implementation of Sharia Compliance on MSMEs in Bangkalan; and (2) to find out the analysis of Sharia Compliance effect on the development of MSMEs in Bangkalan. This research used qualitative research with sociological normative research Islamic law literature and connecting it to the fact in the field. Data was collected through direct observation, interview, and documentation. Data was analyzed in descriptive analytical which provided detail description. Hence, the conclusion is obtained from the analysis of the problems which studied inductively based on a number of empirical data to compile a general explanation and conclude on the phenomenon being studied. The result of this research indicated that several MSMEs in Bangkalan have implemented Sharia principles. The effect of Sharia Compliance is very significant for the development of MSMEs in Bangkalan which can be seen from the opening of branches and the increase in business assets, and because most Madurese people are Muslims and a Muslim is obliged to choose halal and toyyib food.Keywords: Sharia Compliance; Development; MSM


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    Lembaga keuangan syariah non bank semakin lama semakin banyak, termasuk di Madura. Tumbuhnya lembaga keuangan syariah merupakan sebuah sinyal positif khususnya bagi masyarakat Madura yang sangat kental dengan ajaran keislamannya. Perlu digarisbawahi bahwa masih perlu adanya pengawasan dari penerapan akad apakah sesuai dengan hukum positif dan prinsip syariah atau tidak, walaupun sudah ada Dewan Pengawas Syariah, namun apa yang ada di lapangan bisa berbeda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu pertama, untuk mengetahui akad apakah yang paling banyak digunakan oleh lembaga keuangan syaroiah non bank di Madura. Kedua, untuk mendeskripsikan dan mengkaji keabsahan akad pada produk pembiayaan di lembaga keuangan syariah non bank di Madura. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan yuridis empiris. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dan obervasi untuk mendapatkan data primer berupa draft akad dan keterangan dari lembaga keuangan syariah non bank, serta dokumentasi dari literatur terkait lembaga keuangan syariah non bank dan akad. Setelah itu data yang didapatkan dikaji secara konseptual dan komprehensif dengan menggunakan teknik analisa data deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akad yang paling banyak digunakan oleh lembaga keuangan syariah non bank adalah akad murabahah. Akad yang digunakan sudah sesuai dengan hukum positif dan prinsip syariah, namun masih perlu perbaikan dari segi praktiknya

    The Relationship of Religion and State Law in Indonesia Paradigm Theory Perspective of the Relationship Between Religion and the State

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    The discourse on the relationship between religion and the state in the context of the implementation of Islamic law in Indonesia is an issue that will never go stale. This article aims to examine the relationship between Islamic law and state law from a paradigm theoretical perspective on the relationship between religion and the state, a study of the thoughts of Indonesian thinker Prof. Arskal Salim. The type of method used is qualitative, data comes from library materials, the main data is the book "Challenging the Secular State; The Islamization of Law in Modern Indonesia” by Prof. Dr. M. Arskal Salim GP, M.Ag. The data is read, analyzed, separated and categorized and then analyzed using descriptive analysis and content analysis. The research results show that Prof. Arskal Salim in his book raises five issues related to the dynamics and discourse of the relationship between religion and the state in the form of the application of Islamic law in state law in Indonesia. The five issues are the dialectic of the concept of sharia and the issue of the nation state, the dialectic of the formalization of Islamic law and the issue of nationalism, the implementation of Islamic law in the Pancasila state constitution, legislation and the formalization of Islamic law in national law, the formalization of Islamic law in Aceh from the beginning of independence to the reform era. Based on the theoretical analysis of the paradigm of relations between religion and the state, namely the integralistic, symbiotic and secularistic paradigms, a fourth new typology was discovered, namely symbiotic-integralistic which is a combination of the symbiotic and integralistic paradigms. This symbiotic paradigm applies throughout Indonesia, and the integralistic paradigm only applies in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam Province

    Konsep Hutang-Piutang dalam Al-Qur'an

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    Manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang membutuhkan orang lain dalam memnuhi kebutuhannya. Manusia juga makhluk lemah yang tidak akan sempurna dalam mempertahankan kehidupan tanpa bantuan dan peranan orang lain dalam hidupnya. Tentunya hal semacam ini berlaku dalam segala hal, termasuk dalam pemenuhan rezeki. Banyak cara yang dilakukan Allah SWT. dalam menyampaikan rezeki pada hamba-Nya. Diantaranya adalah melalui disyariatkannya praktik transaksi hutang piutang sebagai salah satu aspek pemenuhan hajat hidup manusia. Dalam tulisan ini, penulis berusaha mengupas tafsir al-Qur'an terkait masalah hutang piutang ini, yaitu surat al-Baqarah ayat 282. Metode yang digunakan dalam menganalisis tafsir ayat di atas adalah metode tafsir maudlu‟i (tematik) dekan pola analisa studi komparatif kitab tafsir al-Maraghi karya Mustafa Al-Maraghi dan tafsir Al-Mishbah karya ulama Indonesia yaitu Prof. Dr. M Quraisy Shihab. Kedua kitab tersebut sangat populer dan menjadi rujukan umat Islam dalam menggali dan memahami pesan ayat suci

    Qawaid Fiqhiyyah Iqtishadiyah Kaidah Fikih Ekonomi Syariah

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    ilus, xvi, 214 hlm, 23 cm

    Hukum Jaminan

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    ilus, xii, 302 hlm, 23 cm