79 research outputs found

    Effect in supralethally irradiated rats of granulocyte colony- stimulating factor and lisofylline on hematopoietic reconstitution by syngeneic bone marrow or whole organ passenger leukocytes

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    We have previously shown the existence of migratory hematopoietic stem cells in adult solid organs. This study demonstrates that granulocyte colony- stimulating factor (G-CSF) and lisofylline, a phosphatidic acid inhibitor that suppresses hematopoiesis-inhibiting cytokines, can enhance the engraftment of organ-based hematopoietic stem cells. When syngeneic heart grafts or liver nonparenchymal cells were transplanted into lethally irradiated (9.5 Gy) Lewis rats, complete hematopoietic reconstitution and animal survival were significantly improved by treating the recipient with G- CSF or, to a lesser extent, with lisofylline. Pretreatment of hepatic nonparenchymal cell donors with G-CSF, but not lisofylline, also resulted in striking improvement of recipient survival which was associated with an augmented subpopulation of donor stem cells. The results suggest that these drugs can be used to enhance the chimerism that we postulate to be the basis of organ allograft acceptance

    Effect of anticomplement agent K-76 COOH in hamster-to-rat and guinea pig- to-rat xenotransplantation

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    In normal rats, the xenobiotic K76 inhibited the C5 and probably the C2 and C3 steps of complement and effectively depressed classical complement pathway activity, alternative complement pathway activity, and the C3 complement component during and well beyond the drug's 3-hr half-life. It was tested alone and with intramuscular tacrolimus (TAC) and/or intragastric cyclophosphamide (CP) in rat recipients of heterotopic hearts from guinea pig (discordant) and hamster (concordant) donors. Single prevascularization doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg increased the median survival time of guinea pig hearts from 0.17 hr in untreated controls to 1.7 hr and 10.2 hr, respectively; with repeated injections of the 200-mg dose every 9-12 hr, graft survival time was increased to 18.1 hr. Pretreatment of guinea pig heart recipients for 10 days with TAC and CP, with or without perioperative splenectomy or infusion of donor bone marrow, further increased median graft survival time to 24 hr. Among the guinea pig recipients, the majority of treated animals died with a beating heart from respiratory failure that was ascribed to anaphylatoxins. Hamster heart survival also was increased with monotherapy using 200 mg/kg b.i.d.i.v. K76 (limited by protocol to 6 days), but only from 3 to 4 days. Survival was prolonged to 7 days with the addition to K76 of intragastric CP at 5 mg/kg per day begun 1 day before operation (to a limit of 9 days); it was prolonged to 4.5 days with the addition of intramuscular TAC at 2 mg/kg per day beginning on the day of transplantation and continued indefinitely. In contrast to the limited efficacy of the single drugs, or any two drugs in combination, the three drugs together (K76, CP, and TAC) in the same dose schedules increased median graft survival time to 61 days. Antihamster antibodies rapidly increased during the first 5 days after transplantation, and plateaued at an abnormal level in animals with long graft survival times without immediate humoral rejection. However, rejection could not be reliably prevented, and was present even in most of the xenografts recovered from most of the animals dying (usually from infection) with a beating heart. Thus, although effective complement inhibition with K76 was achieved in both guinea pig- and hamster-to-rat heart transplant models, the results suggest that effective interruption of the complement cascade will have a limited role, if any, in the induction of xenograft acceptance

    Immunomodulation for intestinal transplantation by allograft irradiation, adjunct donor bone marrow infusion, or both.

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    BACKGROUND: The passenger leukocytes in the intestine have a lineage profile that predisposes to graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) in some animal models and have inferior tolerogenic qualities compared with the leukocytes in the liver, other solid organs, and bone marrow. Elimination by ex vivo irradiation of mature lymphoid elements from the bowel allografts is known to eliminate the GVHD risk. We hypothesized that infusion of donor bone marrow cells (BMC) in recipients of irradiated intestine would improve tolerogenesis without increasing the risk of GVHD. METHODS: Orthotopic small intestine transplantation was performed with the GVHD-prone Lewis (LEW)-to-Brown Norway (BN) combination and the reverse GVHD-resistant BN-to-LEW model under a short course of tacrolimus treatment (1 mg/kg/day, days 0-13, 20, 27). Grafts were irradiated ex vivo, using a 137Cs source. In selected experimental groups, donor BMC (2.5 x 10(8)) were infused on the day of small intestine transplantation. RESULTS: The unmodified LEW intestine remained intact, whether transplanted alone or with adjunct donor BMC infusion, but all of the BN recipients died of GVHD after approximately 2 months. Intestinal graft irradiation (10 Gy) effectively prevented the GVHD and prolonged survival to 92.5 days, but all of the BN recipients died with chronic rejection of the LEW grafts, which was prevented by infusion of adjunct donor BMC without causing GVHD. In the GVHD-resistant reverse strain direction (BN-->LEW), all intestinal recipients treated for 27 days with tacrolimus survived > or =150 days without regard for graft irradiation or adjunct BMC, but chronic rejection was severe in the irradiated intestine, moderate in the unaltered graft, and least in the irradiated intestine transplanted with adjunct BMC. Mild arteritis in the 150 day allografts of both strain combinations (i.e., LEW--> BN and BN-->LEW) may have been irradiation associated, but this was prevented when weekly doses of tacrolimus were continued for the duration of the experiment rather than being stopped at 27 days. CONCLUSIONS: Recipients are protected from GVHD by irradiating intestinal allografts, but the resulting leukocyte depletion leads to chronic rejection of the transplanted bowel. The chronic rejection is prevented with adjunct donor BMC without causing GVHD. Although application of the strategy may be limited by the possibility of radiation injury, the results are consistent with the paradigm that we have proposed to explain organ-induced graft acceptance, tolerance, and chronic rejection

