13 research outputs found


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    Violence against women is a serious and a widespread social problem in the world. Numerous research studies have examined this phenomenon and its reasons and results. However, knife crimes against women have not been adequately investigated. This particular type of violence is the most serious and the deathly one. For instance, hundreds of women were killed by their husbands or boyfriends in the last decade in Turkey, and the knives are the most preferred crime tool in these cases. This research study examined knife crimes against women. The data were collected from police departments in a middle-sized city, which has a population around 800,000. All of the recorded knife crime cases were collected as data for a ten-year period between 2002 and 2012. The data consist of 3.050 knife crime cases and 12.757 individuals involved in these cases. Of all these cases 514 were committed against women. The demographics of victims, the date, time and location of cases, type of knives, type of wounds, location of wounds, relationship between suspects and victims, and reasons behind use of knives were investigated. It is presumed that findings from the study can help better understand knife crime against women and generate effective solution to minimize the crime rate

    Police Students’ Satisfaction of Courses and Instructors: Does it affect Academic Success?

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    Assessing the satisfaction levels of students is an important tool for finding the failures of the educational systems and making effective enhancements to increase the quality of the education. This research study assesses second class students’ satisfaction levels about the courses and instructors of a police vocational school of higher education and the effect of student satisfaction levels over academic success. Two types of data were collected for this study. The first data includes the satisfaction levels of students about courses and instructors. The second data includes students’ final grades. The data sets were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression tests. The findings demonstrated that students are satisfied with both the courses and the instructors; however, satisfaction levels significantly differed based on different courses and instructors. Moreover, a significant positive relationship was found between the satisfaction level of courses and instructors with academic success.Öğrencilerin memnuniyet düzeyinin ölçülmesi, eğitim sisteminin aksayan yönlerini bularak eğitimin kalitesini artırabilmek adına etkili iyileştirme yapmada kullanılabilecek önemli bir araçtır. Bu araştırmada bir Polis Meslek Yüksek Okulunda eğitim gören 2. sınıf öğrencilerinin aldıkları derslere ve bu derslerin öğretim elemanlarına ilişkin memnuniyet düzeyleri ile bu düzeylerin akademik başarıya olan etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada iki çeşit veri toplanmıştır. Birinci veri öğrencilerin dersler ve öğretim elemanlarına ilişkin memnuniyet düzeyleridir. İkinci veri ise araştırmaya katılan öğrencilerin derslere ait dönem sonu notlarıdır. Araştırmanın verileri betimsel istatistikler, ANOVA, Korelasyon ve Çoklu Regresyon testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular öğrencilerin derslerinden ve öğretim elemanlarından iyi düzeyde memnun olduklarını göstermiştir. Ancak, bulgular, öğrencilerin gerek derslere ilişkin gerekse öğretim elemanlarına ilişkin memnuniyet düzeylerinin derslere ve öğretim elemanlarına göre anlamlı derecede farklılaştığını göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğrencilerin derslere ve öğretim elemanlarına ilişkin memnuniyet düzeyleri ile bu derslere ait not ortalamaları arasında pozitif yönlü, anlamlı ve güçlü bir ilişki olduğunu anlaşılmıştır

    Investigation of the effect of use of safety belt rate on the number of death and injury in traffic accidentsEmniyet kemeri takma oranının kaza başına düşen ölü ve yaralı sayısı üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi

