4,099 research outputs found

    Exploring DCO+^+ as a tracer of thermal inversion in the disk around the Herbig Ae star HD163296

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    We aim to reproduce the DCO+^+ emission in the disk around HD163296 using a simple 2D chemical model for the formation of DCO+^+ through the cold deuteration channel and a parametric treatment of the warm deuteration channel. We use data from ALMA in band 6 to obtain a resolved spectral imaging data cube of the DCO+^+ JJ=3--2 line in HD163296 with a synthesized beam of 0."53×\times 0."42. We adopt a physical structure of the disk from the literature that reproduces the spectral energy distribution. We then apply a simplified chemical network for the formation of DCO+^+ that uses the physical structure of the disk as parameters along with a CO abundance profile, a constant HD abundance and a constant ionization rate. Finally, from the resulting DCO+^+ abundances, we calculate the non-LTE emission using the 3D radiative transfer code LIME. The observed DCO+^+ emission is reproduced by a model with cold deuteration producing abundances up to 1.6×10−111.6\times 10^{-11}. Warm deuteration, at a constant abundance of 3.2×10−123.2\times 10^{-12}, becomes fully effective below 32 K and tapers off at higher temperatures, reproducing the lack of DCO+^+ inside 90 AU. Throughout the DCO+^+ emitting zone a CO abundance of 2×10−72\times 10^{-7} is found, with ∼\sim99\% of it frozen out below 19 K. At radii where both cold and warm deuteration are active, warm deuteration contributes up to 20\% of DCO+^+, consistent with detailed chemical models. The decrease of DCO+^+ at large radii is attributed to a temperature inversion at 250 AU, which raises temperatures above values where cold deuteration operates. Increased photodesorption may also limit the radial extent of DCO+^+. The corresponding return of the DCO+^+ layer to the midplane, together with a radially increasing ionization fraction, reproduces the local DCO+^+ emission maximum at ∼\sim260 AU.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted 7th July 201

    Anomalous Hall-effect measurement study on Co/Pt nanosized dot

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    Dot arrays made of polycrystalline Co/Pt multilayer with an average grain size of 20 nm are fabricated by using a laser interference lithography and their magnetic properties are examined by detecting anomalous Hall effect. It is revealed that the ratio of dots which have stable single domain state increases from 35% to 85% while the dot diameter decreased from 200 to 120 nm. The energy barrier height of magnetization reversal is estimated as 4.0 10-12 erg from sweep rate dependence of the coercivity. The energy corresponds to the switching volume comparable with the volume of a physical grain in the multilayer film

    Disentangling the jet emission from protostellar systems. The ALMA view of VLA1623

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    Context: High-resolution studies of class 0 protostars represent the key to constraining protostar formation models. VLA16234-2417 represents the prototype of class 0 protostars, and it has been recently identified as a triple non-coeval system. Aim: We aim at deriving the physical properties of the jets in VLA16234-2417 using tracers of shocked gas. Methods: ALMA Cycle 0 Early Science observations of CO(2-1) in the extended configuration are presented in comparison with previous SMA CO(3-2) and Herschel-PACS [OI}] 63 micron observations. Gas morphology and kinematics were analysed to constrain the physical structure and origin of the protostellar outflows. Results: We reveal a collimated jet component associated with the [OI] 63 micron emission at about 8'' (about 960 AU) from source B. This newly detected jet component is inversely oriented with respect to the large-scale outflow driven by source A, and it is aligned with compact and fast jet emission very close to source B (about 0.3'') rather than with the direction perpendicular to the A disk. We also detect a cavity-like structure at low projected velocities, which surrounds the [OI] 63 micron emission and is possibly associated with the outflow driven by source A. Finally, no compact outflow emission is associated with source W. Conclusions: Our high-resolution ALMA observations seem to suggest there is a fast and collimated jet component associated with source B. This scenario would confirm that source B is younger than A, that it is in a very early stage of evolution, and that it drives a faster, more collimated, and more compact jet with respect to the large-scale slower outflow driven by A. However, a different scenario of a precessing jet driven by A cannot be firmly excluded from the present observations.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A proposal of sensitive indicators of the rehabilitation nursing care of people in the surgical process, to be included in the ontology of aging

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    Given the complex surgical scenario observed today, it is necessary to change the urgent definition of a specific ontology, especially in terms of aging. The interventions of the Specialist Nurse in Rehabilitation Nursing to the person in the surgical process are primordial for the maintenance of the functional capacities, prevention of complications and impediment of incapacities. However, it is necessary to provide individualized and fostered care in a practice of excellence, and the consequent organized reading of records of an aging ontology for decision making on rehabilitation indicators. Method: a systematic review of the literature was carried out using the EBSCO host (MEDLINE with Full Text, CINAHL Plus with Full Text and MedicLatina), using the PI [C] O method, and 11 articles were selected. Results: 41 indicators were identified to be included in the ontology classes of aging: pain control, patient and family education, support and communication, reduction of postoperative complications, gain of functionality, restoration of physical function, mobility, multidisciplinary intervention and the frequency of interventions. Conclusion: it is considered that it was imperative to identify sensitive indicators for rehabilitation nursing care, based on scientific evidence and thus provide an opportunity for nurses to reflect on their daily practices and conduct their actions towards excellence in care, to propose a set of 41 classes internationally on the ontology of aging

