782 research outputs found

    Performance Audit: Applying the Principle of Effectiveness in a Case Study

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    This article, based on a performance audit focused on the principle of effectiveness, aims at analyzing the impact resulting from the adoption of private textbooks for the primary school network of a municipality located in South of Brazil. For this, an assessment methodology known as difference-in-differences has been applied to data from the Brazilian Basic Education Assessment System, revealing the impact, on the municipality schools grades, for the use of textbook material other than those provided free of charge by the Federal government


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mendeskripsikan penggunaan media video tutorial dalam pembelajaran menulis teks prosedur siswa kelas VII G SMPN 45 Surabaya, (2) mendeskripsikan hasil belajar sebelum dan setelah menggunakan media video tutorial dalam pembelajaran menulis teks prosedur siswa kelas VII G SMPN 45 Surabaya, dan (3) mendeskripsikan respon siswa kelas VII G SMPN 45 Surabaya setelah menggunakan media video tutorial dalam pembelajaran menulis teks prosedur. Teori pada penelitian ini menggunakan teori penelitian kuantitatif, Jenis penelitian ini eksperimen yang menggunakan desain pra-eksperimen dengan jenis One Group pretest-posttest Design (Satu Kelompok Pretes-Postes). Subjek penelitian ini siswa kelas VII G SMPN 45 Surabaya yang berjumlah 22 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik observasi, teknik tes berupa pretes dan postes, serta teknik angket. Teknik analisis data yang dilakuikan dalam penelitian ini yaitu teknik analisis data kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa (1) proses pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media video tutorial berjalan baik dan lancar yang dibuktikan dengan perhitungan hasil persentase lembar aktivitas guru sebesar 95% dan aktivitas siswa sebesar 88%, (2) terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar siswa setelah menggunakan media video tutorial lebih tinggi dibandingkan sebelum menggunakan media video tutorial, terbukti dari nilai rata-rata pretes sebesar 58 (belum mencapai KKM) dan postes sebesar 83 (sudah di atas KKM). Tingkat keefektifan penggunaaan media video tutorial dapat dilihat dari hasil uji-T yang nilainya sebesar 6,4 dibandingkan dengan nilai T-tabel pada taraf signifikansi 5%, (3) penggunaan media video tutorial mendapatkan respon yang positif dari siswa, terbukti dari angket respon siswa rata-rata yaitu ‘Sangat Setuju’ 40%, ‘Setuju’ 58%, dan ‘Tidak Setuju’2%. Kata Kunci: media pembelajaran, video tutorial, teks prosedur

    Perbedaan Kualitas Hidup Lansia yang Tinggal di Komunitas dengan di Pelayanan Sosial Lanjut Usia (The Different of Quality of Life Among the Elderly who Living at Community and Social Services)

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    Quality of life is a very board concept that was affected by individual physical condition, psychological, level of independence, and individual's relationship with the environment. This research aimed to determine differences in the quality of life of the elderly who living at community and Social Services, according to the physical, psychological, social, and environmental domain. This research was analytically studies using cross sectional design. The number of sample was 210 respondent. Mann Whitney and Kruskal Wallis test (alpha 0,05) was applied to analyze the data. There were not significant difference between quality of life of the elderly living at community and at Social Services in Jember (p=1.000). Based on domain quality of life, the were significant difference between physical, psychological, social, and environmental domain of the elderly living at community and Social Services in Jember.   Keywords: elderly people, quality of life, community, Social Services

    The right to shine: Poverty, consumption and (de) politicization in neoliberal Brazil

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    This article discusses the political impacts on the poor’s subjectivity provoked by neoliberal policies such as inclusion through consumption in 21st century Brazil. From 2009 to 2014, we carried out ethnographic research with new consumers in a low-income neighbourhood – Morro da Cruz – in the city of Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul. We argue that consumption does not necessarily depoliticize human experience, as it is broadly assumed to have done in the scholarly literature on neoliberalism. In a society in which the poor has obtained goods through hierarchical and servile relationships, the possibility of buying things provides a micro sphere for recognition, though not in terms of classic collective action or even hidden subversion. Coupled with the momentum towards a national ‘economic emergence’, status goods became vehicles of an emergent subjectivity, which we conceptualize as ‘the right to shine’. The right to shine are subtle forms of class and racial self-worth, and individual and interpersonal empowerment that revealed interclass defiance.Within journal option online first. To check in 6 m for citing and date detail

    PrPCWD lymphoid cell targets in early and advanced chronic wasting disease of mule deer