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    Traffic accident causing a great number of death and injury is a serious problem in all over the world. One of the simple but effective ways of reducing the number of death and injury caused by traffic accidents is increasing the use of safety belt. However, the effect of use of safety belt on the number of death and injury caused by traffic accidents is scarcely studied in Turkey. To fill this gab, this current study investigated the relationship between the rate of use of safety belt and the number of death and injury caused by traffic accidents in all of the 81 provinces in Turkey. This relationship was analyzed in terms of drivers, passengers, driving in urban and rural areas in details. Data were obtained from the Turkish National Police Headquarters via a valid permission. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson Product Moment Correlation and Simple Regression. Findings showed that there is no significant relationship between rate of use of safety belt and the number of death caused by traffic accidents. But, significant relationships were found between the rate of use of safety belt and the number injury caused by traffic accidents for some cases. ÖzetTrafik kazaları tüm dünyada ölüm ve yaralanmalara yol açan ciddi bir sorundur. Kazalardaki ölüm ve yaralanma sayılarını azaltmak için kullanılabilecek basit ve etkili yöntemlerden bir tanesi emniyet kemeri kullanma oranlarının artırılmasıdır. Ülkemizde emniyet kemeri kullanımının trafik kazalarındaki ölüm ve yaralanmalar üzerine etkilerini ölçen araştırmalar nadiren yapılmıştır. Bu boşluğu doldurmak adına bu araştırmada ülkemizde 81 ildeki emniyet kemeri kullanımı oranları ile kazalarda sürücü başına düşen ölü ve yaralı sayıları arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. İlişkiler şehir içi ve şehir dışı ila sürücü ve yolcu durumları için detaylı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Araştırmada hem illerdeki kemer takma oranlarına ilişkin veriler hem de illerdeki trafik kazalarına bağlı ölü ve yaralı sayıları verileri Emniyet Genel Müdürlüğünden yasal izinle temin edilmiştir. Veriler betimsel istatistikler, Pearson Product Moment Korelasyon ve Basit Regresyon testleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Bulgular, illerde kemer takma oranları ile trafik kazalarındaki ölü sayıları arasında anlamlı bir ilişki ortaya koymamıştır. Ancak, kemer takma oranları ile yaralı sayıları arasında anlamlı ilişkiler bulunmuştur

    Police Students’ Satisfaction of Courses and Instructors: Does it affect Academic Success?

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    Assessing the satisfaction levels of students is an important tool for finding the failures of the educational systems and making effective enhancements to increase the quality of the education. This research study assesses second class students’ satisfaction levels about the courses and instructors of a police vocational school of higher education and the effect of student satisfaction levels over academic success. Two types of data were collected for this study. The first data includes the satisfaction levels of students about courses and instructors. The second data includes students’ final grades. The data sets were analyzed using descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation, and multiple regression tests. The findings demonstrated that students are satisfied with both the courses and the instructors; however, satisfaction levels significantly differed based on different courses and instructors. Moreover, a significant positive relationship was found between the satisfaction level of courses and instructors with academic success

    S-39: Erzurum 2017 Avrupa Gençlik Kış Olimpik Festivalindeki (Eyof) Spor Sakatlık ve Hastalıkları

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    GİRİŞ: Spor müsabakalarındaki sakatlıklarla ve hastalık ilgili yapılan araştırmalar, sonraki müsabakalarda bu tür olayların önlenmesinde önemli bir basamaktır. Yapılan araştırmalarla hangi spor branşında ne tür sakatlıkların meydana geldiği tespit edilerek gelecekte ilgili branşta bu tür sakatlıkları önleyecek “koruyucu tedbirler” alınabilmektedir.AMAÇ: Erzurum EYOF 2017’ de 8 günlük yarışmalar boyunca sporcularda meydana gelen sakatlık ve hastalık oranlarını analiz etmek.GEREÇ-YÖNTEM: Avrupa Olimpiyat Komitesinden gerekli izinler alınarak Organizasyon Komitesine bağlı olan Sağlık Hizmetleri Direktörlüğünce sporcularda “Günlük Sakatlık ve Hastalık Bilgi Formu” dağıtılarak meydana gelen vakaların bu formlara kaydedilmesi istendi. 8 günlük yarışma süreci sonrasında bu verilere dijital ortama aktarılarak Spss programıyla veriler analiz edildi.BULGULAR: Bu çalışmaya toplam 34 ülkeden 392’si erkek (%60.6) 254’ü kadın (%39.4) olmak üzere toplam 646 sporcu katılmıştır. Bu sporcuların yaşları 15 ile 18 arasındadır. Elde edilen verilere göre festival süresince 25 sakatlanma, 25 ise hastalanma olmak üzere toplam 50 vaka meydana geldiği görüldü. Bu vakaların %10’u antrenman ve müsabaka öncesi, %90’ı ise antrenman veya müsabaka sırasında meydana gelmiştir. Branş bazında en fazla sakatlanmanın yaşandığı snowboard olurken biathlon, kayaklı koşu, curling ve artistik paten branşlarında herhangi bir sakatlanma vakasına rastlanmadı. Alp disiplini ise en fazla hastalanma vakasının görüldüğü branş olmuştur. Sakatlık ve hastalanma gibi vakaların en fazla yaşandığı branş alp disiplini iken (n=17) en az vaka yaşanan branşlar curling ve artistik patinaj (n=1) olduğu yapılan istatistik çalışmaları sonucu bulundu.TARTIŞMA/SONUÇ: Erzurum EYOF 2017’de sporcuların %3,8’ sı sakatlanma vakasıyla karşılaşmıştır. Bu oran Lillehammer 2016 Gençlik Olimpik Kış Oyunlarında (YOG) % 9.0, Innsbruck 2012 YOG’ta ise %11.0’dir. Buna ek olarak organizasyondaki hastalanma oranı %3,8 iken, bu oran Lillehammer 2016 YOG’ ta % 7.0, Innsbruck 2012 YOG’ta ise %9.0’dur

