363 research outputs found

    Warum wäre das Opt-out-System zur Organbeschaffung fairer?

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    The possibility of organ transplantation has created new problems for medical ethics as well as clinical medicine. One of them, organ procurement, is tried to be solved mainly by two systems. Many countries have adopted the ‘optin system’, which aims to raise awareness and make the individuals donate their organs by their own will. The other system, ‘optout’ or ‘presumed consent’, which considers all members of society as potential donors, was adopted by some countries. In this system, individuals should state that they do not wish to donate their organs; otherwise they are considered as donors. By trying to ground our argument with various justifications, we claim that optout system for organ procurement is a fairer option regarding the right to access to healthcare needed, and therefore it should be implemented instead of optin.Mogućnost transplantacije organa je otvorila nove probleme kako u medicinskoj etici tako i u kliničkoj medicini. Jedan od njih, pribavljanje organa, pokušava se riješiti uglavnom pomoću dva sustava. Mnoge države su prihvatile ‘optin’ sustav, koji teži širenju svijesti o problemu i vlastitom izboru pojedinca da donira svoje organe. Drugi sustav, ‘optout’ ili ‘pretpostavljeni pristanak’, u kojem se svi članovi društva smatraju potencijalnim donorima, uveden je u nekolicini zemalja. U tom sustavu, pojedinci trebaju izričito navesti da ne žele donirati svoje organe; u suprotnom se smatraju donorima. U pokušaju utemeljenja našeg argumenta na različitim opravdanjima, tvrdimo da je ‘optout’ sustav pribavljanja organa pravednija opcija, uzimajući u obzir pravo na pristup potrebnoj zdravstvenoj skrbi, te bi stoga treba biti uveden umjesto ‘optin’ sustava.La possibilité de transplantation d’organes a posé de nouveaux problèmes à l’éthique médicale aussi bien qu’à la médecine clinique. Deux systèmes tentent de résoudre l’un de ces problèmes, celui qui concerne l’approvisionnement en organes. Nombre d’États ont adopté le système « optin » qui cherche à répandre la conscience du problème et du choix personnel de l’individu de faire le don de ses organes. Un autre système, appelé « optout » ou « accord tacite », où tous les membres de la société sont considérés comme donateurs potentiels, a été introduit dans certains pays. Dans ce système, les individus doivent indiquer explicitement qu’ils ne souhaitent pas donner leurs organes, faute de quoi ils sont considérés comme donateurs. En essayant de baser notre argumentaire sur les diverses justifications, nous soutenons que le système « optout » est plus juste, compte tenu du droit à l’accès aux soins médicaux nécessaires. Il devrait par conséquent être introduit à la place de « optin ».Die Möglichkeit zur Organtransplantation kreierte neue Probleme für die Medizinethik wie auch für die klinische Medizin. Eines davon, die Organbeschaffung, versucht man hauptsächlich mithilfe zweier Systeme anzugehen. Zahlreiche Staaten haben das ‚OptinSystem’ angenommen, das die Bewusstseinserhöhung sowie Selbstentscheidung der Einzelnen zur Organspende anzielt. Das andere System, das ‚Optout’ bzw. die ‚angenommene Zustimmung’, das sämtliche Gesellschaftsmitglieder als potenzielle Organspender ansieht, wurde von einigen Staaten übernommen. In diesem System sollen Einzelne ausdrücklich erklären, sie wollen keine Organe spenden, anderenfalls werden sie für Organspender gehalten. Indem wir unser Argument auf unterschiedliche Rechtfertigungen zu gründen suchen, behaupten wir, das OptoutSystem zur Organbeschaffung sei eine gerechtere Option in puncto Recht auf Zugang zur notwendigen Gesundheitsfürsorge, und demzufolge solle es anstelle des Optin implementiert werden

