3,020 research outputs found

    Early Quenching of Massive Protocluster Galaxies Around <i>z</i>=2.2 Radio Galaxies

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    Radio galaxies are among the most massive galaxies in the high-redshift Universe and are known to often lie in protocluster environments. We have studied the fields of seven z = 2.2 radio galaxies with High Acuity Wide field K-band Imager (HAWK-I) narrow-band and broad-band imaging in order to map out their environment using Hα emitters (HAEs). The results are compared to the blank field HAE survey HiZELS. All of the radio galaxy fields are overdense in HAEs relative to a typical HiZELS field of the same area and four of the seven are richer than all except one of 65 essentially random HiZELS subfields of the same size. The star formation rates of the massive HAEs are lower than those necessary to have formed their stellar population in the preceding Gyr – indicating that these galaxies are likely to have formed the bulk of their stars at higher redshifts, and are starting to quench

    Ketogenic diet improves behaviors in a maternal immune activation model of autism spectrum disorder

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    Prenatal factors influence autism spectrum disorder (ASD) incidence in children and can increase ASD symptoms in offspring of animal models. These may include maternal immune activation (MIA) due to viral or bacterial infection during the first trimesters. Unfortunately, regardless of ASD etiology, existing drugs are poorly effective against core symptoms. For nearly a century a ketogenic diet (KD) has been used to treat seizures, and recent insights into mechanisms of ASD and a growing recognition that immune/inflammatory conditions exacerbate ASD risk has increased interest in KD as a treatment for ASD. Here we studied the effects of KD on core ASD symptoms in offspring exposed to MIA. To produce MIA, pregnant C57Bl/6 mice were injected with the viral mimic polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid; after weaning offspring were fed KD or control diet for three weeks. Consistent with an ASD phenotype of a higher incidence in males, control diet-fed MIA male offspring were not social and exhibited high levels of repetitive self-directed behaviors; female offspring were unaffected. However, KD feeding partially or completely reversed all MIA-induced behavioral abnormalities in males; it had no effect on behavior in females. KD-induced metabolic changes of reduced blood glucose and elevated blood ketones were quantified in offspring of both sexes. Prior work from our laboratory and others demonstrate KDs improve relevant behaviors in several ASD models, and here we demonstrate clear benefits of KD in the MIA model of ASD. Together these studies suggest a broad utility for metabolic therapy in improving core ASD symptoms, and support further research to develop and apply ketogenic and/or metabolic strategies in patients with ASD

    Synthesis of arylethylamines via C(sp3)–C(sp3) palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling

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    Substituted arylethylamines represent a key structural motif in natural, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical compounds. Access to such scaffolds has been the subject of long-standing synthetic interest. Herein, we report the synthesis of such scaffolds via a palladium-catalyzed C(sp3)-C(sp3) coupling between (chloromethyl)aryls and air-/moisture-stable N,N-dialkylaminomethyltrifluoroborate salts. Rapid hit identification was achieved using microscale high-throughput experimentation and was followed by millimolar-scale reaction parameter optimization. A range of structurally and electronically varied arylethylamine products were obtained in moderate to excellent yields (27-96%, >60 examples). The reaction mechanism is proposed to proceed via formation of a trialkylbenzylammonium species prior to oxidative addition

    4098 galaxy clusters to z~0.6 in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey equatorial Stripe 82

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    We present a catalogue of 4098 photometrically selected galaxy clusters with a median redshift = 0.32 in the 270 square degree 'Stripe 82' region of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), covering the celestial equator in the Southern Galactic Cap (-50 < RA < 59 deg, |Dec| < 1.25 deg). Owing to the multi-epoch SDSS coverage of this region, the ugriz photometry is ~2 magnitudes deeper than single scans within the main SDSS footprint. We exploit this to detect clusters of galaxies using an algorithm that searches for statistically significant overdensities of galaxies in a Voronoi tessellation of the projected sky. 32% of the clusters have at least one member with a spectroscopic redshift from existing public data (SDSS Data Release 7, 2SLAQ & WiggleZ), and the remainder have a robust photometric redshift (accurate to ~5-9% at the median redshift of the sample). The weighted average of the member galaxies' redshifts provides a reasonably accurate estimate of the cluster redshift. The cluster catalogue is publicly available for exploitation by the community to pursue a range of science objectives. In addition to the cluster catalogue, we provide a linked catalogue of 18,295 V<21 mag quasar sight-lines with impact parameters within <3 Mpc of the cluster cores selected from the catalogue of Veron et al. (2010). The background quasars cover 0.25 < z < 2, where MgII absorption-line systems associated with the clusters are detectable in optical spectra.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Catalogues available at http://www.physics.mcgill.ca/~jimgeach/stripe8