    The impact of meteorological parameters on the number of applications to the emergency department with acute urticaria: A retrospective study.

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    The study aimed to investigate the relationship between the patients who applied to the emergency department with acute urticarial and meteorological factors and determine the associated weather conditions. The relationship between acute urticaria patients who applied to the emergency department of a training and research hospital in a city with high altitude and continental climate characteristics in the eastern part of Turkey between January 2019 and December 2019 and meteorological data was evaluated retrospectively. The necessary data for the weather were obtained from the data of the Erzurum Meteorology Directorate, and the patient data were obtained from the hospital information management system and patient files. The meteorological data of the patients at the date of admission and the characteristics of the patients at that date were compared. The study identified 691 patients who applied to the emergency department diagnosed with urticaria in 2019. According to the seasons, it was observed that the patients applied most frequently in the summer months [n = 239; 34.6%]. In the univariable regression model, which was created by taking the values of weather events as a reference on the days when the urticaria presentation was not observed (Group I), it was determined that every 1-hour increase in the sunshine hour increased the probability of urticaria by 7.4% (p = 0.018). When the meteorological parameters on the days without urticaria (Group I) and the days with urticaria presentation (Group II) were compared, the sunshine hours were 7.9 (4.0-10.6) hours in Group II and 6.65 (3.3-8.85) hours in Group I (p = 0.001). Regarding relative humidity, higher humidity rates were observed in Group I compared to Group II (p = 0.009). In terms of mean temperature, daily maximum, and minimum temperature, higher temperature rates were detected in Group II (p<0.001). A relationship was determined between urticaria attacks and relative humidity and daily maximum and minimum temperature in patients who applied to the emergency department with acute urticaria

    Prevalence, Risk Factors, Prognosis, and Management of Pericardial Effusion in COVID-19

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    Background: There is limited data in the literature about the clinical importance and prognosis of pericardial effusion (PE) in patients discharged after recovering from COVID-19, but large-scale studies have yet to be available. This study investigated the prevalence, risk factors, prognosis, late clinical outcomes, and management of PE in COVID-19. Materials and Methods: Between August 2020 and March 2021, 15,689 patients were followed up in our pandemic hospital due to COVID-19. Patients with positive polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test results and PE associated with COVID-19 in computed tomography (CT) were included in the study. The patients were divided into three groups according to PE size (mild, moderate, and large). Transthoracic echocardiography (TTE) records, laboratory data, clinical outcomes, and medical treatments of patients discharged from the hospital were retrospectively reviewed. Results: According to the PE size (mild, moderate, large) of 256 patients with PE at admission or discharge, the mean age was 62.17 ± 16.34, 69.12 ± 12.52, and 72.44 ± 15.26, respectively. The mean follow-up period of the patients was 25.2 ± 5.12 months. Of the patients in the study population, 53.5% were in the mild group, 30.4% in the moderate group, and 16.1% in the large group. PE became chronic in a total of 178 (69.6%) patients at the end of the mean three months, and chronicity increased as PE size increased. Despite the different anti-inflammatory treatments for PE in the acute phase, similar chronicity was observed. In addition, as the PE size increased, the patients’ frequency of hospitalization, complications, and mortality rates showed statistical significance between the groups. Conclusions: The clinical prognosis of patients presenting with PE was quite poor; as PE in size increased, cardiac and noncardiac events and mortality rates were significantly higher. Patients with large PE associated with COVID-19 at discharge should be monitored at close intervals due to the chronicity of PE and the increased risk of tamponade