    Factores psicosociales asociados con la deserci?n escolar de los estudiantes de b?sica secundaria, en las instituciones educativas t?cnica empresarial Alberto Castilla y Laureles del municipio de Ibagu? en el a?o 2012

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    90 P?ginasEl presente trabajo constituye un aporte importante para las investigaciones que aborden la deserci?n escolar en las instituciones educativas de nuestro pa?s. Ya que puede brindar nociones sobre los principales factores que causan el ausentismo e igualmente brinda posibles soluciones. Durante el primer semestre del presente a?o se observ? c?mo el problema de la deserci?n escolar afectaba a las instituciones educativas Alberto Castilla y Laureles dela ciudad de Ibagu?, por tal motivo surgi? la necesidad de realizar un estudio, que buscara determinar que hace que los educandos abandonen las aulas, e igualmente que motivos conllevan a que otros culminen exitosamente su bachillerato e incluso contin?en sus estudios t?cnicos o superiores. La investigaci?n realizada se sustenta en entrevistas realizadas a estudiantes no solo que han dejado las aulas sino a aquellos que lograron terminar exitosamente sus estudios en las instituciones antes mencionadas, con el fin de determinar que hac?a que unos lograran terminar con ?xito sus estudios y que hac?a que los estudiantes se retiraran de sus estudios, al finalizar y analizar todo lo estudiado. Se lograron identificar cuatro factores por las cuales el estudiante deja sus estudios como los son: la econ?mica, la familiar, la acad?mica y la social, logrando determinar c?mo pueden influir unas m?s que otras en las instituciones estudiadas. E igualmente se logr? establecer que el ?xito de los estudiantes est? estrechamente ligado al hecho de que en la familia haya personas con estudios t?cnicos o universitarios, los cuales constantemente motivan y alientan a los j?venes a culminar sus estudios.ABSTRACT. This work is an important contribution to the research related with school dropout in educative institutions of our country, they can provide notions about the main factors, which are the cause of absenteeism and also provide solutions. During the first semester of the current year was observed how the problem of school dropout was affected the educative institutions Alberto Castilla and Laureles of Ibague city, for this reason emerged the necessity of realize a study about it. To determine which make learners leave the classrooms, and also the reasons which lead to other learners to complete successfully their high school and even continue their technical studies or the university. This research is supported by interviews carried out with students which have left and have not left their studies in aforementioned institutions, in order to determine the reasons for some to achieve successfully complete their studies and others not, and what are the reasons for dropping out. Four factors were identified which are: economic, social, academic and the family, achieving determine how they influence some more than others. Also was established that the success of students is closely linked with the example of a family member who has completed technical studies or the university, this reason motivates young people in the school to continue and complete their studies.INTRODUCCI?N 8 1. JUSTIFICACI?N 10 2. FORMULACI?N DE LA PREGUNTA PROBLEMA 12 3. OBJETIVOS 13 3.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 13 3.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 13 4. MARCO TE?RICO Y CONCEPTUAL 14 4.1 LA PREVENCI?N DE LA DESERCI?N ESCOLAR 24 5. DISE?O METODOL?GICO 26 5.1. TIPO DE ESTUDIO 26 5.2 ?REA DE ESTUDIO 26 5.2.1 Deserci?n escolar. 26 5.3 T?CNICAS DE RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 26 6. RESULTADOS Y AN?LISIS 28 7. CONCLUSIONES 33 8. RECOMENDACIONES 35 REFERENCIAS 36 ANEXOS 3

    Secuencia did?ctica para la ense?anza y aprendizaje de los n?meros racionales.