    Not All Nitrogen Is Created Equal: Differential Effects of Nitrate and Ammonium Enrichment in Coastal Wetlands

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    Excess reactive nitrogen (N) flows from agricultural, suburban, and urban systems to coasts, where it causes eutrophication. Coastal wetlands take up some of this N, thereby ameliorating the impacts on nearshore waters. Although the consequences of N on coastal wetlands have been extensively studied, the effect of the specific form of N is not often considered. Both oxidized N forms (nitrate, NO3−) and reduced forms (ammonium, NH4+) can relieve nutrient limitation and increase primary production. However, unlike NH4+, NO3− can also be used as an electron acceptor for microbial respiration. We present results demonstrating that, in salt marshes, microbes use NO3− to support organic matter decomposition and primary production is less stimulated than when enriched with reduced N. Understanding how different forms of N mediate the balance between primary production and decomposition is essential for managing coastal wetlands as N enrichment and sea level rise continue to assail our coasts

    Lithium isotope evidence for enhanced weathering and erosion during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

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    The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM; ~55.9 Ma) was a geologically rapid warming period associated with carbon release, which caused a marked increase in the hydrological cycle. Here, we use lithium (Li) isotopes to assess the global change in weathering regime, a critical carbon drawdown mechanism, across the PETM. We find a negative Li isotope excursion of ~3‰ in both global seawater (marine carbonates) and in local weathering inputs (detrital shales). This is consistent with a very large delivery of clays to the oceans or a shift in the weathering regime toward higher physical erosion rates and sediment fluxes. Our seawater records are best explained by increases in global erosion rates of ~2× to 3× over 100 ka, combined with model-derived weathering increases of 50 to 60% compared to prewarming values. Such increases in weathering and erosion would have supported enhanced carbon burial, as both carbonate and organic carbon, thereby stabilizing climate

    Variable response to phosphorus mitigation measures across the nutrient transfer continuum in a dairy grassland catchment

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    peer-reviewedPhosphorus (P) loss from soils to water can be a major pressure on freshwater quality and dairy farming, with higher animal stocking rates, may lead to potentially greater nutrient source pressures. In many countries with intensive agriculture, regulation of P management aims to minimise these losses. This study examined the P transfer continuum, from source to impact, in a dairy-dominated, highly stocked, grassland catchment with free-draining soils over three years. The aim was to measure the effects of P source management and regulation on P transfer across the nutrient transfer continuum and subsequent water quality and agro-economic impacts. Reduced P source pressure was indicated by: (a) lower average farm-gate P balances (2.4 kg ha−1 yr−1), higher P use efficiencies (89%) and lower inorganic fertilizer P use (5.2 kg ha−1 yr−1) relative to previous studies; (b) almost no recorded P application during the winter closed period, when applications were prohibited, to avoid incidental transfers; and (c) decreased proportions of soils with excessive P concentrations (32–24%). Concurrently, production and profitability remained comparable with the top 10% of dairy farmers nationally with milk outputs of 14,585 l ha−1, and gross margins of € 3130 ha−1. Whilst there was some indication of a response in P delivery in surface water with declines in quick flow and interflow pathway P concentrations during the winter closed period for P application, delayed baseflows in the wetter third year resulted in elevated P concentrations for long durations and there were no clear trends of improving stream biological quality. This suggests a variable response to policy measures between P source pressure and delivery/impact where the strength of any observable trend is greater closer to the source end of the nutrient transfer continuum and a time lag occurs at the other end. Policy monitoring and assessment efforts will need to be cognisant of this
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