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    Up to 15% of free-ranging mule deer in northeastern Colorado and southeastern Wyoming, USA, are afflicted with a prion disease, or transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE), known as chronic wasting disease (CWD). CWD is similar to a subset of TSEs including scrapie and variant CreutzfeldtÂżJakob disease in which the abnormal prion protein isoform, PrPCWD, accumulates in lymphoid tissue. Experimental scrapie studies have indicated that this early lymphoid phase is an important constituent of prion replication interposed between mucosal entry and central nervous system accumulation. To identify the lymphoid target cells associated with PrPCWD, we used triple-label immunofluorescence and high-resolution confocal microscopy on tonsils from naturally infected deer in advanced disease. We detected PrPCWD primarily extracellularly in association with follicular dendritic and B cell membranes as determined by frequent co-localization with antibodies against membrane bound immunoglobulin and CD21. There was minimal co-localization with cytoplasmic labels for follicular dendritic cells (FDC). This finding could indicate FDC capture of PrPCWD, potentially in association with immunoglobulin or complement, or PrPC conversion on FDC. In addition, scattered tingible body macrophages in the germinal centre contained coarse intracytoplasmic aggregates of PrPCWD, reflecting either phagocytosis of PrPCWD on FDC processes, apoptotic FDC or B cells, or actual PrPCWD replication within tingible body macrophages. To compare lymphoid cell targets in early and advanced disease, we also examined: (i) PrPCWD distribution in lymphoid cells of fawns within 3 months of oral CWD exposure and (ii) tonsil biopsies from preclinical deer with naturally acquired CWD. These studies revealed that the early lymphoid cellular distribution of PrPCWD was similar to that in advanced disease, i.e. in a pattern suggesting FDC association. We conclude that in deer, PrPCWD accumulates primarily extracellularly and associated with FDCs and possibly B cells Âż a finding which raises questions as to the cells responsible for pathological prion productio

    Dukungan Keluarga pada Anak dengan Ko-Infeksi TB-HIV untuk Mematuhi Pengobatan di Kabupaten Jember

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    Latar Belakang: Anak dengan ko-infeksi TB-HIV memiliki kecenderungan TB relaps dan mortalitas tinggi dibandingkan anak yang tidak HIV [80].Dukungan keluarga sangat dibutuhkan pada anak untuk dapat memantau sekaligus mengawasi anak agar memiliki kepatuhan yang baik dalam menjalani pengobatan. Tujuan: Menganalisis 5 bentuk dukungan keluarga pada anak dengan ko-infeksi TB-HIV di Kabupaten Jember untuk mematuhi pengobatan. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif mengunakan pendekatan case studydengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Informan utama berjumlah 4 orang dan informan tambahan 4 orang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil: Analisis5 bentuk dukungan keluarga menggunakan pendekatan teori Lawrence Green (1980). Terdapat 4 dukungan yang kurang optimal diberikan oleh keluarga yaitu dukungan emosioal, dukungan informatif, dukungan instrumental dan dukungan jaringan sosialsedangkan dukungan yang sudah cukup baik diberikan adalah dukungan penghargaan. Kesimpulan: Perlunya media edukasi TB-HIV anak seperti buku saku bagi oang tua dan adanya pendampingan pada orang tua sekaligus anak agar mencegah kejadian putus berobat.Latar Belakang: Anak dengan ko-infeksi TB-HIV memiliki kecenderungan TB relaps dan mortalitas tinggi dibandingkan anak yang tidak HIV [80].Dukungan keluarga sangat dibutuhkan pada anak untuk dapat memantau sekaligus mengawasi anak agar memiliki kepatuhan yang baik dalam menjalani pengobatan. Tujuan: Menganalisis 5 bentuk dukungan keluarga pada anak dengan ko-infeksi TB-HIV di Kabupaten Jember untuk mematuhi pengobatan. Metode: Penelitian kualitatif mengunakan pendekatan case studydengan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Informan utama berjumlah 4 orang dan informan tambahan 4 orang ditentukan dengan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil: Analisis5 bentuk dukungan keluarga menggunakan pendekatan teori Lawrence Green (1980). Terdapat 4 dukungan yang kurang optimal diberikan oleh keluarga yaitu dukungan emosioal, dukungan informatif, dukungan instrumental dan dukungan jaringan sosialsedangkan dukungan yang sudah cukup baik diberikan adalah dukungan penghargaan. Kesimpulan: Perlunya media edukasi TB-HIV anak seperti buku saku bagi oang tua dan adanya pendampingan pada orang tua sekaligus anak agar mencegah kejadian putus berobat.   
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