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    210 p. Recurso Electr?nicoLos problemas de la ense?anza y el aprendizaje de los n?meros racionales han sido indagados por diferentes investigadores, encontrando en los docentes problemas como falta de comprensi?n de los conceptos matem?ticos. La Instituci?n Educativa Francisco de Miranda, sede Laura Mar?a Zarate de Gil, zona urbana del municipio de Rovira, Tolima (Colombia), no es ajena a esta problem?tica. Esta preocupaci?n llev? a implementar una secuencia did?ctica dise?ada, teniendo en cuenta a Guy Brousseau y D?az Barriga; para la conceptualizaci?n matem?tica: concepto de n?mero y su utilizaci?n en diferentes contextos a Castro, Rico, & Castro y la fenomenolog?a de las estructuras matem?ticas de Hans Freudenthal y en cuanto a la resoluci?n de problemas a George P?lya. La secuencia did?ctica, fue estructurada en 8 sesiones o clases. Desde la primera sesi?n a la ?ltima, tiene en cuenta el uso de las tecnolog?as de informaci?n y la comunicaci?n, como el contexto social, cultural y econ?mico del municipio de Rovira, y desde all?, todas las actividades son desarrolladas para hacer del contexto, una mediaci?n para aprender las matem?ticas. Con una investigaci?n acci?n participativa y un an?lisis de la implementaci?n de la secuencia did?ctica a partir de an?lisis cualitativo y cuantitativo el cual muestra que los estudiantes comprendieron el concepto fracci?n y son capaces de aplicarlo en la resoluci?n de problemas. Se resalta que esta secuencia did?ctica ayuda a docentes a comprender conceptos matem?ticos como el de fracci?n y por lo tanto a ense?arlo y a evaluarlo, y que puede ser usada por los docentes de b?sica primaria y media. Y a los estudiantes les ayuda a desarrollar las competencias matem?ticas: competencias de comunicaci?n, representaci?n y modelaci?n, planteamiento de problemas y resoluci?n de problemas, razonamiento y argumentaci?n; y competencias tecnol?gicas y en uso de las tecnolog?as de la informaci?n y de la comunicaci?n. La L?nea de investigaci?n Educaci?n Matem?tica dirigida por la directora de este trabajo de grado, pensando siempre en las dificultades conceptuales, did?cticas y evaluativas de los docentes del departamento del Tolima, nos propuso dise?ar e implementar la Secuencia did?ctica que a continuaci?n se presenta como el aporte relevante de esta investigaci?n para la comunidad educativa de la regi?n y porque no decirlo para el pa?s. Palabras Claves: Secuencia did?ctica, ense?anza y aprendizaje, fracci?n, n?mero racional, resoluci?n de problemas.The problems of the teaching and learning of rational numbers have been investigated by different investigations, finding in the teachers problems such as the lack of understanding of mathematical concepts. The Francisco de Miranda Educational Institution, headquarters of Laura Mar?a Zarate de Gil, an urban area of the municipality of Rovira, Tolima (Colombia), is no stranger to this problem. This concern led me to implement a didactic sequence designed, taking into account Guy Brousseau and D?az Barriga; for the mathematical conceptualization: concept of number and its use in different contexts to Castro, Rico, & Castro and the phenomenology of the mathematical structures of Hans Freudenthal. Regarding the resolution of problems to George P?lya. The didactic sequence was structured in 8 sessions or classes. From the first session to the last, it takes into account the use of information and communication technologies, such as the social, cultural and economic context of the municipality of Rovira, and from there, all activities are developed to make the context, a mediation to learn mathematics. With a participatory action research and an analysis of the implementation of the didactic sequence from qualitative and quantitative analysis which shows that the students understood the concept fraction and are able to apply it in solving problems. It is emphasized that this didactic sequence helps teachers to understand mathematical concepts such as the fraction and therefore to teaches and evaluate it, and that it can be used by elementary and middle school teachers. And to the students it helps them to develop mathematical competences: communication, representation and modeling competencies, problem solving and problem solving, reasoning and argumentation; and technological competences and in use of information and communication technologies. The Line of Mathematical Education research directed by the director of this degree work, always thinking about the conceptual, didactic and evaluative difficulties of the teachers of the department of Tolima, proposed us to design and implement the didactic Sequence that is presented next as, the relevant contribution of this research the educational community of the region and why not say it for the country. Keywords: didactic sequence, teaching and learning, fraction, rational number

    Air-steam gasification of char derived from sewage sludge pyrolysis. Comparison with the gasification of sewage sludge

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    Air-steam gasification of char derived from fast pyrolysis of sewage sludge has been experimentally evaluated in a fluidized bed as a route towards a full recovery of energy from sewage sludge. The results have been compared with those obtained from the direct gasification of sewage sludge in order to evaluate how the previous pyrolysis stage affects the subsequent gasification process. The fixed carbon content in the solid increased after the pyrolysis stage so that heterogeneous reactions of carbon with steam or CO2 assumed greater importance during char gasification than during sewage sludge gasification. Furthermore, char gasification led to an improvement in the gas yield -calculated on a dry and ash-free basis (daf)- due to the increased concentration of carbon in the organic fraction of the solid after the pyrolysis step, with an increase in the average CO yield of about 70% -in terms of g/kg solid daf-. The reduction in the fraction of carbon which forms tar is another advantage of char gasification over the direct gasification of sewage sludge, with an average decrease of about 45%. Regarding the influence of the operating conditions, the response variables were mainly controlled by the same factors in both processes
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