    An analysis on the corrosion of a cultural heritage

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    Many historical landmarks and cultural heritage are being constantly destroyed through natural events and human actions. It is important to conduct corrosion analysis and two and three-dimension documentation studies to restore and transfer these landmarks to the new generations. It is particularly important to record, keep these historical heritages digitally and take precautions against the potential corrosion due to the wars, natural disasters and climatic factors that continue to the present. In this study, the corrosion in Çanlı Church (ÇanlıKilise) located in Akhisar village of the province of Aksaray in Turkey was determined and the reasons were examined. By using close-range photogrammetry method, three-dimension models and facade charts of three facades (North, West, South) of Çanlı Church have been acquired, as a result of measurements performed in four different times (2006, 2010, 2016, 2019). Overlapping all these charts in the same scale, the corrosions occurred on the facades of Çanlı Church have been examined. The meteorological data within the period when the measurements were performed were reviewed. As a result, corrosion on the North, West and South facades of Çanlı Church have been found at the level of 8%, 3%, 13% respectively. It was concluded that the storm has greater effect on the corrosion

    End-tidal carbon dioxide measurements in unintentional non-fire-related carbon monoxide poisoning

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    Background: Poisoning with carbon monoxide occurs occasionally worldwide, and the gold diagnostic standard is to measure carboxyhemoglobin level in the blood. This study investigated the correlation between carboxyhemoglobin and the end-tidal carbon dioxide levels in 50 patients with carbon monoxide poisoning. Methods: We recruited 50 volunteer patients who had been admitted to the Emergency Services of Istanbul Medipol University Hospital between January 2017 and January 2018. They had been diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning unrelated to fire accidents. The arterial and venous blood gases, and other blood and clinical parameters were also measured. The patients' end-tidal carbon dioxide levels were measured from the nose and mouth air, using a Capnostream 20p bedside monitor. Pearson's correlation analyses were performed and the results were compared with the end-tidal carbon dioxide, carboxyhemoglobin and oxygen saturation in the arterial and venous blood samples. Results: The Mean±SD age was 33.98±10.89 years. The Mean±SD arterial and venous carboxyhemoglobin values were 18.05±7.10 and 12.11±9.67, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between the oxygen saturation, and the arterial and venous blood levels of carboxyhemoglobin (P=0.870, P=0.950), respectively. Also, no statistically significant correlations were found between the end-tidal carbon dioxide, and the arterial and venous carboxyhemoglobin levels (P=0.529, P=0.601), respectively. Conclusion: The results from the blood analyses demonstrated that there was no statistically significant difference between the end-tidal carbon dioxide and the carboxyhemoglobin levels in these patients who had been earlier diagnosed with carbon monoxide poisoning, unrelated to fire accidents

    Dijitalleşen Dünyada Akıllı Afet ve Acil Durum Uygulamaları

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    Dijitalleşen dünyada akıllı uygulamalar hızla etrafımızı sarmakta, insanlığı ileri ufuklara taşımaktadır. Bu kapsamda dünyanın varoluşundan beri süre gelen ve insanlara maddi/manevi ağır zararlar veren afet ve acil durum yönetimi konusunda da bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin kullanımı önemli faydalar sağlayacaktır. Özellikle bu konuda geliştirilebilecek akıllı afet ve acil durum uygulamalarının maddi/manevi getirisi büyük olacaktır. Akıllı afet ve acil durum uygulamaları geliştirmek için büyük veri kaynaklarına ihtiyaç vardır ve bunun kaynağı ise akıllı kentlerdir. Sağlanacak bir kurumlararası işbirliği ile akıllı kent bileşenleri ve mobil cihazlardan gelen veriler, akıllı afet ve acil durum konusunda akıllı uygulamalara dönüştürülecektir. Bu noktada çalışmanın ana teması, “dijitalleşen dünyada afet ve acil durum yönetimi nasıl akıllı hale getirilebilir? Sorusu üzerine kurulmuştur

