147 research outputs found

    Колебания ледников Ключевской группы вулканов во второй половине XX – начале XXI вв.

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    Changes in sizes of the Klyuchevskaya volcanic group's glaciers had been estimated for the period from 1949–1950 to 2010–2015 using results of analysis of current satellite imagery, data of field observations and historic records. Changes in front positions for some glaciers were analyzed for different periods of time. According to results of comparison between our data and similar ones from the Glacier Inventory the glacier areas decreased by 0.7%. Calculations made with corrected data demonstrated the total increase of the glaciation area by 4.3%. Glaciation of the Klyuchevskoy volcano is characterized by dynamic instability and significant changeability. The Erman glacier, the largest one in this region, did constantly advance since 1945. In 1949‑2015, its area at the front increased by 4.96±0.39 km2, while the front advanced along the valley of the Sukhaya River by approximately 3675±15 m and by 3480±20 m along the valley of the Krutenkaya River. A number of «wandering glaciers» located on the North‑Eastern and Eastern slopes of the volcano, on the contrary, significantly reduced their areas. At the same time, formation of new flows of ice is noticed within the «ice belt». Under the influence of active volcanic processes, the configuration of glacier boundaries on the slopes of Klyuchevskoy volcano does actively change in not only the tongue areas but also in the accumulation areas. Changes in dynamics of the glaciation areas of the Klyuchevskaya group of volcanoes don’t correspond to the present‑day climate changes. The interaction of modern volcanism and glaciation in the area as a whole is conducive to the preservation and development of glaciers, despite the deterioration of climatic conditions of their existence.По результатам анализа современных космических снимков, материалам полевых работ и историческим данным оценено изменение размеров ледников Ключевской группы вулканов с 1949–1950 по 2010–2015 гг. Прослежено изменение фронтов ряда ледников за разные периоды времени. Площадь ледников по сравнению с данными Каталога сократилась на 0,7%, но после коррекции данных выяснилось, что площадь оледенения выросла на 4,3%

    Intermatrix synthesis: easy technique permitting preparation of polymer-stabilized nanoparticles with desired composition and structure

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    The synthesis of polymer-stabilized nanoparticles (PSNPs) can be successfully carried out using intermatrix synthesis (IMS) technique, which consists in sequential loading of the functional groups of a polymer with the desired metal ions followed by nanoparticles (NPs) formation stage. After each metal-loading-NPs-formation cycle, the functional groups of the polymer appear to be regenerated. This allows for repeating the cycles to increase the NPs content or to obtain NPs with different structures and compositions (e.g. core-shell or core-sandwich). This article reports the results on the further development of the IMS technique. The formation of NPs has been shown to proceed by not only the metal reduction reaction (e.g. Cu0-NPs) but also by the precipitation reaction resulting in the IMS of PSNPs of metal salts (e.g. CuS-NPs)

    Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance and Nuclear Matter Incompressibility Coefficient

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    We present results of microscopic calculations of the strength function, S(E), and alpha-particle excitation cross sections sigma(E) for the isoscalar giant dipole resonance (ISGDR). An accurate and a general method to eliminate the contributions of spurious state mixing is presented and used in the calculations. Our results provide a resolution to the long standing problem that the nuclear matter incompressibility coefficient, K, deduced from sigma(E) data for the ISGDR is significantly smaller than that deduced from data for the isoscalar giant monopole resonance (ISGMR).Comment: 4 pages using revtex 3.0, 3 postscript figures created by Mathematica 4.

    Quantum cascade laser intracavity absorption spectrometer for trace gas sensing

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    A mid-infrared intracavity laser absorption spectrometer for trace gas sensing is demonstrated. An external-cavity multi-mode quantum cascade laser with central wavelength 8.0 mu m was combined with a scanning Fabry-Perot interferometer, which analyzed the change of the laser emission spectrum caused by introducing an analyte inside the cavity. The detection mechanism is based on monitoring the laser spectrum dynamics at adiabatically changing laser conditions in long pulse operation mode. Fast acquisition and vapor exchange allow nearly real-time analyte detection. Sensitivity at the level of 1 x 10(-5) cm(-1) was demonstrated based on a weak water vapor absorption line

    Баланс массы ледника Козельский на Камчатке за 1977–2022 гг.