    The difficulty of eliminating donor leukocyte microchimerism in rat recipients bearing established organ allografts

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    Background. Unequivocal eradication of donor leukocyte microchimerism from recipients of long-surviving organ transplants has never been reported. Here we describe a drastic attempt to accomplish this objective. Methods. In control experiments, a rank order of microchimerism and of associated donor specific nonreactivity was produced in Brown-Norway (BN) rats by transplantation of Lewis (LEW) liver, bone marrow cell (BMC) and heart allografts under a brief course of tacrolimus. The degree of microchimerism at 60 and 110 days was estimated with semiquanitative immunocytochemical and PCR techniques. Tolerance at 110 days was assessed in the different control groups by challenge transplantation of naïve LEW hearts. In parallel experimental groups, an attempt was made to eliminate microchimerism from the BN recipients. The animals were submitted at 60 days to 9.5-Gy total body irradiation (TBI), reconstituted immediately with naïve BN BMC, and tested for donor specific nonreactivity by LEW heart transplantation at 110 days. Results. After the TBI-reconstitution at 60 days, microchimerism was undetectable in BMC recipients at 110 days, significantly reduced in heart recipients, and least affected in liver recipients. Except in liver recipients, abrogation of LEW-specific nonreactivity was demonstrated by rejection of the priming grafts, or by rejection of the challenge heart grafts, and by in vitro immune assay. Conclusions. It is difficult to eliminate microchimerism in organ recipients once the donor cells have settled into tissue niches. Copyright © 2006 by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

    Interferon-γ induced expression of MHC antigens facilitates identification of donor cells in chimeric transplant recipients

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    After whole organ transplantation, donor bone marrow-derived cells migrate out of the graft into the recipient, leading to establishment of chimerism, which is the first step towards the subsequent induction of donor-specific tolerance. In routine immunohistochemical staining, monoclonal antibodies specific for heterotopic MHC alleles are used to identify donor and recipient cells. However, it is difficult to detect these cells using this technique in long-term allograft recipients who have a persistently low donor cell population (microchimerism). Because Interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) is known to induce expression of MHC class I and class II cell surface molecules, we used this cytokine 12-48 h before sacrifice, to facilitate the identification of donor and recipient cells in the tissues of animals transplanted with either liver (B10 → C3H) or bone marrow (LEW → BN). In long-term allograft recipients, the use of IFN-γ for as briefly as 12 h prior to sacrifice, results in marked upregulation of class I and class II antigens, leading to easy identification of ubiquitously distributed low numbers of donor cells. © 1994

    Early passenger leukocyte migration and acute immune reactions in the rat recipient spleen during liver engraftment: With particular emphasis on donor major histocompatibility complex class II<sup>+</sup> cells

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    After a short course of tacrolimus, Lewis rat liver allografts induce donor-specific nonreactivity in Brown Norway recipients that is immunosuppression-independent after 28 days. To clarify the role of donor major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II+ cells, we investigated the migration to the recipient splenic T- and B-cell compartments of different subsets of Lewis MHC class II+ passenger leukocytes. The rise and decline of immune activation were monitored in the hepatic allograft and in the host spleen by analyses of BrdU+ (proliferating) leukocytes, TUNEL+ (apoptotic) cells, apoptosis-associated molecules, TH1/TH2 cytokine profiles, and histoimmunocytochemical examination of graft and splenic tissues. Serial flow cytometry studies during the 28-day period of drug-assisted "hepatic tolerogenesis" showed that migratory MHC class II+ cells accounted for less than half of the donor cells in the host spleen. The class II+ cells consisted mostly of B cells that homed to splenic B-cell follicles with only a sparse representation of dendritic cells that were exclusively found in the splenic periarteriolar lymphoid sheath. In parallel studies, transplantation of the less tolerogenic heart produced a diminutive version of the same events, but with far fewer donor cells in the host spleen, evidence of sustained immune activation, and the development of chronic rejection by 100 days. The data are consistent with the paradigm that migration of donor leukocytes is the prime determinant of variable tolerance induction induced by transplantation of the liver and other organs, but without regard for donor MHC class II+ expression
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