    Political parties and sports policies

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    1982 Anayasası 59. maddesinde, devletin spor politikası oluşturmasına yönelik hüküm bulunmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, spor hizmetlerinin, toplumsal, siyasal, ekonomik, kültürel birçok açıdan öneminin fark edilmesiyle Türk kamu yönetimi yapılanmasında bu hizmetler, kalkınma planları, hükümet programları gibi kamu politikası belgelerinde ayrı bir başlık altında incelenmeye başlamıştır. Günümüzde ise spor faaliyetleri kamu politikası sürecinin önemli bir parçası olması ile siyasal partilerin seçim beyannamelerinde ve parti programlarında spor politikalarına ayrı bir başlık açmaya başlamışlardır. Siyasal partiler, demokratik siyasal hayatın vazgeçilmez unsurları olarak parti programları, seçim beyannameleri ile politik ilkeleri kapsamında kamuoyunun desteğini alarak siyasi iktidarı elde etmeyi amaçlamaktadırlar. Eğer siyasal partiler, iktidara gelirlerse politikalarını uygulama şansı bulacaklardır. Bununla birlikte, parti programları ve seçim beyannameleri, siyasi karar alma süreçlerine katkı sağladığı gibi kamuoyuna iktidarın izleyeceği yol haritası olarak sunulmakta ve politikaları hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Ülkemizde, 2018 tarihinde yeni hükümet modeli olan Cumhurbaşkanlığı Hükümet Sistemi uygulanmaya başlamıştır. Bu yeni hükümet modelinde, siyasal partiler iktidarı kazanabilmek ve kendi politikalarını uygulayabilmek için ittifak arayışlarına yönelmişlerdir. Bunun sonucu olarak da Türk siyasal hayatında iki eksenli politik yapı olan Cumhur İttifakı ve Millet İttifakı ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu çalışmada, 2018 yılında yapılan genel seçimler sonucunda, Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi’nde grubu bulunan iki siyasi ittifaktaki partilerin parti programları ve seçim beyannameleri spor faaliyetlerine yönelik yaklaşımlar incelenmekte ve karşılaştırmalı bir biçimde değerlendirilmektir. Dolayısıyla, siyasal partilerin spor hizmetlerine ilişkin yaklaşımları incelenerek kurulan siyasi parti ittifakların spor politikalarına yönelik bakış açıları, yaklaşımları analiz edilmektedir. Sonuç olarak ülkemizde, spor politikalarının temenni ve dileklerden oluşmasının ötesine geçerek halkın, kamu kuruluşlarının ve sporla ilgili sivil toplum örgütlerinin katılımıyla sistematik ve stratejik şekilde planlanıp bütçelendirilmesi ve uygulanması gerektiği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır.1982 In Article 59 of the Constitution, there is a provision for the state to establish a sports policy. With the realization of the importance of sports services in many social, political, economic and cultural aspects, these services in the Turkish public administration structure began to be examined under a separate heading in public policy documents such as development plans and government programs. Today, as sports activities are an important part of the public policy process, they have started to open a separate heading for sports policies in the election declarations and party programs of political parties. If political parties come to power, they will have a chance to implement their policies. Political parties, as indispensable elements of democratic life, aim to gain political power by getting the support of the public within the scope of party programs, election manifestos and political principles. Party programs and election manifestos are presented to the public as a roadmap to be followed by the government, as well as contributing to the political decision-making processes and informing about its policies. In Turkey, the Presidential Government System, which is a new government model, started to be implemented in 2018. In this new government model, political parties tended to seek alliances in order to gain power. As a result, some extension groups were created. Therefore, the perspectives of political party alliances towards sports policies are analyzed by examining the approaches of political parties to sports services. It has been concluded that sports policies in Turkey should be planned, budgeted and implemented in a systematic and strategic way with the participation of the public, public institutions and sports-related non-governmental organizations by going beyond the formation of wishes and wishes

    Identification of expectations and encountered problems of the middle-school students participating in the sports activities