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    The change in the volume of the Kozelsky Glacier in Kamchatka for the period 1977–2022 (1977–2015 and 2015–2022) was estimated using historical data and modern DEM. During this period, the area of the glacier did not change much. At the same time, its length increased by about 0.7 km, while the width decreased over its almost whole extent. The volume of the glacier decreased by 34.15 ± 6.74 million m3, and its surface became lower by 17.30 m, on the average. The cumulative mass balance amounted 14.70 ± 3.94 m w.e., and the mean annual value –0.33 m w.e. yr–1. In the last 45 years, the ice loss and redistribution to lower hypsometric levels took place on the Kozelsky Glacier. In 1977–2015, the average area change in the altitude of the glacier surface was equal to –17.84 m, the volume decreased by 35.21 ± 7.20 million m3, the cumulative mass balance amounted –15.16 ± 4.17 m w.e., and the mean annual balance –0.40 m w.e. yr–1. In the period 2015–2022, an elevation of the glacier surface was recorded by 0.59 ± 1.55 m on the average, the volume increased by 1.01 ± 2.65 million m3, the cumulative mass balance amounted to 0.50 ± 1.35 m w.e., and the mean annual balance – to 0.07 m w.e. yr–1. During the last decade, a slowdown in the movement of the glacier front down the valley was recorded. In 2012–2022, the glacier front advanced with a velocity of about 5.2 m/year, while it was 17.9 m/year in 1977–2007, and 20.0 m/year in 2007–2012. The current climatic conditions are not favorable for development of glaciers. In 1977–2022, a trend of the summer air temperature rise was observed with a relatively stable amount of precipitation falling during the cold period. The almost continuous (except 1978–1981) advance of the glacier in 1977–2022 can be explained by the influence of the volcanic factor. A thick surface moraine covers more than 2/3 of the glacier area and, thus, prevents the surface ablation. Increased seismic activity associated with active volcanism promotes the ice movement.Дана оценка изменения объёма ледника Козельский на Камчатке за 1977–2022 гг. Площадь ледник за это время практически не изменилась, фронт продвинулся вперёд почти на 0.7 км, объём сократился на 34.15 ± 6.74 млн м3, поверхность в среднем понизилась на 17.3 м, кумулятивный баланс массы составил –14.70 ± 3.94 м в.э., а удельный среднегодовой –0.33 м в.э./год. Продвижение линии фронта в последние 10 лет замедлилось и составляло около 5 м/год

    Escape and Spreading Properties of Charge-Exchange Resonances in Bi 208

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    The properties of charge-exchange excitations of 208{}^ {208}Pb with ΔL=0\Delta L = 0, i.e., the isobaric analog and Gamow-Teller resonances, are studied within a self-consistent model making use of an effective force of the Skyrme type. The well-known isobaric analog case is used to assess the reliability of the model. The calculated properties of the Gamow-Teller resonance are compared with recent experimental measurements with the aim of better understanding the microscopic structure of this mode.Comment: 26 pages including references, figure captions and tables. Figures are available upon request at [email protected] (decnet 32858::COLO). Preprint code: IPNO/TH 94-2

    Interfering Doorway States and Giant Resonances. I: Resonance Spectrum and Multipole Strengths

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    A phenomenological schematic model of multipole giant resonances (GR) is considered which treats the external interaction via common decay channels on the same footing as the coherent part of the internal residual interaction. The damping due to the coupling to the sea of complicated states is neglected. As a result, the formation of GR is governed by the interplay and competition of two kinds of collectivity, the internal and the external one. The mixing of the doorway components of a GR due to the external interaction influences significantly their multipole strengths, widths and positions in energy. In particular, a narrow resonance state with an appreciable multipole strength is formed when the doorway components strongly overlap.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX, 3 ps-figures, to appear in PRC (July 1997

    Extended particle-in-cell schemes for physics in ultrastrong laser fields: Review and developments.

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    We review common extensions of particle-in-cell (PIC) schemes which account for strong field phenomena in laser-plasma interactions. After describing the physical processes of interest and their numerical implementation, we provide solutions for several associated methodological and algorithmic problems. We propose a modified event generator that precisely models the entire spectrum of incoherent particle emission without any low-energy cutoff, and which imposes close to the weakest possible demands on the numerical time step. Based on this, we also develop an adaptive event generator that subdivides the time step for locally resolving QED events, allowing for efficient simulation of cascades. Further, we present a unified technical interface for including the processes of interest in different PIC implementations. Two PIC codes which support this interface, PICADOR and ELMIS, are also briefly reviewed

    Template-Assisted Synthesis and Characterization of Passivated Nickel Nanoparticles

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    Potential applications of nickel nanoparticles demand the synthesis of self-protected nickel nanoparticles by different synthesis techniques. A novel and simple technique for the synthesis of self-protected nickel nanoparticles is realized by the inter-matrix synthesis of nickel nanoparticles by cation exchange reduction in two types of resins. Two different polymer templates namely strongly acidic cation exchange resins and weakly acidic cation exchange resins provided with cation exchange sites which can anchor metal cations by the ion exchange process are used. The nickel ions which are held at the cation exchange sites by ion fixation can be subsequently reduced to metal nanoparticles by using sodium borohydride as the reducing agent. The composites are cycled repeating the loading reduction cycle involved in the synthesis procedure. X-Ray Diffraction, Scanning Electron Microscopy, Transmission Electron microscopy, Energy Dispersive Spectrum, and Inductively Coupled Plasma Analysis are effectively utilized to investigate the different structural characteristics of the nanocomposites. The hysteresis loop parameters namely saturation magnetization and coercivity are measured using Vibrating Sample Magnetometer. The thermomagnetization study is also conducted to evaluate the Curie temperature values of the composites. The effect of cycling on the structural and magnetic characteristics of the two composites are dealt in detail. A comparison between the different characteristics of the two nanocomposites is also provided