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    In healthy societies, physical education and sport activities carry important roles in raising individuals. Previous scientific researches point out that physical activity is very important in the development process of the children. Therefore, children need to be supported in joining planned and systematic physical education and sport activities in both family and school life, beginning at very young ages. Every possibility should be offered to the children for performing sport activities healthily in the habitat while also taking precautions.The purpose of the study is to identify the expectations of the middle-school students and the problems they encounter when attending sport activities in their family and school lives. The data was collected through a survey developed by the researchers. A descriptive method with the aim of revealing the current situation was used in the study. The population of this study consisted of 2500 students, studying in the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th grades of the middle-school. Two middle schools from the schools within the Sakarya province were selected through a random selection method. The survey was applied to a total amount of 400 volunteer students that were selected as the sample group and studied in these schools. The SPSS 15.0 for Windows software was used for the data analysis. Frequency analysis was used in order to determine the quantity and percentage distributions of the demographic information of the participants. On the other hand, chi-square analysis was used for the comparison of the problems and expectations related to family and school life in regards to the demographic variables. The level of significance in the chi-square analysis was specified as p<0,05.As a result of the study, in relation to the family and school life, the male students were found to have more problems and expectations regarding the participation in physical education and sport activities, when compared to female students. In addition to this, the students who participated in physical education and sport activities regularly seemed to have bigger expectations and more problems with their families.The problems and expectations of participating students regarding the family and school life were identified and suggestions for possible solutions were presented. The study is hoped to be beneficial for the field

    İlköğretim okullarında etkin yöneticiler için bir gösterge: problem çözme becerisi

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    Bu araştırmada, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin problem çözme beceri düzeyleri incelenmiş onların günlük hayatta karşılaşabilecekleri problemlere genel olarak nasıl tepki gösterdikleri belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda, ilköğretim okulu yöneticilerinin problem çözme konusunda kendilerini yetersiz olarak algıladıkları görülmüştür

    Beden eğitimi ve spor eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumları ve istihdam durumlarına yönelik öğrenci algılamaları

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    This study was conducted among the students of higher education institutions providing Physical Education and Sports (PES) education. The study looks at the students’ perceptions of employment opportunities in their field. 746 students from the Schools of Physical Education and Sports located in different regions participated in the study. The students’ perceptions of employment opportunities were assessed using three items designed in the form of five-point Likert scale (Strongly disagree, Disagree, Undecided, Agree, Strongly agree). Arithmetic means and standard deviations of the responses were calculated, and One-Way ANOVA was conducted to find differences between groups, and Turkey test was used to find the source of the differences. At the end of the study; it was found that there is disproportion between the number of the students enrolling in the Schools of Physical Education and Sports and employment opportunities present for their graduates and employment opportunities in public and private organizations are limited.Bu araştırma, Beden Eğitimi ve Spor (BES) eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarında bulunan öğrencilerin alanları ile ilgili istihdam durumlarına yönelik algılamalarının incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmaya farklı bölgelerdeki Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokullarından  746 öğrenci katılmıştır. Öğrencilere, istihdam durumuna yönelik 5 dereceli (Hiç Katılmıyorum, Katılmıyorum, Karasızım, Katılıyorum, Tamamen Katılıyorum) Likert tipi üç maddelik ifade yöneltilmiştir. Maddelerin aritmetik ortalaması ve standart sapmaları hesaplanmış, gruplar arası farklılığı bulmak için tek boyutlu varyans (One-Way ANOVA) analizi, farklılığın nereden kaynaklandığını belirlemek için de Tukey Testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda; BES eğitimi veren yükseköğretim kurumlarına alınan öğrenci sayısı ile bu öğrencilerin mezuniyet sonrası istihdam edilmesi arasında bir orantısızlığın bulunduğu, bununla birlikte kamu kurumları ile özel kuruluşlarda istihdamın kısıtlı olduğu bulunmuştur